But wait! Before you blow your budget…

…at the Pharyngula store, something desperately urgent has come up: Sarah Morehead is in trouble. Those of you who know Sarah for her gentle activism in the atheist movement should also know that she’s an exceptionally nice person with a family, so these problems are not to be tolerated. I’ll keep it simple: it’s an ugly spousal abuse situation, which has left her and her kids with no support…and really, when you read her story, you’ll see she had no choice but to get out.

She needs help. She needs donations. If you can, get over there and chip in.


  1. says

    Not that this should deter anyone from donating if they have the money, but the initial goal of $10k has been met. (Please don’t let that stop you from donating — $10k is not a lot to support even a single adult, let alone an adult with 3 kids.)