Definitely a PR stunt, and quite stupid

The New Tolerance Campaign is a weird little right-wing organization founded by Log Cabin Republicans who are claiming to be “tolerant”, but their entire raison d’etre is to hate Muslims and anything “woke”. They are also hating on gay people who think Palestinians don’t deserve to be killed.

They have a Hate Map page that lists all the organizations across the country that they hate. Antifa, they hate. Muslim student associations, they hate. Socialists, they hate. Multiple chapters of Jewish Voice for Peace, they hate (because they’re anti-Semitic, obviously). You get the idea. This organization is run by people so twisted by hatred for Muslims in general and Palestinians in particular that they have put every faintly left-wing organization on a List.

They’ve also come up with a stunt.

The New Tolerance Campaign has secured $1,000,000 to underwrite expenses for an LGBTQ Pride Parade in Gaza or the West Bank!

Oh, wait. It’s not a publicity stunt. We know this because they say so.

This isn’t a joke. It’s not a publicity stunt. Our offer is real.

It’s absolutely insane, though, and reflects a lack of understanding and empathy on the part of the New Tolerance Campaign. They are incapable of comprehending the idea that people can simultaneously recognize that people living in a conservative, patriarchal culture or following a religion that is antithetical to LGBTQ values are not on their side, and that those people don’t deserve to die for their beliefs. You can believe that the best approach to dealing with a group that contains many misogynists and homophobes is education, coexistence, and, you know, tolerance, while recognizing that they do not share your goals.

I don’t know what the New Tolerance Campaign expects to demonstrate with this PR stunt (which is what it actually is). That LGBTQ people are actually aware that some people have ideological values that harm LGBTQ people? I think they’re already very aware of that. But maybe, just maybe, they’re capable of empathizing with other groups that are being oppressed and persecuted, and are able to allow them to live.

Maybe they’re also smart enough to realize that the West Bank and Gaza are free-fire zones for the IDF, and taking a walk with banners and flags is a good way to get a bomb dropped on you. Also maybe they can see that this is a relatively trivial cause to throw in the face of people who are being bombed, who might resent a stupid parade through the ruins of their homes.


  1. awomanofnoimportance says

    The balancing act is this:

    No, being a Muslim should not be a death penalty offense; and
    At least some Muslims are attempting to export radical Islam to the rest of the world, and willing to use terrorism to make it happen, and it’s not Islamophobia to recognize that reality; and
    Such people are immune to sweet reason and education, just as radical Christianists are immune to sweet reason and education. Same dynamic, different religious crackpottery; and
    A certain amount of brute force is going to be necessary in self defense against such people; and
    No more brute force than is necessary should actually be used.

    Now, that’s one hell of a balancing act, so it’s hardly surprising that hardly anybody does it well.

  2. says

    It’s like when people like Dawkins “Dear Muslima” or tell you to go “over there” to fix a problem that one is working on here. But it’s combined with associating Palestinians with bigotry here.
    So they can simultaneously try to tell you to shut up about bigotry against LGBT+ people here, and make Palestinians look bad.

  3. says

    This isn’t JUST a publicity stunt; it’s just one more tentacle of plutocratic-Republicans’ long-running propaganda campaign to keep their enemies/intended victims divided against each other and thus unable to unite against them. “LGBT+ people vs. Palestinians” is just the latest of MANY wedges they’re trying to drive into the rest of us, along with “gays vs. trans”, “Blacks vs. Jews”, “Jews vs. liberals”, “women’s rights vs. trans”, “abused women vs. abused transwomen”, “Whites vs. Hatians”, etc. etc.

    I suggest someone take a good look at who the Log Cabin Boys have been hobnobbing with lately, and maybe where their money is coming from. Notice how they reappeared out of relative obscurity to start flogging this idea? Offhand, I suspect we’d find some significant contributions from AIPAC or adjacent pressure-groups.

  4. Akira MacKenzie says

    Not it will ever happen, but It’d be a win-win regardless of the outcome.

    If violence does break out the right will claim “See libs, your precious Muslim savages hate LGBTQ folks, you hypocrites!”

    If violence doesn’t’ break out the right will claim “See libs, your precious degenerate queermosexuals are disrespecting the Islamic faith and their traditions, you hypocrites!

