I’m consolidating things. I’m fusing the Open Thread (which died in 2020) and the Political Madness thread, which has been going strong all this time, thanks to the stewardship of Lynna, into one unholy amalgam of anything goes. Almost anything goes, that is. I’m hoping Lynna will continue to inject regular antidotes to the political madness, but also it’ll be a place where all the random odd thoughts and question and socializing can go on.
This would be the 20th iteration of the political madness thread, I think, so fill this up and we’ll go on to Infinite Thread XXI.
Oh, also: The Endless Thread has been maintained on Affinity. This is not a replacement for that lovely thread!
onion girl, OM; social workers do it with paperwork says
Ah, home sweet home. lights candles and puts out a tray of tea and snacks
raven says
I do want to thank Lynna, SC, blf, and the other regulars for keeping the Political Madness thread going. I don’t post on there often, but I read it every day.
It’s always got the important points of what political madness happened that day.
And will never run out of news items to post.
Reginald Selkirk says
Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns
Lynna, OM says
Hello All, welcome to the new amalgamation thread.
For our dose of political madness today, we check in to see how Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene are doing. These two Republican doofuses can always be counted on to meld stupidity with promoting wild conspiracy theories. Lo, the duo has been kicked to the curb by some California venues.
Awww. Why can’t two dunderheads promote violence-engendering, baseless conspiracy theories? What is this country coming to be?
“Backlash” works, people. Keep participating in that truth-promoting activism.
All of Trump’s “best people” are still out there behaving like cult followers.
Reginald Selkirk says
A Movie About A Woman Being Impregnated By A Car Just Won The Palme D’Or At Cannes
Lynna, OM says
raven in comment #2, thank you. We appreciate your appreciation and are glad you found the political madness thread helpful.
Follow-up to comment 4, with commentary posted by readers of the article:
Lynna, OM says
Why is Tucker Carlson still on the air?
Lynna, OM says
Military-grade spyware found on journalists and activists’ phones
More at the link.
Lynna, OM says
Anthony Fauci:
The quotes are taken from an interview conducted by “CNN Newsroom” host Jim Acosta.
Lynna, OM says
Rightwing-ish, conservative coffee? WTF?
Lynna, OM says
Boris Johnson back in coronavirus quarantine on eve of Britain’s ‘Freedom Day’
Washington Post link
Johnson’s government continues to run a test-trace-isolate mobile phone app, which “pings” people if they have been in close contact with a newly infected individual. Now there’s a “pingdemic” with more than 500,000 people pinged just last week and told to stay home. It looks like more of Boris Johnson’s fumbling and bumbling around as he pretends to do his job.
Lynna, OM says
U.S. could lose its top-level bond rating because of the Big Lie
rsmith says
Except for the beans.
tacitus says
Must be bullshit. The rightwing message boards have declared it to be a miracle cure that stops the Delta variant in its tracks…
LykeX says
Very much agree. This is a great collection of news stories and I often find things I otherwise would have missed. I appreciate that you have the energy to keep it going.
tacitus says
If you guys haven’t heard for the Freedom Phone you should look it up — it’s hilariously bad — but it gave me an idea. Can’t one of the vaccine manufacturers put out a special edition of their vaccine and call it Freedom Juice? Their marketing campaign could focus on showing how it would help them “own the libs” at the next election (i.e. they would live long enough to vote in the next election).
rsmith says
One thing the Johnson government is infamous for are the many U-turns it has had to make over policy, because reality stubbornly refuses to align with how they want it to be.
Methinks here is another U-turn in the making.
rsmith says
Isn’t “Freedom Juice” a hydroxychloroquine solution? ;-)
John Morales says
When trolling backfires:
birgerjohansson says
John Morales @ 19
The likes of Kate Hopkins know deep in their bones that ‘rules’ and ‘laws’ are for the peasants, not for their betters.
I know that most of the readers are likely familiar with ‘God Awful Movies’ (motto: we watch awful religious films so you don’t have to)
but I will remind you spending an hour of listening to them decoding fundiethink is hilarious.
One film that comes to mind is “Plandemic”.
Do you want to widen your perspectives? From Nigeria comes the Christian gem ‘Vultures of Horror’, likewise dissected at GAM. Also some terrible Japanese cult-commissioned animes.
birgerjohansson says
The Young Turks at Youtube have told the story of a straw poll at CPAC that shows Trump has a total lock on this segment of the Republicans.
-In addition, Trump said straight out that if a poll gave him bad numbers, he would dismiss it as ‘fake news’ and if it gave him good news he would praise the poll.
He told his followers to their faces he would lie to them and they just applauded and cheered. It’s a cult.
chigau (違う) says
onion girl
well hello there, welcome home
Silentbob says
Is it wrong that I prefer emo-nihilist PZ and his existential dread from 2015?
The OP:
Wait… TIT? You’re offering us TIT?
(Sorry, it’s not my fault; I grew up watching Benny Hill.)
I just hope this isn’t the return of old-school fuck-yourself-sideways-with-a-rusty-clenched-tentacle-salute-dead-porcupine style Pharyngula. That place sucked.
John Morales says
Ah, those were the days!
(Order of the Molly days)
Silentbob says
@ 24 John Morales
Yeah, the significance of the OM in the ‘nym of commenter #1 was not lost on me and indeed sent a shiver down my spine.
Not insignificant, though, don’t you think, that so many from those halcyon days of yore turned out to be despicable assholes? Lady Mondegreen / Stacy Kennedy? – Today an unhinged reactionary transphobe. Remember Josh Spokesgay? – Now an Alex Jones style covid denying right wing anti-SJW loony.
It’s almost like what attracted people to old-school Pharyngula was not, in fact, a concern for social justice, but a place to be openly and unapologetically a shit. (Present company excepted of course John, I’m sure that in no way describes your worthy self. ;-)
And lest I be misunderstood, Poopyhead excepted as well. He’s always stuck to the side of the angels, no matter how shitty people around him have turned out to be, including his own co-bloggers or commenters.
birgerjohansson says
I learned that the six Democratic senators implicated in the “sting” of a lobbyist have recieved around 300,000 $ from fossil-fuel and other conservative lobbyists in campaign donations Coughbribescough the last few years.
The surprising thing is the low amount, especially when you split it across six. It may seem much for an ordinary working Joe, but this is coffee money for these corporations.
Heck, there may be some high-class call girls that make more, but those get to maintain some self-esteem , unlike these political hacks.
I do not know the current US federal budget but it is a lot more than 300 billion.
These six losers are selling out the country for literally less than a millionth of the US budget!
If I was a villain, I would demand at least one per cent.
Now that these amounts have been made public, Americans should thoroughly shame those senators, för instance with a campaign called “Buy back Joe Manchin”, collecting money to theoretically outbid the lobby groups.
And if there is some liberal film actor with the money, we should ask him to literally go on TV with a checkbook, waving it in the air and offering to pay the six Democratic senators more, if they put their voters ahead of the lobbyists. After all, it is fair to offer them compensation if they are to give up their grift for the “public good”. 😊
John Morales says
[nostalgia, social]
I do. Yeah, pertinent point. There are those.
But still… remember Josh the geologist?
Carried a lot of weight back in the Titanoboa threads, which led to the original TET. Such informative posts!
Yes, the hurly-burly days of yore. And where one could be a shit to shits and a troll to trolls. Good times!
I remember the original Pharyngula, before SB days even. Before it even became feminist and queer-friendly (and busy!).
And it was people like SC and Caine (and yes, Josh) who bent it that way.
(I took truth machine as my sifu; alas, I’m but a pale imitation of his relentless acumen, exactitude and bluntness)
There was the bad, but also the good.
Circling back to your point, I kinda feel bad about the circumstances that befell Chris Clarke’s participation; I think that had a big effect on PZ.
John Morales says
PS https://proxy.freethought.online/pharyngula/2013/09/01/farewell-chris/#comment-683251
birgerjohansson says
….aand the “origin story” of Tucker Carlson has been debunked. He claimed to have been victimised by evil librul teachers in hos early schooldays. His old teacher was able to disprove his bullshit. But his viewers will never hear about it, they only watch Fox News.
SC (Salty Current) says
More re Lynna’s #8 above – the Guardian (support them if you can!) is doing a full series on the spying: the Pegasus project.
From the series – “Viktor Orbán using NSO spyware in assault on media, data suggests”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 19 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
And here’s a link to today’s Guardian UK coronavirus liveblog.
From there:
SC (Salty Current) says
BBC – “Brazil’s Bolsonaro leaves hospital after treatment for blocked intestine”:
birgerjohansson says
Rarely has a single person so successfully surfed on populism, xenophobia, ignorance and a refusal to acknowledge that the things happening before your nose are happening.
Manfred Mann’s Earth Band made the song Demolition Man.
Bojo makes me think of the lines “I’m a walking nightmare, a messenger of doom… … I’m a walking disaster ”
Of course, the likes of Cameron and May made him possible, and so did the billionaire newspaper owners that collectively are to Britain what Murdoch and Ailes were to USA.
SC (Salty Current) says
Bloomberg Law – “Texas Senate Votes to Remove Required Lessons on Civil Rights”:
JoeBuddha says
“It’s just a step to the left…”
SC (Salty Current) says
Some podcast episodes:
Jacobin Radio – “A World to Win: Imperial Nostalgia w/ Peter Mitchell”:
Behind the Bastards – “Part One: Pappa Doc and Baby Doc: Dictators of Haiti”:
(Here’s part two.)
Fever Dreams – “CPAC Showdown Feat. Zach Petrizzo”:
birgerjohansson says
Trigger warning
”Pakistan’s Islamic Council halts Domestic Violence Bill”
My revenge fantasy involves an army of cloned Rorschacs, armed with crowbars and chain saws.
birgerjohansson says
One Republican governor in the south is promoting vaccinations https://proxy.freethought.online/singham/2021/07/18/one-republican-governor-in-the-south-is-promoting-vaccinations/
SC (Salty Current) says
Sen. Whitehouse re Capitol attack arrests: “I am still waiting for a sign the FBI is investigating anyone not in the building — funders, organizers, conspirators, aiders and abetters.”
SC (Salty Current) says
AP – “In Trump’s Jan. 6 recast, attackers become martyrs, heroes”:
SQB says
Well, hello there.
Let me start by thanking the people who keep the threads in line. Are they weavers? Knitters? Anyhow, thank you.
I’ve been away for a while, but I hope to be here more frequently once again.
Re: politics, the mask mandate has been lifted almost everywhere in The Netherlands, except for public transit. No matter, I’ll keep wearing it indoors, even though I’ve had my second shot. Haven’t had a comment on it yet, but if I get one, I’ll be sure to point out that in doing so, I’m going against official policy. Hopefully that’ll make their heads implode.
Now Limburg, a province in the south of The Netherlands, has been getting a lot of rain the past week. Rivers like the Meuse, the Geul, and the Rur all have water levels several meters above their normal, which has lead to widespread flooding. Not as bad as Belgium and Germany, where a lot of people died, but still pretty bad. Cue Willem Engel, our national virus denier, going “the only part of The Netherlands that is was above sea level has flooded. Curious.” Which of course totally ignores the fact that it’s a flooding from rain water, not from sea water.
SQB says
Re: the flooding, I sure hope Gilliel is doing okay — I thought she lived somewhere near the affected area in Germany.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian UK liveblog:
And more recently: “The protest at Westminster by anti-lockdown campaigners has turned more confrontational.”
Reginald Selkirk says
Journal Retracts Flawed Study That Claimed to Show Face Masks Harm Kids
SC (Salty Current) says
Thanks for the kind words, people who offered kind words!
SQB @ #42, Giliell appears to be tweeting today, so it seems she’s OK.
SC (Salty Current) says
From today’s DN! headlines:
KG says
It is indeed bizarre. These people seem to be protesting despite (or because?) of the fact that they’ve been given what they said they wanted.
What’s Engel’s point? Does he think the flooding is a hoax? Caused by Bill Gates/George Soros/Antony Fauci? What??
SC (Salty Current) says
raven says
They, the antivaxxers, are attacking vaccination centers in France.
One was destroyed in an arson attack.
This is something that hasn’t yet happened in the USA.
It is equivalent to throwing the lifejackets overboard after the ship has hit an iceberg and then destroying the life boats.
SC (Salty Current) says
Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC:
Reginald Selkirk says
Kurt Westergaard, Danish cartoonist behind Muhammad cartoon, dies at 86
SQB says
@KG Engel transformed from “the lockdown is an overreaction and is hurting economically” to “covid doesn’t exist” to “everything governments and the media tell you, is a hoax”, so yeah, probably. I think he said something about “they need a new crisis”.
