
  1. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    If so, I just devised a KILLER broccoli/cheese soup.

    Oooh, postpostpost.

  2. chigau (Twoic) says

    Speaking of recipes … I have inherited about 2.5 litres of chopped, white onions.
    (also a similar quantity of cooked white rice)

  3. chigau (Twoic) says

    on another topic
    it occurs to me that copypasting everyones current ‘nym when responding will preserve the changes that the current FtB {we have always been at war with EastAsia} system removes.

  4. morgan says


    When one has an embarrassment of onions, one makes onion soup! There are tons of recipes out there but just remember that the aroma of onions slowly caramelizing in lightly browned butter with a few minced garlic cloves is enough to stop marauding hordes in their tracks. Add a cup or so of white wine and the broth of choice and simmer for a bit and viola!

    About the rice… make a sauce of choice, (Mexican works well) simmer the rice in said sauce for a short bit, add cubes of steamed chicken and hooray, instant dinner.

    Soup recipe to follow.

  5. carlie says

    Indigo Jump – I missed your post earlier. I wish I could help – just know a lot of us like you an awful lot and care about you and your happiness.

  6. Ingdigo Jump says

    someone mentioned mormons asking teens about masturbation habits.

    Just wanted to chime in that that’s not limited to mormons, everyone was called into a teachers office to do that the catholic school I went to.

    You may now scream

  7. chigau (Twoic) says

    Onion soup was the first thing I thought of but I lack broth (and have a deep prejudice against store-bought broth).
    Do you think I can caramelize the onions and freeze for later?
    The rice that is not eaten in the next couple of days will be frozen in small units for inclusion in soups, later.

  8. morgan says


    You can most certainly caramelize the onions and freeze for later. I’m a huge fan of “prepare, then freeze for later.” Parse out in small enough portions that you have good control over the “more or less” aspect of any recipe.

    And as you obviously know, cooked white rice freezes well. Hooray for post industrial technology.

  9. cicely says

    chigau, that is a lot of onions! If it was me, I believe I’d caramelize the lot, stir it into the rice, add little gobbets of meat-of-choice, maybe tiny bits of scrambled egg, very finely chopped nuts of some sort (pecans!!!), subdivide the whole thing into portions (maybe freeze ’em?), and have dinner sorted out for at least a week!

    on another topic
    it occurs to me that copypasting everyones current ‘nym when responding will preserve the changes that the current FtB {we have always been at war with EastAsia} system removes.

    An idea I’ve been toying with putting into play, myself! My only reservation is that really long editorially-commenting sub-‘nyms, if bolded in their entirety, might distract from the intended reason for bolding ‘nyms in the first place.
    Test Run:
    chigau (Twoic), [comment]
    chigau (Twoic), [comment]
    Opinions on which works better?

  10. Crudely Wrott says

    @ Morgan

    A KILLER broccoli and cheese soup would more than likely be inhaled by Hoover and Electrolux, the resident vavuum cleaners. I swear those boys can empty their plate while I’m still shakin’ salt on mine.

    Younger man cub and I just had a surprisingly in depth conversation about spinach. So, yeah, the interest is there but the taste buds are still young.

    Why don’t you post your recipe right here and share it all around? I’ll certainly try it out on the guys and let you know the results right here in the Lounge. K?

  11. cicely says

    Let’s try it with a longer ‘nym:
    Test Run
    Tony! The Immorally Inferior Queer Shoop! [Lengthy comment on the subject of The Treacher yOf The Horses.]
    Tony! The Immorally Inferior Queer Shoop! [Why Peas Aren’t Friends Or Food.]
    Tony! The Immorally Inferior Queer Shoop! [Reminder that the Horses and the peas are conspiring together to bring about the Equine Apocalypse.]
    Maybe, for the longer ‘nyms, all bold and skip to the next line.
    Tony! The Immorally Inferior Queer Shoop!
    [A meditation on whether or not I may be over-thinking the subject.]
    I think that last one looks best.
    *nodding firmly*

  12. says

    I liked this from your feministing link:

    Asking, “Is this legally rape?” carries an undertone of, “If you say it’s not, I’ll go ahead and do it”, and is a question which should be turned around and asked back as: Why are you so relaxed – and even enthusiastic – about maybe raping someone?

    You don’t get this in other contexts. You don’t get folks saying, “Well, I’m going to do this thing which may or may not kill somebody. It’s probably fine as long as it’s legal.” … We can solve this apparent contradiction by clarifying what our questioner is actually worried about. They aren’t worried about raping. They are worried about social consequences of rape. They are worried about being named a rapist. They are okay with “maybe” being a rapist as long as it won’t come back to bite them…

    If you care about not raping, because you care about not raping, then the only way to be sure you’re not raping is to be sure you’re not raping. This means not having sex when you’re not
    sure whether it’s rape or not. This means that if you’re asking the question, “Is it rape if I…?” then you may not know the answer, but you know what you should do.

    I can think of several people in the grenade thread that need to read this.

  13. Crudely Wrott says

    Like you, Tony, I used to be young and restless.

    Still got passions.

    I enjoy a drink or two and feel perfectly comfortable.

    Probably a good time for this poem.

    Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate:
    I am the captain of my soul.

    Thus to bed and dreams of youthful passions. Five’ll get you ten I wake myself laughing.

  14. blf says

    Stupid overcautious hot air balloon operators

    I take a bit of an exception to that comment. I’ve witnessed a balloon crash — I sometimes say I was almost squashed by it, but that is an exaggeration, I was 10–20 metres away from where it came down — under perfect conditions (no wind, sunny day, …) at the Bristol (UK) Balloon Festival many yonks ago. No-one was hurt, and it was (in retrospect) a funny incident, but at the time it was rather frightening to watch: For some reason, after crossing the gorge near the Clifton Suspension Bridge, the balloon started to rapidly loose altitude.

    You could see and hear the pilots frantically trying to regain height, opening up the burners (all the way, I assume), to no avail. As became obvious they were coming down, fast and seemingly hard, the problem was where to “land” — there were trees everywhere. (And people, but the trees aren’t mobile and have nasty branches.) As it was, since they didn’t have much control of the balloon, they were quite lucky they didn’t snag in the tree they did hit, but that hit sent the basket swaying considerably.

    The balloon then drifted at less-than tree-top height, the basket a metre or two off the ground (and twisting to-and-fro slightly, as I now recall) directly towards me. And then, PLOP! straight down to the ground, at which point the whole contraption tipped over, with the bag and basket lying on their sides. (Since the bottom of the basket was pointing directly towards me, I don’t know / couldn’t see what precisely happened to the crew. I assume they wound up lying on top of each other, but probably weren’t ejected from the basket.)

    The ground crew pulled up within seconds and secured the bag, and began deflating it. (Since there was no wind, the basket with the rather surprised looking and animated aerial crew was not dragged along the ground.)

    It’s obvious lightening or high winds can cause problems. And they seem to be “twitchy” (sensitive) enough I’m not surprised the maximum allowed ground windspeed seems rather low. Based on what I saw, those precautions are neither “stupid” nor “overcautious”.

  15. says

    For several hours after the incident, flames and smoke could reportedly be seen pouring from the train coaches that had been set alight. The crowds prevented local officials and firefighters from getting to the scene. Today marked the last day a month of prayers at the nearby Katyayani temple and many of the people – devotees of the Hindu god Shiva – had been returning from early morning devotions. Officials said that at least 35 people were killed as they crossed the tracks but that it was difficult to be precise because many of the bodies had been dismembered. A local politician, Dinesh Chandra Yadav, told reporters that the train, the Rajyarani Express, was on route to Patna and passed the station at around 50mph shortly before 9am. Officials said the train was not supposed to stop at Dhamara Ghat and had been given clearance to pass. However, it seems some pilgrims believed that if they waited on the tracks they could stop the train.

    I know little about Hinduism.
    Is there some reason a group of travelling Hindus would think they could stop a train?
    The violent mob will hopefully see jail time.
    (Did they think a train can stop on a dime?)

  16. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    Reading Miri’s post. I wonder if someone can explain to me why “social ineptitude due to disability’ is the one kind of mental health symptom other people aren’t supposed to be sympathetic to and accommodate…

  17. says

    From the Dept of WTF?

    According to a Public Policy Polling survey, 29 percent of Louisiana Republicans say President Obama is more to blame for the botched executive branch response to Hurricane Katrina while just 28 percent blamed George W. Bush. A plurality of 44 percent said they were unsure who was more responsible, even though Hurricane Katrina occurred over three years before Obama entered the presidency when he was still a freshman Senator.

  18. says

    I haven’t read Miri’s post, but that seems a very odd tack to take. IME, virtually all sorts of mental health issues have symptoms that either constitute or mimic some type of social ineptitude, and that’s just something that one makes allowances for.

  19. says

    Good morning
    Other people have written better about how kids today lose autonomy, free space and how they lack exercise but this first week with #1 in school really drove it home. There’s hardly a kid who walks to school alone. Many are being brought by car. Not because they live too far away for walking, not because their parents are just dropping them off on their way to work*. Those who walk are mostly walked there. Not just 1st graders like mine, but 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders as well. Those children have practically no unsupervised space in their whole day, their parents are not trusting them to manage their way to school alone even after 2 or 3 years and those who are brought by car are lacking the exercise of walking**

    *Even in that case the parents could just leave by car and the children walk to school.
    **My legs are complaining. I have to walk the distance twice. I admit that I can do with the exercise as well ;)

    Yeah, that’s what I asked myself, too. Being dragged to court sucks big time. I remember how horrible it was for all of us when Mr. was unfairly sued for damage to a car. But that has shit to do with anything.


    Reading Miri’s post. I wonder if someone can explain to me why “social ineptitude due to disability’ is the one kind of mental health symptom other people aren’t supposed to be sympathetic to and accommodate…

    Those are two different things. Being sympathetic is one thing. But why should I accomodate behaviour that actively harms and victimises me? That’s not building wheelchair ramps. Apart from the fact that it’s the most trotted out lie. Seriously, at this point I would require a certificate of a clinical diagnosis before even giving the benefit of the doubt to people who seem to be able to interact quite normally with people until they’re harassing women when suddenly they’re just poor socially inept dudes.

    I’m sorry to hear *anklehugs*

  20. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    I am completely threadrupt.

    Ingdigo Jump,
    Went to previous page to see what happened. I’m so sorry you’re depressed. *careful hugs if you’re feeling like hugging today*

  21. says

    Sooo, PZ has not had a Gun related post in a while, no?
    The recent shooting in Georgia thankfully ended with no loss of life. Some people, upon hearing that would not think words of empathy defused the situation.

    They would be wrong.

    People look at the young men who go on violent rampages, who shoot up schools or malls or movie theaters, and they always ask the same questions: Why would he do something like that? How can we stop such massacres in the future?

    Problem is, nobody much wants to talk about the answers to those questions. Nobody wants to answer the first one because it doesn’t let us get righteously angry, and nobody wants to answer the second one because it’s nothing we can scream at Congress about.

    The thing all these young men have in common is alienation. A sense of being cut off from the world, of being unable to be part of anything. And the way we stop them is human connection.

    Not very dramatic or satisfying, is it? There’s no movies where the lead detective turns dramatically to the camera and says “Let’s get out there and empathize.” There’s no way to lobby for a law that people have to listen to one another as fellow human beings. We can tell people that the person they least want to reach out to is probably the one who most needs it, but experience indicates that nobody much will follow that advice.

    Nonetheless, this theory got a pretty intense field test yesterday in Decatur, Georgia, when a young man named Michael Brandon Hill entered an elementary school called the Ronald E. McNair Discovery Learning Academy with the intent of shooting everyone, and instead surrendered to police without shooting anyone.

