Oh, Christ. Kirk Cameron’s newest schlock venture is about “Saving Christmas”.
He promises to put the Christ back in Christmas. I think all the people who want a religious celebration get a religious celebration every year, no problem. And I think those of us who don’t want a religious celebration should be free to have a secular holiday, no problem. So this is a non-solution to a non-problem, and the only reason Kirk Cameron and his ilk think it’s a problem is that what they really want to do is impose religious views on those of us who don’t want them.
Christmas doesn’t need saving. The evangelicals need to fuck off, leave the rest of us alone, and get as jesusy as they want. We sure aren’t stopping them.
Let me guess, it’s going to be about forcing everyone to acknowledge Christmas and only Christmas while ignoring all the other holidays in December (except for Haunacka (sp) so they can claim to be diverse).
I think I’m going to puke.
(but maybe that’s the gun thread)
Oh lord. [/Leela]
Most Christians don’t celebrate a properly Jesusy xmas. If Cameron was just schlocking in the direction of other Christians, it might at least have some entertainment value.
Not everybody in the world speaks english. There’s such a thing as other countries that have different languages then the evengalical merrikans.
Like in the netherlands, we can’t put christ in christmas at all! Because it’s called Kerstmis and kerst isn’t christus. Or France, where it’s called Noël. I have tried putting christ in there but it just doesn’t fit.. at all. Or German Weinachten. No Christ there either.
Crap.. the rest of the world sure has a problem with christ and christmas it seems!
I give you Kirk Cameron:
Come on PZ, how could you leave out a quote as amazing as this?????
My suggestion:
Ho! Ho!!…erm… Ho!!!
I’m with you.
The Pilgrims forbade the practice totally, so a true “American Christian” Christmas would be … well … ignoring it altogether. And not just in the early days — well into the 1850s. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1870s when Christmas became a Federal holiday that New Englanders started celebrating.
So, Kirk, I’m 100% in favor of you reverting to the “traditional” American celebration of Christmas. I don’t need another tie, so I’m good.
Augh what the hell why is the war on christmas starting earlier each year. I never have anything to wear!
– Poor Kirk. I can’t call to mine a more perfect image of tectoinically misguided, pathetically well-meaning (like a silly pupoy), empty-headed, saccharine civil, personally-dangerous-only-in-extremis, but socially and politically virulent organism.
– Honestly, he’s like a cross between a fruit fly, an advetising blimp, and Josef Goebbels’ silly, inept, mascot brother.
Aggghhh. Spelling. Thumbs. Sorry.
I’m glad they had to settle for someone as untalented as Kirk Cameron. Watching the first two Left Behind movies I realized two things: The people are idiots, who are only saved by the Antichrist being more of an idiot (in other words terribly written) and that Kirk Cameron couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag; He’s very stilted and very boring to watch. He reminds me of the majority of Christian subgenre musicians in that people only buy their crap because they advertise themselves as Christian, (to be fair this doesn’t describe all Christian subgenre groups/musicians.)
I want christmas to be about killing gods, again.
The Antichrist being an idiot is a given because of the source material. After all for all the Rapture nonsense to happen the Antichrist, Satan, and the rest have to be idiots who stick to a plan revealed to be a failure two thousand years ago.
Speaking of tasteless tributes to a fictional war on Christmas… at least mine has over 100% of profits (cos I round up) going to charity. http://www.lulu.com/shop/digital-cuttlefish/the-war-against-christmas-diary/paperback/product-21294336.html (that’s the print version; there’s an e-version, too, if you poke around a bit.
Hey, if KC can exploit Christmas this early, so can I. He’s doing it for Jesus; I’m doing it to help real people.
He’s starting the “War on Christmas” routine before Labour Day? It’s pretty tacky to be complaining about the lack of Christ in Christmas when you’re still wearing summer white pants and shoes.
Doesn’t he know anything about style and fashion?
pascallede watering, @4,
Put the “no” back in Noël. Put the wein back in Weinachten!
We must fight to keep the Sol in Solstice!
For those who couldn’t get enough of Christmas with a Capital C (2011). I don’t know Kirk. Daniel Baldwin left some pretty big shoes to fill.
But to evangelicals, being jesusy means “annoy the fuck out of everyone else.”
microraptor @20,
They just want us all to invoke the name of their lord and savior every time they say something stupid.
