I blocked these guys long ago, why are they clogging up my mailbox now?

I’m suddenly finding myself getting swarmed by evangelicals from KKMS/AM980, the Christian talk radio station. I’d blocked them, but I guess they changed something to get past my filters. So what am I getting?

We’d like to add to your family’s movie library!

I could win a 6 pack of Kendrick Brothers movies! Nope, not interested.

Do you trust God in everything?


Share this gift with your pastor!

It’s a pastor appreciation event sponsored by Crescent Tide Cremation Services. No pastor, not interested in cremation services yet.

Have you ever questioned how God is at work in the darkness?

I question everything anyone says about gods, so maybe. Except this is an ad for a book, so not that one.

Here’s my favorite!

Thank you for your loyalty! Here’s your 20% off code!

I am so loyal that I just refreshed my filters to delete all their messages, now and henceforth, until they tweak things again. Which they will.


  1. PaulBC says

    Have you ever questioned how God is at work in the darkness?

    Why would God work in darkness? Doesn’t He have that “fiat lux” thing?

  2. says

    He must be in the dark because it’s getting harder and harder to find him. In ancient times we needed gods to explain things but every scientific discovery pushes out the need for the supernatural. If God exists now, he’s very small and stuck in a very dark corner.

  3. PaulBC says

    @2 There’s all that dark matter. (Actually I’m surprised nobody has picked up on this for religious reasons, though it is admittedly hard to reconcile with the cosmology of Genesis.)

    I just worry about Prince Albert stuck in that can where it must be very dark. How is God working for him?

  4. rickmcwilliams says

    You blocked me as well. I am a long time reader and rarely comment. Please send me an email for a private communication.

  5. nomdeplume says

    “Have you ever questioned how god is at work in the darkness?” Um, say what? Does this mean have you ever questioned in the darkness (ie at night, I guess) how god is at work? Or Have you ever questioned how god manages to work when it is dark? Or are we questioning how well he does when he is working in the darkness? What darkness? How does god “work”? Working at what? This has to be one of the most mind-numbingly stupid religious questions ever.

  6. robro says

    PaulBC @ #3

    There’s all that dark matter. (Actually I’m surprised nobody has picked up on this for religious reasons, though it is admittedly hard to reconcile with the cosmology of Genesis.)

    There’s something even bigger and more mysterious than dark matter. Dark energy…the ultimate gap.

  7. unclefrogy says

    you know that every one of those links lead to some product or service with a price tag on it or at the least adding you to another christian marketing address list. it can doll it self up in christian distraction but it is just spam marketing.
    uncle frogy