    What changed his plan was a woman named Antoinette Tuff, a clerk at the school. She didn’t pull a gun of her own, she didn’t overcome him with martial arts, she just talked to him. Like a human being

    Antoinette Tuff showed how empathy can stop violence.
    Through nothing more than her empathy and words, this woman saved lives.
    That she did so, to a gunman, is an act of courage.
    This woman is a hero.

  22. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says

    For those that need a bit of beauty, today’s Google doodle is a bit of such. {Warning for Romantic period piano music.}

  23. says

    I’m so sorry to hear that, Ingdigo Jump. I offer my sympathies, hugs if you want them, and if there’s anything we can do, please let us know.

  24. birgerjohansson says

    Info dump:
    Trans-Pacific Partnership will be yet another bad deal for workers

    8 Real Spies And Actual Bad Guys Who Got Shorter Sentences Than Bradley Manning

    On occasion, Comrade Physioproffe finds some gems:

    “Republican Filth Getting What They Want: Loony Racist “Militiamen” in Armed Standoffs With Loony Racist Sheriffs, Both Hunting Mexicans* ”

    From “Dispatches…”

    Tea Party Groups Threaten Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.)
    “Lamar Alexander has long been known as a relatively reasonable Republican legislator, one of those rare creatures known as moderate pragmatists. A coalition of Tea Party groups don’t like that at all and have written him a letter telling him that if he doesn’t retire from the Senate, they’ll be mounting a primary challenge from the right. The language of that letter is quite interesting”: Quote:“Unfortunately, our great nation can no longer afford compromise and bipartisanship, two traits for which you have become famous”
    Yep. No place for Republicans who actually wants to do something.

  25. Nick Gotts says

    Totally threadrupt. Just back last night from the “Balcombe Site Siege”*, about which I’ll have more to say later. The guy on the ground being tortured by the police – you can see he’s not in a position to resist, but one is kneeling on his head and pressing the pressure point behind the ear, which causes intense pain – was in the next tent to me on the “Reclaim the Power” protest camp. A fine man. I was cowering behind the last portaloo in the line at this point, having had enough excitement for one day, although I’d been on the front line during earlier police attempts to clear the road. The use of bicycles as a barricade, mentioned in the report, was more or less spontaneous – I was part of a cycling group using them to distract police attention earlier, while another group locked themselves to the gates, then when they tried to clear the road, we held them in front of us in defense of the blockade, and after that first failed police push they were locked together. My heroic bicycle** was unfortunately severely injured, and later captured by the enemy.

    *Obscure British historical reference.

    **The one I was riding – supplied by the protest organizers.

  26. Maureen Brian says

    Well done, Nick! I hope you’re not too badly bruised.

    Is it not time for another army of psychologists to do another round of studies on the group dynamics of British cops? However cuddly they may seem to the passing tourist, put more than three of them together in a demo situation and they go berserk. My hunch is that it’s the thought of people not-in-uniform acting together but, surely, they could be trained to cope with that. No?

  27. didgen says

    Having one of those nights when it seems like there is no way that all of the problems that are surrounding people I care for can possibly work out, every time that you think things are heading in the right direction, a giant sucking void of horrific possibilities opens up in front of you like the Grand Canyon.

  28. says

    Courtesy of Joe.My.God–

    Good luck figuring it out before the end.
    (So happy this commercial does not reinforce society’s narrow beauty standards…yes I have donned the Snark Hat.)
    Wentworth Miller, star of NBCs Prison Break, came out of the closet to criticize Russia’s anti-gay legislation–

  29. says

    Al-Jazeera news…on cable tv?—

    Al-Jazeera America signed on with a brisk hello from anchor Tony Harris before he got down to business with his network’s first stories: continued turmoil in Egypt, shots fired at an Atlanta elementary school and more wildfires in the West.

    With that, the network entered the cable news fray long dominated by CNN, MSNBC and Fox News Channel

    A star is born–


    Perhaps they should have used the term ‘sex workers’ throughout. There is so much stigma attached to ‘prostitute’.–

    They look like shelters for hikers in a national park, but these wooden sheds in Switzerland have a rather less innocent purpose – they provide a discreet location for men to have sex with prostitutes.

    The drive-in “sex boxes” as they are being called, will be officially opened on August 26, as part of a drive by authorities in Zurich to regulate prostitution, combat pimping and improve security for sex workers.

  30. carlie says

    Other people have written better about how kids today lose autonomy, free space and how they lack exercise but this first week with #1 in school really drove it home. There’s hardly a kid who walks to school alone.

    In my school district, one has to provide special permission for their kid to not take the bus. It’s a lot easier for the school for everyone to arrive at the same time (and lessens the number of parents driving by some percentage).

    Crudely – that poem has been set to music; one of my friends in high school sang it as a solo for state competition. I can still remember it.

    Lofty – Nutella is a food of the gods. I don’t know if adulterating it with anything could do anything but lessen it. But I’ve never had pot, so I don’t know. Although, now I have a diagnosis that could score me some legally if I ever end up in the right state.

    KevinKat – how did the presentation go?

  31. Nick Gotts says

    Maureen Brian@531

    Thanks! My sole injury was a tiny scrape on the leg, inflicted by a bicycle pedal while I hung on to the bicycle, I think. The cops were actually mostly fairly restrained – lots of TV cameras and an MP being present (Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton and Hove, who was one of those arrested). The pressure point stuff is an officially approved police technique, supposed to be used only on someone actively resisting arrest or refusing to move, but in practice used to punish people who have annoyed them (it causes intense pain but no obvious injury; I’ve seen it before in a completely different context, used on an alleged shoplifter who was already down on the ground and cuffed, but had apparently spat at a cop.)

  32. Portia, oblivious says

    I take a bit of an exception to that comment. I’ve witnessed a balloon crash

    Fair enough. My commiseration took the wrong form.

    Tony: Yeah, that part you blockquoted seems to me to be the most important part of that article. Which is funny, because it’s quoted from another part. It’s really well said and succinctly put and powerful.

    I have an eensy hangover from half a bottle of not-Champagne-because-the-French-are-sensitive-about-the-title. Ugh. Cawfey.

  33. says

    While I wish it wasn’t so, I’m afraid it’s not going to help her case, nor make it any easier on her in prison. It takes a very strong person to do this now.

  34. Portia, oblivious says


    Ha, brilliant deduction! :D Thanks. I’m still wrapping my head around it, but yep, I took the job. I’ll be joining a firm of four white male attorneys, two Democrats and two Republicans but they all seem like nice guys. It’ll be a very different experience but I’m looking forward to lawyering as opposing to being the lawyer, the paralegal, the accountant, the banker, the bookkeeper, the advertising department, all at once. And hey, health and dental insurance!

  35. carlie says

    That’s awesome, Portia!

    KevinKat – good luck!

    While I wish it wasn’t so, I’m afraid it’s not going to help her case, nor make it any easier on her in prison. It takes a very strong person to do this now.

    I think partly there’s an issue with making the claim that the army exacerbated her gender dysphoria by not treating it, so her lawyers are trying to force them to do it now. It could make the difference between what kind of prison she ends up in, but I fear with you that either way, it’s going to be more difficult on her than I can imagine.

  36. Portia, oblivious says

    hehehehehe The image of the silly Shoop dance in my honor has my giggling over my coffee. Thanks, Shoop :)

  37. birgerjohansson says

    Gene clues may explain why Brandt’s bat lives so long

    Human brains are hardwired for empathy, friendship, study shows
    But…Ayn Rand sez it isn’t so!!!

    Copper identified as culprit in Alzheimer’s disease

    Ingredient in turmeric spice when combined with Thalidomide anti-nausea drug kills cancer cells

  38. birgerjohansson says

    Carbyne is stronger than any known material

    Planes, trains and molecules: Deriving a generic routing algorithm from the physics of interacting polymers

    Scientists pinpoint a new molecular mechanism tied to pancreatic cancer

    Kids with autism outperformed others on math test, study found

  39. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says

    {An “Oh hey, the laptop is still on.” drive-by.}


    Hooray for you!

    Happy Horde news, and I finally managed to get my Noodler Ahab fountain pen functioning and a fundamentalist has actually admitted error, in public no less. Considering my week so far I’ll take that one small and two second-hand joys as a sign to quit while I’m ahead and go to bed on an up note.

    Hugs for all in want and need. Especially Ingdigo. I hope things get better soon.

    And to didgen. Watching the lives of others spiral out of control sucks in its own special way. I try to console myself with the thought that at least by caring I know that I’m still a decent human being. A selfish strategy which works about as well as telling a 3 year old: “There isn’t any monster in the closet. Now go to sleep!” Speaking of which…..

  40. says

    When you have more time I’d love to hear about the fundamentalist and what error they admitted.


    President Obama on Thursday will unveil a broad new plan that aims to make college education more affordable by overhauling the college-ranking system and allocating federal financial aid based on those results.

    The plan, which Obama will roll out on a two-day campus bus tour that starts Thursday in Buffalo, would create a ranking system beginning in 2015 to evaluate colleges on tuition, the percentage of low-income students, graduation rates and debt of graduates.

    Eventually, as an incentive for schools to make improvements in these areas, federal financial aid would be awarded based on those rankings.

  41. says

    If you have been searching for a reason, something, anything, to explain why three teenage boys attacked an Australian ball player while he was jogging, Fox News has the answer:

    Fox News [says]: Abortion and Facebook to blame for murder of Australian baseball player …

    Well, that solves that mystery. According to Fox News, reproductive rights in general are largely to blame.
    Salon link. Excerpt below:

    … you can’t outlaw third trimester abortions in every state, then you have part of the answer to why people don’t take life that seriously…

    … But Facebook has become ground zero in the battle to either maintain our identities or to let them go into the web and these three became non people with no feelings for others and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were big users of Facebook and other things Internet-related.

  42. says

    Religion in Tennessee, trying hard to destroy relationships between parents and their gay children — must be those family values they tout so much:

    … Publicly repent for supporting your daughter, or leave the congregation.

    “My mother was up here and she sat beside me. That’s it,” Cooper told the Times Free Press. “Literally, they’re exiling members for unconditionally loving their children — and even extended family members.”

    Ken Willis, minister at Ridgedale Church of Christ, says that Linda’s support for her daughter is a sin.

    And which sin would that be?

    “The sin would be endorsing that [gay] lifestyle,” Willis said. “The Bible speaks very plainly about that.”

  43. David Marjanović says

    Germany Breaks Its Own Record For Solar Power Generation

    This just in – Bradley Manning wants to be addressed as a female and called Chelsea Elizabeth.

    Here’s the letter.

    “Confinement facility” is the new “prison”. *facepalm*

    It has a very high Squee Index.

    It does! :-)

    and I wouldn’t be surprised if they were big users of Facebook and other things Internet-related.


  44. says

    Now I have *another* time sink.
    I stopped at three pages in. Soooo many adorable newborns animals.

    Though why several zoos refuse to name young animals until their sex is determined is annoying. BC only certain names are for boys and certain ones for girls. (Eyeroll)

  45. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    Being sympathetic is one thing. But why should I accomodate behaviour that actively harms and victimises me

    That’s a fair point in isolation, but when I make it with regard to literally any other symptom-related behavior people shout me down and tell me I’m a bigot, the reason mentally ill people suffer, THEY’RE NOT DOING IT ON PURPOSE TO HURT YOU, etc.

    people who seem to be able to interact quite normally with people until they’re harassing women when suddenly they’re just poor socially inept dudes.

    Okay, in that specific context it makes more sense. Should I just assume people are really talking about harassment every single time social awkwardness comes up?

  46. David Marjanović says

    *scrolling up*

    I’m so sorry you’re depressed. *careful hugs if you’re feeling like hugging today*


    There’s hardly a kid who walks to school alone. Many are being brought by car. Not because they live too far away for walking, not because their parents are just dropping them off on their way to work*. Those who walk are mostly walked there. Not just 1st graders like mine, but 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders as well. Those children have practically no unsupervised space in their whole day, their parents are not trusting them to manage their way to school alone even after 2 or 3 years

    What in the fuck.

