It’s always a good time to be an atheist

The Intelligent Design creationists had a discombobulating conversation that they thought was brilliant, but just left me wondering what planet they live on. They were discussing when it was a better time to be an atheist, and apparently it was in 1890, when being an atheist would prohibit you from entering a major university.

Jay Richards: The fact that we now talk about the universe as having an age is a significant update from a century and a half ago. It leads to new questions. Is it unique? Was there one beginning? Can we talk about the beginning? But that’s a different sort of situation. And so, I think if you’re thinking in terms of worldviews, I would much rather be a materialist where everyone assumed the universe was eternal than be at a moment in which virtually everyone, whether skeptic or believer, says, “Well, the universe has an age, so it’s got a finite past.”

Peter Robinson: You’d rather be a materialist in the 1890s…

Jay Richards: Exactly.

Peter Robinson: Than today?

Jay Richards: Yes, and I think it’s much easier to be a theist when standard cosmology says “Well, the universe hasn’t always been here.” It’s no longer a good candidate for an ultimate explanation if it had a beginning.

Jay Richards is not an atheist, of course, which makes one wonder about his ability to see the world from the perspective of an atheist. But OK, he considers himself an authority on the godless. That does not surprise me at all.

As an atheist and a materialist, though, I can say pretty definitely that the better time to be a materialist is when we have more information about the material world, which ought to be obvious. The big difference between scientists and the clowns at the Discovery Institute is that we welcome new information and aren’t trying to force-fit the universe into a mold decided upon by ancient civilizations.

So our universe had a beginning? We happily filed that data away with all the other facts about the material nature of the world. There’s nothing in that observation that implies a supernatural or magical origin — in fact, to the contrary, what led to that conclusion is physical observation and measurement, and physicists, not theologians, are exploring the 13.8 billion years of its existence.

News for Jay Richards: the Big Bang is not evidence for Jesus. It’s a bad time to be a theist when your god is getting squeezed into smaller and smaller gaps, and godless science is doing a better job of explaining how the world works than your holy book.


  1. seversky says

    If you can’t get something from absolutely nothing then there must have been something preceding The Big Bang – maybe something like Young Sheldon.

  2. Rob Grigjanis says

    So our universe had a beginning? We happily filed that data away with all the other facts about the material nature of the world.

    ‘happily’? It took decades from Lemaître to the general acceptance of the BB, due in no small part to the superficial resemblance it has to a religious creation.

  3. Pierce R. Butler says

    Last I heard, the Judeo- part of the JC bible says everything had a beginning, circa the first three words.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    Pierce R Butler @4
    Nit-picking about number of words.
    In latin, it is “fiat lux”, in Swedish “varde ljus”. I do not know what it is in Hebrew, Arameic or old Greek.
    If it was just two words it is strenghtening your argument, making the beginning even more beginningny.

  5. says

    So, just what xtian terrorist was there when the universe was ‘created’?
    1974 Billy Preston song: “nothin’ from nothin’ leaves nothin’! Shall we get in to an argument over how many backup singers can dance on the head of a pin?

  6. says

    Physics isn’t my strong suit, but I’ve gathered you can make something from nothing, so long as you’re willing to tolerate producing some anti-something along with it.

  7. birgerjohansson says

    Technically Buddhists can be regarded as atheists, although those who worship Bodhisavattas are clearly theists.
    The modern Japanese tend to be atheist even if Shintoism survives.

  8. Rob Grigjanis says

    Recursive Rabbit @10: I’ve never heard of such a thing.

    In our current understanding of the universe, the closest we can get to ‘nothing’ is the ground states of the various matter and radiation fields. They do correspond to the absence of particles, but they are certainly not ‘nothing’.

    For example, the ground state of the electromagnetic field causes excited atoms to be unstable. And, AFAIK, there is no notion of ‘anti-fields’ cancelling fields. Particle-antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other, but the end result is radiation, not ‘nothing’.

  9. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    So our universe had a beginning?

