He’s only missing a creationist crypto currency now

Daniel Phelps reports:

Ken Ham wants $20 million more! More! More!

Ken Ham is begging for $20 million from his followers in order to 1) provide new space at the Creation Museum, 2) turn the 4th deck/floor of the Ark into a virtual reality moneymaker with a view, 3) create a Young Earth Creationist AI program to give Biblical competition to abominations such as ChatGPT, AND 3a) create an AI operated holographic Noah! Wow gee whiz! I can hear you opening your checkbook at this very moment!

Of course, Ham might be apprehensive at expanding his enterprises because attendance at the Ark is way down from this time last year; but is only other people’s money. Perhaps he could sell AiG’s corporate jet to help raise the money… Nah!!! That might mean traveling coach with smelly evil heathens. Also, if the jet were sold, there would be no more flying off to the Cayman Islands by AiG’s executives to do whatever it is they do down there.


I am most intrigued that Ham believes he can replicate all the work behind OpenAI for a few million, and using only creationist text sources. I wonder who on his staff is trying to convince him that they have enough in-house talent to whip that one out? I guess he felt like he was missing out on a new grift.

I am unsurprised that what got him most excited was the fantasy that he could hear donors opening their checkbooks. That’s a sound that fills his dreams at night.

I look forward to interrogating AI Noah about his drunkenness.


  1. whheydt says

    I suspect that, for $20 million, they could steal enough code to make it work…more or less.

  2. awomanofnoimportance says

    Years ago I read a news story about some huckster who had been arrested for collecting money for the unknown soldier’s mother. I remember shaking my head and thinking, “Who is that stupid?” Lots of people, apparently.

  3. Dunc says

    I suspect that, for $20 million, they could steal enough code to make it work…more or less.

    No need to even do that – just take an off-the-shelf, open source model and tack on some extra prompting / filtering. It’ll be shit, but so’s everything else they do.

  4. robro says

    Ham is taking a page from the Trump play book. Beg…I mean pray…for money for a good cause.

    Ham and company fly off to the Cayman Islands in a private jet? If so, we don’t have to wonder what they’re doing. I’m sure it involves lots of prayer, purification, and penance.

    I think the Noah Avatar would be a hoot. Wouldn’t it just look around and say, “Where did all these Nephilim come from? Elohim killed them all.” Or maybe it was Yahweh…the story flips between the two.

    whheydt @ #1 — Ham might steal the code, but making It work might be tricky. It’s not clear how well it works as is. LLMs are fragile and small changes can have significant impact on performance. And they are somewhat unpredictable. Noah Avatar could just as easily end up telling a teenager what Ham is doing in the Caymans and inviting them to come along. So $20 million is probably not nearly enough money. That’s ok, though, he can pray for more.

    Akira @ #4 — If only we had an LOL emoji. Perhaps PZ could raise a few million dollars from his loyal followers to upgrade Free Thought Blogs.

  5. HidariMak says

    It’s not exactly difficult to get sources such as ChatGPT to generate erroneous answers, so it should be remarkably easy to get AiG’s version to generate “incorrect” answers to what’s programmed. And I’m guessing there to be more than a few people whose arrival at Creationist Land wasn’t their idea, having access to the internet. “I was drunk for 600 years when I heard God tell me to build my boat…”

  6. drsteve says

    I’d be curious to hear his reasons for calling ChatGPT an abomination, which are no doubt quite different from the reasons normal, decent people think it’s an abomination.

  7. Larry says

    Unfortunately for the Hamster, now is a bad time to try and extract money from the flock given that the Master Grifter has basically diverted the flow of coin into his own pockets what with bitcoins, golden shoes, bibles, and just about any other chinese-made crap he can convince his cult to send money for.

  8. Reginald Selkirk says

    2) turn the 4th deck/floor of the Ark into a virtual reality moneymaker with a view

    Does he even understand how virtual reality works? Put on a headset, and you can be – virtually – anywhere with a view. You don’t actually have to go to the big boat full of animals and empty crates, you can pretend to be there. Or somewhere more interesting.

  9. Reginald Selkirk says

    I would like to ask the Noah avatar about Exodus 34. Specifically, when YHWH said He would “write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest,” the text came out differently than the first time.

  10. UnknownEric the Apostate says

    /looks at picture again
    I’m pretty sure that’s Will Ferrell in bad cosplay.

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