    I walked the 15 minutes from… early in the 1st grade onward, I think. Soon after that, the kids would have been ashamed to be treated like kindergarten kids.

  47. cicely says

    Dalillama, I got the shipping confirmation, so obviously it must be alright.

    Giliell, professional cynic
    I don’t think it’s necessarily (entirely) distrust of the kids’ ability and sense—there’s also the fear that next, it could be their kid featured on the ‘Missing’ posters.

    Antoinette Tuff showed how empathy can stop violence.
    Through nothing more than her empathy and words, this woman saved lives.
    That she did so, to a gunman, is an act of courage.
    This woman is a hero.

    I agree with you; but this viewpoint sells no guns, and is therefore a Wrong Answer to the problem.

    didgen, been there, circled that black, sucking void. *hugs or equivalent, non-intrusive demonstration of sympathy and support*

    While I wish it wasn’t so, I’m afraid it’s not going to help her case, nor make it any easier on her in prison. It takes a very strong person to do this now.

    When I saw that, I thought the same.
    Then I thought, “Next up: claims by bigots that this is proof that Manning is and always has been a moral degenerate”.

    Portia, oblivious,
    Congrats on the New Job; may it work out well for you!
    The *champagne* I offer may be cyber, but at least it’s not *sham-pagne*.

    […] and a fundamentalist has actually admitted error, in public no less.

    Gonna have to ask for witnesses and/or documentation.

    chip, that is indeed a squee-worthy baby nautilus.

    *pouncehug* for David. With *chocolate*.

  48. says

    Okay, in that specific context it makes more sense. Should I just assume people are really talking about harassment every single time social awkwardness comes up?

    Not necessarily every time, but anytime it comes up in that context, probably. There’s a large contingent of harassing assbags who hide behind claims of social awkwardness, to the rhetorical detriment of those who actually are socially awkward for whatever reason.

  49. nightshadequeen says

    Personal derail:

    Does anyone know of any birth control or other medication that:

    1. Effectively holds ones estrogen levels *constant* <–this is the most important part
    2. Effectively stops one from having a period
    3. Doesn't case weight gain*?

    In order of importance. It doesn't actually have to work as birth control, since I'm one of those 100% no sex ever asexuals.

    *I'm not in a headspace that would end well if I gained much weight. While I can reasonably convince myself that there's nothing wrong with being larger, I'm pretty sure I'd panic and do something stupid if I gained much weight.

  50. Pteryxx says

    Does anyone know of any birth control or other medication that:

    1. Effectively holds ones estrogen levels *constant* <–this is the most important part
    2. Effectively stops one from having a period
    3. Doesn't case weight gain*?

    off the top of my head… this is going to be tricky, because 2) and 3) tend to be at odds – higher hormone levels (with huge individual variation) tend to both do a better job of stopping periods, and be more likely to cause weight gain. If possible cramps and a chance of heavier periods aren’t a huge issue I’d suggest a hormone-containing IUD, because the hormones released locally tend to have fewer system-wide effects than pills, injections, or implants. However hormonal IUDs usually only lighten periods, not stop them. The best for stopping periods would be implants (last years) or injections (last months) both of which produce steady hormone levels over their use time.

    Planned Parenthood has really good round-ups of birth control pros and cons, for instance

  51. nightshadequeen says

    Yeah, I figured that my best option involved just getting a hysterectomy already, except I’m not sure how easy they’re to obtain when you’re twenty.

  52. says

    Oh, jesus, more stupidity from former Senator Jim DeMint (now head of the Heritage Foundation).

    DeMint said opponents don’t have much time to try to make changes to the law before a March 2014 deadline for people to enroll. Benefits will kick in Jan. 1 for those who enroll earlier.

    “This might be that last off-ramp to stop Obamacare before it becomes more enmeshed in our culture,” he said. “This is not about getting better health care.”

    DeMint said uninsured Americans “will get better health care just going to the emergency room.”…

    Maddow Blog link.

  53. Pteryxx says

    wow, and it only took, what… sixteen? seventeen? different women coming forward. “a legion of”.

  54. says

    Way to show ’em how it’s done, Colin Powell.

    “I want to see policies that encourage every American to vote, not make it more difficult to vote,” said Powell, a Republican, at the CEO Forum in Raleigh

    “It immediately turns off a voting block the Republican Party needs,” Powell continued. “These kinds of actions do not build on the base. It just turns people away.”

    Responding directly to the sole talking point pushed by far-right proponents of the voter-suppression law, Powell added, “You can say what you like, but there is no voter fraud. How can it be widespread and undetected?”

    As a prominent national figure and a Republican eager to see his party move away from the radical fringe, Powell’s condemnation of North Carolina’s voting restrictions is noteworthy, but this morning’s remarks were especially interesting given who else was in attendance — Powell criticized Gov. McCrory’s attack on voting rights with McCrory in attendance.

    Maddow Blog link.

  55. says


    Okay, in that specific context it makes more sense. Should I just assume people are really talking about harassment every single time social awkwardness comes up?

    It’s more like the other way ’round: The assholes harass women and then claim they’re just poor awkward guys and why are you such an ableist meanie?
    Also, when severely mentally ill people cannot control themselves in a way that they are no danger to others, we still don’t accept that people should just put up with harm.

    Yeah, I remember how much I enjoyed that time as a kid, the way to and from school where we could fool around.

    I doubt it. Seriously, although there is much media hype whenever a child disappears it happens damn rarely here. No “Missing” posters here. Most parents I talked to don’t trust their kids to handle traffic (Fun fact: most children who have an accident on their way to school have it in their parents’ car or while leaving it…)

  56. David Marjanović says

    This has been a rage[-]filled, alcohol[-]induced response from a scientist.”

    As people say in the comments, we need more of those.

  57. cicely says

    Yeah, I figured that my best option involved just getting a hysterectomy already, except I’m not sure how easy they’re to obtain when you’re twenty.

    At twenty? Next to impossible, I’d say, unless you have some medical condition that makes it necessary. Too much concern that the hospital might get sued if, at some nebulous time in the future, you should decide that you wished you hadn’t had it done.

  58. blf says

    Does anyone know of any birth control…

    Decapitation? Guaranteed effective, no weight gain (in fact, the act itself causes a weight loss, which slowly continues), works equally well regardless of gender, and does not depend on the partners. Only drawback is the smell, but that is not a problem for the person controlling births with this simple and quick method.

    Approved by the mildly deranged penguin. Certain legal restrictions may apply. Does not contain nuts.

  59. cicely says

    Does not contain nuts.

    This statement has not been verified. Void where prohibited by law.

  60. Portia, Cap'n of the Good Ship Ilk says

    Does not contain nuts.

    This statement has not been verified. Void where prohibited by law.

    Processed on equipment that also processes soy, dairy, and peas.

  61. blf says

    I keep fecking doing this: I buy a bunch of Darwinist’s Worse Nightname Fruits and then forgets about them until I wonder why there are a bunch of Ray Comforts† buzzing around. Plunging into the cloud with machete in hand, I eventually find at the dark and despairing centre the former fruit. Now they resumable a shriveled daemon from deepest hades, smelling worse that practitioners of the decapitation method of birth control.

    Grumble grumble grumble

      † Actually, fruit flys are probably smarter that Ray. But almost as annoying, and certainly as useless.

  62. Yellow Thursday says

    Not caught up, but I need to grumble, please.

    A customer called my coworker a “bimbo” because she charged him $2 for a money order. To compound this, we charge everyone for money orders, and this is a customer who has enough money that $2 is no hardship and has a checking account, so no reason to need a money order.

    To make matters worse, the last time this happened (exact same circumstances, same customer), the customer came in to complain to the branch manager, and she gave him his $2 back, knowing how he abused (and continues to abuse) the bank’s employees.

  63. blf says

    Nutella is a food of the gods.

    Yes, it killed ’em all. Horrible way to dies, poisoned by canned sewage.

    (The story the uneaten stuff eventually mutated into peas is a false rumour, an farmer’s legend. There’s probably something about it at Snopes. However, the origin of horses is undecided…)

  64. says

    Moments of Mormon Madness, Utah book publishing category.

    Two Utah authors say Cedar Fort Publishing’s Sweetwater Books canceled publication of their young-adult fantasy novel “Woven” because one of the authors is gay and wanted to reference his partner in his bio. …

    Although Cedar Fort is a predominantly LDS publisher, Jensen says he was told Sweetwater would have more of a national imprint and that the content in “Woven” — although “very G-rated” anyway — would not have to adhere to Mormon standards.

    But when Jensen saw a proof of “Woven’s” cover art on Aug. 2, he noticed that the publishing house had stricken a phrase in his bio: “He lives in Salt Lake City with his boyfriend and their four dogs.” Jensen pointed out the error.

    … Cedar Fort Acquisitions Editor Angie Workman wrote: “I was concerned about your bio and wondered what effect it would have with our LDS buyers, so I spoke with [Cedar Fort owner] Lyle [Mortimer] about it. He says we can’t risk ruining our relationship with them by stating you live with your boyfriend. … We will have much better sales if we can get into Deseret Book and Seagull.” …

    “I was speechless,” says King, who unlike Jensen is a practicing Mormon. …

    Jensen says Mortimer told him, after some shouting, that “God had given me a penis for a reason,” and threatened to publish “Woven” without names attached. Jensen was shocked by Mortimer’s position, he says, because “I’ve known Lyle for several years. He knew I was gay.”

    Jensen says Mortimer gave him a deadline of Aug. 5 at 8 a.m. to buy out the rights to the novel for “thousands of dollars.” …

    Salt Lake Tribune link.

  65. cicely says

    However, the origin of horses is undecided…

    Wrong! Horses are known to have been spontaneously generated from aggregations of Hellslime and bile. Once unleashed upon an unsuspecting world, they began reproducing sexually (the basis for the religiously-based belief that sex is Evil).

  66. David Marjanović says

    *pouncehug* for David. With *chocolate*.

    *pouncehug* for cicely.

    *munches chocolate* (really, I do, right now)

    Processed on equipment that also processes soy, dairy, and peas.

    So full of win.

  67. morgan says

    Pardon the thread ‘rupt, please. Here is the soup recipe I promised. Feel free to alter it to your taste. Please let me know if it works, if it doesn’t, and any improvements you’d make. Eat well.

    1 med head cauliflower and an equal amount broccoli OR 2 heads cauliflower OR 2 bunches broccoli

    Approx 8 cups broth of choice (veggie, chicken, beef)

    1 large yellow onion

    3-4 cloves garlic (or more) crushed or minced fine

    1 tablespoon corn starch mixed with 4 ounces cold water

    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg (or more)

    2 teaspoons ground cumin (or more)

    8 – 12 ounces sharp aged white cheddar cheese or Gruyere cheese

    4-8 ounces heavy cream (optional)

    kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

    All the ingredients are approximate measures. I do not cook with precision, but I do cook with passion.

    Mince onion and garlic and saute in small amount of olive oil until translucent. Dump it into the soup pot.
    Coarse chop the broccoli and/or cauliflower. Dump it into the soup pot.
    Add about 6 cups broth.
    Cook, covered, over medium heat until veggies are very well done, about 15 minutes.
    Puree the whole thing, adding more broth as necessary. Return it to the soup pot.
    At this point you can start to judge your preferred consistency. You can always add more broth.
    Stir in the corn starch mixture, cook over medium low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
    Add grated cheese, stirring constantly, until all cheese is melted. At this point you can add the heavy cream if you prefer a creamier soup.
    Stir in the nutmeg and cumin. Taste for salt and pepper.
    Cover, and cook over low heat for about a half hour.
    (Protip) It is better to use a non stick soup pot if you have one because thick soups, especially ones with cheese really want to stick to the bottom and burn.
    Stir frequently. No burning allowed. This freezes well.