    Wikipedia – Big Bang, Singularity

    extrapolation of the expansion of the universe backwards in time using general relativity yields an infinite density and temperature at a finite time in the past. This irregular behavior, known as the gravitational singularity, indicates that general relativity is not an adequate description of the laws of physics
    “the Big Bang” as an event is also colloquially referred to as the “birth” of our universe since it represents the point in history where the universe can be verified to have entered into a regime where the laws of physics as we understand them […] work.


    the 13.8 billion years of its existence.

    Since it’s extrapolation backward to a weird state, something like “before present” framing would be more accurate, if narratively awkward.

    Instead of 1950, 2000 is a popular “now” nowadays—not that the difference matters at that scale.

  10. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    @Steve Morrison #12:

    @Akira MacKenzie #7:

    the belief of creation ex nihilo was not a belief held by the ancient Hebrews but a later invention of the Christians.

    The first three words of the KJV are “In the beginning”.

    Wikipedia – Creatio ex nihilo

    In ancient near eastern cosmology, the universe is formed ex materia from eternal formless matter, namely the dark and still primordial ocean of chaos. […] Similarly, the Genesis creation narrative opens with the Hebrew phrase bereshit bara elohim et hashamayim ve’et ha’aretz, which can be interpreted in at least three ways:

    1. As a statement that the cosmos had an absolute beginning (In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth).
    2. As a statement describing the condition of the world when God began creating (When in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was untamed and shapeless).
    3. As background information (When in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the earth being untamed and shapeless, God said, Let there be light!).

    Though option 1 has been the historic and predominant view, it has been recently suggested that (since the Middle Ages) it cannot be the preferred translation based on strictly linguistic and exegetical grounds. Whereas our modern societies see the origin of matter as a question of crucial importance, this may not have been the case for ancient cultures. Some scholars assert that when the author(s) of Genesis wrote the creation account, they were more concerned with God bringing the cosmos into operation by assigning roles and functions.
    historians have disputed the presence of the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo among pre-Christian Jewish authors, on the basis of the sparsity of possible relevant texts in Jewish later to the concept, the large number of Jewish texts from this period which unambiguously posit creatio ex materia, and the general disinterest in creatio ex nihilo prior to medieval rabbinic writers.
    Mainstream Christians believe that originally there was nothing except for a single, infinite and eternal God and that God alone brought all matter, energy, time, and space into existence out of nothing. That belief developed in the second century

  11. Bekenstein Bound says

    Actually, the writing was on the wall for the steady-state theory well before the 1890s. Work started by Carnot in 1824 and continued by Clausius and others culminated, in the 1850s, in the discovery of the laws of thermodynamics, of which the second is particularly pertinent, for it indicates that for the universe not to be long since dead in a changeless thermodynamic equilibrium its past necessarily had to be finite.

    Though, one might suppose that in an infinite span of time arbitrarily large deviations from the statistical norm — “rogue waves” of a sort — could be expected to occur, even one large enough to kick a region the size of the Hubble volume well out of thermodynamic equilibrium. One then wonders if the initial kick of the “rogue wave” would look something like a Big Bang.

    All rendered moot, though, by 1919’s confirmation of general relativity. A steady state universe is gravitationally unstable — any disturbance will cause parts to collapse and the rest to fly apart at the seams. So unless it is truly steady state, down to the molecules, with nothing at all happening (clearly not the world outside your kitchen window!) then it again has either a finite past, or a finite future. But if you take a patch of space that exists now and extrapolate its past and future light cones, in the direction of the gravitational singularity a sliding spacelike cross-section of that light cone will expand at first, then contract down to a point somewhere on the singularity, whereas it will expand indefinitely the other way if there is not a gravitational singularity in that direction also. All of the causes and consequences of the state of the patch will be contained in that light cone. The entropy in the sliding cross-section must shrink to zero at the gravitational singularity due to, well, my namesake, but may increase indefinitely in the opposite direction. So the thermodynamic arrow of time through that patch has to point away from the singularity (if there are two, then the nearer of them): it is invariably the past that is finite, and there will be a gravitational singularity back there.

