Classes are scheduled to start tomorrow. I’m ready, I’ve got a couple of weeks of lectures in the can, swarms of flies at the starting gate, and a grand plan for lab work that’ll take me all the way to May. Students are probably trickling back this weekend, except…
It’s -12°C, snowing, and we’ve got 40kph winds howling outside my window. It’s supposed to drop to -20°C tonight. There are travel advisories up all over the place.
I’m anticipating a half-empty classroom tomorrow. I don’t anticipate the school being closed — this is Minnesota, we take a stubborn pride in plowing ahead through the most frightful weather — but I might have to offer the class over Zoom, for just this one day. I have a strong allergic response to Zoom anymore, but it might be the safest recourse.
Hemidactylus says
It’s 5.6 °C here. I don’t mind given it’s a welcome reprieve from summer. We used to have several freeze watches per year, but that sort of thing seems to have become a thing of the past, even with these recent Arctic blasts. I keep my thermostat kinda low and snuggle under the duvet. My power bills have been quite low in recent months.
Hopefully I get away with not having to scrape ice off my windshield again this year (improvised CD case). Yes that can happen in Florida.
Stay warm everybody.
Lynna, OM says
Yep. It is definitely winter. In my area, the temperatures are not at the -20 degrees stage yet, but we are heading there. Meanwhile, the cold is biting if you step out of the door. I am wearing a warm base layer plus a sweater even indoors.
Becky Smith says
SNOW! ICE! SLEET! Been stuck in the house for three days! Schools, businesses, governments all closed! No mail! No deliveries! Running out of the cat’s favorite food! Temperatures at night in the teens. Highs in the low 30s-Fahrenheit. Help! We’re not prepared! Y’all, this is Georgia!
imback says
Just think of what it would be like this week to teach at UCLA.