Akira MacKenzie says
I’ve given up entirely on our species. Whenever we are faced with environmental, social, economic, or public health crisis, we reject what needs to be done in the name of naked greed, religious superstition, or individualist nonsense. Enjoy what pleasures you can now, because over the next few years things are going to get very, very bad. Then humanity will be gone.
Lynna, OM says
Bits and pieces of political news:
Lynna, OM says
Agency watchdog: Trump cabinet chief [then-Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross] provided false testimony
Five times a member of Trump’s cabinet was referred to the Justice Department for possible prosecution. Five times nothing happened.
Lynna, OM says
Trump’s rhetoric on vaccines takes a dramatic turn for the worse
Expect Trump to jump on the anti-vax bandwagon in an even more spectacular way soon. In March, Trump pussy footed around, whined a lot about not getting credit for developing vaccines, and then finally said, “So everybody, go get your shot.” Now Trump is anti-vax because he sees it as a way to defeat Biden. (Ignore all the dead, the dying, and the sick people who, (unvaccinated), are the result.) It’s a typical Trump move that he somehow manages to blame President Biden for anti-vaccination campaigns. Sheesh.
SC (Salty Current) says
It looks (from the translation) like Engel retweeted someone claiming the German government deliberately caused the flooding in Germany by “blocking off” dams and water basins so the water couldn’t drain. People in the responses talked about cloud seeding. Someone asked Engel if he thought it was part of something called “Agenda 2030,” and he does. When challenged elsewhere, he doesn’t appear to deny the existence of the floods or the deaths, but blames “corruption.” He says global warming is a revenue model and means of enslaving people, the flooding is being “exploited” by “climate fanatics,” the floods are “very suspicious,” and the people responsible should be tried.
So it appears that he’s claiming that the flooding is real, but that it was deliberately caused or greatly exacerbated by governments in league with scientists and climate activists in order to exploit the disaster for power and profit and that those people need to be held accountable. I took the trouble to look into it because I suspect we’ll see a lot more of this dangerous sort of conspiracy theorizing as environmental disasters become more frequent.
SC (Salty Current) says
Quoted in Lynna’s #55:
SC (Salty Current) says
Jon Sopel, BBC:
Lynna, OM says
SC @58, “Infuriating.” Exactly. They are all getting away with it.
raven @49:
That’s an apt analysis. I hope that doesn’t happen in the USA, but the cynical part of me says it’s only a matter of time.
SQB @41, thank you for the appreciative comments. And thank you for keeping us up to date on news from The Netherlands.
Lynna, OM says
Graham’s new plan: Leave DC to derail Dems’ infrastructure plan
How badly does Lindsey Graham want to derail Democrats’ infrastructure plans? He’s prepared to flee Capitol Hill. Could this work?
Lynna, OM says
After conservative ruling, what’s next for protecting Dreamers?
Republicans can’t pass a bill to derail DACA protections for Dreamers, but they could turn to a controversial Texas judge.
Lynna, OM says
Josh Marshall:
Lynna, OM says
‘Democracy Is In Trouble,’ Judge Says During First Felony Sentencing For Capitol Attack
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 64.
Posted by readers of the article:
Akira MacKenzie says
@ 64
18 MONTHS!!! Everyone–and I do mean everyone–who participated, planned, and started the Jan 6 insurrection deserve far, far worse! Why doesn’t Biden just send an invitation to the fascist party that’s already plotting to lynch him when the next insurrection comes? (And it IS coming.) He’d happily do it in name of “bipartisanship” and “unity.”
Akira MacKenzie says
Addendum @ 64
Oooo… How harsh. /s
Lynna, OM says
It’s official: Republicans prioritize fat-cat tax cheaters over, well, everyone else
Lynna, OM says
Some progress on this front:
Lynna, OM says
Trump businesses made $2.4 billion during his presidency: Forbes
Let’s hope that his financial fortunes continue to fall.
Lynna, OM says
Five people shot, including ambulance crew, in Arizona attack
Lynna, OM says
Wonkette: “Fox’s Brian Kilmeade Wants Viewers To Have Freedom To Die Of COVID”
Lynna, OM says
More Cops Charged With Taking Part In Trump’s Jacklegged Coup
Lynna, OM says
Missouri Just Gonna Keep These Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners Locked Up, Because Why Not?
Lynna, OM says
Haiti’s acting prime minister Claude Joseph says he will step down amid leadership dispute.
Washington Post link
Much more at the link, including this:
Lynna, OM says
Despite the hype, iPhone security no match for NSO spyware.
Washington Post link
International investigation finds 23 Apple devices that were successfully hacked
Lynna, OM says
Canada plans to open its border to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens on August 9.
SQB says
@Salty Current, ah, my source was a press conference by his group, Viruswaarheid (“Virus Truth”), in which he simply said that there was a new Watersnoodramp (literally “flood disaster”, but the name harkens back to the Great North Sea Flood of 1953) in the only part of The Netherlands that’s above sea level, and that they have their questions about that.
And that came first to my attention because of a clip someone had made out of that, interspersing clips of the flooding with his “we have some questions about that”.
SQB says
Damn, that sucks. Really liked the guy.
I saw something similar closer to home. An acquaintance, the mother of a friend of my eldest, went from atheist to christian in the span of the pandemic. Excited to be baptised shortly. Feels like a loss.
Isilzha Mir says
A traffic stop for a missing front license plate leads to Minnesota Democrats calling for a state representative’s resignation.
This story is a bit complicated. MPR links embedded.
Democratic state representative John Thompson was pulled over by St. Paul police early the morning July 4 for a missing front license plate, which is illegal in Minnesota. As Thompson pointed out in a statement, this was a pretextual stop, since the officer didn’t charge him for the missing license plate. Instead, they ran his Wisconsin drivers license and found that Thompson had a suspended license in Minnesota (despite never having a Minnesota driver’s license) for delinquent child support. They cited him for that. Thompson is accusing the officer of racial profiling.
Thompson has since paid his delinquent child support and had his license privileges reinstated in Minnesota. However, Fox 9’s investigation for their story (I won’t link directly to Fox on principle) revealed that Thompson most recently renewed his Wisconsin driver’s license in 2020, the same year he was elected to the Minnesota House. In Minnesota, residents are required to apply for a Minnesota driver’s license within 60 days of moving to the state. Lawmakers are required to live in the districts they represent, and there seems to be some indication that Thompson’s Minnesota address isn’t in his district.
Fox 9 also revealed allegations of domestic assault and abuse, though the only case that resulted in charges (disorderly conduct) stemmed from an incident at a hospital in the Twin Cities, with a trial pending.
As a result of these assault and abuse allegations, several Minnesota Democrats including Governor Tim Walz, Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan, and House Speaker Melissa Hortman have called for Thompson to resign. At the moment, it appears Thompson is denying all allegations and is refusing to resign.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
It appears that Ingenuity, the little helicopter that could on Mars, is proving itself beyond the minimum requirements. It can range ahead of the rover Perseverance, and help it avoid sand traps like the one that killed Spirit.
Rob Grigjanis says
SC @57:
Without a doubt. There’ll be a lot more before then, but there’s a big ‘un coming in the mid 2030s, when the combination of climate-induced sea level rise and the varying inclination of the moon’s orbit around Earth could cause major tidal flooding.
Lots of not very informative articles on the subject, for example
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
He could have died himself!
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
SQB @ #78, thanks for posting the information about Engel. I wasn’t familiar with him, and I think his case is really informative regarding what’s happening now and likely to come next.
SC (Salty Current) says
Also in the Guardian:
“German flood alert system criticised for ‘monumental failure’”:
“Met Office issues first ever extreme heat warning for UK”:
“Keir Starmer expected to back purge of far-left Labour factions”:
SC (Salty Current) says
I can’t leave this out: “Having a go: US parents say Peppa Pig is giving their kids British accents.”
Tethys says
Hello to the new TET, and to it’s denizens.
It is great to be able to access the political thread too. Finding it and scrolling through hundreds of comments to reach the newest remarks is not a go
Tethys says
Hello to the new TET, and to it’s denizens.
It is great to be able to access the political thread too. Finding it and scrolling through hundreds of comments to reach the newest remarks was not working. It will be more accessible now that I can just click the recent comments.
So glad to hear Giliell is safe. The images from Germany are highly alarming. Flash flooding is a known danger in those valley communities. The drain is small, so they fill up like a sink when you get torrential rains, and then the land itself starts slipping away and creates mudslides.
Oddly it was the social justice appeal of being able to slap down misogynist trolls without fear of assault that convinced me to delurk and join the horde. The excellent logic and apparent intelligence of the commentariat is rather legendary throughout various social media platforms. I’ve even had people on FB correctly pin me as a follower of Pharyngula, generally because they said something sexist and were called on it.
Yes, I will be mean to you if you just insulted my entire gender/ liberals/ POC/ or the rainbow of LGBTQ people. I need to keep my teeth sniny, and there is an entire internet full
Tethys says
Hello to the new TET, and to it’s denizens.
It is great to be able to access the political thread too. Finding it and scrolling through hundreds of comments to reach the newest remarks was not working. It will be more accessible now that I can just click the recent comments.
So glad to hear Giliell is safe. The images from Germany are highly alarming. Flash flooding is a known danger in those valley communities. The drain is small, so they fill up like a sink when you get torrential rains, and then the land itself starts slipping away and creates mudslides.
Oddly it was the social justice appeal of being able to slap down misogynist trolls without fear of assault that convinced me to delurk and join the horde. The excellent logic and apparent intelligence of the commentariat is rather legendary throughout various social media platforms. I’ve even had people on FB correctly pin me as a follower of Pharyngula, generally because they said something sexist and were called on it.
Yes, I will be unkind to you if you just insulted my entire gender/ liberals/ POC/ or the rainbow of LGBTQ people. I need to keep my teeth sniny, and there is an entire internet full of numbskull cupcakes who all seem to fear the horde.
Its sad that it took a deranged cheeto being elected POTUS for some of these ‘liberals’ to understand that racism and sexism did not end with the civil rights movement.
Carry on!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Evidently, today is one year anniversary of Joy Reid having her prime time (6 pm et) show on MSNBC, The Reid Out.. Any SJW should check her show out if your haven’t. Poor Tuckums of Faux News is scared of her.
Tethys says
Ugh, so sorry for whatever is happening. I swear I only hit post comment once, and have no idea why or how I made such a mess.
Maybe I’ve got an infected device? *relurk
SC (Salty Current) says
No worries, Tethys.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Tucker Carlson calls MSNBC ‘effectively the Hutu radio network, ginning up race fear to mobilize the militias…shades of Kigali ’94 “we regret to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families”‘…”
For the love of fuck. Video at the link.
John Morales says
This platform’s not perfect.
When a new page is created (after 500 comments), new comments no longer show up on the ‘recent comments’ tab on the sidebar.
SC (Salty Current) says
Update long in coming – HuffPo – “Judge Guts Trump-Era Case Against Rocker Raided For Photo Shoot Promoting His Band.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “‘Now I’ve a purpose’: why more Kurdish women are choosing to fight.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Rob Grigjanis @ #82, yikes.
Tethys says
@John Morales
I’m also limited to my phone since my computer was broken, which makes navigating this site a challenge. Every blog here has unique technical bugs, which change constantly. Some days I can copy and paste, other days the system logs me out after two minutes and won’t load properly.
I don’t appreciate my phone making me look like an idiot, so I don’t comment much, but I like to read and stay informed.
SC (Salty Current) says
John Morales @ #27, I’ll always be grateful to Chris Clarke for helping me to appreciate desert ecosystems.
KG says
SC@50, SQB@52, thanks for the info.
KG says
Also SC@57, SQB@78.
KG says
Pedro Castillo makes unity plea after finally being named Peru’s next president. I must admit I thought the Peruvian establishment was stretching out the approval process until the 29th July, at which point the constitution would mandate fresh elections. Castillo is by no means an unqualified good guy – he’s economically leftish but “socially conservative” – but much better than the corrupt, extreme right alternative, Keiko Fujimori.
KG says
India’s excess deaths during Covid ‘could be 10 times official toll’. That would be about 4 million. Modi is yet another far right “populist” leader who has done atrociously badly in the pandemic, along with Trump, Bolsonaro, Putin, Orban and Johnson.
SQB says
@Nerd of Redhead (91)
Poor Tuckums is afraid of his own shadow if the sun is on his right. But thanks for the tip.
snarkrates says
That Kilmeade-Doocy interchange is a perfect example of why the glibertarian philosophy just cannot work for humans. The reason is that we are social creatures, capable of causing tremendous change in the environment around us (for good or ill), and the glibertarians are incapable of conceiving of the common good or common cause. They are in the truest sense of the word–anti-human.
