Do you like fireworks?
Exact moments as shots are heard as a mass shooting unfolds in Highland Park during a 4th of July parade celebration. #highlandpark #masshooting
— CHICAGO CRITTER (@ChicagoCritter) July 4, 2022
I don’t.
Fuck you, NRA. Die in a fire, Supreme Court. At least six people dead.
This isn’t the only mass shooting today. I’ve heard about at least 3 others.
Q: What’s the worst thing about today’s mass shooting?
A: Being unsure that by the end of the day I won’t be asking “which one”.
This isn’t the only mass shooting today. I’ve heard about at least 3 others.
And that’s what I get for not reading all the way through before commenting: I should have realized that it had already happened.
Can we have just one fucking day without a mass shooting?
WMDKitty @3: The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that days without mass shootings are unconstitutional.
( sigh) I haven’t voted Republican since 1972 . I’ll continue, thanks . How in hell can they not see this is a serious problem and they’re aiding an abetting.
Maybe we should see if they can be charged with that. IANAL , obviously
X-post from Mano Singham’s blog:
brightmoon @ #5 — “How in hell can they not see this is a serious problem…” I suspect it’s the glitter of gold that blinds them.
The article I read kept going on about how rich the neighborhood was as if that made this shooting worse. So far the shooter has been identified as being white and had a “rifle”. I’m not confident in the cops’ ability or desire to catch this one and wouldn’t be surprised if they decided to harass a black man in his mid-40s over this.
@5 brightmoon — Of course they can see it. Of course. Sad that more people aren’t waking up to this.
Akin to the thread complaining about Pelosi’s solicitations for money. While us humanitarians flail about in disbelief, the conservative narrative continues apace. Shootings like this one? Athiest public schooling! Gun control! Pelosi will be gone by the end of the year, making way for some radical stooge (possibly even Trump himself who, as I understand it, is perfectly eligible) when the republicans take both the House and Senate this November. Then it’s all downhill after that.
Best get used to shootings like this one. SCOTUS will probably even declare them constitutional as long as enough non-conservatives are killed. Can’t wait to see the sorts of twisted laws red states will cook up from that hot mess.
Ah, American Exceptionalism eh?
Is there anything OTHER than gun control that would have stopped this? Selling guns to anyone who wants them is NOT GOOD. This should be obvious but apparently half the country have some sort of brain infection.
Well, police seem to have caught the shooter. Some notes:
– like many other shooters, he is a white male in his early 20’s.
– he had made a rambling video “manifesto” talking about his destiny
– he had previously attended T**** rallies
– prior to his capture, FBI & police said he was believed to be armed and dangerous
– he led police on a car chase, and was captured alive.
– this outcome is different to that of the unarmed man shot 60 times yesterday after a car chase in Akron OH
We really need to make sure there is only a single door at all Independence Day parades. I mean, they just aren’t close enough to high security prisons yet. Of course, there is still room for us to have a reasonable debate about how much more should be spent on concertina wire, walls and electric fences, surveillance cameras, guard towers, drug sniffing dogs, etc. Let’s start at half a trillion dollars and maybe work our way up from there.
Presumably the difference was skin color.
Wondering how much of an economic difference there was between the two.
From the article:
“But the younger generation has been “desensitized to it,” Perrotta said.
“It’s very much so what we grew up with,” she added, walking near the Mall after a visit to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. “I don’t think it instills the same fear as it does for older generations, which is really sad.””
@7 Well, Republicans would have to look up and over the giant pile of campaign donations from the NRA to actually see the problem. As long as they don’t actually take their eyes off the cash (flow), there’s really nothing to see.
If it is the end, let us not go gently…
@12 Caught.
Apparently Highland Park is fairly well to do, which could explain the difference between the police actions and the Akron OH response. Akron was apparently a major meth manufacturing and distribution area in the early aughts.
“– prior to his capture, FBI & police said he was believed to be armed and dangerous”….
Ah! So he was an American then!
AussieMike @18 — I swear we aren’t all armed and/or dangerous. Some of us are relatively sane. But yeah… that sums it up.
Ah, the right to be armed and dangerous.
The joy of such a place!
That feeling of safety when anyone could shoot you at any time!
(Me, I’ll pass)
Another instance of gun rights being a tool for white supremacy.
I have relatives in the States.I used to visit a lot in the 60s and 70s, it seemed like a magical place where everything was possible.
I’m not scared of coming now, but for some reason don’t want to any more
@13 so turn the entire country into a prison full of armed prisoners? You might have an idea for a Michael Bay movie there. I say pitch it. You could call it “Ammo-topia”.
Ray, they already call it “land of the free”.
(Other than imprisoning more per capita than just about anywhere else, surely that’s true. Other than abortion, and other such trifles)
@Ray Ceeya
Addressing the culture of violence and gun fondling endemic to the US would probably go a long way too.
Toxic masculinity too, since shooters are pretty much all males and most of them have convictions for domestic violence; Beau of the Fifth Column was suggesting that gun control should focus on preventing people with DV convictions from getting guns, rather than banning specific kinds of guns.
@24.John Morales :
Of course, the USA isn’t really a free land. It had slaves, it massacred its Native Peoples and, wait, that describes us in Oz too – at least to a degree. Blackbirding and our treatment of Indigenous Peoples,
As for the regular, needless gun massacres, there’s no shock anymore, just sadness and sullen,disappointed fury at the insanity of the USA’s gun laws that we know won’t be changing..
..Or, just maybe eventually, will they? If we can do it after the Port Arthur massacre – can’t they?
Amusing strip on DeSantis from G. B. Trudeau whom I haven’t seen much of in recent years.
Well, I was thinking a bunch of separate prisons rather than one big prison, but it should be fine either way, as long as it’s parade-based and focused on our epidemic of doors…. Clearly, something has to be done about all these fucking doors at parades. That’s what allows tragedies like this to happen.
Maybe a remake of Escape from New York, but with fewer doors this time (and more guns). I bet it could make tens of dollars at the box office.
People fleeing one direction, while people in yellow shirts and vests – presumably law enforcement and EMTs – are hurrying in the other direction, even as semi-automatic gunfire continues. It’s a surreal scene.
Yes. we need to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Regardless what a reasonable reading should be, that’s not what’s going to happen in the foreseeable future.