Happy International Men’s Day!

If you’re one of those people who whines at women’s events, when is men’s day?, you’re in luck. Today’s the day! Just remember that the meaning of the day is “focusing on men’s and boys’ health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting male role models.” Those are all good and valuable goals.

So get to it!

I’ll get you started with suggestions for a few excellent role models who are manly men.

I’m sure you can think of others.


  1. kenbakermn says

    Steven Hawking, as an example carrying on and grinding away with everything you’ve got, in the face of truly hopeless odds.

  2. mcfrank0 says

    @Larry: Often, the “Save Image As…” item will display a useful default name in the “Save As…” window (if you are using Windows ).

    Just as often, the default name is something randomly computer generated and completely useless. It all depends on the image source.

  3. Big Boppa says

    I’d add Jimmy Carter to my list. I can’t think of anyone who has walked the walk so consistently for so long. And mostly without fanfare and self aggrandizement.

  4. woozy says

    I imagine for most web browsers if you hover the mouse over the image, the URL of the file name appears in status bar (usually on the bottom of the screen). It would appear that if PZ chose to give each of these a filename of the person’s first and last name

  5. Louis says

    Yeah yeah. But when is International Women’s Day?

    Answer me that. Ha! Run rings round you logically.


  6. raefn says

    Examples of healthy male social interaction, and fine examples to show to children:

    The “How Ridiculous” youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/whoisjimmy
    They are very athletic and very competitive, but it’s all in good fun – they very clearly love each other like brothers. Additionally, their videos demonstrate practical physics, related to sports, and are very entertaining. Meeting the International requirement: they’re Australian!

    On the History Channel, there is “Forged in Fire.” It is a blacksmithing competition, (difficult to imagine something manlier than forging weapons) but there is a lot of cooperation and mutual respect demonstrated here.

  7. The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge says

    International Men’s Day is also World Toilet Day. Just saying….

  8. zackoz says

    Since PZ is so parochial – so many Americans – her’s my parochial Australian list:

    Howard Florey – antibiotics

    General Sir John Monash – probably Australia’s greatest soldier

    John Curtin – wartime prime minister

    Dr Grahame Clark – cochlear implants

    Julian Burnside – human rights lawyer

    David Marr – journalist and writer

    Charlie Perkins – aboriginal leader

    Steve Irwin? (a bit of a lair, but he brilliantly publicised the importance of nature)

    Fred Hollows – eye doctor

    None of Australia’s sporting “heroes”. Though some are respectable, there are too many disgraceful incidents.

    Plenty of admirable men from outside the Anglo world – Kofi Annan, Mandela, etc

    By the way, though I like Obama, he’s not wholly admirable. As some have pointed out, he kept on with the drone strikes and he was highly hypocritical about whether whistle-blowers were good or bad. Maybe no politician is ever without blame of some kind.

  9. Tualha says

    John E. Jones III. A conservative, but an honest one who is not full of shit, which makes him almost sui generis these days. Most people reading this blog probably remember his ruling in Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District; more recently, he struck down a Pennsylvania statute banning same-sex marriage.

  10. says

    Yeah, but when will you care about real issues men face like smaller than D cups in comics and women eating full meals?
    As for extraordinary men, I’d add my grandpa, a loving, caring, peaceful, hard working simple miner.