If we were not social, there would be much less to worry about with humans transporting a fatal pathogen from its origin to become a global pandemic. If we were not herd animals, there would be much less worry about mutations/variants preventing us from achieving herd immunity. Such variants would tend to remain isolated near their point of origin.
Glibertarians either cannot conceive of their own actions affecting anyone else, or they do not care. They are likely to say that “your rights end at your nose,” while breathing virus infested air into our nose.
Any problem involving the common good of ourselves as a social species–public health, climate…– will prove not just beyond their ability to solve but beyond their ability to even acknowledge.
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 20 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
SC (Salty Current) says
CNN – “Twitter temporarily suspends Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for vaccine misinformation”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
snarkrates says
SC@94, I particularly like the response from Philip Gourevitch–author of a book on the Rwandan genocide, just a !.
Tuckums has lost it.
Lynna, OM says
Why Republicans don’t really need ‘more time’ on infrastructure
Republicans say they need “a little bit more time” before a bipartisan infrastructure package advances. It’s a tough line to take seriously.
Yep. That’s a warning light. The Republicans are just following their “18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done” tactic to defeat Joe Biden. Don’t fall for it.
KG says
Today’s UK Covid-19 figures. The death toll of 96 is the highest for almost 4 months.
Lynna, OM says
Rand Paul makes an odd case against rescuing Afghan translators
Afghan interpreters put their lives on the line, assuming we’d look out for them. Rand Paul would apparently leave them behind.
SC (Salty Current) says
From the Guardian Pegasus series:
“Pegasus: NSO clients spying disclosures prompt political rows across world”:
“Modi accused of treason by opposition over India spyware disclosures”:
Lynna, OM says
In their case against the tax police, GOP pushes fake ‘scandal’
Years later, Republicans either don’t remember how the IRS “scandal” turned out, or they’re counting on you to not remember how the story turned out.
Lynna, OM says
The problem with Kevin McCarthy’s GOP picks for the Jan. 6 probe
It’s tough to imagine how McCarthy’s selections for the committee will help advance the interests of the investigation into January’s insurrectionist riot.
SQB says
@KG (104)
I’m not sure if the political system has much to do with it. I happened across an interesting study by the Lowy Institute that analysed various factors in covid-19 responses.
New Zealand has done very well, but so has Vietnam, or at least until about a month ago, while countries like Switzerland and The Netherlands have done much worse. So while I agree that both of Trump’s and Bolsonaro’s responses have been atrocious, it’s not as clear-cut as that.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 115.
In GOP Opposition To Beefing Up IRS Enforcement, Shades Of A Fake, Obama-Era Zombie Scandal
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
Lynna, OM says
Fox News weirdness:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “Colombia under fire for backing Cuba protests while stifling dissent at home”:
More at the link.
Lynna, OM says
Pillow Man thinks Trump won California, because Pillow Man is out of his pillowy mind
BTW, I forgot to provide a link in comment 120. Here is that link.
Lynna, OM says
Ted Cruz is full of shit (and racist to boot):
SQB says
Was markdown always available? I recall using the proper html tags back in the day, which is a pain on mobile.
SQB says
@Lynna (124)
When has that ever stopped him or any other Trumpian? It has to make their followers feel good, truth isn’t even secondary.
Lynna, OM says
SQB, true. I still bother to post facts that debunk trumpian lies.
In other news: How Bad Is the Bootleg Fire? It’s Generating Its Own Weather.
New York Times link
Unpredictable winds, fire clouds that spawn lightning, and flames that leap over firebreaks are confounding efforts to fight the blaze, which is sweeping through southern Oregon.
SC (Salty Current) says
Matthew Remski at Medium – “Eating Raw Meat, Dreaming of Fatherhood: A study in muscular conspirituality.”
Akira MacKenzie says
No, it won’t. The rubes will declare Hannity and FOX to be compromised by the Deep State/Chi-Com/Satanic Cabal and start getting their “news” from sources they trust: OAN, NewsMax, InfoWars, etc..
SC (Salty Current) says
Tweet o’ the day.
SC (Salty Current) says
Totally fucked up.
Lynna, OM says
SQB, @126, true enough. Still, I continue to post information that debunks the trumpian lies.
Lynna, OM says
Following a recent pattern, a judge in Georgia dismissed a lawsuit that sought to overturn Democratic Sens. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff victories. The case was filed by a local voter pushing conspiracy theories about Dominion Voting System machines.
Atlanta Journal Constitution link
Lynna, OM says
Rachel Maddow noted on the show last night that Donald Trump’s political operation really did pay people to attend his campaign launch event in June 2015, despite all of the denials at the time.
The video is about six minutes long. It’s good.
SC (Salty Current) says
MMFA – “Despite Facebook’s COVID-19 promises, anti-vaccine groups are thriving”:
Descriptions of these six groups with illustrative screenshots atl.
Lynna, OM says
Yeah, Rand Paul got his TV time, and he propagated his lie yet again. Fauci was good at shutting Rand Paul down, but I doubt that that will matter to the conspiracy theorists.
SQB says
@Lynna (133)
It’s always projection, isn’t it? In this case, the accusations of hiring crisis actors.
“It’s what we did/do/would do, so you must be doing it if you’re in the position to do so.”
Accusations of rigged votes, crisis actors, paedophilia, fake news, anything. All projection. Time and time again shows they are the ones to do it.
So if I were a USAnian, I’d be very concerned about their accusations of death camps and the like they threw around during Obama’s term. Because that means they would do it.
SC (Salty Current) says
Raw Story – “Unvaccinated Trump supporter who spread coronavirus conspiracy theories dies of COVID-19”:
She spent the last several weeks of her life on a ventilator in a coma.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comments 8, 30, 76, and 114.
On the list: Ten prime ministers, three presidents and a king.
Washington Post link
Among 50,000 phone numbers, the Pegasus Project found those of hundreds of public officials.
snarkrates says
On Faux News “turnaround” on vaccines: ” It’s unclear what prompted the network’s sudden change,…”
Bullshit. It’s the only thing that ever motivates them–fear that they will eventually be found out for the sociopathic scam artists that they are. Every once in a while, when they are facing legal action or the criticism is getting a little too hot, they will back track. They’ll say, “Oh, we’re not a news organization, we’re in the business of entertainment…” Or they’ll say, “How could any responsible person in his or her right mind take seriously the turds dropping from the mouth of Tucker/Laura/Hannity/Billdo…?” Or they’ll admit on one program that Biden won while continuing to sell the Big Lie everywhere else.
Basically, the Murdoch’s know they have the market cornered on scamming stupid people. They’ll do anything they can to preserve that.
SC (Salty Current) says
“The videos shared on Chinese social media about the floodings in Henan following the heavy rain really show the severity of the situation. These are some of them….”
Videos at the link. Nightmarish.
BBC – “China floods: Passengers stuck in waist-high water on train.”
SQB says
@SC (130)
I think Swalwell hits the nail right on the head there. And it’s disgusting.
Lynna, OM says
Oh, FFS.
Washington Post link
SC (Salty Current) says
“Jeff Bezos thanking Amazon employees for paying for shooting his penis rocket into space for 10 minutes as those same employees are overworked to death in his warehouses for starvation wages is quintessential Gilded Age 2.0
If you haven’t seen it, prepare to feel a profound and consuming rage:…”
SC (Salty Current) says
Related to #55 – the AP has appended this to their report on Ross: “This story has been corrected to reflect that the decision not to prosecute Ross was made by the Department of Justice during the Trump administration, not the Biden administration.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Dave Neiwert at Daily Kos – “Gaslighting right-wing pundits double down on claiming Jan. 6 siege ‘wasn’t an insurrection’”:
Much more atl.
SC (Salty Current) says
An early follow-up to #57 – Vice – “Conspiracy Theorists Think a Town Destroyed by Wildfire Was Decimated by a Massive Laser”:
SC (Salty Current) says
CNN – “Trump ally Tom Barrack charged with acting as an agent of a foreign government”:
Lynna, OM says
SC @144, thank you for that correction! That’s important.
SC @146, OMG. Too stupid to be believed.
In text quoted by SC in comment 147:
Yeah, that part is really interesting. Barrack and his cronies were still close to Trump, and still advising Trump (pushing the gullible Trump around) after Trump was elected. They mad a UAE “wish list” to guide US foreign policy! Holy fuck.
Lynna, OM says
From Steve Benen:
Not mentioned above: Five (5!) of Trump’s Cabinet Secretaries were referred to the Justice Department for possible criminal prosecution, but Bill Barr (and other Trump Attorneys General) refused to prosecute them.
Lynna, OM says
Josh Marshall:
Rich and unethical.
SC (Salty Current) says
Lynna @ #148, it’s quite something!
Reading the indictment now…:
These assholes were down with a racist policy of exclusion and happy to sell out millions of their fellow Muslims as long as they could promote themselves as the “good” ones.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Barrack introduced Yousef al Otaiba and Jared Kushner, a key relationship that shaped much of Mideast policy going forward from there”
SC (Salty Current) says
“One of the mysteries of Trump’s first six months was why the administration came out of the gate so hot for Saudi and UAE–with Trump traveling to Saudi Arabia and then going along with the Qatar blockade. The Tom Barrack indictment explains a lot.”
Feels like there’s more about Kushner and Ivanka to come out of this…
SC (Salty Current) says
Who’s the congressman they wanted to make ambassador to the UAE? Is this known?
Nunes? :)
SC (Salty Current) says
Mnuchin now has an investment fund backed by the UAE among other Middle East regimes.
SC (Salty Current) says
“‘If there is anybody out there willing to listen: Get vaccinated’, Mitch McConnell says. ‘These shots need to get in everybody’s arms as rapidly as possible, or we’re going to be back in a situation in the fall that we don’t yearn for’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
France 24 – “Chinese army warns dam battered by storms could collapse”:
KG says
I wonder if these floods will persuade the Chinese authorities to stop building coal-fired power-stations.
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 21 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
SC (Salty Current) says
“NEW: Florida reports 24,017 new coronavirus cases for the past 3 days, up 57% compared to the same period last week”
Hospitalizations are also rising steeply.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Emirati Official 1 = MbZ
Emirati Official 2 = Tahnoun Bin Zayed (UAE National Security Advisor)
These are the Emirati officials Barrack praised in his Bloomberg interview on September 27, 2016 [Minute 31:51]:…”
SC (Salty Current) says
CNN – “Running as equals: The elite athletes fighting for acceptance.”
SC (Salty Current) says
From the Guardian world liveblog: “Labour leader Keir Starmer is self-isolating after one of his children tested positive.”
SC (Salty Current) says
NBC – “Covid plus overdose deaths drove down life expectancy in 2020”:
Akira MacKenzie says
@ KG
I’m sure they’ll be about as persuasive as North American heat domes and Arctic wildfires are to our government officials and energy conglomerates.
KG says
Akira MacKenzie@165,
You may be right. But the Chinese Communist Party plans to be in power for a long time, and while there are certainly commerical and official special interests pushing for the continued building of coal-fired power stations, they may be more easily controlled than American fossil fuel interests. We’ll see.
SC (Salty Current) says
“[eyes emojis] these numbers from @DataProgress: 80% (!) of AZ Dems say they’ll ‘definitely’ vote in a 2024 Senate primary. Asked who they’ll support, 22% say they’ll vote for Sinema, while 66% (!) say they will vote ‘for a different candidate who would get rid of the filibuster’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
AL[dot]com – “‘I’m sorry, but it’s too late’: Alabama doctor on treating unvaccinated, dying COVID patients”:
More atl.
Akira MacKenzie says
I’m sure the overt capitalists* in the west also want their financial dynasties to be passed on to their feckless, spoiled, crotch-spawn, but that doesn’t stop them from turning this planet into a greenhouse hellhole.
*Fun Fact: “Maoist” China, the vanguard of the proletariat revolution against class and privilege, has now more billionaires than the U.S.
Lynna, OM says
Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) Republican primary rivals will reportedly gather at one of Donald Trump’s golf clubs next week, seeking the former president’s blessing. As the Associated Press reported, the Wyoming congresswoman has at least seven GOP challengers, and it’s not yet clear how many of them will show up to kiss Trump’s ring in New Jersey.
Associated Press link
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
What a doofus: The funny contradiction at the heart of Pompeo’s attack on Dems
Pompeo believes Democrats are communist sympathizers in league with elite financial institutions. No, seriously, that’s his latest pitch.
SC (Salty Current) says
In news today from the conspiracy buffet – JPost – “‘Jews are behind the pandemic’ chanted at anti-vaccine protest in Poland”:
KG says
Lynna, OM@172,
Hitler called from Hell – he wants proper acknowledgement from Mike Pompeo that he had the idea of claiming big financial institutions and communists (the Rothschilds and “Jewish Bolsheviks”) were in league nearly a century ago!
