Don’t fall for this trap!

If you accept the premise that there are only of two possible answers that are correct, you’ve already lost the debate. Debate? Debates suck.

Although maybe we should consider the Clorgath Factor.


  1. says

    I know that PZ and many that comment here know this. But, it needs to be said.

    1) there are few ‘debates’ that actually abide by the necessary structure of a formal debate. Most are just squirrels talking over each other or monkeys throwing their feces at each other with very little fact or substance to their words.

    2) As we pointed out in 2016 in our book ‘OMNIASCENDENCE’ there are never two sides to an argument. There are always MANY sides. AND, many of them are foolish and not worth consideration

    3) I must accept that human society is a farce because too many people’s minds accept the selfish, abusive, fantasy world created by flawed human minds manifesting in CRAPITALLISM and RELIGION

    We can’t escape the insanity that pervades so much of human society.

  2. Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says

    Of course, even if we disagree with Clorgath’s desire to bathe in and feast upon our blood, surely we can all still be friends over this minor difference of opinion? 😌

  3. Susan Montgomery says

    @2 Yes. Why be a single-issue voter? Besides, maybe we can compromise and give him half our blood? Also known as the the “Tankie Ukraine Peace Deal”.

  4. consciousness razor says

    The fact is, Clorgath the Vile pretty much agrees with Biden on several key issues like opposing high gas prices, allowing police to wear bodycams if the state or municipality doesn’t (each census year) file for a religious exemption, and trade agreements with Iceland. How are you ever going to get all the Republicans to vote for you, with all these purity tests and circular firing squads?

  5. says

    @Susan Montgomery:

    Funny, it sounds more like the primary campaigns of both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Or have you forgotten that the former told us we should expect absolutely nothing and the latter was selected on the basis of his ability to “work with Republicans”?

  6. unclefrogy says

    there are never two sides to an argument. There are always MANY sides. AND, many of them are foolish and not worth consideration

    if the purpose in engaging in a debate is to change a mind i have found that it is very difficult if it is even possible and i seldom have the amount of energy nor the time required.
    I am not going to wade through all the BS to try and pick out any tiny bits of truth either