
  1. SidBB says

    This is off-topic, and I apologize if this has been mentioned in a previous comment thread already, but I haven’t been seeing new Pharyngula entries in my Google Reader today. I tried accessing the RSS feed directly and it redirects to the SOPA/PIPA blackout page. I guess that needs to be fixed.

  2. Ichthyic says

    FWIW, I’ve been to Arizona State and Northern Arizona State unis.

    good schools.

    Anyone could do far worse.

    bit on the warm side in the summer, though.

  3. Ichthyic says

    …and let’s not mention the crazy folk that surround the uni.

    you’re fine so long as you stay on campus.


    seriously, working with Reed would be a great opportunity; he’s a smart cracker, in a field that’s still got some new funding coming its way, and he’ll have a lot to prove so will be doing a lot of handholding for new grad students.

  4. reedcartwright says

    Summers are not a problem. We just go to conferences in New Zealand and Europe during that time. The university is investing a lot of resources into translational research, and I’m part of a center that has a brand new building(s) and is expanding. We got lots of resources and administrative support. So I’m pretty sure it is a good opportunity to do some awesome science. (I’m so confident that I turned down a job in New Zealand for ASU.)

  5. Ichthyic says

    I turned down a job in New Zealand for ASU

    you might regret that in 20 years.

    but right now?

    economically speaking, that was a good call.

    hell, I’ve spoken to several profs at Vic who think the uni might actually go bankrupt in a couple more years.

    still, I’d take NZ as a place over AZ any day.