    This results in a rich creamy soup with nicely layered flavors. If you want to punch it up try adding hot sauce or cayenne pepper.

  68. blf says

    Italian archaeologists have grape expectations of their ancient wine:

    Scientists plant vineyards with the aim of making wine using techniques from classical Rome described by Virgil

    Archeologists in Italy have set about making red wine exactly as the ancient Romans did, to see what it tastes like.

    “We are more used to archeological digs but wanted to make society more aware of our work, otherwise we risk being seen as extraterrestrials,” said archaeologist Daniele Malfitana.

    At the group’s vineyard, which should produce 70 litres at the first harvest, modern chemicals will be banned and vines will be planted using wooden Roman tools and will be fastened with canes and broom, as the Romans did.

    Instead of fermenting in barrels, the wine will be placed in large terracotta pots — traditionally big enough to hold a man — which are buried to the neck in the ground, lined inside with beeswax to make them impermeable and left open during fermentation before being sealed shut with clay or resin.

    “We have found that Roman techniques were more or less in use in Sicily up until a few decades ago, showing how advanced the Romans were,” said Indelicato. “I discovered a two-pointed hoe at my family house on Mount Etna recently that was identical to one we found during a Roman excavation.”

    The drinking habits of Romans have also changed in two millennia. Whereas Italians today drink moderately with meals, their ancestors were more given to drunken carousing.

    “They drank at festivals to mark the pending harvest, after the harvest. In fact, any occasion was good for a drink.”

    Cheers !

  69. Portia, Cap'n of the Good Ship Ilk says

    “Did you call for legal advice, or did you call to yell at me for telling you you’re wrong?”

    “Oh, yell at me? Ok, then. Have a nice day.”

  70. Portia, Cap'n of the Good Ship Ilk says

    I’m just being silly because Thumper called me Cap’n in the Dome and the Ilk thing is happening over at Greta’s.

  71. says

    Not to detract from the customer’s assholery (or the manager’s, which enabling bullshit is arguably worse than any given asshole customer), I have a checking account which I regularly use to draw money orders from, because that way I don’t have to keep in mind that my balance is wrong on all future inquiries until the landlord actually deposits the rent check. Of course, my credit union gives me 5 free money orders a month, so I don’t have to pay a fee for that.

  72. Ogvorbis: Purveyor of Mediocre Humours! says

    Last night:

    Steamed mussels over buccatini pasta with fresh heirloom tomatoes and home made basil pesto.

    Tonight, garlic naan pizza with fresh heirloom tomatoes, pepperoni, sauted onions and garlic, fresh basil, and mozzarella, romano and paramecium cheese.

    Tomorrow, we go for a long drive up to Albany area for fun. We plan to drive back down via route 7 in Western Mass.

    Still in deep sleep debt.

  73. Yellow Thursday says

    Dalillama: That was me, not yazikus. (I won’t hold it against you, though. I’m just not that memorable. *sniff*)

    I can understand there might be reasons one might want a money order rather than a check, but this customer is a self-entitled, egotistical, misogynistic asshole. This most recent incident is only one in a long line of sexist asshattery this customer has perpetrated.

  74. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    Tonight, garlic naan pizza with fresh heirloom tomatoes, pepperoni, sauted onions and garlic, fresh basil, and mozzarella, romano and paramecium cheese.

    Make sure to cook it thoroughly. O.O

  75. yazikus says

    Yellow Thursday

    Dalillama: That was me, not yazikus. (I won’t hold it against you, though. I’m just not that memorable. *sniff*)

    It was a good story though- I was going to respond to it but have been swamped. And you are plenty memorable.

    As a side note, I was thinking about the nature of the service industry today, and I know that one thing that is prized is the ability to make people not feel guilty for being waited on like royalty. How when they feign gratefulness something you make sure that your No, no, my pleasure comes across as %100 sincere. Which is weird, but also makes sense.

  76. Ogvorbis: Purveyor of Mediocre Humours! says

    I think spell check and auto correct hate me. ‘Paramecium’ should, of course, read ‘parmesan.’

  77. yazikus says

    I’m glad you are back and safe. Do you make your garlic naan from scratch? I wonder if it could be purchased from one of my local stores… That sounded delicious.

  78. Ogvorbis: Purveyor of Mediocre Humours! says

    Do you make your garlic naan from scratch?

    Nope. Wegman’s ( no, I am not a paid endorser, I just like the chain) has a store-brand naan that is light, fluffy, flavourful, and just the right size for a personable pizza.

  79. hotshoe, now with more boltcutters says

    Ogvorbis –
    Glad you’re back safely. IF you get sent to the Rim Fire after Labor Day – although we all hope it won’t still be burning then – let us know. I can meet you with a day’s warning and bring some food/clean clothes/messages …

  80. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says


    I am threadrupt.

    In the past week, I have:
    (1) pipetted 2.8 L in 100 μL volumes, into 96-well plates. It was awesome. And my back hurt very badly afterwards.
    (2) passed statistics, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology.
    (3) got in 3 flamewars on FB and/or Twitter.
    (4) overdrawn my back account and done nothing about it, because there is nothing I can do until payday.
    (5) discovered a major win, to wit:


    1/2 cup vegetable shortening
    1 1/2 cups white sugar
    2 eggs
    1 cup buttermilk
    2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 teaspoon salt
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    2 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour
    4 tablespoons red food coloring
    1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    3 teaspoons distilled white vinegar

    (1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
    (2) Line 2 standard sized (12 cupcakes) pans with cupcake papers, or grease.
    (3) Mash vegetable shortening and sugar together in a large bowl until smooth and creamy; beat in eggs until fully incorporated.
    (4) Stir buttermilk, cocoa powder, salt, and vanilla extract into the shortening mixture until the liquid ingredients are an even color and texture.
    (5) Sift flour into the liquid ingredients until combined.
    (6) Lightly stir red food color into bowl of batter.
    (7) Quickly fold baking soda and white vinegar into the batter.
    (8) Pour the batter into the prepared cups.
    (9) Bake in the preheated oven until the cupcakes are lightly browned on top and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes. Allow to cool completely before frosting.
    (10) Frost with buttercream frosting.
    (11) Put in freezer.
    (12) Leave for 1 week.
    (13) Eat frozen.


    (recipe adapted from one I found at allrecipes)

  81. morgan says

    Dear Horde,

    I move that we rename the Lounge as the Pharyngula Lounge, Investigations, and Culinary Society. All those in favor say so for Pete’s sake.

  82. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    quick – I have just a few minutes.

    My 5 year old is just beginning to get interested in Dinos. I’m wanting her to read more non-fiction & watch more non-fiction. I’m thinking of watching a dino doc with her when she’s done with dinner in like, 5 to 10 minutes.

    I liked WWD – but was it aimed more at the 8-12 set? What about Chased by Dinos? What about other series? Which ones are best for the younger ones who aren’t yet familiar with Dino terminology (aimed at 10 year olds can work fine for a 4 year old if they already are familiar with terms like “fossils” and other words common in biology & paleontology but not common enough otherwise to be in the average 4 year old’s vocal: my 5 year old isn’t familiar with that vocab yet)

    Quick, quick – save me, Horde!

  83. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Pharyngula Horde’s Integrated Library & Observatory for Scienctific & Other Prattling and HYpothesizing Lounge

  84. morgan says


    Pharyngula Horde’s Integrated Library & Observatory for Scienctific & Other Prattling and HYpothesizing Lounge

    Pharyngula Horde’s Integrated Library & Observatory for Scienctific & Other Prattling and HYpothesizing Lounge and Culinary Society

  85. Hekuni Cat, MQG says

    Dalillama – Thank you for letting me know. I just checked, and I received a notification saying it was rejected by the server. The address I used was: blainedelancey at google. Is that the correct? If not, please give me the correct one and I’ll send it again. I’ll also try it again if the address is correct.

    Portia – Congratulations! And Good Luck.

    Ingdigo Jump – *gentle hugs*


    There’s also endometrial ablation, which I don’t know much about. Wiki says patients who undergo it have about a 45% chance of their periods stopping.

    This worked very well for me. My periods stopped and haven’t returned thus far–it’s been six years. It made my life much easier, since having them complicated other medical issues.

    Esteleth, David M – *pouncehugs with chocolate*

  86. Crudely Wrott says

    My contribution to continuance of a suitable background level of,


    Note to arachnophobics: they’re reeeeaally, rrrreeeeeeeeellllyyy small. Really, they are.

  87. Crudely Wrott says

    From the Hey, Man! I Think He’s Going To Make It desk:

    Head ache!!!

    I once worked for a small window washing company. My spiderman gig. It was a lot of fun and we stayed stoned most all the time. The crew never had an accident worse than the usual bruised shins and barked knuckles. That was one of the best jobs I ever had. Would do it again in a hot minute.

    So stories like these always jump out at me.

    [In memory of Eddie Green. He taught me the butterfly technique of squeegee foo. (Clean a window like that!) He was my friend. He was friend to many.]

  88. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says

    Note to arachnophobics: they’re reeeeaally, rrrreeeeeeeeellllyyy small. Really, they are.

    No, no, no! It’s the fucking peacock spider isn’t it?

    [mouses over the link]

    Of course it is. I don’t care how small they are. I don’t care how colourful they are. It’s a fucking spider. It has too many legs and too many legs, and I don’t know how it crawled out of my nightmares and onto the internet, but it can stay the hell away from me in any form.

    Actually, I’ve come a long way since moving to rural Australia. I can now share a room with a spider and not kill it*. I can even catch one, on a good day, or when intoxicated, and release it into the wild. Yes indeed, I’ve progressed since that time when I chased a wolf spider around my mother’s house trying to kill it with an oar because anything less than 3 meters of solid ash was too little to do the job safely.

    *Except redbacks. They still die an immediate death. If you can make me really sick and/or kill my child I have no mercy.

  89. says

    cicely @ 477, Hekuni Cat @ 615 re: your problem sending dalillama e-mail: you’re probably making the same mistake I initially made. The “googles” is and not

  90. blf says

    say so for Pete’s sake.

    Who is Pete? And what is it/her/his/their problem?

    (The mildly deranged penguin recalls once eating MUSHROOMS! with an attached Pete, who had picked them and wouldn’t let go… He was Ok, she spit him out a again, lightly chewed and still loudly protesting.)

  91. Crudely Wrott says

    Kyoot stuff. I kinda like the sound of that.

    “Why, you ol’ kyoot!”

    (heh heh)

  92. blf says

    I can now share a room with a spider and not kill it.

    Kill a room ?
    Are you particularly bad at interior decorating or something?

    (The mildly deranged penguin points out that if the spider is one of the cute ones, like Shelob, then the room is probably already decorated with attractive bit Orc- and Hobbit-catching webs. A machete is advisable when searching for the exit.)

  93. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says

    I can assure you that my rugs always tie a room together. No, I usually suck the life out of a room by beating a dead horse.

  94. says

    Good morning
    Well, just after I spent a nice holiday in denial, with the new environment and demands of school #1 shows us bravely again that she’s different. Thankfully her teacher agrees that well, she’s different, so we have to take it into account.We had to inform her that she tries to cash in on being small and cute. Poor helpless puppy is one of her best roles…
    I’m wondering if I should start keeping a diary…

    Crip Dyke
    Something to watch for a few minutes is I am a paleontologist

    Is bank business in the States reall that complicated?
    I admit I don’t even understand what you’re talking about.
    It’s rather easy over here where people usually have a bank account and a bank card. Big transfers are made electronically, like your salary, or deducting the rent etc. You can usually withdraw money for free from your bank’s ATM or in most shops pay with your card*.

    *Fees vary between nothing and 20ct for any transaction

  95. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    Pharyngula Horde’s Integrated Library & Observatory for Scienctific & Other Prattling and HYpothesizing Lounge

    Pharyngula Horde’s Library & Observatory for Scienctific & Other Prattling and Hypothesizing Lounge + C

  96. says

    Speaking of fees, I am increasingly annoyed that I have to pay a fee to get my money. $2.50 in some places. Upwards of $5.00 in others.
    Then there are the places that charge extra if you pay cash.
    Then there are online transaction fees (like the $2.95 to process my utility bill online).