    As Roy Cohen taught Trump “No matter what the outcome, always claim victory.”

  5. Ada Christine says

    which is to say, i don’t appreciate queerwashing genocide, and i don’t appreciate any claim or implication that queer liberation is a goal of the israeli state. try being openly queer anywhere in israel other than tel aviv, go ahead

  6. crimsonsage says

    Whenever I see one of these shit for brains takes it makes me think of the comic if the two Muslim coded people being bombed by a drone saying “did you hear the next one will be sent by a woman?!? We live in such wonderful times!”

  7. Tethys says

    This doesn’t even make sense as a PR stunt.

    Let hold a parade in Gaza and try to get killed? Let’s ignore the actual violence being committed by Israel because har-har, is it funny to mock those clearly inferior brown people?

    If any of them survive Gaza, they could go hold a parade in Kursk too, just to demonstrate their tolerance and their racial superiority over all those bombs.

  8. says

    This stunt falls is merely a slightly more elaborate iteration of a tired old right wing Xtian trope which basically boils down to them confessing how envious they are of the Islamists who (they imagine) have the power to murder every single queer person in every single Muslim-majority country. It’s death threats with plausible deniability. “See these guys want to kill you, which is why you should fall in line with OUR rules!”

  9. jenorafeuer says

    @Sally Strange:
    Yeah. “We don’t want to kill you, we just want to beat you up until you’re willing to pretend to not exist so we can continue to feel morally superior without having to face the fact that we actually do want to kill you, we just don’t want to go to jail for it.”

  10. says

    @10: Or maybe “We want to kill you, but we’re good civilized Christians, which means we need an excuse to kill you, so that makes us better than those swarthy heathen savages who don’t need any excuse to kill you, so you better support us ‘cuz we’re more tolerant than they are…just as long as you don’t give us any excuses to kill you!”

  11. Walter Solomon says

    A certain amount of brute force is going to be necessary in self defense against such people; and
    No more brute force than is necessary should actually be used.

    That ship has sailed. The West (US, Israel, EU) has used way more force than is necessary and, consequently, has likely made the problem of radicalization far worse than it would’ve been otherwise.

    People tend to react badly when their home containing their entire family is blown up.

  12. John Morales says

    In the news:

    Surgeon ‘became robotic’ to treat sheer volume of wounded Lebanese

    A Lebanese surgeon has described how the sheer volume of severe wounds from two days of exploding device attacks forced him to act “robotic” just to be able to keep working.

    Surgeon Elias Jaradeh said he treated women and children but most of the patients he saw were young men. The surgeon said a large proportion were “severely injured” and many had lost the sight in both eyes.

    The dead and injured in Lebanon include fighters from Hezbollah – the Iranian backed armed group which has been trading cross-border fire with Israel for months and is classed as a terrorist organisation by the UK and the US.

    But members of their families have also been killed or wounded, along with innocent bystanders. Elias Jaradeh described the wounded he treated as looking “mostly civilian”.


    Dr Jaradeh, who is also an MP for the Change parliamentary bloc, was working at a specialist eye and ear hospital where some of the most severely wounded people were sent. He said it had taken a toll on the medical teams, himself included.

    “And, yes, it’s very hard,” the surgeon said. “You have to dissociate yourself. More or less, you are robotic. This is the way you have to behave, but inside, you are deeply injured. You are seeing the nation injured.”

    Surgeons like Dr Jaradeh worked for almost 24 hours continuously on the wounded, many of whom have lost their eyesight or the use of their hands, the country’s health minister told the BBC.

    Eye specialist Prof Elias Warrak told BBC Arabic that in one night he extracted more damaged eyes than he had previously in his entire career.

    “It was very hard,” he said. “Most of the patients were young men in their twenties and in some cases I had to remove both eyes. In my whole life I had not seen scenes similar to what I saw yesterday.”

    Health Minister Firass Abiad told the BBC the victims’ injuries would prove life-changing.

    “This is something that unfortunately will require a lot of rehabilitation,” he said.

    About 3,200 people were injured, most of them in Tuesday’s attack which saw thousands of pagers detonated.

    Wednesday’s attack, which detonated two-way radio devices, wounded about 450 people but was responsible for 25 deaths, twice as many as in Tuesday’s blasts.

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