KG says
Akira Mackenzie@169,
As I said, we’ll see. But the cultural and institutional context is different. American capitalists like to think they are buccaneering individualists, ruthlessly competing against each other. The Chinese Communist Party, despite the number of Chinese billionaires, retains control of the “commanding heights” of the economy, notably banking, and likes to believe it acts in the interests of the Chinese people.
tomh says
Pelosi rejects GOP’s Banks, Jordan for Jan. 6 select committee, saying they may jeopardize ‘integrity of the investigation’
By Marianna Sotomayor
Today at 12:50 p.m. EDT
Lynna, OM says
KG. Ha! Good point.
In other news: GOP hearing on race in schools excludes Black speakers
Lynna, OM says
Republicans ready to filibuster bipartisanship on infrastructure efforts
Lynna, OM says
The delta variant doesn’t give a flying #@$% if you’re tired of hearing about COVID-19
Lynna, OM says
It’s all about raking in money.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to tomh @176.
Pelosi rejects two GOP picks for Jan. 6 investigatory committee
House Republicans wanted two anti-election members to serve on the Jan. 6 investigatory committee. Speaker Nancy Pelosi understandably refused.
Lynna, OM says
McConnell Floats New Plan To Derail Infrastructure Talks: Hold The Debt Ceiling Hostage
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comments 176 and 181.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 182.
Lynna, OM says
‘End this terror and release all detainees’: Advocates shut down New Jersey ‘ICE black site’
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
This is excellent:
Video is available at the link.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 187.
Lynna, OM says
Wonkette link
SC (Salty Current) says
From the Guardian world liveblog nighttime summary:
blf says
As multiple previous comments in this new thread, and in the previous edition of the thread, have said, here in France, starting early-August, a “Health Pass” — proof of full vaccination, immunity, or a recent negative test — would become mandatory for quite a range of activities, including going to a bar, café, or restaurant (activities very much a part of French life!). President Macron’s clearly stated intention was to encourage people to get vaccinated — at the time, only c.40% were fully-vaccinated and the daily rate of vaccinations was dropping whilst Delta cases were increasingly rapidly — which worked, about one million people signed up for vaccinations within a day, and somewhere around four million in total since. (All figures from memory.) Some other measures were also announced (e.g., mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers).
As might be expected, there were protests. The initial protests were a flop (c.22,000 people, total, nationwide); and, initially, it was mostly just hardcore anti-vaxxers and teh nazis who were objecting. Last Saturday, however, were additional protests, with (again, from memory!) c.180,000 nationally, including a substantial number in Paris. This time around, they were joined by “teh far left” (who seem to be objecting, based on a few quick skims of some of their nonsense, to the profits the vaccine companies are making (combined with a much more serious point about vaccines not being readily available in most of the world)). Teh nazis are screaming about
and and so on. As far as I am currently aware, perhaps only the point about vaccine unavailability in much of the world has significant merit, albeit that problem has nothing whatsoever to do with the Health Pass.What startled me was there was a protest march in the Mediterranean seaside village where I live; that’s a bit unusual to begin with, but it was the second largest I can ever remember seeing in the village — my own estimate is over 100 peope (all maskless), and possibly close to 200. (For comparison, the biggest ever was after the Charlie Hebdo murders, when the entire esplanade was filled with marchers, perhaps an order of magnitude bigger that the anti-Health Pass nutters march.) Based on the mostly illegible signs I saw (and the chanting), this group had a noticeable nazi presence (not too surprising as, sadly, this is le penazi territory, albeit fortunately none are in power in the immediate area). I gave then the fieriest glare I could muster behind a mask after just finishing a nice rum.
Currently, c.45% nationwide are fully-vaccinated (but only c.35% in my immediate area!), Delta is now roughly 90% of all new cases (which I presume are almost entirely in the vaccinated). Daily cases have soared from around 3,000 to 20,000 over the space of about two weeks; fortunately, ICU occupancy is still low. The Big Shock I had this morning when glancing through the figures was R in my area is now well over 2 (France as-a-whole is not quite 2), and continuing to increase, with an incidence rate of over 170 per 100,000 people (about 90 nationwide).
I myself am fully equipped with magnetic microchips, which in my case, have also attracted kamikaze (or at least erratically piloted) pigeons. And despite the heat, I am wearing a mask indoors and in crowded situations, washing hands, etc., and still rather nervous about not being socially distanced when there is no obvious reason not to be.
blf says
Minor follow-up to @191: As noted in Conspiracy theories fuel French opposition to Covid-19 ‘health pass’, a very recent poll indicates c.60% approve of the Health Pass measures. The article notes the loonytarians were also protesting.
And I (unsurprisingly) did get a number wrong, it was c.114,000 (not 180,000) who protested nationwide last Saturday with c.18,000 in Paris (roughly as many people who protested nationwide the previous week). Sorry (maybe a side-effect of low-lying pigeons?)!
blf says
Apparently, at the farce known as the Tokyo Olympic Superspread, their “official” “social media” propaganda were instructed to not shown images of people taking the knee. The Grauniad found out (please support the Grauniad if you can!), and the powers-that-superspread caved, Tokyo 2020 U-turn allows social media teams to show athletes taking the knee:
Yet —”the IOC […] celebrates iconic pictures of protest”, e.g., Tommie Smith and John Carlos on the medal podium during the 1968 games, but “sanctions are still threatened for any protests made on the medal podium” — despite relaxing rule 50.
blf says
And another hair furor scam, Magacoin: pro-Trump cryptocurrency attracts over 1,000 people to sign up:
† Not set in
since “[designed] for the MAGA community” does seem an apt description of a scam with poor security, run by shysters, prompted by the pompous who mostly (see the article) have “invested” in the scam the scam’s own “free gifts”. Not to mention the scam claims to be a crypto-“currency”, which themselves are planet-endangering scams (the amount of electrical power being wasted world-wide to “mine” these scams is phenomenal, and very Very probably contributing to the Global Climate Catastrophe).SC (Salty Current) says
CNN – “Myanmar doctors in hiding and hunted by the junta as Covid crisis ravages the country”:
More atl.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “Eric Clapton refuses to play venues that require proof of vaccination”:
Well done, contemptuous scorners. (Here again – the one-star review of Morrison’s latest album.)
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 22 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
Their morning summary:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “YouTube pulls Jair Bolsonaro videos for Covid-19 misinformation”:
birgerjohansson says
Trigger warning.
Christian fundies can be kooks, but their opposite numbers in the islamic world really take things to eleven.
Most muslims do NOT live under strict sharia law, nor would they want to, if their imams were honest telling them about what their scripure dictates!
-David Wood is a Christian apologist that sometimes can go over the top, but is scrupulously honest when reporting aspects of islamic scripture.
This time, he caught a social media post by an imam living in California who declared his theological support for offensive jihad; subjugating Christians (and presumably jews), and -if they refuse to pay the jizya (tax for non-muslims) violently subjugate them and taking their women and children as slaves.
When Wood confronted him, he denied writing the post.
But later in an online debate, he made it clear that he interpreted scripture as advocating the subjugation of Christians and the taking of slaves.
(when non-muslims do not pay the Jizya –[not-being-muslim tax] the community has the right to consficate the men’s property [women and children] in lieu of cash)
birgerjohansson says
Next video -the empire of stupid strikes back: ‘What Would Happen to David Wood under Islamic Law?’
David Wood: “After my recent video about the deception of Shaykh Uthman ibn Farooq, our friend Mansur said that, under Islamic Law, I must be executed. Interestingly, Mansur claims that I must be executed EVEN IF I REPENT!”
birgerjohansson says
Third video. It is nice to find someone who does not sugarcoat what scripture says.
Basically, Sharia is what hardcore Christans have wanted for themselves since the Inquisition was disbanded.
“Honest Muslim Explains Sharia Blasphemy Laws https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gzbf0t2TJvU
birgerjohansson says
Here is the last post about dawah and taqiyya. The latter word means under some specific circumstances muslims may deceive non-believers.
Since muslims in America are protected by the First Amendment, this muslim scholar states that sheikh Uthman may not lie to deceive the unbeleivers about the consequences of sharia, and he may certainly not lie to other muslims.
A honest answer, but -by Ctulhu’s scrotal tentacles- an imam that lives by this rule while working in a western country is NOT going to be popular.
”Honest Muslim Explains Taqiyya”
birgerjohansson says
‘the “culture of lawlessness” surrounding the former president keeps getting worse’
He could be writing about the government of BoJo the incompetent.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “China floods: death toll climbs as questions raised over preparedness”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
New episode of Straight White American Jesus – “Biblical Commas? On Controlling Textual, National, and Physical Bodies”:
SC (Salty Current) says
I highly recommend Summer of Soul. It’s on Hulu and in theaters.
SC (Salty Current) says
SC (Salty Current) says
What a slap in the face to the people who saved his life.
birgerjohansson says
SC @ 206
To show that the OT has been retconned from here to infinity, read
The Memoirs of God (Smith).
För the NT, pick up any book by Bart Ehrman.
Strachan is just another charlatan babbling about how the Bible is inerrant (which is what the muslims claim about the koran, BTW).
blf says
Follow-up of sorts to SC@205… Until the Reuters report () I hadn’t seen the so-called “yellow vest” eejits involved in the anti-Health Pass protests. It doesn’t surprise me, that is about as fake of a “popular movment” as possible. It started as a protest by the trucking industry against fuel taxes, and then mushroomed into a hodgepodge of lunatics from all the dark corners of socialpolitical non-thought. So having anti-vaxxers, etc., glued on isn’t much of a surprise. : French protest against COVID health pass
As per @192, the Health Pass measures are notably popular (c.60% approve).
Lynna, OM says
With the GOP stymying an infrastructure debate, what happens now?
Senate Dems needed 10 Republican votes to advance a bipartisan infrastructure framework. They got zero. This leaves us with three key questions.
blf says
Tommy Robinson[Stephen Yaxley-Lennon] loses libel case brought by Syrian schoolboy:Lynna, OM says
One year later, Ted Cruz haunted by ridiculous COVID prediction
A year ago today, Cruz said state and local Democrats were effectively engaging in a sociopathic election scam. He was tragically, spectacularly wrong.
Lynna, OM says
What Republicans hope to accomplish with their own Jan. 6 probe
House Republicans say they’ll have their own Jan. 6 “investigation.” Its apparent goal: Find a way to blame the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Key member of bishops’ group that wanted to deny Biden communion resigns after Grindr use exposed
tomh says
Brennan Center:
Voting Laws Roundup: July 2021
July 22, 2021
Details and maps at the link
Lynna, OM says
Awww. They are losing money. So sad.
The Matt Gaetz-Marjorie Taylor Greene Fundraising Tour Is Actually a Cash Fire
Are they scamming themselves … and not just scamming trumpian cult followers?
blf says
Right-Wing Broadcaster Stew Peters Again Says Dr Anthony Fauci Should Be Executed:
I’d not heard that “graphene oxide” assertion before. Apparently, it’s one of the latest fads being pushed by the hardcore anti-vaxxers, which is so silly even Forbes does the snark, Graphene Oxide In Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines? Here Are The Latest Unsupported Claims:
Apparently, “Ruby has doctorate in psychology not medicine.”
I would be more inclined to take the word — or even the bark — of a Spanish dog than an anti-vaxxer, loonytarian, or penguin who doesn’t eat cheese.
Graphene oxide (GO) is a real substance. I have no idea at what level it is toxic (“the dose makes the poison”, so at some level it will become toxic). Apparently, it has “broad spectrum antiviral activity that includes pseudorabies virus (PRV), porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), and herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV‐1)” (Could graphene oxide nanosheets be an effective SARS-CoV-2 antiviral in PPE?, May 2021). Whether or not these recent reports and the bonkers recent assertions are linked, I have no idea — but it is tempting to speculate an overheated conspiratorial anti-vaxx imagination did, somehow, draw the “conclusion” that because GO is intriguing, it “must” be what the vaccine is made entirely of!
blf says
From the Grauniad’s current States political live blog:
SC (Salty Current) says
From the Guardian US-politics liveblog (linked @ #221):
SC (Salty Current) says
More atl.
SC (Salty Current) says
Somewhat related to part of blf’s #220 – NBC – “Anti-vaccine groups changing into ‘dance parties’ on Facebook to avoid detection”:
SC (Salty Current) says
This whole thread by Brian Beutler is worthwhile.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Thursday just in: +661K doses reported administered over yesterday’s total. Includes 397K newly vaccinated. Continuing to see many states with higher case rates have increases in people initiating vaccination, relative to the rest of the US. Never [too] late to build immunity!”