    There are some weird implications for black holes: for an object falling into one, the nearer singularity is the one in the hole, not the Big Bang, and the thermodynamic arrow of time should probably locally point radially out of the hole. This suggests that thermodynamic time starts running backward for objects falling into a black hole, and probably long before they cross the event horizon … though maybe the ability to dissipate heat by radiation that will miss the hole changes that, probably to reversal right on the horizon. That suggests an answer to the black hole information paradox, which is that the information content of the hole lives on the horizon rather than in the singularity. This fits with black hole entropy being a function of horizon area.

  12. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    @Rob Grigjanis #13:

    @Recursive Rabbit #10:

    I’ve gathered you can make something from nothing, so long as you’re willing to tolerate producing some anti-something along with it.

    the closest we can get to ‘nothing’ is the ground states of […] fields. They do correspond to the absence of particles, but they are certainly not ‘nothing’.

    Wikipedia lacks a tidy straightforward article to cite, which I took as a challenge. Bits and pieces at Virtual particle, Pair production, Quantum foam, Quantum fluctuation, Vacuum energy, Nothing. Some technical caveats in Quantum vacuum state.
    Wikipedia – Nothing

    scientists through the 17th to 19th centuries thought there must be a medium pervading all space that allowed the transmission of light or gravity.
    Although a physical medium was no longer required [with special relativity], the concept of aether still did not entirely vanish. It remained necessary to assign properties to the vacuum for various purposes. […] In modern quantum field theory, a completely empty vacuum [at] the lowest energy state has constant random vacuum fluctuations which bring into existence short-lived virtual particles. […] vacuum and nothing are certainly not synonyms.

    Aether theories, Quantum Vacuum

    “It is ironic that Einstein’s most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed […] large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with ‘stuff’ that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space […] is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this”

    Wikipedia – Vacuum energy

    an underlying background energy that exists in space throughout the entire universe.
    Quantum field theory states that all fundamental fields, such as the electromagnetic field, must be quantized at each and every point in space. A field in physics may be envisioned as if space were filled with interconnected vibrating balls and springs, and the strength of the field is like the displacement of a ball from its rest position. The theory requires “vibrations” in, or more accurately changes in the strength of, such a field to propagate as per the appropriate wave equation for the particular field in question. […] Excitations of the field correspond to the elementary particles of particle physics. Thus, according to the theory, even the vacuum has a vastly complex structure
    The theory considers vacuum to implicitly have the same properties as a particle, such as spin or polarization in the case of light, energy, and so on. According to the theory, most of these properties cancel out on average leaving the vacuum empty in the literal sense of the word. One important exception, however, is the vacuum energy or the vacuum expectation value of the energy. [Where “vacuum expectation value” means “an average of all the possible outcomes of a measurement in the vacuum as weighted by their likelihood”.]
    Vacuum energy can also be thought of in terms of virtual particles (also known as vacuum fluctuations) which are created and destroyed out of the vacuum. These particles are always created out of the vacuum in particle–antiparticle pairs, which in most cases shortly annihilate each other and disappear.

    Wikipedia – Quantum vacuum state

    It is sometimes attempted to provide an intuitive picture of virtual particles, or variances, based upon the Heisenberg energy-time uncertainty principle: […] the short lifetime of virtual particles allows the “borrowing” of large energies from the vacuum and thus permits particle generation for short times.

  13. Rob Grigjanis says

    CA7746 @18:

    Wikipedia – Quantum vacuum state

    It is sometimes attempted to provide an intuitive picture of virtual particles, or variances, based upon the Heisenberg energy-time uncertainty principle: […] the short lifetime of virtual particles allows the “borrowing” of large energies from the vacuum and thus permits particle generation for short times.

    Sorry, but this (and the preceding paragraph from Vacuum energy) are nonsense. You may have noticed that both excerpts end with [citation needed].

    There are indeed vacuum bubbles in quantum field theory, but they have nothing to do with “borrowing energy”, and they aren’t “short-lived”, because they have no time dependence. They are static contributions to the vacuum energy density.

    Sadly, this nonsense has permeated popularized presentations, because it’s a “pretty picture”. I blame Hawking.

