We’re all happy to see Miss Sassy safe and sound

They keep trying to validate their racist claims.

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance tried to prove his baseless claims about Haitian immigrants eating pets by pointing to a police report from one resident in Springfield, Ohio, that alleged her cat may have been stolen by her Haitian neighbors.

How’s that going for them?

Anna Kilgore in Springfield, Ohio with a Trump-Vance hat and flag. The Springfield resident told police last month that her Haitian neighbors may have stolen her cat Miss Sassy. The cat turned out to be hiding in her basement the whole time, and she apologized to her Haitian neighbors

The Trump campaign is not backing down, though.

I’m sorry to say that this is the very last time I’ll link to Snopes. They have a lengthy article straining to justify the statement that they’re animals, because Trump was referring to illegal immigrants who committed crimes. I hate to tell you this, but those are human beings, too.


  1. raven says

    Well, technically they are animals.
    So, am I. So, are you. We all are.
    Waves to fellow chordates.

    Yeah, I get what you mean though.
    Comparing humans with nonhuman animals frequently insults nonhuman animals.
    My cat would never vote for a Republican or call in a false police report.

    Domain: Eukaryota
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
    Order: Primates
    Suborder: Haplorhini
    Infraorder: Simiiformes
    Family: Hominidae
    Subfamily: Homininae
    Tribe: Hominini
    Subtribe: Hominina
    Genus: Homo
    Species Sapiens

  2. birgerjohansson says

    As a person who adopts homeless cats, I can confirm they have a talent for getting trapped in basements, garages and just about anything.
    And it is very cat-like to trigger mayhem, so Miss Sassy is the most cat-like of all cats.
    Your average cat will think “I wonder if this vase will bounce?”
    Miss Sassy would think “I wonder if this flask of nitroglycerine will bounce?”

  3. raven says

    As a person who adopts homeless cats, I can confirm they have a talent for getting trapped in basements, garages and just about anything.


    When I first adopted my 3 year feral cat from down the road, one night he disappeared. I looked for hours and couldn’t find him. Thought, well he must have decided to go home or something happened to him. It was not a good night.

    The next morning I opened up the garage and…he came running up to me, looking very relieved.
    I carried him into the house.

    This cat was electively mute. He had working vocal cords but never learned to say “meow”.

  4. says

    What, your cat never learned to say “hurry that dinner willya!” or “everything here is mine!”? I guess feral cats wouldn’t get a chance to say either of those…

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    They don’t care. The last episode of QAnon Anonymous quotes one of these assholes who admitted that the point was never about missing and eaten pets, it was to draw attention to a group that they think doesn’t belong in this country.

    Same goes for Vance’s “If I have to make up a story” comment. They don’t care about facts. They care about the result.

  6. says

    @4: I’m not surprised. Cats don’t meow at other cats; they meow at the big furless two legged cats. So if they haven’t been around the big furless cats, they don’t learn this behavior. (Fun fact: cat meows are similar to infant cries, which basically encourages people to take care of/give the cat what it wants.)

    @6: Snopes was going downhill years ago. During some of the protests during the Trump regime, Snopes was happy to regurgitate whatever the cops said, even if the information was absolutely and verifiable false. They’ve given “Mixture” ratings to items that are absolutely true, or “Unproven” to items that are fact. The video footage of some of the cops letting in Jan 6th insurrectionists? Snopes said it was unproven. Most of the Facebook comments on that post were literally “Are you watching the same video?”

    I dumped Snopes around six or seven years ago. It was getting bad then. I don’t want to see them now.

  7. birgerjohansson says

    Raven @ 4
    Raging Bee @ 5
    Kittens will communicate with their moms by meowing. Domesticated adult cats will keep on communicating with their human “adults” this way.
    Feral cats will stop meowing as they go out in the world on their own and forget this form of communication.

  8. says

    @5: Some never learn. It’s something that develops with exposure to humans so in some cases, ferals don’t pick up on it.

    To be honest, cats aren’t entirely domesticated. There’s a window during kittenhood where they can be domesticated and if you miss that, they will go feral. Cats honestly don’t need us to survive on their own. That’s why I hate the “Libertarians are housecats” bullshit. Cats are survivors. You wanna compare a Libertarian to anything, make it a freaking Chihuahua.

  9. Jim Brady says

    Raven @1 – I always think the Sapiens should be followed by (ha ha)! I prefer homo credulous – the ability to believe absolutely anything is our defining feature.

  10. Tethys says

    Shady Vance also admitted that he invented the story to pull media attention back to his boss. How dare they keep reporting on the surge of support for Harris/Walz?

    Sadly for Shady, most Americans really don’t like him, his weird obsessions that seem to revolve around cats, or his typical edgelord behavior.

    He is nothing but a bog standard misogynist who is being funded by the excreable Peter Theil, who has a whole clique of wealthy white male supremacists writing out blueprints for turning America into Galts Gulch, with a subplot from Handmaids Tale.

  11. Akira MacKenzie says


    He is nothing but a bog standard misogynist who is being funded by the excreable Peter Theil, who has a whole clique of wealthy white male supremacists writing out blueprints for turning America into Galts Gulch, with a subplot from Handmaids Tale.

    This week’s two-part episode of Behind the Bastards profiles Vance and Thiel’s favorite “philosopher,” Curtis Yarvin, aka “Mencius Moldbug,” father or the “Dark Enlightenment.”

    Part One is here (Part Two isn’t up just yet): https://youtu.be/mYrPNvVhKLU?si=tCQiCPwizeTIouqq

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