SC (Salty Current) says
Sen. Whitehouse’s Twitter thread re #222:
Lynna, OM says
Kevin McCarthy’s misguided decisions keep piling up
Kevin McCarthy has made quite a few decisions related to the 2020 elections and the Jan. 6 attack. They’ve all been wrong.
Lynna, OM says
Missouri Supreme Court rules in favor of Medicaid expansion
Good news.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyers say the new revelations show the FBI investigation into Justice Kavanaugh was a sham.
‘Not only did the FBI refuse to interview Dr. Ford or the corroborators….it failed to act on the over 4,500 tips it received about then-nominee Kavanaugh’.
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) says the FBI ran a ‘fake tip line that never got properly reviewed, that was presumably not even conducted in good faith’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
MMFA – “Sean Hannity assures audience he’s ‘not urging people to get the COVID-19 vaccine’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
There’s been a shooting in DC, near the restaurant Le Diplomate.
“#Breaking @DCPoliceDept confirm 2 adult males shot, both are conscious and breathing, 1 male shot in the arm 1 shot in the chest.
#Breaking per @MikevWUSA law enforcement sources
Shooting appears to be TARGETED, not random
Call initially came in of someone shooting at another person, chasing after them
LOOKOUT for black sedan which fled the scene”
Jim Acosta from CNN has video from nearby – you can hear the shots.
SC (Salty Current) says
“I was inside Mexicue [DC restaurant where one person was shot] tonight when this happened. I am safe. But I thought I was going to die. It was the scariest moment of my life. Every day people feel the way I did, texting my parents that I love them. I’ve never been angrier at my country for allowing this shit to go on.”
tomh says
Mississippi asks Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade in upcoming case
By Robert Barnes
July 22, 2021
tomh says
Followup to #235
A NYT analysis shows that ten states have passed so-called trigger laws, which would automatically ban all abortions when Roe is overturned. Twelve more are considered highly likely to pass new abortion bans once Roe is gone.
lumipuna says
Some general thoughts on Covid-19 and vaccination:
Over the last couple months, I’ve seen countless mentions in US media and social media of the reports that vast majority (some 98-99 %) of people dying of Covid-19 in US are unvaccinated (implicitly, by their own choice at this point). This figure usually isn’t contrasted with how many US people actually are unvaccinated, though I gather it’s much less than half in high risk adults (ie. the people who usually die from from Covid-19).
Obviously, this topic wasn’t relevant earlier in the spring, when not all adults (or even all high risk adults) had access to vaccination yet. Presumably, when the vaccination campaign started, 100 % of people dying from Covid-19 were unvaccinated.
Now, in this article I saw:
Why last six months? AFAIK, the people who died during this period mostly died in January/February, when deaths were still very high and vaccination was scarce. It’s not very representative of the current US situation, I think. Presumably, great majority of deaths are still in unvaccinated people, but not as much as 99 %.
In general, these figures do show that vaccination is highly effective in preventing deaths. Especially if it is true that high risk people do have a really high vaccination rate, higher than the general adult population. Recently, some report from UK allegedly claimed that slightly over half of the deaths in some study were in fact vaccinated people. This bit has been doing rounds as anti-vaccine propaganda, and it does seem somewhat odd to me. Then again, perhaps nearly all high risk people in UK are vaccinated?
In US, it’s probably less than “nearly all”, since I gather that many older Americans are politically aligned with the Covid-19 party. This would explain the relatively large number of unvaccinated people who are still dying from the disease. Apparently in UK, people’s vaccine uptake depends mainly on being young vs. old, whereas in US it often falls along party lines.
SC (Salty Current) says
Fintan O’Toole in the Guardian – “Why is the Northern Ireland protocol still an issue? Actions have consequences”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 23 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From their morning summary:
KG says
Yes, they are. The vaccination programme is about the only thing the UK has got more or less right. It has worked systematically through the population from higher to lower risk, and take-up was high, especially in the highest-risk groups. Here’s a brief article from last month.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “Belarus NGOs condemn government crackdown after ‘black week’ of raids”:
SC (Salty Current) says
From yesterday’s DN! headlines:
blf says
US civil rights activist Jesse Jackson awarded France’s Légion d’Honneur“, Jackson was appointed commander of the Légion d’Honneur, one of the highest ranks in the distinction.”
blf says
Recently, in the This cannot end well, Tennessee thread here at FtB, poopyhead took Tennessee’s thugs (Republicans) to task for effectively prohibiting all (adolescent) vaccination outreach programmes, and almost abolishing the state’s Dept of Health. Unsurprisingly, there is a wider push by the thugs to severely limit what each individual state’s Dept of Health can do, Republican bid to limit health officials could cause ‘preventable tragedies’ — experts (Grauniad edits in {curly braces}):
For some rare good news about Missouri, see Lynna@230.
SC (Salty Current) says
Yesterday’s tweet o’ the day.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
johnson catman says
re blf @244: The republicans in the US are determined to kill as many people as possible in the name of “freedumb” at the expense of public health. My greatest hope is that the majority of those killed will be individuals who vote for republicans. Unfortunately, there are bound to be people killed who disagree with those “freedumb” principles.
SC (Salty Current) says
blf says
Via la France! Here’s an amusing (since, in this case, no-one was hurt, fortunately) way to obtain cafe, French drivers pull over to grab coffee after capsule spill (possibly paywalled):
I’m not very keen on paying Nestlé anything, and have been boycotting them since the last millennium. So I’m not at all bothered by them not getting paid in these circumstances. I am bothered that these were capsules, which don’t seem environmentally friendly, albeit the issue is complex (e.g., Turns out coffee pods are actually pretty good for the environment (2019); and The good, the bad and the ugly: sustainability at Nespresso (2015, “The single-serve coffee maker supports growers, but also creates a lot of waste. Its story illustrates the power and limitations of corporate sustainability programs”)).
blf says
Addendum to @249, one more link (I ran into poopyhead’s link-limit) about the environmental impacts of capsule cafe, How Nespresso’s coffee revolution got ground down (2020).
SC (Salty Current) says
From today’s DN! headlines:
blf says
The French anti-Health Pass protestors will be back this weekend. According to Health passport protesters back on the streets of Paris this weekend (possibly paywalled), at least in Paris, the protests will actually be “yellow vest” (see @212), and are “expected to be small by French standards”.
However, “following President Emmanuel Macron’s TV address on July 12th, nearly six million people have booked vaccine appointments. More than 300,000 appointments have been made every day over the past week.”
blf says
US prosperity weakened by COVID-19, mass shootings, report finds:
SQB says
@BLF (249, 250)
Here’s a rather interesting talk about Nespresso Mules.
Lynna, OM says
SC @238: “Performative belligerence is not bounded by the limits of what can be achieved. Its main function, indeed, is the denial of reality….” Quite right. That description, which was applied to some U.K. politicians, is so apt for some doofuses in the USA. “Performative belligerence” aptly describes Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene and so many others. I am reminded of congressman Eric Swalwell comparing some of his Republican colleagues to World Wrestling Federation (WWF) stars who are good at faking a fight, and good at bombast. It’s all show, with very little substance.
Unfortunately, other people take their performative belligerence seriously, and then you end up with insurrectionists attacking the Capitol.
Like Liz Cheney said to Jim Jordan, “You fucking did this.”
Lynna, OM says
SQB @254, we don’t embed YouTube videos in this thread. Too many embedded videos can make the thread too slow to load. Next time, please include a YouTube link that is encased in the usual html brackets defining a link.
lumipuna says
BTW, what’s the HTML code (sans brackets) for a video link?
lumipuna says
KG at 240 – Thanks!
tomh says
Alabama governor: “It’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks”
Kierra Frazier
3 hours ago
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
Vice – “Breast Cancer Patient Attacked by Violent Anti-Mask Protest Outside Clinic”:
blf says
lumipuna@257, “what’s the HTML code […] for a video link?”
Exactly the same as any other link:
<a href="URL">text (e.g., title)</a>
Under some conditions the “raw”
can be used, but I don’t recommend it. E.g., for videos (e.g., Youtube), the URLs are meaningless, and is also (one of) the ways the video itself can be embedded.Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
A mask is an aerosol filter. It takes an act of political imagination to make it anything else.
Something has been tugging at my mind for a bit, it was the timing of Trump’s references to bleach and UV. I think he got a talk on disinfectants and I’m still trying to figure out the impulse that led to him thinking they could be used internally.
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
Re: SC 262
“You’ve got a lot of anger you need to release. It’s a very dangerous emotion.”
The cancer survivor was clearly expressing justified anger in a controlled manner, and the mask paranoid person just ignored the content of the anger and attacked the anger.
They can’t deal with justified anger. They have to be the ones controlling the anger. My parents are the same. Anger for them, not for me. Instead of engaging with my anger after a lifetime of responding to theirs they tried to get me to post more nice things on facebook.
We can win this.
SC (Salty Current) says
AP – “AP-NORC poll: Most unvaccinated Americans don’t want shots”:
blf says
Re Brony@264, On the possible source of hair furor’s bleach (actually, disinfectant) and UV crackpot ideas, Leader behind bleach ‘miracle cure’ claims Trump consumed his product (June 2021):
There’s no compelling reason to believe Grenon — e.g., it seems rather unlikely security would let bottles of a mysterious substance into the Wacko House.
Politico thinks it was a case of hair furor misunderstanding what he was told just before the briefing, It’s been exactly one year since Trump suggested injecting bleach. We’ve never been the same (April 2021):
Akira MacKenzie says
@ 262
It’s a common tactic on the right to cast their opponents as being “angry” or “hysterical” while they are coming to their position out of calm reason or even happiness and optimism. (Of course, on the other hand, their anger is completely justifiable.)
blf says
Angry Brazilians dress as reptiles for their Covid jabs to mock Bolsonaro:
I suppose in the States the equivalent would be wearing a bottle of bleach with a genuine Acme UV enema machine.
Lynna, OM says
SC @234, my daughter was within about 100 yards when this happened on July 21:
My daughter was not injured. That was way too close.
SC (Salty Current) says
Lynna @ #270, OMG! I’m so glad she’s OK. What a scare.
Lynna, OM says
SC @271, right. I’m not over the scare yet and I wasn’t even there. My daughter used an SUV for cover. I just can’t imagine.
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Another Republican leaves the party:
New Jersey Globe link
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
@blf 267
I must have missed that one. The “quick fix” instinct is the closet so far.
Lynna, OM says
Republican leaders struggle to keep their vaccine story straight
House GOP leaders called a press conference “to discuss the need for individuals to get vaccinated.” Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.
Lynna, OM says
Poll: Most in GOP see voting as a ‘privilege’ that can be limited
Democrats and Republicans aren’t simply engaged in a debate over voting rights. There’s a deeper question about whether the fundamental right even exists.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to SC’s comments 223, 228 and 231.
Why the new revelations about the FBI’s Kavanaugh inquiry matter
Lynna, OM says
How Trump’s PAC is misleading its unsuspecting donors (again)
The problem is not just that Trump’s PAC is deceiving its donors about where its money is going. The problem is that his PAC is doing this again.
SC (Salty Current) says
Gizmodo – “10 Wind Energy Stock Photos That Make Me Extremely Uncomfortable.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Tweet o’ the day.
blf says
The Onion:
● Bat-Wielding Jim Jordan Bursts Through Capitol Window Demanding To Be Allowed Onto January 6 Committee:
● Republicans Worried Blind Worship Of Trump Overriding Traditional Values Like Blind Worship Of Reagan:
Lynna, OM says
TN Resumes Most Vaccine Outreach Halted After GOP Hysteria Over Ads Aimed At Kids
Okay. Good news, sort of. Republicans did something extremely stupid, counterproductive and dangerous. They got a shit-ton of pushback, so they changed their minds a little bit. Activism works, but Republicans are still roadblocks in the way.
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
@Akira MacKenzie 268
It gets clearer and clearer to see in many domains of bigotry.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 283.
Posted by readers of the article:
SC (Salty Current) says
Update! – Tennessean – “Tennessee to restart nearly all vaccine outreach paused amid GOP pressure, says health commissioner”:
LOL, sure.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Friday just in: +600K doses reported administered over yesterday’s total, incl. 363K newly vaccinated. In the past 7 days, 2.15M reported newly vaccinated, vs. 1.88M the 7 days prior (+14%). The delta variant is highly contagious and circulating across the US. Get vaccinated!”
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Diane Yentel:
She was responding to this post from Jeff Stein:
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 289.