Put the Krampus back in Christmas!
sambarge — Well you know, Christmas starts earlier every year, so why not the War on Christmas. Actually, I started my personal War on Christmas on Boxing Day last year. I don’t want to do what my family did ever again. Period.
Perhaps it has something do with money, too?
I’ll consider worshipping Christ on Christmas when Christians start worshipping Thor on Thursdays. And no, they don’t get to rename it so as to avoid the connotation, unless they stop objecting to the word “holiday” on cards.
Aw, you guys are all so cynical. This looks like a nice family movie.
Yeah, but which christmas (or Xmas), there’s a couple of completely conflicting stories (or myths) in that nasty old bible of theirs, which do we or should we believe under threat of eternal damnation? Oh the dilemma.
I remember a whiny commentator on Catholic Radio complaining how it “hurt her heart” when a chirpy department store assistant wished her “Happy Holidays.” The Xmas-“savers” are such wimps! (I’m sure “Xmas” just hurt her heart again, wherever she is.)
Actually, I’m ok with putting Christ back in Christmas, as long as he says there. Put him back, slam the door shut, lock the door and throw away the key.
The problem is that he’s always getting out.
So he’s like Animaniacs except without being funny, clever, or entertaining?
Um, yeah…. [Running to Google to get the cultural reference….]
Daz @25
There’s more than just Thor’sday. It’s followed by Frigge/Freya (Venus), Saturn, Sun, Moon, Tiw and Woden/Odin. They are a mix of Northern European and Roman gods. Romance languages, like French, use Jeudi (Jupiter) for Thursday, followed by Vendredi (Venus), Samedi (Sabbath), Dimanche (Lord), Lundi (Luna) and Mardi (Mars).
But you knew that already. I didn’t, I had to look several of them up.
JohnnieCanuck #32
No worries. It means I can mention Ēostre in connection with Easter, and I get to use use one of them there macron thingies.
I went ahead and got it over with this month.
Alternative Title:
Bill O’Reilly Fox News Rant The Motion Picture
What the fuck did I just watch?
Did I just watch them contradict themselves? Are Jesus and Santa fighting over a car that they both stole from the Druids?
What the hell is that creepy chamber? Is this a ’90s grunge video?
Maybe if I play some Tool over it…
I wonder how much this movie dwells on the Christian Midnight Mass?
I’m sure everyone knows that that is the ONLY part of Christmas that has not yet been traced back to pre-Christian pagan activities. Not that say Druids hadn’t been holding midnight ceremonies for thousands of years before then, for all we know.
I like what one DarkMatter2525 video said:
It should be: Have a Merry There’s-No-God-Day.
Yup… This is fantastic to the song Sober.
good luck with that. Dude owes me five bucks; can’t even get him to answer his cell phone.
“Santa carjacked Jesus”
Santa is one bad mothe…
I’m just talkin’ ’bout Santa!
really, looking forward to “We finally abandoned all our superstitious, destructive, baggage Day”
Less of xmas, more of this please:
Damn it. Did not mean to embed that.
all you have to do with the way the site is currently, is just add a space in front of the url.
just fyi.
if that’s the hero, let me guess the villain’s name…
Obama Stalin-Hussein
Nothing says “Jesus is a total douche” like another Christian-themed movie.
Christian White? Really? That’s subtle…..
When I know someone is a rightwing faith head, I try to say ‘Happy Holidays’ in the same way they say ‘bless you’ or ‘I’ll pray for you’. I haven’t managed quite the same level of condescending sneer, but I keep practicing.
Otherwise, I say it all sincerity. :)
Uh, of course he is. ~:-|
It’s from “natal”… the birth of…
(…Newton, of course. By the calendar in use at the time, Isaac Newton was born on December 25th.)
It’s spelled Weihnachten with a silent h because it’s from weihen, “to consecrate”, and Nacht, “night”.
He doesn’t belong there. He belongs together with St. Nicholas, who comes on Dec. 6th.
Because she’s American and doesn’t get any vacation?
…Χ of course being the first letter of Christ.
David… the entire post you are addressing meant “Christ” literally.
as in the exact, english, word.
As was Cab Calloway. I quite like the sound of “Happy Callowayday.”
I hate it when War On Christmas season starts before the War On Thanksgiving.
Can’t we just put the “as” back in Christmas? That seems as if it should be easier. It’s shorter.
Is Cameron a Catholic? They need to get all the Protestants out of Christ Mass.