We’re winding down to the last week of our winter break, and Mary and I took off to the Big City for a few days. We had no grand plans, just a break from the routine, where we’d hang out in a hotel and do some exploring. Unfortunately, we got there immediately after a major storm dumped a dense layer of wet snow on the city. We arrived as the snow plows were clearing out places where we could park — and they weren’t done by the time we would leave. That cramped our style, since walking around the city was slogging through nearly impassable piles of thick soggy stuff. Our grand adventure was reduced to short walks to nice restaurants.
We also met up with Marcus Ranum, who was in Minneapolis to help a friend move. He drove a truck from Pennsylvania to Minnesota during a snowstorm! I want a friend like that, who’d drop what he was doing to drive 800 miles to help me move. We got a pleasant eveing out of it, at least.
Yesterday was spent driving back and taking naps. Now I have no excuse, I have to start assembling a syllabus and getting organized for genetics.
hemidactylus says
Genetics helped organize you so the least you could do is repay the favor and organize genetics.
It’s been chilly here lately, dipping into the low to mid 50s overnight..brrrr!
Artor says
I didn’t have to drive 800 miles, but I met up with a friend I haven’t seen in almost 30 years for the New Year. He was driving out to meet me in Eugene, but flipped his car on a patch of ice in central Oregon. I drove about a 250 mile round trip after midnight to pick him up. We had plenty of time to catch up on the drive back.
birgerjohansson says
We are getting plenty of snow dumped on us, I do not know if the plows will be able to cope Monday morning.
Silver lining: north Sweden does not have a continental climate, so it is not raining liquid nitrogen. Yet.
charlesanthony says
Good friends help you move.
Great friends help you move the bodies.
birgerjohansson says
Charlesanthony @ 4
Yes, I watched that film.
birgerjohansson says
Did someone say “Back to normal”?
This is Britain. There are some very useful diagrams of normal during Labour, vs normal during the tories.
“Everybody knows it; the tories screwed Britain”.
gijoel says
It’s going to be 32C where I am. I’ll split the difference with you and we both might have weather we’d enjoy. Then again it’ll probably be too cold for where I am.
OT Insurrection is contagious apparently.
birgerjohansson says
Article in The Economist.
“Axe-throwing may be the friendliest new sport in America”.
birgerjohansson says
Democratic NY Governor picks conservative chief justice to serve donors.
StevoR says
@5. birgerjohansson : Which film? Heard that saying / lines before but just seen from memes and floating around as a pop culture joke and didn’t know it was from a movie..