Lynna, OM says
Republicans say agreement is close. Except for transit. And broadband. And stealing COVID funds
lumipuna says
Testing tags
This blog’s main page
Lynna, OM says
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
“Inbox: St. Louis city and county to reinstate their mask mandate for all indoor public places, starting Monday”
(Why is there always a lag time with these things? Why can’t it start tomorrow?)
Lynna, OM says
What Hair Furor said earlier about COVID-19, a summary:
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Good news posted by NBC News:
Good news posted by The Washington Post:
Good news post by The Tennessean:
SC (Salty Current) says
New New Books in History episode – “Devil’s Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past”:
This touches on so many interesting topics it’s almost overwhelming.
SC (Salty Current) says
New Decoding the Gurus episode – “Carl Sagan: My God, it’s full of stars”:
lotharloo says
Activision/blizzard is under lawsuit for discrimination and other shitty stuff. Link to a reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/op2t7q/blizzard_under_suit_for_massive_discrimination/
Some of the details are honestly among the worst I have ever heard.
Lynna, OM says
Good News: Voting Rights Roundup: Louisiana GOP fails to override Democratic vetoes of voting restriction bills
Good news from Massachusetts:
Good news from New York:
Lynna, OM says
The Biden Administration Just Canceled More Border Wall Contracts
Lynna, OM says
Woman Who Doesn’t Actually Hate Workers To Lead National Labor Relations Board
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
A little while ago I stumbled into some information about court jesters that made possibilities about “clown society” and tourette syndrome more clear. I posted a blog because I couldn’t find this link at the time. This video explained about “licensed fools” and “natural fools”. A natural fool in the medieval sense doesn’t sound that bad.
KG says
To my surprise, the last few days have seen a fall in confirmed UK Covid-19 cases (relative to a week ago), although hospital admissions and deaths have continued to rise. This could be due some combination of the end of Euro2020, schools closing for summer (although it’s rather soon for that in most cases), the sheer number of people “pinged” by the NHS app warning people they have been in close contact with an infected peson and should self-isolate, people being more cautious because of the news of rising numbers, and the rising proportion of people with antibodies, either from infection or vaccination. We’ll see if the trend continues after the removal of almost all restrictions in England, and many elsewhere in the UK. Good news as far as it goes, anyway.
Lynna, OM says
It’s the 21st century. Let female athletes wear what they want.
Washington Post link
Lynna, OM says
Eric Lach, writing for The New Yorker:
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
“Among the unvaccinated in the United States, covid cases are once again on the rise, due to the highly-infectious ‘Delta variant.’ The rising cases are being fueled by vaccine hesitancy, which itself is being fueled by a dangerous pathogen scientists are calling the Republican party.”
—Stephen Colbert
Newsweek link
Lynna, OM says
National Guard cancels trainings after Congress fails to reimburse for Capitol riot deployment
Lynna, OM says
Arizona secretary of state to Trump before rally: ‘Take your loss and accept it and move on’
Lynna, OM says
Good thread on Twitter:
Lynna, OM says
Bad news from Iowa:
Lynna, OM says
Dr. Tufeckci, writing for The New York Times:
blf says
A vaccination centre has been attacked in the States, Tennessee woman accused of driving through clinic, shouting . Fortunately, no-one was hurt. […]
Here in France, the anti-Health Pass nutcakes were back protesting yesterday, about 160,000 total nationwide, with some violence in Paris. That violence was unsurprisingly since the “yellow vest” loons and loonytarians are now involved. They are not at all peaceful (albeit it’s presumably only a minority that actually riot & loot), and rather remind me the State’s magacreeps, as an angry easily-misled unfocused mob. (There was another march here in the village, but I didn’t see it; encouragingly, I did hear some booing.) In extremely good news, just over 50% of eligible people are now fully-vaccinated, and polls consistently show a majority of support for the Health Pass.
LykeX says
Isn’t that a bit like the police telling the bank robber: “If you don’t pay the fine, maybe next time you rob a bank we just won’t show up at all”? They do realize that Republican representatives weren’t just innocent lambs caught in the middle, right?
blf says
Here is why we are boycotting the UN Food Systems Summit:
blf says
‘Littering is a growing global problem’: Meet Japan’s Rubbish Collecting Samurai:
An example video (with English subtitles), ゴミ拾い侍 Trash picking SAMURAI.
Lynna, OM says
Pelosi Appoints Kinzinger To Jan. 6 Committee
blf says
The Mars helicopter Ingenuity has successfully completed its 10th flight, in the process setting a new altitude record (12 metres), and navigating with the most waypoints en route (10). The flight was to survey the Raised Ridges feature (including an attempt to create some stereoscopic images), which is an area of interest to the rover science team. It’s not yet clear if the Perseverance rover will go to Raised Ridges, my current understanding is there are some scheduling problems. As a result of this latest flight, Ingenuity has now flown a total distance of just over 1.6km, i.e., one mile (and has flown twice as many flights as originally planned).
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 320.
Posted by readers of the article:
blf says
Over a million young orphans are the hidden victims of the Covid-19 pandemic:
Lynna, OM says
blf says
Oops, we’ve have to be sneakier next time (or just abolish the press), Michigan Republicans will return Covid relief funds used to pay own bonuses (Grauniad edits in {curly braces}):
Kudos to Ms Webster for calling bullshite on that absurd statement, albeit the claim (whether or not it’s true) she didn’t know what she was voting on isn’t exactly a stellar recommendation.
† Not set in
because it seems very plausible at least some of the (non-elected) county employees were — and quite possibly still are — in a hazardous situation. I presume few-to-none, however, got a bonus of the sizes thecommissionersthieves awarded themselves.Lynna, OM says
Aaron Rupar:
Video is available at the link.
Also from Aaron Rupar:
blf @325, I’m glad those doofuses got caught, and that they were thoroughly shamed.
Lynna, OM says
Daniel Dale, and various contributors to Daniel Dale’s thread:
Lynna, OM says
‘Audit director’ blocked from entry after data he shared “very closely” matches official tally
LOL, that headline is perfect.
Lynna, OM says
Anti-vax, anti-mask, COVID mocking Maine legislator has COVID-19, and he doesn’t sound too good
Lynna, OM says
SQB says
@Lynna (310)
It Could Happen To You is both a 1994 romantic comedy starring Nicholas Cage and Bridget Fonda, and the reason for conservatives to start caring.
blf says
Rebecca Hendin in the Grauniad, On the continuing spread of Covid variants (cartoon).
WMDKitty -- Survivor says
Personal note — Therapy is going well. Digging into some childhood stuff has been illuminating.
blf says
Here in France, the requirement for a Health Pass (app or paper) proving full vaccination, recent negative test, or immunity, to visit restaurants, cafés, travel on long-distance trains, etc., starting 1st August passed in Parliament early this morning. Apparently, the enabling legislation passed almost-exactly as President Macron proposed, with the two main changes being it expires on 15th November (unless renewed by a vote in Parliament), and the penalties for venues not properly checking are now civil (including possible closure) instead of criminal (a steep fine and possible jail). In addition, apparently all healthcare workers must be vaccinated (by 15th September), or face possible suspension (but will not be fired).
I liked this quip from Macron, as quoted in French parliament approves law requiring restaurant Covid pass, vaccine rules, about the “yellow vest” anti-vax & nazi protestors:
Macron was very clear — saying so explicitly — when the measures were announced it was to encourage people to get vaccinated. At the time, vaccination rates were dropping, and only around 40% of the eligible people had been fully-vaccinated. Since the announcement, multiple millions have made appointments (about one million on the first day alone), and now just over 50% are fully-vaccinated. Sadly, cases are now running at over 20,000 per day, essentially all Delta and essentially all in the unvaccinated, a level which is roughly an order-of-magnitude higher than a month ago. ICU occupancy is still low but is starting to uptick. In my general area, the incident rate is almost 360 cases per 100,000 people, and the entire S.France area (Mediterranean coast, etc.), is the current “hot spot”, with several localities imposing new restrictions (generally mandatory mask-wearing, as far as I know).
John Morales says
Here in Oz: Government agrees to new rules for politicians and staffers following review of parliamentary workplace
blf says
Flawed units conversion strikes again! A snippet from Extreme weather smashes records as scientists convene for UN climate talks:
Thank you, innumerate France24 reporter. Geesh…
blf says
The secrets of Seville cathedral’s banquet set in stone:
There’s a set of images at the link. Even without the captions, it’s easy to tell what is carved, they are quite well done and largely obvious. Sadly, there isn’t an image of the peppers — and I haven’t been able to locate one (or indeed, many images at all of the archway or the cravings).
John Morales says
Heh. Glad you snarked about it, I don’t dare to any more on this thread (too noxious, I’m told).
Yes, it’s a magnitude rather than a temperature, so each degree C is 9/5 of a degree F, so 2 degrees C is 18/5 degrees F, so 3.6 degrees F.
Still, we in Oz are very much part of the problem:
(We keep electing our equivalent of the USA’s Republicans :| )
SQB says
@lumipuna (257)
It seems markdown is supported here as well, so
[link text](https://www.example.com)
should yield link text.@Lynna (256)
Okay, got it.
SQB says
**some text**
should yield bold: some text,*some text*
should yield italics: some text,> some text
on a new line should yield a block quote:The asterisks can be replaced by underscores as well, but only if done on both sides.
The monospaced text above is done with backticks:
`some text`
yieldssome text
.blf says
Re @336, They™ have since corrected it, and the text now reads “3.6 degrees Fahrenheit”, which is an improvement (albeit implies a, um, degree (sorry!) of precision not present in the 2 degrees Celsius of the IPCC report). Still “innumerate” (using a broad definition), but not as glaringly so…
Lynna, OM says
Why Democrats can’t ‘out-organize’ voter-suppression policies
The solution to an anti-election crusade isn’t some undefined organizing campaign; the solution is federal voting rights legislation.
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
Via Lawyers, Guns, and Money there is a discussion about the psychology of grifters and marks.
“Harrington argues that the key here is to employ “coolers,” who in this context means trusted high status authority figures from the marks’ own community. (Think Fox News personalities etc.). People from outside the community can play a part by praising and encouraging the coolers to do this work, since outsiders can’t do any effective cooling themselves, given that the very existence of the outsiders reminds the marks that they’ve been conned.”
I picked up on this phenomena while dealing with the manosphere and thought of it as “taking advantage of ones in-group psychological advantages”.
Lynna, OM says
More infighting in the Republican Party, schadenfreude moment: Though Republican leaders are desperately trying to recruit Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) to run for the Senate next year, Donald Trump traveled to his home state over the weekend and trashed the governor, telling conservatives Ducey “doesn’t do a damn thing.” Information is from Business Insider.
Lynna, OM says
‘The people of Laredo won’: Community celebrates termination of two border wall contracts
Lynna, OM says
Republicans don’t want to have a bipartisan infrastructure bill after all
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 346.
Posted by readers of the article:
Lynna, OM says
Donald Trump is ‘An American War Criminal in His Own Country’ ~ Carl Bernstein on CNN
Video is available at the link.
Steven Beschloss:
More commentary:
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
As far as Kevin McCarthy is concerned, Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are “Pelosi Republicans.” It serves as a reminder of the GOP’s post-policy problem.
Lynna, OM says
Josh Marshall: Trump: RINO, RINO, RINO
Lynna, OM says
Say, what now?
GOP Guv Candidate Investigated For Fatal Crash After Driving For Miles With Motorcycle Stuck To Car
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 352.
Some background on Gerow:
Lynna, OM says
NBC News:
A related story from NBC News:
Also related:
Lynna, OM says
Washington Post:
Good move by Biden.
Lynna, OM says
NBC News:
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Lynna, OM says
Fox hosts scold Cori Bush for hiring security but utter not single word to those who threatened her
Lynna, OM says
Trump Claims for Himself the Exclusive ‘Right to Destroy’ America
blf says
France’s Protestant church marks first wedding of same-sex pastors:
blf says
Tunisia police storm Al Jazeera office in Tunis:
chigau (違う) says
Look what I found in an old folder
the good old days
SC (Salty Current) says
The first hearing of the House Select Committee on January 6th just began. Chair Bennie Thompson gave an opening statement, and Liz Cheney is making an opening statement right now (“Our children will know who stood for the truth”).
These are today’s witnesses:
DC Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges
DC Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone
Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn
Capitol Police Officer Sgt. Aquilino Gonell
CNN has a liveblog.
SC (Salty Current) says
A few podcast episodes:
QAA – “Episode 152: Behold a Pale Horse & Bill Cooper”:
SWAJ – “New Age Spirituality, MAGA Nation, and Conspirituality”:
Conspirituality – “61: From Anti-Feminism to Anti-Vax w/ Dr. Annie Kelly”:
Kelly’s new podcast looks great.
