You can now say “Merry Christmas”?

I had no idea of the extent of Obama’s tyranny. Did you know he forbade you from saying “Merry Christmas”? Corey Lewandowski says so, so it must be true.

That’s exactly how Republicans get elected: by telling people lies about their situation, and getting them to believe them. Then, once elected they have to do nothing but declare their own lies false.

Why is Lewandowski still on television? Fox News, I can understand…but shouldn’t a respectable news organization assess the quality of their contributors, and refuse to consider giving air time to people who are demonstrably untrustworthy and dishonest?


  1. johnlee says

    Ah yes, but until Trump releases all the people who have been put in jail for celebrating Christmas or eating turkey for Thanksgiving, all of this will just be words.

  2. Snarki, child of Loki says

    Obama had the word “gullible” removed from American dictionaries also, too, for PC reasons.

    Good to see that Trump is putting it back.

  3. blf says

    until Trump releases all the people who have been put in jail for celebrating Christmas or eating turkey for Thanksgiving

    Um, no. They’re criminals! Proof: They are in jail. They will be deported — stripped of their USnAzi citizenship if they have it (meaning they are liburals and other undesirables) — and then kicked out. Alive, if FEMA’s trains can get them to the border in time…

  4. iknklast says

    I was once involved in a listserve of educated, intelligent people who once spent several hours on the listserve discussing how they couldn’t say God on the listserve, and how all they were trying to do was show their appreciation to the divine being who had created them and nurtured them. It was disgusting to watch them try to one up one another on what God had done to save their life, all because one of them had come in crying and wailing and apologizing for having mentioned God illegally on a listserve – which she was fully within her rights to do, but acknowledging that would not have fit their narrative and allowed them to witness so readily. The discussion of how oppressed they were was depressing – especially since the one thing you really couldn’t do on this listserve was say “I’m an atheist”. I was not prevented legally, but just by the reality that it would be highly dangerous in this group of people.

    I left that listserve very soon after that, though I keep receiving their daily updates. I haven’t been a member of the group for nearly 3 years now, and they don’t take me off their list.

  5. slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says

    OffTopic (too lazy to find the proper thread)
    Trump is Time Magazine‘s Man of the Year *fuck*
    worth remembering that is not a ‘badge of honor’ they bestow for being ‘good’, just recognition of the biggest story maker of the year.
    Hitler was also named “man of the year” during his destruction of the world.
    so… *shrug*
    I guess ‘downer me’ can accept ‘Mister POS-elect’ as deserving it, as they are both doing the samesimilar shiiit.

  6. johnwoodford says

    “Trump is Time Magazine‘s Man of the Year”

    Over on Twitter, the always brilliant Alexandra Erin observed that:
    “Basically, we’ve spent 11 months talking about what a flaming garbage pile of a year 2016 is. Isn’t Trump the living embodiment of that?”
    “Donald Trump is the official mascot for the year that killed Prince, Sharon Jones, and David Bowie.”

    I thought that pretty well summed it up.

  7. jaybee says

    Good news: “Fuck you!” is still on the list of things we can say. So, Fuck You Corey Lewandowski!

  8. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I must have missed the memo that said I couldn’t say “merry Xmas”. However, I only say that to known Xians. With strangers, I would use “happy holidays”, as I have no idea what holiday they may celebrate. I call that courtesy.
    Funny how “political correctness” is merely being polite to a diverse population. Purposely saying something that excludes people is being downright rude, which is what they want to be.

  9. says

    Funny how “political correctness” is merely being polite to a diverse population. Purposely saying something that excludes people is being downright rude, which is what they want to be.


  10. says

    Reminds me of how the religious right changed “teachers and other school authorities aren’t allowed to coerce students into praying” into “secular humanists have made praying in school illegal.”

  11. slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says

    re Woodford@6:
    since you mentioned Twatter [sic], you must have seen the tweet posting Time’s poll results of who should be MotY?
    where of the list, Trump had 30% of the votes, Hillary 50%. seems about right who they went with…./ sarcasm ?*

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    * following my new self-imposed mandate of closing asertions with question mark punctuation ?

  12. Owlmirror says


    I left that listserve very soon after that, though I keep receiving their daily updates. I haven’t been a member of the group for nearly 3 years now, and they don’t take me off their list.


    LISTSERV, and other mailing list software, usually honor “unsubscribe” requests. In order to combat mail spoofing shenanigans, most modern listservs will send an e-mail in response to a subscription change request request with a URL to follow or some similar method to confirm the request.

    /old-school nerdery

  13. says

    Took my family to dinner last month at the local megamall in the fundamentalist shariah state of Malaysia. The decorations were going up. It was somewhere north of 100 deg F but Bing Crosby was crooning about snow. The Herald Angels were even harking. The Muslim war on Christmas was in full swing.

  14. quotetheunquote says

    @garydargan #15-

    Dagnabbit! That’s so disappointing to learn!

    I have, for years now, hoped that some day I could go vacation to some country where I could spend a peaceful December away from all the Xmas hype (and having to listen to Bing Crosby – especially Bing Crosby *shudder*). I thought Malaysia might be a good, non-Saudi, candidate for such a destination, but you’ve dashed my hopes! Maybe Indonesia, or Brunei, will still be untainted?…

  15. KG says


    Try Russia! The Russian Orthodox Church still goes by the Julian calendar, so their Christmas Day is (in Gregorian terms) January 7th.

  16. says

    Brunei is a possibility. The sultan but it is becoming more like Sordid Rabiya every day. Don’t know about Indonesia with their policy of pancasila just about anything goes from rabid Muslim fundamentalism to the extremes of American Christian evangelism and every shade between.

  17. Jado says

    “shouldn’t a respectable news organization assess the quality of their contributors, and refuse to consider giving air time to people who are demonstrably untrustworthy and dishonest?”

    Where in their corporate charter does it mention anything about quality? These “people who are demonstrably untrustworthy and dishonest” are solid moneymakers as the victims of all these lies crave their unfounded fears to be justified. As so we have the relief that the ignorant that were unaware there was a law against saying “Merry Christmas” are now reassured that they can say it without fear.

    It’s disaster capitalism transmogrified into the fear circuit, and it’s luicrative. So no, they won’t yank these people. They will hire more.