  97. Nick Gotts says

    I just noticed with glee that the Michael Shermer legal fund has reached the whoomping amount of 920 bucks. – Giliell

    $600 of which was donated by a “Mr. Charles Himee”, and another $300 by “Emma L. Cherriesh”?

  98. says

    I share the glee with thee.
    Camille Paglia Dear Muslima’s:

    What do you make of contemporary feminism, especially as it’s manifested online?

    Oh, feminism is still alive? Thanks for the tip! It sure is invisible, except for the random whine from some maleducated product of the elite schools who’s found a plush berth in glossy magazines. It’s hard to remember those bad old days when paleofeminist pashas ruled the roost. In the late ‘80s, the media would routinely turn to Gloria Steinem or the head of NOW for “the women’s view” on every issue —when of course it was just the Manhattan/D.C. insider’s take, with a Democratic activist spin. Their shameless partisanship eventually doomed those Stalinist feminists, who were trampled by the pro-sex feminist stampede of the early ‘90s (in which I am proud to have played a vocal role). That insurgency began in San Francisco in the mid-‘80s and went national throughout the following decade. They keep dusting Steinem off and trotting her out to pin awards on her, but she’s the walking dead. Her anointed heirs (like Susan Faludi) sure didn’t pan out, did they?

    While it’s a big relief not to have feminist bullies sermonizing from every news show anymore, the leadership vacuum is alarming. It’s very distressing, for example, that the atrocities against women in India —the shocking series of gang rapes, which seem never to end —have not been aggressively condemned in a sustained way by feminist organizations in the U.S. I wanted to hear someone going crazy about it in the media and not letting up, day after day, week after week. The true mission of feminism today is not to carp about the woes of affluent Western career women but to turn the spotlight on life-and-death issues affecting women in the Third World, particularly in rural areas where they have little protection against exploitation and injustice.

    (Emphasis mine)
    Thays a fucking insult to those women in the West who continue to suffer. Paglia ignores the Religious Rights attack on reproductive freedom and the attempts to undo Roe v Wade. She ignores the rampant rape culture so horrifically on display in the Steubenville case. She treats poor women as nonexistent and ignores the systematic sexism that acts as a barrier to rising out of poverty for many women.
    Her comments also imply that equality in the West has been largely achieved. What fucking world does she live in?
    No one denies that women across the world suffer from injustice. Sexual assault, violence and murder are just some of the threats women across the world face.
    But life in the West aint exactly a bed of roses for many women. Feminists can shine a light on atrocities in India, while simultaneously criticizing the attack on Reproductive Rights in the US. Its called multitasking Ms Paglia. You should try it.

  99. says

    Camille Paglia has always been a preening smug attention hog, and Salon has always been infatuated with her for some unfathomable reason.

  100. Portia says

    Of course it is. I don’t care how small they are. I don’t care how colourful they are. It’s a fucking spider. It has too many legs and too many legs, and I don’t know how it crawled out of my nightmares and onto the internet, but it can stay the hell away from me in any form.

    Can I get a Ramen.

    I’ve actually gotten a little better myself. I almost let a 3 inch wide spider live in the fire station the other day when I went to take off my gear. Then I immediately had an image of it nesting in the toe of my fire boot, at which instant it was crushed under that boot without another moment’s hesitation.

    Good luck with #1 and school. *hugs*

    I’m not sure what you mean about banking and complication. Your description sounds a lot like ours. I guess my main experience of banking complications is when clients’ banks somehow lose their money they were going to pay me with. : p

  101. Portia says

    I had a long vivid dream that I had been shot in the stomach. When I woke up I realized I had an actual pain in the right upper quadrant of my abdomen. It went away. It was still eerie.

  102. Portia says


    Wow. That’s really brave of her to tell such an important, wrenching, story.

  103. says

    Also, related but too much derailment in that thread itself, this is an example how people are made to confess crimes they did not commit.

  104. says

    Domestic terrorism, crazy white guys style:

    A sting operation stopped a plot to abduct, torture and kill police officers to bring attention to the antiauthority sovereign citizen movement, Las Vegas police said Thursday.

    David Allen Brutsche and Devon Campbell Newman were arrested at an apartment a few miles off the Vegas Strip before they could carry out a plan to snatch officers, “put them on trial” and execute them in a vacant house, Las Vegas police Lt. James Seebock said.

    Federal authorities regard sovereign citizen extremists as domestic terrorists. Authorities have linked sovereign citizens groups with violent confrontations in recent years, including deadly shootings in Louisiana and Arkansas….

  105. Portia says

    Good point, SQB. Especially the “You can just go home if you tell me you did it.” At which point, unlike in EEB’s situation, they are definitely lying about their intentions. (Not that they couldn’t have charged her, but they were apparently not lying about their plans).

  106. Nick Gotts says

    I find all this talk of crushing spiders rather unpleasant. You don’t like them, they give you the creeps, perhaps you can’t even stand to be around them – OK, but except in the case of the few seriously venomous ones, they can’t do you any harm. Leave them alone, or get someone without your phobia to remove them.

  107. Portia says

    Leave them alone, or get someone without your phobia to remove them.

    If that’s an option, I take it. But if I don’t get them, the centipedes do.

  108. Nick Gotts says

    But if I don’t get them, the centipedes do.

    So, in squashing them, you’re depriving some poor centipede of a meal! :-p

  109. Portia says

    So, in squashing them, you’re depriving some poor centipede of a meal! :-p

    Sorry, I can’t see that as a bad thing. If it helps, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a spider in my house. I have run away violently from lots of centipedes though. If I tried to relocate one of those, an anxiety attack is a high possibility.

  110. The Mellow Monkey says

    I’m doing a spot test on my arm today to try to figure out if there’s a product I’m using that’s responsible for my chronic eczema. It’s concentrated where my bra touches my skin, under my arms, and on my scalp and I have a sensitivity to coconut oil. As coconut derivatives are used in almost all detergent and shampoo, I’m hoping that that’s it and I can just get some nasty hippie soap and be done with it.

    Alternatively, those are all places where my sweat would dry in close contact with my skin. So maybe I’m just allergic to me.

    I look forward to when this is over, because the smell of the detergent is making me gag and I can feel a migraine kicking in. Ugh. Please, please be worth this suffering.

  111. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    Well, I solved a riddle!

    In the past week, barely a day has gone past without me getting either a migraine or a very severe non-migraine headache. It has sucked.

    This is also strange, because I rarely get headaches that bad. Like, I’m a 2-migraines-a-year kind of person.

    So today, on my way to work, the radio said this:

    Ragweed pollen levels are at record high levels.

    And then, it all made sense. A glance at the forecast says that it is going to be sunny through the weekend, then start raining on Monday and keep raining. Hopefully that will help.

    Just have to get through the weekend.

  112. Portia says


    holy wow what a horrible week. Hope you’re right about the cause so that you get relief soon.

    *hugs* *ice packs* and *dark rooms* if you like.

  113. birgerjohansson says

    It has occurred to me that the random survival of a few mammaliforme lineages is a good analogy to the random survival of a few monotheistic religions.
    — — — —
    New proto-mammal fossil sheds light on evolution of earliest mammals (w/ Video) ,” :
    “the three big branches of modern mammals are all accidental survivors among many other mammaliaform lineages that perished in extinction”
    NB this one is a different animal: “Chinese super-rat roamed Earth 160 million years ago

  114. says

    Update for comments 646 and 649:

    Devon Campbell Newman belongs to “the most ethical group” on the planet > Scientology.
    She its the public relations director of Scientology’s “Celebrity Center” in Las Vegas, Nevada.

  115. birgerjohansson says

    Hahaha, if Darkchild gets too much out of control you can read her this article and casually mention that you are hungry…
    “Researchers find mother beetles eat young that beg too much”
    — — — — — —
    Human transition from foraging to farming was a gradual co-evolution, not a rapid innovation
    — — —
    Breakthrough advances nanomaterials for printable solar cells
    — — — —
    ‘Sail rover’ could explore hellish Venus

  116. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    Well, it is either the ragweed pollen or I have a brain tumor. If it is the pollen, it should get better in a few days. If it’s the tumor, I’ll be dead in 3 months.


  117. birgerjohansson says

    This could be important now that the people born in the 1940s get more frail.
    “Experts describe ways to eliminate wasteful medical tests and procedures”
    — — — — —
    -Ancient mound in Greece fuels heady speculation
    — — — — —
    Human brains are hardwired for empathy, friendship, study shows

  118. nightshadequeen says

    Arg. I think I’m getting sick –> cinnamon honey coffee to the rescue, hopefully.


    I’m not sure how I feel about this article. It has…a bit too much of the freakshow feel for me to…really be okay with it.

    Nice hairstyles, though.



    I buy a bunch of Darwinist’s Worse Nightname Fruits and then forgets about them until I wonder why there are a bunch of Ray Comforts buzzing around

    How much do you like frozen bananas?


    (1) pipetted 2.8 L in 100 μL volumes, into 96-well plates. It was awesome. And my back hurt very badly afterwards.

    …I hope you have a multichannel pipette? That…sounds….very not fun.

    Yay for everything else, though. Your recipe sounds tasty.


    I move that we rename the Lounge as the Pharyngula Lounge, Investigations, and Culinary Society. All those in favor say so for Pete’s sake.

    So for Pete’s sake.


    TW for brief mention of suicide idealation/methods. In particular, if you have a history of suicidal idealation, please for your sake scroll past this. Please.


    While I completely understand that you mean well with this comment, I’m going to have to ask you (and really everyone else around) to please avoid advising me to a) decapitate myself, b) overdose on any common OTC medication, or c) kill myself in any way whatsoever.

    I have a long, long history of bipolarity and related annoyances, and I spent nearly eight years being suicidal. While I’m now okay enough that I can joke about it, there are still some small details that I can’t really take.

    [In particular, decapitation is the failure mode of my preferred method [TW : Don’t click on the link if you’ve ever been depressed, no seriously]]

    [And yes, second preferred method involved an easily-obtainable OTC medication]

    Oh, and if it helps, I didn’t get triggered badly since I’m vaguely hypomaniac right now, but if I was depressive, the joke would not have gone over well. I’m sorry for not mentioning this before.


  119. birgerjohansson says

    911 Tape Shows Just How Amazing Ga. School Clerk Antoinette Tuff Was Under Pressure

  120. Portia says

    Possible TW for rape apology satire:

    This hilarious site pinpoints one of my biggest problems with the Blurred Lines song. THAT DOESN’T RHYME WITH “HUG ME.” The pedant in me is strong…

  121. says

    Mellow Monkey
    Unfortunately, many hippie soaps also contain coconut oil. OTOH, it may well be something else in the detergent that’s giving your skin trouble. I’ve known many people who had bad reactions to the scent agents.
    Ragweed’s a bastard for that sort of thing. Hopefully the rain clears it soon.

    *hugs* if desired
    Hekuni Cat
    dontpanic has it right; it’s at I hadn’t actually realized that was available, so I didn’t think to be more specific.

  122. says


    Well, it is either the ragweed pollen or I have a brain tumor. If it is the pollen, it should get better in a few days. If it’s the tumor, I’ll be dead in 3 months.

    Have you been researching on the internet?
    I once looked up what black spots on my toenails could mean.
    The answer was that I had either stubbed my toes or skin cancer…

  123. yazikus says

    Good Morning!
    Crip Dyke
    I love the kids show The Dinosaur Train. I’m not a paleontologist, but it seems to be pretty accurate and it is very fun to watch. It is available on Netflix streaming.