SC (Salty Current) says
This testimony by Sgt. Gonell is emotional.
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the Guardian’s liveblog of the January 6th hearing.
Officer Fanone is now giving his opening statement.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian Capitol attack hearing liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
CNN reporter Melanie Zanona, via the Guardian liveblog: “Walking through the Capitol just now — the very scene of the January 6 insurrection — and several police officers are glued to their phones, watching the testimony of their fellow officers.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 27 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
SC (Salty Current) says
Gideon M-K:
Orac with more re #262 above – “There is no bottom: Antivaxxers harass cancer patients”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “Who’s behind Australia’s anti-lockdown protests? The German conspiracy group driving marches”:
KG says
Hmm. How much longer can unprecedented floods, droughts, wildfires, avalanches, subsidence etc. reasonably be described as “Natural disasters”?
SC (Salty Current) says
Via the Guardian – NBC reporter Haley Talbot:
Photo at the link. The testimony has been wrenching.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
From the transcript of Off. Dunn’s testimony.
SC (Salty Current) says
I imagine the Republicans might be starting to regret blocking the select commission right now…
SC (Salty Current) says
CNN – “Growing group of GOP members wants McCarthy to punish Kinzinger and Cheney for joining January 6 committee”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Adam Blickstein:
tomh says
Missouri AG files second lawsuit challenging St. Louis-area mask mandate
The Republican attorney general claims city and county leaders provided no scientific data to back up the renewed mask order, which went into effect on Monday.
JOE HARRIS / July 27, 2021
SC (Salty Current) says
Members of the committee are showing portions of the body cam footage. It’s stressful just to watch.
SC (Salty Current) says
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
No words. (Fanone is a Republican, incidentally.)
SC (Salty Current) says
Ofcr. Hodges on why he calls them terrorists when some others call them tourists: “Well, if that’s how tourists behave, I can see why people in other countries don’t like American tourists.” Then pulls out the legal language defining terrorists.
SC (Salty Current) says
These guys are eloquent.
SC (Salty Current) says
More precise quote from the Guardian liveblog:
blf says
Cuban embassy in Paris attacked with petrol bombs:
The Cuban FM seems to have attended the Kim Jong-un school of diplomacy.
blf says
A snippet from France24’s Police tell of ‘medieval’ violence at US Senate hearing on Capitol attack:
SC (Salty Current) says
“MPD Daniel Hodges: ‘I need you guys to address if anyone in power had a role in this, if anyone in power coordinated or aided and abetted or tried to downplay, tried to prevent the investigation of this terrorist attack. Because we can’t do it’.”
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
Related to my 343, I’ve been thinking about my role in relation to the “coolers” who are supposed to cool off the “marks”.
On one level my public criticism of marks is designed to show the problem, and honestly scare people into becoming coolers. If I see someone working on a mark and they might have a chance I leave them alone.
But I want things directed towards getting the marks to see they have been taken advantage of and directing their anger at them. Ultimately it’s the beliefs and behavior, and even style of thought that leads to this that we want to deal with. It would be nice to see Trump exposed for all he is though.
SC (Salty Current) says
The hearing is over.
Guardian liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
“I think some of the cracked voices and tears today can be tied back to the GOP’s denial that this is as serious as it is. It’s trauma we are witnessing.”
I agree.
SC (Salty Current) says
Thwarted by a whistle. You hate to see it.
SC (Salty Current) says
Just Security:
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
SC @394 Given the asshats involved, inquiring minds want to know if it was staged by the leads.
Lynna, OM says
GOP rep eyes plan to kick Cheney, Kinzinger out of the party
The chair of the House Freedom Caucus wants to exile Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the House Republican conference.
Look at that, a Republican Senator named and shamed a Republican colleague … and she did it elegantly.
Lynna, OM says
Arizona Central: The sham “audit” process appeared to be nearing its end, but the Republican-led state Senate has apparently now issued a new subpoena “asking for additional election materials.”
Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
As Steve Benen noted:
Lynna, OM says
The line blurs between GOP’s extremists and GOP’s leaders
Some will argue there’s an important difference between GOP radicals and the party’s mainstream leaders. Today, those lines appear awfully blurry.
Lynna, OM says
To derail infrastructure talks, Trump ups the pressure on GOP
Lynna, OM says
Manchin gives Republicans new leverage in infrastructure talks
In the infrastructure talks, Democrats have enjoyed some leverage. Joe Manchin seems eager to take that leverage and give it to Senate Republicans.
Lynna, OM says
SC (Salty Current) says
Quoted in Lynna’s #397:
Biggs is implicated in the attack!
SC (Salty Current) says
“Thomas Patrick Connally Jr. of Maryland was arrested today for death threats he allegedly sent to Dr. Anthony Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins between December 2020 and July of this year.
Here are some of the emails flagged by prosecutors…”
Screenshots atl.
SC (Salty Current) says
SC (Salty Current) says
“NEW: @PressSec tells me, given the latest CDC guidance and data from the DC Health Department, the White House is telling all staff – in spite of their being vaccinated – they must again wear masks indoors on campus, beginning today.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Adam Serwer in the Atlantic – “Democratic Leaders Are Betraying Black Voters”:
SC (Salty Current) says
LOL – “this terrible violent use of a 5-and-dime store pocket noisemaker must be thoroughly condemned”
SC (Salty Current) says
“Following today’s Jim Jordan-less hearing on the January 6 attack, Kevin McCarthy just pulled all of his Republican appointees from the totally unrelated Select Committee on Economic Disparity.
This is what parents of toddlers refer to as a ‘temper tantrum’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Jana Bacevic and Linsey McGoey in the Guardian – “The British government’s Covid strategy was never designed to manage the virus”:
(Coincidentally, I’m just finishing McGoey’s The Unknowers: How Strategic Ignorance Rules the World.)
SC (Salty Current) says
New Maintenance Phase episode – “School Lunches, P-Hacking and the Original ‘Pizzagate'”:
Really outstanding. You could use this in a class.
SC (Salty Current) says
Dr. Fauci is saying (on All In) what Sanjay Gupta had reported earlier: that with the Delta variant, the viral load in the nasopharynx of a vaccinated person with a breakthrough infection is the same as that in an unvaccinated person (hence the return of masking recommendations). It does seem like something I read the other day about the possibility of vaccination via a nasal inhalant might make even more sense… (IIRC the vaccine in Contagion took this form.)
SC (Salty Current) says
Tweet o’ the day.
Pierce R. Butler says
SC… @ # 411 – Our esteemed host has had a lot to say about l’affaire Wansink.
SC (Salty Current) says
Pierce R. Butler @ #414, thanks! I think I somehow managed to miss all of those posts, but I guess that’s why the name sounded familiar! (This is a classic, fun Pharyngula thread.)
The podcast ep is a nice (and accessible) summary of the story.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian – “Voters reject Trump-endorsed Republican in Texas special election”:
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 28 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From there:
SC (Salty Current) says
New episode of Know Your Enemy – “The Afterlife of January 6th”:
The last part is wild.
SC (Salty Current) says
“PELOSI on the backlash to mask mandates: ‘That’s the purview of the Capitol physician…nothing to say except we honor it’.
Q: @GOPLeader McCarthy says it’s against the science.
PELOSI: ‘He’s such a moron’.”
SC (Salty Current) says
“Breaking Florida-
Zooming past winter peak to 8,816 hospitalizations. At this rate, could be all time high by next week.”
tomh says
U.S. Declines to Defend Trump Ally in Lawsuit Over Jan. 6 Riot
By Katie Benner / July 28, 2021
Lynna, OM says
Alabama’s Mo Brooks said he should be immune from civil litigation in a Jan. 6 case. The Justice Department clearly disagrees.
Eric Swalwell was right to sue Mo Brooks. This is good news.
Lynna, OM says
tom @421, apologies. I didn’t see your comment before I posted text describing the same issue.
In related news: Most GOP voters still question Biden’s legitimacy (yes, even now)
The hope was that Republicans would accept Biden’s presidency as post-election drama faded from view. That’s clearly not what’s happened.
tomh says
quoted by Lynna #422
Unfortunately, the Biden Justice Department has continued to fight for granting immunity to Mr. Trump in the 2019 defamation lawsuit where he denied allegations that he raped the writer E. Jean Carroll and said she accused him to get attention.
Lynna, OM says
Why Jim Jordan should probably expect a subpoena from Jan. 6 panel
Jim Jordan appears to have finally conceded that he did talk to Trump on Jan. 6. It’s why he should probably expect a subpoena.
Nancy Pelosi was right to reject Jordan as a select committee member after Kevin McCarthy stupidly put Jordan’s name forward.
tomh says
Re: #424
In a brief filed in federal court in NY in June, the DOJ claimed that the Trump administration’s arguments were correct.
“Elected public officials can — and often must — address allegations regarding personal wrongdoing that inspire doubt about their suitability for office,” the department lawyers argued, adding, “Officials do not step outside the bounds of their office simply because they are addressing questions regarding allegations about their personal lives.”
Ms. Carroll’s lead lawyer, Roberta A. Kaplan said that as “horrific” as the alleged rape was, it was “truly shocking that the current Department of Justice would allow Donald Trump to get away with lying about it.”
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comments 368, 369, 374, 375, 376, 378, 379, 383, 384, 385, 387, 390, 392, 393, and 402.
The more officers described the rioters, the more I was reminded that Donald Trump has publicly praised and identified with the criminals.
SC (Salty Current) says
Fine the hell out of these selfish assholes.
Lynna, OM says
Josh Marshall:
SC (Salty Current) says
Tweet o’ the day.
Lynna, OM says
I guess he cannot bear to hear the truth. McCarthy Hides From Jan. 6 Testimony
blf says
Here in France, the requirement to show a Health Pass — proof (app or paper) of full-vaccination, a recent negative test, or immunity, to visit a café, restaurant, take a long-distance train journey, etc. — will take effect 9th August, roughly a week later than President Macron originally announced. The bill passed Parliament very early Monday morning (a late-night Sunday sitting), somewhat later than planned, so what’s happening now is “the machinery” grinding into action now the (legal) details are (presumably) settled. Despite that, the consistent majority-approval in the polls, and the small (by French standards) protests, there apparently will yet again be protests this weekend.
SC (Salty Current) says
LOL – French HuffPo – “Philippot utilise un pass sanitaire pour aller manifester en Italie contre le pass sanitaire”:
blf says
Follow-up of sorts to @432, The Mediterranean seaside village where I live has reimposed mandatory mask-wearing in certain circumstances, including outdoor markets (where, in my opinion, it should never have been dropped and is long-overdue (guess where I’m always very careful to mask up!)).
Brony, Social Justice Cenobite says
If someone acts like the insurrectionists were protestors who are now being mistreated, rhetorically asking if it was the one who beat cops heads with a flag is a good insertion. Or the ones hunting Pence to hang them. If they don’t show concern for the security of the capitol I’m considering chanting “Benghazi”.
I offer a position of political neglect or sympathy with the dead insurrectionist depending on how the person is using them.
Lynna, OM says
The Right Wing Media Blew A Fuse Over The First Jan. 6 Hearing
Justin Baragona:
[video and audio available at the link]
There’s a lot more of the audio, including epithets hurled at “fucking blacks” and more demented details about how Fanone is going to be killed. “This is what happens to people who tell the truth in Trump’s America,” Fanone said.
Watch that video/audio excerpt from CNN. Is it worthwhile to know the depth of the craziness being propagated … and how dangerous it is.
Lynna, OM says
Twitter Suspends Several Accounts Promoting MAGA Audits, Including AZ Audit’s Official Page
Good. Those accounts should have been suspended earlier, but any suspension is good.
Lynna, OM says
Why Nancy Pelosi apparently thinks Kevin McCarthy is ‘a moron’
SC (Salty Current) says
Gideon M-K:
Link atl.
Full quote:
Lynna, OM says
Latino officer who defended Capitol says insurrectionists told him he was ‘not even an American’
Lynna, OM says
Republicans signal they will advance bipartisan infrastructure deal
SC (Salty Current) says
Good news – Pres. Biden: “I was honored to meet with [Svetlana Tsihanouskaya] at the White House this morning. The United States stands with the people of Belarus in their quest for democracy and universal human rights.”
SC (Salty Current) says
“I wrote about the twisties — kind of like the yips but upside-down and in mid-air — and what they feel like, why they’re dangerous and how gymnasts try to make them disappear…”
WaPo link atl. If anyone has access, could you maybe summarize/excerpt?
SC (Salty Current) says
Doe v. Trump Corporation news!:
Robbie Kaplan:
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
SC @443, USA Today explanation.
