
  1. mordred says

    I’m at least as pale as the blonde, but nobody ever has called me a Nazi. Possibly because I don’t posture in front of this flag?

    In other news: 13% of the German electorate envy the US and Russia and decided we also need a fascist faction in our federal parliament. Applause: For the first time in 60 years the fascists are back in the German parliament. I can’t eat as much as I would like to vomit!

  2. Owlmirror says

    I’m calling “Poe” on this one. As in, I really cannot tell if this is meant to be a satirical attempt to make Nazis look obliviously stupid, or sincere Nazis being genuinely obliviously stupid.

  3. Anders Kehlet says

    @Owlmirror: I just had a look at the account and am ready to puke. It definitely seems genuine to me.
    (One of the tweets links to a Pat Condell video, who is apparently still alive and being an obnoxious bigot)

  4. woozy says

    It’s not a Poe.
    They would really like to frame things so that admiring an Aryan State and admiring the nazi flag in history is a moderate and acceptable stance, and that the only reason people find them objectionable is because we are rabidly anti-white.

    They are sincere.

    They do want it to be assumed that being racist is a fundamental part of being white and opposing racism is to be directly anti-white.

  5. Artor says

    I am Whitey McWhiterson. I even carry a Thor’s hammer around sometimes, a favorite symbol of some Nazis. But I’ve still never been called a Nazi. Maybe it’s because I’m not a fucking Nazi.

  6. rietpluim says

    Apparently, Nazi’s nowadays think “Nazi” is just a slur, not the word for a follower of Nazism.

  7. wereatheist says

    The shitheads will go into the Bundestag, but there’s the Vidal Sassoon method to deal with it.

  8. emergence says

    Also, notice how those women are proudly allying themselves with a social movement that claims that they’re less intelligent than men and exist to be impregnated. I’m not discounting the possibility that they’ve fully bought into the idea that they’re meant to be subservient, but I suspect that they think the sexist social mores they’re fighting to impose won’t apply to themselves.

  9. gijoel says

    @3 never attribute to satire what can be attributed to stupidity. I looked at his twitter and it’s white power all the way down.

  10. woozy says

    They think we are calling them Nazis because we think calling people “Nazi” is equivalent of calling someone a poopy-head.

    They think that anyone who is white should have a sense of self-survival which requires desiring a white only/exclusive government and nationality.

    So they think anyone who opposes that does so because they are anti-white.

    So, in all sincerity, they are claiming “They call us Nazis because we are white”. They sincerely believe that.

    Also, notice how those women are proudly allying themselves with a social movement that claims that they’re less intelligent than men and exist to be impregnated.

    Well, … they are wearing t-shirts claiming “Anti-feminist”… Feminism may have different meanings to different people but I would claim equal intelligence and a choice of purpose beyond progeny regardless of gender is a basic tenet.

  11. Owlmirror says


    Feminism may have different meanings to different people but I would claim equal intelligence and a choice of purpose beyond progeny regardless of gender is a basic tenet.

    See also today’s Doonesbury.

  12. says

    Wait, wait, I would call them “anti feminists” too, because that’s what their Tshirts say. Or is it wrong of me to think that they put those Tshirts on to send a message?

  13. says

    They think we are calling them Nazis because we think calling people “Nazi” is equivalent of calling someone a poopy-head.

    That’s exactly right. It’s why I’m not a big fan of labels, whether self-assigned (i.e.: I put on a Tshirt that says “poopy-head”) or by others (someone calls me “poopy-head”) I want to deconstruct the label and understand what people mean by it.

    Does that flag in their background mean that they want the 3rd reich back? Or is it just “pride”? Or does that flag mean sympathy for the mission of the 3rd reich? The whole mission or just parts? Which parts? The part where they made the trains run on time, or the part where they rounded up and killed great swathes of people?

    When you start breaking down the agenda that gets umbrella’d under the label, then they have to start defending their position piecemeal. Ditto “anti-feminism” – what, exactly, about feminism are they against? Are they against equal wages? Are they against women in the workplace? Are they against women speaking out by wearing Tshirts that say “anti feminist”?. It gets interesting and funny when you start unpacking these weird belief systems; it’s layers of weird all the way down.

  14. says

    They’re anti-feminist because feminists hate men, and they want to hang with the alpha bros. Just like we call them Nazis because they are white. So logic. Much insight. Wow.

  15. Tethys says

    Hmm, this photograph looks like it dates from the mid 70’s. I looked up sniper records and found that the swedish branch is entirely devoted to white nationalism. Featuring such titles as “Soundtrack for a white revolution.” and “locked and loaded -we’ll get our revenge” I think the nazi ideology is blatantly obvious.

    No idea who the twit is, but it seems like a photoshopped image to support crappy racist music. The last album came out in 2010, so perhaps it has become extinct or got shut down.

  16. bcwebb says

    “They call me a Nazi murderer just cause I’m white -James Fields… oh yeah and maybe driving a car into a group of protestors.”

  17. ck, the Irate Lump says

    It’s the current recruitment message for centrists: “The left calls everyone Nazis just because they’re white, so you might as well join us!” As they say, a lie repeated often enough…

  18. methuseus says

    I was never called a Nazi, but, having blue eyes and light blonde hair, I was given as an example (in multiple classes) of what the Third Reich was striving for. Which just made me think the movement was stupid, having noticed the Hitler had neither blue eyes nor blonde hair.

    @Owlmirror re Doonesbury:
    My young son has said something similar about some cartoons we have watched along the veins of: “they’re all the same, why are they fighting?” or “they don’t like them because of [x], but they do [x] too!” My son (and I think daughter, too) should be just fine in the same way.

  19. rietpluim says

    @Marcus Ranum #18

    Too much nuance. When people are posing in front of the symbol of a totalitarian regime that is responsible for the death of millions, and that would add millions more if it had the chance, I’d say it is fucking obvious what they mean by it.

  20. jahigginbotham says

    @21 Tethys
    Yes, the picture (without caption and date) seems to date back to 2009 at least. The blonde could be right wing Lana Lokteff.

  21. says

    So, in all sincerity, they are claiming “They call us Nazis because we are white”. They sincerely believe that.

    I’m not sure that’s true. I’m perfectly happy believing that they’re just lying through their teeth.