We just have our own special traditions.
I love the phylogenetic tree. They left out roasting creationist chestnuts over an open fire, though, and the wild monkey sex.
It’s coming up on the end of another year, so of course we need top ten lists. I’m impressed with the ambition of The Onion, which reports on the Top 10 Stories of the Last 4.5 Billion Years. My favorites are Woman Domesticated, Evolution Going Great, Reports Trilobite, Fire, Setting Everything in Sight on Fire Discovered, Rat-Shit-Covered Physicians Baffled By Spread Of Black Plague, and Dinosaurs Sadly Extinct Before Invention Of Bazooka, but really, the top prize has to go to Sumerians Look On In Confusion As God Creates World.
According to the cuneiform tablets, Sumerians found God’s most puzzling act to be the creation from dust of the first two human beings.
“These two people made in his image do not know how to communicate, lack skills in both mathematics and farming, and have the intellectual capacity of an infant,” one Sumerian philosopher wrote. “They must be the creation of a complete idiot.”
And modern creationists are made in his image.
Probably not safe for work. But you’re not working now, are you?
Well, this is an odd project:
Though the Bible is an ancient book, full of beautiful prose, timeless stories, and great truths, there has long been a barely spoken of dissatisfaction over the one element it sorely lacks: zombies. At Zombible, we hope to remedy the situation by carefully inserting lovingly crafted zombie-oriented text into the Bible, for the enjoyment and enlightenment of all.
It’s odd because when I read the Bible, I see a great big zombie story already. The central figure in the New Testament is a zombie, and the chief function of the book is to turn people into zombies. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to clean up the metaphors and make it a little more explicit.
Isn’t this what the global warming debate is actually all about?
We will never be able to stop this approach. We’re doomed!
Unless…we start touting beer and porn as the products of evolution. Get to work on it, gang.
Mr Deity accidentally calls Pat Robertson…do NOT tease the zealots.
Listen to the whole thing for his apology for the last episode — I think he felt a little heat.
It features a philosopher who thinks he has overturned science on the basis of a shallow examination and a bad analogy. I think it’s Stephen Meyer.
NPR asked kids and young people that question. I rather liked the young lady who said “I stopped believing in the hairy man, when I stopped believing in the Bible“. Very good!