    Spiders- I used to be terrified (to the point where I kept a can of Raid on my nightstand- yeah, I know, probably not a good idea). Then I moved to an apartment that every fall would get an influx of a certain potentially deadly, scary spider. Like, I would come home at lunch and kill eight or nine. So I started using spider traps, in the hopes that I could take them over to the local college, have someone identify them as the deadly kind, show that to my slumlord and make him take care of the problem. The traps were little triangles with sticky bottoms. The spiders would walk across and get stuck. I would put the full traps in the freezer to keep the spiders ‘fresh’. Fall passed.

    I forgot about the spiders. Then it came time to move. Friends came to help. One opened the freezer (full of rows upon rows of scary spiders) and almost fainted. Whoops! I ended up throwing them all away.

    I’m at the point now where I leave webby spiders and try to relocate the hunting spiders to the outdoors. My four year old loves spiders, likes to let them crawl on him (“oh, he’s so cute! he likes me!”) and I am pretty happy about that.
    /spider stories

  124. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says


    Have you been researching on the internet?

    That, and attending staff meeting where colleagues present their data on glioblastoma multiforme.

  125. says


    911 Tape Shows Just How Amazing Ga. School Clerk Antoinette Tuff Was Under Pressure

    Yes, Antoinette Tuff was amazing in those difficult circumstances. She really hung in there. However, during an interview on CNN with Anderson Cooper, Cooper asked Tuff what she would want people to learn from her experience, and Tuff replied, “That God is real.”


  126. says

    Last night Rachel Maddow presented her entire news show from North Carolina. Her roundup of all the ways in which a Republican governor and legislature have fucked up the state, and fucked over its citizens, was really well-done.

    This is not just North Carolina, this is an example of what far right-wing conservatives will do when given a chance. This kind of governance is scary. (This link takes you to the first segment of the show. After that you can select subsequent segments from the menu, or just let the thing play through. There are minimal advertisements embedded.)

  127. Yellow Thursday says

    Dalillama: No worries about the nym confusion.

    I like spiders as long as they’re not *on* me.

    Due to feeling awkward, I don’t normally comment on people’s personal joys and/or struggles here, but congrats and comforts as needed or desired.

    I’m doing (what I hope is) a bit of consciousness-raising in a forum RPG I participate in on another board. I’m playing an agender alien with telekinetic powers (from a culture based loosely on India’s caste system). My partner in the game is basically a modern-day cowboy with all the 19th century attitudes still attached. I’ve been having fun with having my character pointing out instances of unconscious sexism in the game. But two things that happened in the past week that made me post about sexism in the off-topic thread there.

    First, my partner decided I couldn’t make my own decision in how to handle a conflict where we were supposed to retrieve a woman from a sticky situation (a woman who half the time was called a girl). Then, after the debriefing with the captain, my partner decided to pull out my chair for me. Naturally, my character called out his on it. Both the GM and the other player asked for an explanation in the off-topic thread. (The other player’s apology sounded sarcastic, but it’s hard to tell in text.)

    So here’s what I posted:

    Ok, I won’t get into why someone (usually a man) pulling out a chair for another able-bodied person (usually a woman) is sexist. I won’t even get into why calling an adult woman a “girl” is sexist. Or why males of a feline species being “tiger or lion” while the females are “calico or siamese” is probably sexist.

    As for Colt making himself out to be a servant to Sapputiyok, I don’t see it that way. I know on Earth, it is (and has been in the past) common for wealthy, able-bodied individuals to hire servants to do ordinary, every-day things that they would otherwise be able to do themselves, but I don’t see that happening in Sapputiyok’s dimension. The wealthy or upper-class dress themselves, open doors for themselves, and do other ordinary, every-day things for themselves. They only hire servants for protection, to do things that they are unable, or to do things that they don’t have time for.

    And because there’s no sexism in Sapputiyok’s dimension, classism, ableism, and other forms of discrimination are that much more prevalent.

    Sapputiyok was moving towards seeing Colt as an equal, based on their work together, then he insulted xer twice in the span of minutes: once by saying xe needed protecting from doing something rash in the retrieval of the girl, and again by suggesting that xe wasn’t able-bodied enough to move xer own chair.

    Now, I don’t want you to think this affects how I view either of you. I’m still enjoying playing the RPG, and this clash of cultures is one of the things that (I think) makes Sapputiyok interesting.

    Right now, I’m just hoping the mods don’t step in and edit or remove my post for being “controversial” or some such, which happens a lot with contentious subjects on that board.

  128. cicely says

    dontpanic, you’re right. That’s exactly what I did.
    I’ll have to fix that when I get home.
    Mystery Solved! Thank you.

    (The mildly deranged penguin recalls once eating MUSHROOMS! with an attached Pete, who had picked them and wouldn’t let go… He was Ok, she spit him out a again, lightly chewed and still loudly protesting.)

    …and smelling strongly of cheese.

    I can assure you that my rugs always tie a room together. No, I usually suck the life out of a room by beating a dead horse.

    *nodding sagely*
    Best way, really. Live Horses will beat you back, whereas a dead Horse is a Thing Of Joy And Beauty Forever.
    Metaphorically speaking.

    So my briefings went well yesterday. TONS of people in attendance over the phones. And it was quite awesome.

    :) :) :) :) :)
    That’s because you are “quite awesome”, KevinKat.

    warning… EEB has given her personal story, and while it’s important and relevant reading, it is incredibly horrific.

    :( :( :( :( :( :(

    *hugs* for The Mellow Monkey.

    Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001
    I know what you mean about the never-to-be-sufficiently-cursed ragweed. It feels as if my front teeth are a poor fit in my gums, this very minute—after taking the meds.
    I’m pretty sure that the Horses sow that shit on purpose, when no one’s looking.

    nightshadequeen, *hugs, or equivalent non-intrusive gestures of sympathy and comfort*.

    I wonder if FOX news will report in Antoinette Tuff talking down the gunman…

    But…but…but…the only thing that can take down a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun!

  129. carlie says

    So today, on my way to work, the radio said this:

    Ragweed pollen levels are at record high levels.

    No fucking kidding. I haven’t had symptoms this severe in years, since before I started getting allergy shots.
    Fun note: ragweed receptors can be set off by cucurbits, so if you’ve ever noticed any food symptoms related to melons or squashes, THAT IS THE RAGWEED’S FAULT TOO.

    Mellow Monkey – eczema, ugh. Obv. getting rid of the cause is the best bet, but things I’ve had luck with in easing symptoms, just in case there’s anything you haven’t tried yet: jojoba oil (ok), lanolin (great, but smells like sheep), A&D ointment (also smelly, but differently so), vitamin E oil (good), Vaseline deep moisture creamy formula lotion (made from petroleum, but it works so well), straight petroleum jelly (same), olive oil (doesn’t soak in as much, so needs to be used before a bath/shower). I know bag balm works for a lot of people, but I have absurdly sensitive skin and it burned. :(

  130. Walton says

    So I read Nick Cohen’s column in the Spectator in which he defends Dawkins’ views on Islam, and I was distinctly underwhelmed. I’ve written a detailed reply.


    I agree with Nick Gotts about spiders. Don’t kill them! They are our friends.

  131. nightshadequeen says

    Thanks all; all hugs appreciated :D Things like this is why I like you guys; I’m glad that I can trust “don’t mention this to me” to be honored.




    Well, it is either the ragweed pollen or I have a brain tumor. If it is the pollen, it should get better in a few days. If it’s the tumor, I’ll be dead in 3 months.

    Have you been researching on the internet?
    I once looked up what black spots on my toenails could mean.
    The answer was that I had either stubbed my toes or skin cancer…

    Heh. I looked up a persistant cough once. It was either allergies or right side heart failure.



    But in recent months, courts, governments and vaccine manufacturers have quietly conceded the fact that the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine most likely does cause autism and stomach diseases.

    In a recently published December 13, 2012 vaccine court ruling, hundreds of thousands of dollars were awarded to Ryan Mojabi, whose parents described how “MMR vaccinations” caused a “severe and debilitating injury to his brain, diagnosed as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’)

    [I haven’t been keeping up with the autism/vaccine thing, but this site claims that the “severe and debilitating injury” Ryan Mojabi actually got funds awarded for was encephalopathy]

  132. says


    I find all this talk of crushing spiders rather unpleasant. You don’t like them, they give you the creeps, perhaps you can’t even stand to be around them – OK, but except in the case of the few seriously venomous ones, they can’t do you any harm. Leave them alone, or get someone without your phobia to remove them.

    Nthed. Spiders are helpful creatures. Jadehawk can testify as to Chez Caine being spider central. They are left alone unless 1) they insist on web building in a high traffic area, in which case they are moved to another location in the house and 2) they insist on being directly over Jadehawk, no matter where she sits, in which case, they are moved to another location in the house.

    Just yesterday, I told Mister that if he uses the front door for any reason,* to duck, low, as we have a lovely orb weaver occupying door space.

    *We don’t use it much.

  133. cicely says

    I don’t mind spiders, unless they look reclusive, or widowed. They are useful as Pest Control.

  134. Portia says

    Well, FossilFishy and I will just be over here on this side of the Deep Spider Rift. :)

  135. blf says

    How much do you like frozen bananas?

    No idea. I’ve never tried to use one to fend off a pea or a horse.

    But it’s not going to help with my habit of forgetting about them… if anything, freezing them (bannananaans, not peeeas or hoooorsies) will just about ensure I won’t remember. So I’ll buy some more. Repeat ad infinitum, or until the freezer turns into a black hole under the accumulated mass of frozen forgotten banananananaaaanas.

  136. says


    The thought of spider descending while I’m asleep is less than charming

    Yes. I’ve been woken up fairly often by a spider who decides my face is a fabulous resting spot.

  137. nightshadequeen says

    One of my friends spent some time living in an apartment with two species of spiders, one poisonous, one not.

    She would carefully protect members of the not-poisonous species and feed them smaller individuals of the poisonous species.

    It got to the point where every time she’d take a shower, she’d have to remove a few nonpoisonous spiders from the shower, and she’d put them back afterwards.

  138. blf says

    nightshadequeen, Oops! Thank you for realizing I and others meant you no harm, and that neither I nor anyone else here seriously suggests harming yourself. I do try and be somewhat careful when making such attempts-at-jokes to make the lame-attempted-joke sufficiently and obviously absurd so as to be clear it is not, in any way shape or form, a serious suggestion. Hence, the possibility it could actually be an inadvertent “trigger” never really occurred to me. Thank you for pointing out the potential disastrous consequences.

    I fully apologize for that comment, and for any distress it may have caused you.

    The mildly deranged penguin also apologizes. Neither she nor I know if you like cheese or not, but she suggests you should consider nibbling on some nice cheese. (That means she’s really, really, sorry…)

  139. cicely says

    The thought of spider descending while I’m asleep is less than charming

    The Husband once had a cockroach drop onto his face in the night….

  140. The Mellow Monkey says

    Well. ::doublechecks thread:: As I’m to the point where I can’t even keep track of where I’m posting and I’m wheezing all over the place, I’m going to take some Benadryl and collapse. Hopefully I’ll be functional again…someday.

  141. nightshadequeen says


    It’s fine, you had no way of knowing, and it’s kind of an odd one anyways.

    Thanks for being understanding.

    And cheese is tasty, thanks :D

  142. blf says

    I’ll evict venomous spiders from the lair (or squish them if I can’t figure out how to safely evict them), but otherwise I leave them alone. I also usually leave along their webs, at least until then become too dusty and disgusting, excepting those of spiders who try and spin them in awkward-for-me places, like the shower. I even had a spider spin a web inside the computer, albeit I can’t imagine it caught very much (other than leaking electrons and the odd virus). Probably was looking for p0rn or bugs.

    Right now there is a moth beating itself up against my LCD screen. Where’s the spiders when you need ’em…?

  143. Crudely Wrott says

    It got to the point where every time she’d take a shower, she’d have to remove a few nonpoisonous spiders from the shower, and she’d put them back afterwards.