SC (Salty Current) says
Nerd @ #445, thanks! Even not knowing about that (it does ring a bell – I must’ve learned about it at some point in the past), I had a bad feeling about these Olympics for her and didn’t want her doing that vault, so personally I’m relieved that she was smart and self-assured enough to draw a line.
SC (Salty Current) says
Facebook is requiring everyone working in their offices to be vaccinated. Of course.
SC (Salty Current) says
McSweeney’s – “Are You Allowed to Criticize Simone Biles?: A Decision Tree.”
Lynna, OM says
Associated Press:
Much more at the link.
Lynna, OM says
Two Navy sailors die of COVID-19 as Pentagon orders return to masks in some areas
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to comment 441.
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
Trickster Goddess says
Anita Bryant’s granddaughter is marrying a woman. Grandma isn’t happy for the bride-to-be.
SC (Salty Current) says
Quoted at Trickster Goddess’ link @ #453:
I remember finding her terrifying (and I’m not LGBT). Now I just feel sorry for her, and for her family for having to deal with her hateful nonsense. Best wishes to her granddaughter.
John Morales says
re #453,454 — Intransitive has had a post up about it.
blf says
The loons are loonying… and spreading very Very dangerous lies… (my added emboldening): : Rick Wiles Blames Other People Getting Vaccinated For His COVID-19 Infection
Virus shedding from live vaccines is a real thing. None of the Covid-19 vaccines are live.
blf says
Nick Fuentes Using Spotify and Apple Music to Spread White Nationalist Agenda:
blf says
First Dog on the Moon in the Grauniad (please consider supporting the Grauniad if you can!), Shoplifting or graffiti or stealing a garden gnome. Maybe I did some of these things when I was 10 (cartoon): “In Australia we put kids in jail. 10 year old kids”. Obviously Ozland-specific, but easily understandable, except perhaps to the footnoted reference to ACT (Australian Capital Territory).
blf says
The Onion, Scam Experts Advise Americans That IRS Will Never Try To Contact You From Beyond Earthly Realm:
blf says
France fines Monsanto for illegally acquiring data on journalists, activists:
More details at the link.
blf says
More loonying loons… shedding very Very dangerous lies… Tucker Carlson Falsely Calls Dr Fauci :
We interrupt this rant and its “increasing ferocity and humorlessness” to point out no-one who knows what they’re talking about, very specifically including but by no means limited to Dr Fauci, has ever said
There is a video at the link, but why anyone would want to watch that genocidal maniac rather than Dr Fauci is beyond me. It even puzzles the mildly deranged penguin, who is so distracted I was just able to sneak a piece of cheesOUCH!, er almost able to sneak a piece of cheese away from her.
blf says
Speaking of listening to Dr Fauci (see @461), A Barbershop Take On The Vaccine From Dr Fauci (video):
I particularly liked his explanation of why the mRNA vaccines are so effective.
blf says
Not a million kilometres away from me, in the Toulon area, Emmanuel Macron takes legal action over Hitler poster comparison:
The billboards’s image is not shown at the link, but is shown in one of the embedded links, and can be easily found with a simple search. In my opinion, it’s rather comically-badly done, albeit is perhaps considered a masterpiece in le penaziland. I don’t think Flori operates any billboards in my area (not verified), but am concerned the image might start showing up on, say, T-shirts or (more likely?) protest signs & posters with the local le penazis and other kooks.
SC (Salty Current) says
Here’s a link to the July 29 Guardian coronavirus world liveblog.
From their morning summary:
SC (Salty Current) says
New Citations Needed episode – “Live Interview: How the ‘Pandemic Games’ Expose the Neoliberal Scam of Global Sporting Events”:
blf says
On SC@464, and England’s special France→England travel rules, the problem seems to be teh “U”K government doesn’t understand France’s Covid-19 statistics. France has a low but persistent level of the Beta variant (first found in S.Africa), but those cases are essentially all in La Réunion, a French overseas department off the coast of Madagascar (and hence relatively near S.Africa). I’m not sure, but it is possible Beta is the dominant, or at least most common, variant on Réunion.
Since Réunion is an overseas department, it is part of France (and the EU); an analogy would be Hawaiʻi and Alaska are “overseas states” of the States. Hence, Réunion’s Covid statistics are collated with those for the rest of France, making it look like France-as-a-whole has a low but persistent level of Beta. The speculation(? I don’t think teh “U”K has ever explained) is teh “U”K doesn’t understand this statistical quirk, leading to the special France→England travel rules.
The mildly deranged penguin points out those special rules do have a beneficial effect: They discourage Brits (especially the English) from leaving their heavily-infested island and spreading the infestation through France, perhaps particularly important when the Johnson variants, evolving in a highly-vaccinated place, do evolve, possibly with an ability to avoid the vaccines.
SC (Salty Current) says
Casey Gerald in the Guardian – “Simone Biles and the rise of the ‘great refusal’”:
I was thinking about this yesterday – for a woman and especially an Olympic gymnast to do this is groundbreaking and heroic.
SC (Salty Current) says
BBC – “Bosnian Serbs defy top UN official Inzko over genocide denial”:
SC (Salty Current) says
“Fox News ratings fell nearly in half when it carried the 1/6 hearing on Tuesday. Fox bottomed out at noon with just 736,000 viewers, a far lower audience than usual for Fox at that hour. At 8pm, when Tucker Carlson insulted the lawmakers, the channel had 3 million.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Simone Biles: “the outpouring love & support I’ve received has made me realize I’m more than my accomplishments and gymnastics which I never truly believed before.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Tweet o’ the day.
raven says
This is both smart and totally OK.
I have to admit I’m not in touch with fundie xian/GOP culture any more.
If my loved ones and friends wanted me dead or permanently disabled,…
then they wouldn’t be my loved ones and friends any more.
Fundie xian love always seems to end up with damaged people and piles of dead bodies and it is quite literally doing it right now.
SC (Salty Current) says
I forgot – update to Lynna’s #441 above – “Senate votes to advance bipartisan infrastructure bill, with 17 Republicans joining every Democrat in the 67-32 vote, a major step forward for Biden’s agenda.”
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
From TPM’s Morning Memo:
SC (Salty Current) says
“Missed this – a group of former prosecutors, including former Mass Gov. William Weld, filed an amicus brief on behalf of Crystal Mason, arguing she was unreasonably prosecuted…”
SC (Salty Current) says
Guardian world liveblog:
SC (Salty Current) says
SC (Salty Current) says
“BREAKING: Florida
Edging closer to all-time records, Florida with 472 net new occupied beds since yesterday.
MANY hospitals over 100% capacity.”
SC (Salty Current) says
“NEW: GOP could take back House in 2022 by picking up 6-13 seats under new gerrymandered maps in GA TX FL NC alone
Dems face redistricting bloodbath if they don’t pass ban on partisan gerrymandering ASAP
You can’t out-organize extreme gerrymandering…”
blf says
From the Grauniad’s current live States pandemic and politics blog:
If the Supreme Court ruled last month that Congress must approve an extension, then what the feck has the administration being doing for the month-or-so since about the issue? Seeming to do nothing, and then finally calling on the Congress to act and for the unused Emergency Rental Assistance program funds to be distributed just days before the deadline, is hair furor level of incompetence.
KG says
Pocket change.
blf says
Firm leading Arizona
audit[scam] received millions from Trump supporters:SC (Salty Current) says
KSDK – “St. Louis County health director says he responded to racist slurs, assault by flipping off person at council meeting”:
blf says
Malta government bears responsibility for journalist’s murder, inquiry finds:
SC (Salty Current) says
blf says
Follow-up to @481, According to US states brace for ‘avalanche’ of evictions as federal moratorium ends, only 6.5% of “the $47bn in rental assistance the government allocated to stave off evictions […] has been delivered”. And according to Millions in US ‘race against the clock’ to pay the rent and stave off eviction (June (before the one month extension which is about to expire)), hair furor is the culprit: “On Donald Trump’s final day in office, his administration issued guidance which made it more difficult for people to access the program by requiring extensive documentation to prove they qualified.” This wasn’t completely fixed until May (with a tweak in March). Also:
blf says
SC@486, “Nice!” Indeed, that’s a good one.
SC (Salty Current) says
“Nearly seven months after the Capitol attack, the Senate is on track to pass a $2B emergency spending package this afternoon to ramp up security at the Capitol campus. After it passes, the House is expected to clear the measure and send it to Biden’s desk”
Lynna, OM says
blf @481, this does not excuse the Biden administration, but the actual distribution of those federal funds was left up to the states. Some states do it fairly well, others do it really badly. There is no national, standardized way for people seeking assistance to get funds to pay their rent.
Also Hair Furor installed some bureaucratic roadblocks on his way out the door. All the messes Hair Furor left have not yet been cleaned up.
Yes, Biden and Democrats in Congress should have acted sooner.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to SC @474. for those who got the Pfizer vaccination it’s good to know that efficacy drops after about six months from the time you got your second shot. However, it only drops to about 88%, which is still very good for any vaccine.
I would say that this need for booster shots is not a hair-raising emergency, but more of a plan-ahead and proceed-with-caution kind of thing that will help to slow the spread of the coronavirus … especially helpful when it comes to slowing the spread of the highly contagious Delta variant. (And please continue to wear mask if you are indoors with groups of people.)
We would not be in this difficult situation if everyone eligible for a vaccine had gotten vaccinated earlier. We still need to push harder to get everyone vaccinated.
blf says
Loosely related to @460 and @482, Three US teachers who sued Monsanto over chemical exposure awarded $185m:
SC (Salty Current) says
Jennifer Bendery, HuffPo:
Full thread at the link.
blf says
SC@493, The mildly deranged penguin points out the next time there is an insurrection at the Capitol, the insurrectionists will be looking for those atheist commie moolsin elite sciency etc etc types, who can be identified because only they wear masks. Hence, the complaints from the thugs about wearing masks, they don’t want to be targeted.
Lynna, OM says
Follow-up to SC @471, that performance will be aired this evening on NBC as part of their prime time Olympics coverage.
SC @469, how dispiriting. Tucker Carlson’s lies have a massive audience, while the truthful testimony of law enforcement officers who fought the insurrectionists seems to turn Fox New viewers off. Also, lots of Republican legislators freely admitted that they didn’t watch the first day of hearings when the officers testified. I wish we could require that they watch that.
blf @458, that’s one powerful cartoon. It really exposes the racist remand system in Australia that puts First Nations’s children in jail. Shocking.
SC (Salty Current) says
“TRESPASSING: GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert, and Matt Gaetz are denied entry to a corrections facility holding January 6th prisoners.
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) after this ridiculous, see-through, political theater stunt to get into the corrections facility holding January 6th prisoners:
‘We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated’. [!!!]”
Videos atl. The RSBN chyron calls them “pol. prisoners.” Greene asking the guard to talk to their supervisor is the cherry on top.
blf says
Follow-up to @466, according to ‘Absurd, discriminatory’: Anger in France over UK’s decision to maintain quarantine (possibly paywalled), teh “U”K’s alleged-“government” does understand essentially all of France’s Beta variant cases are on Réunion. Their concern is two-fold: First, “the Beta variant of Covid […] is believed to […] render AstraZeneca vaccines more ineffective” (my understanding is the UK has mostly been vaccinated with AstraZeneca). That seems like a reasonable cause for concern.
It’s the second reason which is goofy: “‘It’s not the distance that matters, it’s the ease of travel between different component parts of any individual country,’ [Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab] said”. Seems reasonable, but “travel between Réunion and [mainland] France is heavily restricted. Passengers either need to be vaccinated or if they are not, they need to provide a negative test and can only travel if they have a compelling reason.” (Glitch here is a fully-vaccinated person can still be carrying Covid-19 even if they are not actually infected (this seems to be a serious issue with Delta, not sure about Beta?).) I do not know how much traffic there (currently) is between Réunion and mainland France and thence on to England (note that Scotland, etc., have different rules, as I understand it).
SC (Salty Current) says
Lynna @ #495, yes, I will totally be watching tonight!
SC (Salty Current) says
“The Chris Cuomo interview with Huntington Beach, CA restaurant owner Tony Roman was next level WTF.
It was almost comical….”
I LOLed. Video atl.
blf says
Follow-up to @497, according to Just how widespread in France is the Beta variant of Covid? (possibly paywalled), “To make matters more confusing, the UK actually lists Réunion itself as an amber country, rather than ‘amber plus’ like France, which in theory means vaccinated travellers from the island don’t have to quarantine on arrival in the UK.”
Yep, they do (Red, amber and green list rules for entering England). Actually, both “France” and “Reunion [sic]” are listed (separately) as “amber”, but then only “France” has the additional rule requiring quarantine upon arrival in England. (All(?) the overseas French departments seem to be listed separately.)