The Discovery Institute is sponsoring an Alaskan cruise with the theme, “Science & Faith: Friends or Foes?”. They have two speakers, Stephen Meyer, long-winded pompous philosopher with a twisted version of science that supports his religious views, and John Lennox, theological bullfrog without a clue. So who’s speaking for the side of science? No one. They have no one qualified to do so at the DI.
But imagine being trapped on a boat with those two pretentious airheads for a week. <shudder>
Okay, can I just copy the first two sentences of this and use it to replace my entry on the other thread?
No Casey Luskin? How could a DI cruise be complete without Luskin’s hilarious apologetic stylings?
Zeno: Maybe hamsters are afraid of water?
“Friend or Foe” is a false dichotomy. The DI’s view is that Faith and Science are in a dysfunctional
“frenemy”-type relationship. Faith claims that Science is his best friend, but he keeps him on a pretty tight leash, and gets verbally abusive if Science contradicts him over the least little thing. Science is aware on some level that this isn’t a healthy relationship and that he should leave – but Science is always strapped for cash, while Faith has more money than he knows what to do with. A cruise to Alaska sounds like a lot of fun, and Science can go for free as long as he remembers his place and doesn’t say anything that would make Faith upset…
All that said, I’m guessing that the DI will try to portray this as a perfectly normal relationship, not dysfunctional at all. I’ve got no idea how they’ll manage it.
This is the scariest Halloween Party I have heard of so far. What kind of costumes will they wear?
…and then they flew Kent Hovind onto the ship via helicopter and locked you in a room with all 3. As all 3 started to disrobe they looked at you with lust…
Oh, sorry I thought this was the scary story thread.
I wonder, will they bring food and water with them, or will they just trust the Lord to provide? Actions speak louder than words.
I can’t go. I’m afraid I’d give in to what would be irresistible temptation were I ever to find myself standing behind a DI member near the deck rail of a moving ship.
Meyer and Lennox will get a standing ovation at every speech they make. The travellers are clamouring to be told what they want to hear. Deep down they know it’s bullshit, but if they keep on believing, and the church appointed ‘experts’ reinforce that belief, then they can still pretend there is a chance they will live forever. No matter what the cost to their integrity, they will never throw that chance away.
The bit I’ve highlighted; isn’t that the qualification criteria for the Templeton prize?
I can’t believe it: Ham has written an article that bashes halloween.
So what, you may ask? Look at what he wants to replace it with. “Reformation Day”, a day basically started by xian Martin Luther.
So what again, you ask?
Martin Luther is the asshole who wrote “On the Jews and Their Lies”. He’s the guy who Julius Streicher said in the Nuremburg trials helped provide the inspiration for the Nazis for what to do to the Jews.
Yet Ham and his group is one of the many people who consistently blame “darwinism” for the holocaust!
Ok: For a true scary story, there’s one I found on “reddit” in the short, scary stories section (or whatever it’s called).
The title was “The Two Most Terrible Words”. The story?
Whoops. I meant: “truly scary story”, not one that was true!
As the whole “Hell” nonsense evaporates, the smitten with jesus brigade is on the hunt for new punishments for the non believing and this Alaskan cruise is it! Imagine jesus crackers and juice on tap 24 hours a day being forced down your throat! Imagine your own lurking priest hovering just outside the stateroom with a video camera and a mobile phne! Imagine a world filled with rosary beads and billboards of pope Frank with eyes that follow your every move. Sign up now, or it’s the Alaskan cruise for you and you’ll be rowing.