    And I thought I was a bit extreme for relocating my little friends outdoors.
    My motivation in doing so serves both the little friend and me.
    Little friend has a much better chance of making a healthy living outdoors. More bugs, more variety and sunshine!
    Me because I lessen the chance of killing one carelessly or unknowingly. I really rather not do that.

    I’ve yet to be spider-bit (have not observed it; have had itchy/achy “spots of uncertain origin”) despite still wallowing about in tall grass, dim forest, marshland and old outbuildings. If it were not for the grey beard of grandparenthoodage and the advanced Mk. 7 twinkle in my eyes, you’d be forgiven for thinking I was a nine-year-old when observing me from a distance.

    Over all, the balance sheet that I share with arthropods is remarkably, er, balanced. Minimum harm done given maximum opportunity for either party to do so. That’s just fine with me.

    I just won’t put them back into the shower. Nope. Sorry. My space.

    *Plus, I’ve bug stories to recall and retell. ;^>*

  144. blf says

    The thought of spider descending while I’m asleep is less than charming

    So would you prefer it to crawl up and jump, hang-glide, or wait in ambush in the hallway?

  145. nightshadequeen says

    I just won’t put them back into the shower. Nope. Sorry. My space.

    Well, the nonpoisonous ones ate the poisonous ones, so having the nonpoisonous ones in her shower was….kind of better? I don’t know?

  146. says


    I just won’t put them back into the shower. Nope. Sorry. My space.

    Eh, I don’t bother the ones in my shower. I’ve found that if the water bothers them, they move for the duration of the shower, then scamper back in when I’m done.

  147. blf says

    I don’t bother the ones in my shower. I’ve found that if the water bothers them, they move for the duration of the shower, then scamper back in when I’m done.

    More likely it’s this fecking huge furless nude long pig, a member of a species renowned for killing everything (even when not in sight), who just stepping into their space…
    And they aren’t “scampering back”. They’re trying to get out of the now-soaking wet long pig’s way!

  148. says


    And they aren’t “scampering back”. They’re trying to get out of the now-soaking wet long pig’s way!

    Heh, very possible. I do have one orb weaver in the bathroom, who seems to get highly annoyed any time the shower is in use. She* waits the shower out on top of the curtain rod, and I’m pretty sure I’m getting a death glare the whole time.

    *Guessing, she’s quite large.

    Walton, d’awww, the cuteness! I have a photo very close to that one, that I took myself. There’s nothing like finding yourself being stared at by multiple eyes. If libriomancy was a real thing, I would have had, long ago, my very own fire spider. (Jim Hines references.)

  149. blf says

    She* waits the shower out on top of the curtain rod, and I’m pretty sure I’m getting a death glare the whole time.

    *Guessing, she’s quite large.


      ● She is patiently waiting for you to throw the rubber ducky so she can play “fetch”.
      ● She is wondering why you didn’t bring any tasty treats.
      ● “She” is really a he and is, um, “enjoying the view”…
      ● She’s a decoy and there’s a pea sneeking up behind you.

    Perhaps most likely, she’s sizing you up and wondering How the feck am I ever going to spin a web big enough for that…?

  150. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    So I just read this profile of Alan Chambers (in other news, Buzzfeed carries serious news now!) and while I found it very interesting, I’m supremely bugged by something.

    Chambers is quite up-front about the fact that he’s attracted to men. He’s also insistent, frequently in the same breath as admitting the former, that he’s attracted to women, and that he loves and is attracted to his wife.

    The analysis (in the Buzzfeed profile, in quotes, and elsewhere) comes down on one of two sides:
    (1) Alan Chambers is really gay, and at some point he’ll realize it and leave his wife and come out.
    (2) Alan Chambers is really straight, because no one is “really” gay.

    FFS, what if Alan Chambers is bi?! It is perfectly ordinary for someone to be attracted to men and women. If I had to guess (and this is a wild speculation), I’d say that most of the people who are “successfully ex-gay” were bi to start out with and thus have learned to focus on one portion of their attractions.

  151. David Marjanović says

    …Wow, I could stay in the [Lounge] all night and try to catch up. But I must leave.

    Today’s xkcd.

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  152. says


    She is wondering why you didn’t bring any tasty treats.

    Considering my general role in the house of critters (serving wench), I’d put my money on this one.


    FFS, what if Alan Chambers is bi?! It is perfectly ordinary for someone to be attracted to men and women.

    Nope. Bisexuals do not exist. Not ever. Especially not males. Nope. No such animal.

    We’ve had this discussion before, but bisexual people are pretty much always disappeared, because people on all sides are happier with bisexuality being a myth. I still remember a discussion on Dan Savage’s site, about the possibility of male bisexuals, and the discussion was utterly infuriating.

    I’m still informed that I’m not actually bi, because I’m married to a man. Oh, and when I had a long-term female partner too? Nope, not bi, I’m poly. If I were in a relationship with one other woman, nope, then I’d be “really gay, but afraid to admit it.”

  153. David Marjanović says

    It is perfectly ordinary for someone to be attracted to men and women.

    Yeah, it’ll take lots of people a few more decades to figure that out. Western culture assumed for centuries that everybody is 0 on the Kinsey scale*; now it’s coming around to accepting that some people are 6, which is relatively easy to understand if you’re starting from the previous point of view, because it’s simply the inverse of 0. Anything in between is still usually erased very, very thoroughly, and most of the few exceptions in popular culture either portray the one bisexual character as a bizarre aberration or imply that Everyone Is Bi, which isn’t quite right either (though actually closer to Truth In Television).

    * And at the same time that all men are 0 while all women are asexual. With nasty consequences, to put it very mildly indeed.

  154. says

    I’d say that most of the people who are “successfully ex-gay” were bi to start out with and thus have learned to focus on one portion of their attractions.

    I’d actually say that most of them are probably lying (I say this based on the number of people I’m aware of who claimed for years to be successful, but then went back to same-sex relationships, and at that time admitted that they’d never cared at all for their heterosexual relationships), but yes, anyone who actually is successful was probably bi to start with, and there’s no reason to suppose that Alan Chambers isn’t bi as well.

  155. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says


    I think that a lot (not all, but a lot) of the issue is that “I’m bi” is in fact a common stepping-stone that people who later say “I’m gay/lesbian” take. That is true. And some gay or lesbian people have trouble seeing “I’m bi” as anything other than “I’m gay/lesbian and am unwilling to say so yet,” because for them, that was the case.

    It is also true that something like half of people who say “I’m bi” keep saying so. So.

    Fuck that noise. Bi people exist, are not rampant sluts, and are also not indecisive.

  156. carlie says

    If I had to guess (and this is a wild speculation), I’d say that most of the people who are “successfully ex-gay” were bi to start out with and thus have learned to focus on one portion of their attractions.

    That’s always been my hypothesis as to the origin of the “you choose to be gay” canard.

    Where does “theoretically bi” fit? As in never tried it, will never have the chance to, but would if it were possible? Or is that like not just a unicorn, but an invisible pink one?

  157. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    David, “bi[sexual]” and “poly[amorous]” actually mean different things. And not just in their Greek/Latin roots.

    (For the record)

  158. David Marjanović says

    GRRAAAAAAAAAH! Fucked up the link to <a href=" Is Bi.

    See also: one of Ania Bula’s contributions to FtBcon. The last phase before she (strict Catholic background) admitted to herself that she was bi was (quoting from memory) “I’m straight, but I still like boobs. That’s normal, right?” Normal, yes, but how wide is the definition of “straight”…

  159. David Marjanović says


    This works. Finally.

    actually mean different things

    Yes, that’s what I mean: they’re orthogonal. It’s possible to be both at once, or one, or the other, or neither, so “no, you’re not one, you’re the other” is cause for facepalming.

  160. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    One of the pieces of “evidence” I’ve seen supporting the “no one is really bi” is a stat saying that something like 2/3 of self-identified bi people are women.

    The logic says that 50% of each orientation would be women (or, in general, if x% of the general population is subgroup y, then x% of QUILTBAG-status z will belong to subgroup y).

    Well, um.

    What if that logic is not true?

  161. says


    Where does “theoretically bi” fit? As in never tried it, will never have the chance to, but would if it were possible?

    I’d say it depends on the level of your attraction, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Only you know that, so if you think and feel that you are (theoretically) bi, then you are. As for where it fits, I’m afraid you’re stuck in the same invisible pool as the rest of us.

  162. carlie says

    As for where it fits, I’m afraid you’re stuck in the same invisible pool as the rest of us.

    But can the invisibility cloak be used in conjunction with the marauder’s map to create mischief? :)

  163. says


    I think that a lot (not all, but a lot) of the issue is that “I’m bi” is in fact a common stepping-stone that people who later say “I’m gay/lesbian” take. That is true.

    It’s not near as true as gays and lesbians make it out to be, though. Not even close. And it is primarily those who are supposed to be our brothers and sisters under the big ol’ rainbow umbrella who are responsible for disappearing us and insisting on bisexuality being a myth. There are numerous reasons for this, unfortunately. I wish I could bring up the long discussion we had about this on TET once, Josh was a superstar in recognizing that behaviour in himself when he was young, and figuring out that bisexuality was, in fact, for realz later on. It’s comforting for gays and lesbians to think bisexuality is a myth. Hetero people just consider us to be a major threat.

  164. says


    But can the invisibility cloak be used in conjunction with the marauder’s map to create mischief? :)

    I sure as hell hope so! What good is invisibility if you can’t wreak a bit of havoc?

  165. chigau (Twoic) says

    On another topic:
    can someone explain to me, why, no matter how many of those cheap extension cords I buy, I can NEVER fucking find one when I need it?

  166. Aratina Cage says

    Hi all. Been Twittering these days mostly. Thought I’d check out the Lounge and Thunderdome since they seem to be active.

    I think that a lot (not all, but a lot) of the issue is that “I’m bi” is in fact a common stepping-stone that people who later say “I’m gay/lesbian” take. –Esteleth

    Yep, that’s what happened for me. I thought about it and said I was bi at a party when a cousin asked if I was sure I didn’t like boys, too. I’d never been confronted about it before in front of a bunch of people I felt safe with. That lasted all of one night. I woke up late the next morning feeling much more comfortable with myself and confident with the realization that I was in fact gay and that me being straight or bi had all been a lie.

  167. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    Well, yes. For the purposes of deciding if bisexuality is real, it doesn’t matter if some, all, or none of lesbian or gay people at one point said that they were bi. It is unfortunate that there is that “excuse” that explains away bisexuality, but that “excuse” is still wrong.

  168. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    can someone explain to me, why, no matter how many of those cheap extension cords I buy, I can NEVER fucking find one when I need it?

    They hang out with the unmatched socks in an unknown hide-out, probably orthogonal to the space-time continuum.

  169. Portia says

    I really enjoy the concept of the Misunderstood Spider meme, but I can’t stand to look at it. : /

  170. chigau (Twoic) says

    and another thing
    how has *slow clap* become a way to show approval?
    *slow clap* used to be sarcasm, like “bless your heart”

  171. says

    Moments of Mormon Madness have a predictable effect:

    Utah ranked dead last among the least wine-friendly states in the nation while California received an A-plus rating as the most consumer-friendly in a report from the Washington, D.C.-based American Wine Consumer Coalition….

    I think I’ll have a glass wine.

    Salt Lake Tribune link.

    “Utah wine consumers labor under the most restrictive laws in the nation, and that experience is nearly untenable for anyone who enjoys fine wine,” said Tom Wark, executive director of the nonprofit coalition, which advocates for less strict alcohol laws.

    Sen. John Valentine, R-Orem, who writes most state liquor legislation, said Utah’s lowest ranking “is a badge of honor. It shows we take seriously the effects of alcohol on society.”

    Senator Valentine is a True Believing Mormon.

  172. carlie says

    Of course they are! What kinda recruitment office do you think this is, anyway? We do not cheap out on the invisible goodies.


