What fun: watch creationist ideas get twisted into knots.
(Episode CCCXXII: Do we want to encourage this sort of thing?.)
What fun: watch creationist ideas get twisted into knots.
(Episode CCCXXII: Do we want to encourage this sort of thing?.)
Anders Breivik said he really hates the song, “Children of the Rainbow,” by Pete Seeger. So what do the Norwegians do? Tens of thousands of them gather in a square in Oslo and sing…”Children of the Rainbow”.
(Episode CCCXX: Make ‘em sweat.)
Sad to say, this video about prospects for the presidential election is just too true.
I keep killing them, they keep coming back. This zombie thread may think it is immortal, but I’ve got plenty of ammo.
Since I’m in New York hanging out with the Amazing Randi, I thought I’d feature a video of that spry fellow.
(Episode CCCXVIII: Death throes of the terrorsquid!)
All right, nice raucus video, but shouldn’t the squid win in the end?
(Episode CCCXVII: Frantic fill-in.)
I’ve only got a few minutes with wifi — having limited access to the internet is maddening for a guy with a serious web addiction — so I’m hastily putting up a new thread, since you overfilled the last TET.
(Episode CCCXVI: Now I’m going to Australia!.)
Bags are packed, passports in hand, we’re about to scurry down the road to the airport to commence an agonizingly long journey to Australia. And you all know the one reason to go to Australia, right?
I wonder if my wife knows what horrors await her at the end of the flight. With my luck, she’ll love the stuff and end up importing a few cases home.
(Episode CCCXV: But I am going to Salt Lake City!)