    See the last paragraph in the “Vacuum bubbles” section here:

  14. CompulsoryAccount7746, Sky Captain says

    @Rob Grigjanis #19:

    Sorry […] Sadly, this nonsense has permeated popularized presentations, because it’s a “pretty picture”. I blame Hawking.

    Thank you. Don’t be. It looked like you two might’ve talked past each other. I was hoping to tease that out but lacked confidence to say something definitive myself. It was a longer walk than I’d anticipated.

    The Vacuum Fluctuation Myth

    the concept of virtual particles is well-defined and useful when restricted to its use in Feynman diagrams and associated technical discussions. But it is highly misleading when used to argue about vacuum fluctuations as if these were processes happening in space and time. The latter is a frequent misunderstanding
    This […] comes from taking pieces of intuition and connecting them with a plausible narrative. The following is a reconstruction of the sort of thoughts that combine to justify the myth in the eyes of those who use this language.

    Introduction: Origin, Use and Interpretation of Feynman Diagrams

    Feynman diagrams represent something that, by definition, is unobservable, the so-called virtual particles […] one should not attribute reality to these intermediate states
    Robert Weingard also states that virtual particles are not, as their name suggests, real after all. He points out that the intermediate states are superpositions, even of states with different numbers and types of particles. Therefore, the elements of the superposition do not represent real states of affairs as far as these characteristics are concerned. The situation is comparable to a double-slit experiment: a particle does not really pass through one or the other of the two narrow slits of a screen, neither does it pass through both of the slits, nor, indeed, through neither of them. Similarly, Weingard does not believe that virtual particles are really present in the intermediate states of a scattering process: “We do not have good grounds for thinking that Feynman diagrams picture real, albeit ‘virtual’, physical processes by means of which elementary particles interact”
    Brown does not even acknowledge that they have an abstract representational function. He does not consider that they directly refer to any physical process in any way whatsoever. Rather, according to Brown, the diagrams are simply the abbreviation of complicated mathematical expressions and only the latter tell us something about the physical process

  15. Bekenstein Bound says

    Without taking a firm stance on this issue, I will throw this out there:

    At one time quarks were considered mere mathematical conveniences and no serious physicist would vouch for their actually physically existing. Then they started turning up in our particle collider experiments …

  16. Rob Grigjanis says

    BB @21:

    Then they [quarks] started turning up in our particle collider experiments …

    No, quarks didn’t turn up. What turned up were Δ particles, which violated the Pauli exclusion principle unless an additional degree of freedom (colour) was assigned to quarks.

  17. Bekenstein Bound says

    The quarks themselves have, subsequently, turned up; the last, the top quark, in 1995, just under thirty years ago.

  18. Rob Grigjanis says

    Quarks have never been directly observed. Their existence is inferred from the products of deep inelastic scattering, and the underlying theoretical model (in this case, the Standard Model). The same can be said of most fundamental particles.

    See more here

  19. Bekenstein Bound says

    Deep inelastic scattering suffices to prove they are physically there as discrete mass/charge concentrations and not merely mathematical conveniences.

    Meanwhile, define “directly observed” in the context of anything too small to see with the naked eye. Or, for that matter, at all, given that the eye, optic nerve, visual cortex, etc. themselves are measuring devices, cables, and information processors that intermediate between conscious awareness and some object. There are never zero layers of indirection between the mind and a subject of observation; the only real question is how many layers, and (though I’m not sure this is very important) whether some are nonbiological in construction.

    In the end, “directly observed” is one of those terms that seems to dissolve like a mirage when you get close enough to it, much like the “non-physical things” that came up in that thread about infinite growth.

  20. Rob Grigjanis says

    Sure, we can get into a philosophical discussion of what “directly observed” means. In the context of particle physics, I (and I think most particle physicists) would say “whatever kicks off the detectors in your experimental set-up”. At the LHC, that means photons, electrons, positrons, muons, and hadrons.

    Of course there can be compelling evidence for something without direct observation. Data from the Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar was convincing evidence of the existence of gravitational waves, 40 years before LIGO.

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