  173. says


    how has *slow clap* become a way to show approval?

    I don’t know, but when I’ve seen it used that way, it’s irritating as hell. It’s always been used sarcastically.

  174. onion girl, OM; social workers do it with paperwork says

    I hear there is chocolate and cheese? :) Seriously, it really made my day that you guys missed me. Seriously, that is the best thing that’s happened today.

    Hi, folks. :) Sorry I’ve been so out of touch. I lost my job in June, and that hit me pretty hard. I’ve been going on interviews; even gotten a few offers, but it appears that my former boss may have blacklisted me–I get interviews, second interviews, and then everything just STOPS at the reference check. Lost two job offers because of whatever she said, even though she’s only supposed to be confirming dates of employment, etc.

    So I’ve been just a little…no, let’s be honest–I’ve been seriously depressed and that hasn’t helped the fibro any at all, and I’d be dire straits financially if my dad wasn’t helping me out a little, plus the meager bits of unemployment. So I’m keeping just above water at the moment and trying to find work. If anyone knows of any openings for a licensed social worker (LGSW), 14 years of experience working in multiple milieus, primary work with kids, families and trauma (resume or cv available), looking for program management or community organizing in the DC area.

    And with that, I need to go to bed. I’ve been skipping doses of some of my meds to make them last longer b/c I can’t afford to renew the prescription, so I’m a bit dizzy and the computer screen is starting to have colors and special effects that I’m pretty sure aren’t natural. ;)

    Take care, y’all; miss you. :) *hugs*

  175. carlie says

    Onion girl!!!!! *all the hugs*

    Man, I’m so sorry for how things are going. I wish I could help more than just saying it on a screen. *all the loves*

  176. Nightjar says

    Just to add a different and probably a lot more uncommon perspective to this bi/gay/straight discussion going on:

    It was only recently that I came to terms with my own sexuality, and I realized something: I have no idea where I stand on the Kinsey scale except I know for sure I’m not a 6 and it’s very unlikely that I’m a 5 or a 4 either, but that’s it. And the reason why I don’t know is simple, and it’s something that took me years to accept: on that other axis, I’m so close to asexuality that I simply don’t have enough data points to figure it out. I’ve never felt sexually attracted or fell in love with a woman, but then again I’ve felt sexually attracted/fell in love with so very few men that… I can’t really shake the feeling that maybe it’s a coincidence that it has only been men so far. I don’t know. I don’t know if I will ever know. But it also doesn’t concern me all that much any more, frankly. Unlike most people here, my whole struggle has been with the sexual attraction axis, not with the sexual orientation one.


    It’s the first time I’m sharing this with anyone, btw. Feels a little weird, to be effectively coming out as grey-A for the first time, but it’s also a bit of a relief to get this out of my chest. And perhaps doing it here among awesome people who I know are not likely to judge me for this will give me the courage I need to do it… elsewhere. Maybe. And I’m shaking a little now, for some reason.

  177. Maureen Brian says

    Onion Girl,

    Good to see you back. Sorry things are a bit shitty right now and hope they improve for you very soon.

    (Does the ADA help you if you can pin any aspect of ex-boss sacking you onto the fibro?)

  178. says


    I’ve never felt sexually attracted or fell in love with a woman, but then again I’ve felt sexually attracted/fell in love with so very few men that…

    Is it possible you’re demisexual?

  179. says


    And I’m shaking a little now, for some reason.

    It’s never easy to come out of any sexual closet. We all have a fear of being rejected, or worse, having people act repulsed. That fear is there even when you know you’re surrounded by people who care about you.

    Nightjar, you are surrounded by people who care about you.

  180. thunk (more world. maybe better) says

    hi all!

    It’s never easy to come out of any sexual closet. We all have a fear of being rejected, or worse, having people act repulsed. That fear is there even when you know you’re surrounded by people who care about you.

    oh yeah. I really really really want to do things so I don’t look like a Perfectly Ordinary Male, except I’ve internalised way way too much of the transphobic claptrap I’m too scared of looking like a freak to do anything. (also I hate clothes shopping).

  181. thunk (more world. maybe better) says

    ..and I might have realised the solution to my boredom may not only consist of more work, but of learning to use free time properly.

  182. hotshoe, now with more boltcutters says

    you can see my house from here
    I apologize for making light. No, I don’t live anywhere near the fire zone although it is true than I live in a part of the state which is in this photo.

    Rim Fire burning out of control in central Sierras.
    White on west side is fog bank at Pacific coast of California; you can see a bit of open water of Monterey Bay in the curved area near the bottom. All the grey in the center area is smoke from the fire (smoke has actually reached Reno, about 200 miles N).

    So far no injuries reported. About 2000 families are under mandatory evacuation or evacuation advisory and the fire is probably going to jump lines this evening into the largest of the communities in the region (Pine Mountain Lake). Ironically, one of the problems reported with firefighting in the PML area are locked residential community gates which slow down firetruck access. Memo to fire-country residents: if you have to evacuate UNLOCK THE GODDAMNED GATES BEFORE YOU LEAVE.
    About a dozen structures have burned so far including a couple of homes and businesses. More than 165 square miles of forest have burned. No old growth groves have been affected (at least, not yet, although the fire is burning in the direction of old growth sequoias on the N rim of Yosemite). Ranchers have gotten most of their livestock trailered out to safety. Yes, that includes most of the horses. Not sure about wildlife deaths. Residents have reported seeing animals fleeing the fire zone.

    More than 2000 firefighters are up there. Due to the motherfucking ReThug scum in congress, the US Forest Service firefighting budget is used up for the year. Well, they’ll still pay for firefighters but they have to shut down other programs and take the money from those programs in order to pay.

  183. Nightjar says


    Is it possible you’re demisexual?

    No, I’m pretty sure not. I have experienced sexual attraction without being romantically attracted or involved with that person, though it’s very rare. It’s true I rarely ever look at someone and think “oooh, attractive” but it does happen, and it happens pretty much regardless of there being an emotional connection or not.

    Thinking about it a little more… last time I looked at someone and felt attracted (like, what, two years ago?), it was a freaking soccer player. So, um, no.

    I think being demisexual would be easier and, because I’m woman, would be perceived as less weird, even normal. But it’s not the case.

    It’s never easy to come out of any sexual closet. We all have a fear of being rejected, or worse, having people act repulsed. That fear is there even when you know you’re surrounded by people who care about you.

    Nightjar, you are surrounded by people who care about you.

    Thank you, Caine.

  184. The Mellow Monkey says


    It’s the first time I’m sharing this with anyone, btw.

    I feel honored that you chose to share this here, then. Seconding everything Caine said.


    Re: my search for what’s causing my eczema. Apologies for anything weird I might have posted earlier. I ended up finding an allergy that was a bit more powerful than I was expecting and nearly passed out, but not without going all loopy first. Fun and oh-so-embarrassing.

    A pro-tip for the future that I hope my loved ones will remind me of is that when trying to test if I might have a reaction to something, start with diluting it first.

    I’d say my throat trying to close up and the blisters on the inside of my arm are indication enough that I found something, but for some reason my mother is fucking with my head and insisting that anyone would have that reaction if they put laundry detergent on their skin. Sigh. Yes, it’s just a coincidence that my skin tries to peel off everywhere my clothing touches me. No, no, clearly I never needed any medical attention as a kid. It was the right thing to let me be the scaley, ashamed child in pain.

  185. says


    but for some reason my mother is fucking with my head and insisting that anyone would have that reaction if they put laundry detergent on their skin.

    No, no. (I know you know this, but Imma say it anyway) That’s a severe allergic reaction. Scary severe. I have an anaphylactic allergy myself, I know that kinda scary.

  186. Nightjar says

    Thank you, The Mellow Monkey. I really think I need to work on trying to explain this to people, because having my friends and family members constantly asking me about why I have not introduced them to my boyfriend yet and why do I keep insisting I don’t have one is quickly becoming unbearable. It’s been like this my whole life, but when I was younger it was one thing, now I’m reaching the age when people really start to wonder what the hell is wrong with me. And they do make me feel like there is something wrong with me, even if unintentionally.

    insisting that anyone would have that reaction if they put laundry detergent on their skin.

    Huh… No! You did find something.

  187. says


    It’s been like this my whole life, but when I was younger it was one thing, now I’m reaching the age when people really start to wonder what the hell is wrong with me. And they do make me feel like there is something wrong with me, even if unintentionally.

    If I can help in any way, just say. Being on the asexuality gradient is still not talked about much, and for a lot of people, it’s very difficult for them to relate in any way, so they just file it under “abnormal”. There are asexual people here, perhaps they have some good resources which will help out a bit.

  188. chigau (Twoic) says

    Does this Kinsey thing allow for change?
    I spent my life (pre-menopause) as a cis hetero female, now I’m not interested.

  189. Nightjar says


    If I can help in any way, just say.

    Again, thanks. You’re already helping, it helps just being understood by someone and having the chance to talk about it.

    There are asexual people here, perhaps they have some good resources which will help out a bit.

    I know, and yes, I would appreciate that if they’re reading and are inclined to do so. I will keep searching myself, as I have been doing.


    (Off to bed now.)

  190. says

    That’s shitty that people are harassing you about that. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to date, it’s just a thing. I’m also chronically amazed by how other people’s families are; I’m pretty sure that my brother is asexual, based on the fact that I’ve known him all my life and never seen any sign of a girl- or boyfriend, but I don’t think it would occur to anyone in the family to actually ask him about it, let alone pester him.

    No, your mother is wrong; that’s definitely a sign that you should change detergents.

  191. says

    MellowMonkey: yikes, contact allergies can be dangerous, and like bee stings get worse with exposure. Figuring out which chemical/enzyme/additive is responsible may not be safe to do on your own. Also, different fabrics react to detergents differently. Silk tends to perform best in not retaining residue. Also, adding vinegar to the rinse cycle greatly reduces residue. This all comes from having a sister with contact allergies and slight sensitivity myself. I hope you figure it out… safely.

    Nightjar: you’re off to bed, and may not see this, but there is nothing wrong/weird/unnatural about minimal interest in sex. I consider myself on the low end myself (though def. not asexual) and only achieved physical+emotional intimacy with the man I married. Before that, I experimented a little and thought, meh, is this what keeps everyone so busy? pass!

  192. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says


    This: “… on that other axis…” made a sudden boink go off in my head. Of course there’s another axis! Because I’m a cis, hetero male who’s placed on that axis exactly where society tells us I should be it never occurred to me to think about it in that way. Ah privilege blindness, how you wrap me in your douchey, clinging arms.

    Nightjar, for what it’s worth you’ve made me just that little bit more aware of the beautiful diversity that is the human experience. Thank you for that, I really appreciate it.

  193. Esteleth, statistically significant to p ≤ 0.001 says

    Part of me thinks that I’m asexual who likes women.

    Part of me just doesn’t give a fuck.


    I never really saw the point of sex, really.

  194. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says


    Another voice to chorus here: your mother is wrong.

    I have a very mild reaction to glycerin. It causes me to break out in tiny fluid filled bumps. Nothing serious, but you’d be surprised just how many skin care products have glycerin in them. My darling wife doesn’t really believe me that that is what causes it. This despite having a skin sensitivity test that showed quite clearly what was going on.

    I don’t know what it is about skin reactions and allergies that makes folks doubt that they exist, but that certainly has been my experience.

  195. Portia says

    I never really saw the point of sex, really.


    *ahem* Sorry, had a jackass in my throat.

  196. Portia says


    Glad you found out what’s causing the reaction, even if it was severely unpleasant : /

    My main allergy is often not believed, but that’s understandable. I’m allergic to Benadryl. Ironic allergies are the best allergies;)

  197. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Try a Google search using the term “contact dermatitis laundry detergent” and up comes some disturbing results. Not at all uncommon. Usually amines in the detergent.

    Foxfire url: