One of those things every lab person knows: label everything. Write down what’s in it, and also the date it was made. At least the person responsible for this followed the rule.
Several vials labeled “smallpox” have been found at a vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.
“There is no indication that anyone has been exposed to the small number of frozen vials,” the CDC said in a statement emailed to CNN.
“The frozen vials labeled ‘Smallpox’ were incidentally discovered by a laboratory worker while cleaning out a freezer in a facility that conducts vaccine research in Pennsylvania. CDC, its Administration partners, and law enforcement are investigating the matter and the vials’ contents appear intact,” the CDC added.
“The laboratory worker who discovered the vials was wearing gloves and a face mask. We will provide further details as they are available.”
You don’t need intent to kill us all, when stupidity and neglect is sufficient.
Technical note:
This looks like a stock photo of the Vaccine for smallpox
not the smallpox itself
Still – good labeling
Yeah, stock photo — the model isn’t gloved, either.
I agree it has all the hallmarks of a vaccine.
I believe you are referring to Hanlon’s Razon “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
In comic book universes, goofy fuck ups like this is what creates new superheroes and supervillains.
That was my initial reaction.
The mystery vial is most likely to be the smallpox vaccine Vaccinia, rather than the smallpox virus itself.
That being said, one would rather know than guess based on probabilities and hope
This is like a joke about work at bioscience research facilities, where you’re likely to run into ancient ghosts while cleaning up some freezer space.
Worst minibar ever.
Well at least a vaccine has been developed for smallpox already and monkeypox too, which keeps insinuating itself into the news.
“Past data from Africa suggests that smallpox vaccine is at least 85% effective in preventing monkeypox… Experts also believe that vaccination after a monkeypox exposure may help prevent the disease or make it less severe… Smallpox vaccine is not currently available to the general public. In the event of another outbreak of monkeypox in the U.S., CDC will establish guidelines explaining who should be vaccinated.”
And yet The Incredible Adventures of Poxman was not a popular line.
chrislawson @10
If Marvel’s films continue to fall flat, we just might get a Poxman film.
Why is law enforcement involved? They’ll just confiscate the vials, take them to the bomb range, and blow them up.
Reminds me of a amusing story from my high school. There was a T-shaped “science wing” of four classrooms added to the school at some point (the library was on the floor above), two on each side with storerooms in between (other fun bit of trivia, it’s seen as an exterior in John Water’s SERIAL MOM). In addition to the science teachers, there was an aide who managed all of the equipment and supplies. I don’t recall her name, but she was a very nice, kindly, elderly woman who stood about 5’2″ and was 90 pounds soaking wet holding a rock.
At some point, I think a few years after I graduated, a directive came out from the Board of Education to check stores for some dangerous (explosive and unstable) chemical that had been part of the regular stock from many moons prior when you could buy play nuclear reactors at the toy store. Being very good and conscientious at her job, she read the memo and said, “I think we have that somewhere,” and proceeded to find it. Every fire truck in the county and the bomb squad showed up to dispose of it.
Her comment on the operation was that she’d been taking the bottle down every year for the last 30 years to dust it.
I was right.
The vials contained Vaccinia, the vaccine virus.
Careless labeling.
Fortunately, the sample in question can only kill up to 1% of those exposed to it. The sample was tested and found to be vaccinia, not variola.
Vaccinia is literally our most dangerous vaccine and is now only administered to military and public health responders. Fortunately, there are treatments to lower that 1% to nearly 0%, courtesy of military research.