Finally, Herman Cain has suspended his presidential campaign under a cloud of accusations of sexual harassment and adultery, clearing the field for…Newt Gingrich? Philanderer and sleazebag? This is not a step up in ethics.
At last, I understand something, though. Gingrich has been an odious creature throughout his entire political career; a venal, pretentious moral monster. What it’s done, though, is given him an armor of repulsiveness. Just wait — there’ll be a revelation that he drinks the blood of Christian babies and wears a fake toothbrush mustache while at home, and everyone will just say, “Oh, that’s just Newtie…” and it will make no difference to his campaign at all.
sqlrob says
I love the fark headline for this “Herman Cain suspends campaign to spend more time with your wife”
Sengkelat says
Why couldn’t this all have come out _after_ Cain won the nomination? Curses! I don’t want ages of having to clarify that I’m talking amphibians when I say “newt.”
ahs ॐ says
Herman Cain is a genius.
I’m not really running for president anymore, but please keep on giving money to my campaign.
I couldn’t have dreamed up a better exit strategy.
Ichthyic says
Herman Cain is a
geniusbusinessman.he saw an opportunity, and he took it.
hell, from what I saw, he spared no opportunity to use his campaign to talk up the wonders of Godfather Pizza.
Ichthyic says
someone simply must work “The Cain[e] Mutiny” into this campaign, somehow.
Ichthyic says
I’d also like to point out, before it becomes a part of the right’s condemnation of the left, that people on the left really don’t CARE if someone has an affair, so that’s why we never really cared if Clinton did.
What the left cared about was the hypocrisy of the RIGHT, in going after Clinton for his, but then turning a blind eye to their own.
to be sure, this has been pointed out to them often enough that they have had to force several of their own to fall on their swords.
but if you believe, for one second, that the right would vote to impeach a republican president because they lied about an affair, you’d be nuts.
hell, they don’t even do that with governors.
holytape says
Don’t worry, there is still enough crazy to go around.
Newt has been on the stump saying we need to soften child labor laws. He’s claiming we need to do that so that kids can get after school jobs and learn responsibility. But kids can already get after school jobs. So relaxing the child labor laws would only allow kids to be exploited. Newt racing to the nineteenth century.
Glen Davidson says
Now who’s going to save the rich from paying more in taxes than the poor do?
Oh right, most any Republican, and few Democratic politicians would put up any meaningful opposition to it, either (well, we opposed it, but heaven forbid that we be “obstructionist” to plutocracy).
Glen Davidson
Ichthyic says
“You cannot make this shit up.”
ahs ॐ says
But we do care if someone commits sexual assault, which Herman Cain did.
madknitter says
Serial Adulterer Newt Gingrich has converted to Catholcism, where all his sins are forgiven. He may now sin with impunity, knowing that all he has to do is go to confession.
It will be interesting to see if Cain’s wife divorces him.
If she does, I hope she cleans him out.
Ichthyic says
But we do care if someone commits sexual assault, which Herman Cain did.
in addition to the 13 year long affair, you mean.
Rey Fox says
And it’s awfully funny how a consensual affair is what finally brought down his campaign, rather than assault. Or maybe “funny” isn’t the word.
hillaryrettig says
@madknitter – I noticed that Cain’s wife was not standing with him at the podium when he made his announcement.
Gingrich is also considered a great intellectual by conservatives – “the professor.” He’s a walking indictment of the current Republican party and all it stands for.
feralboy12 says
God, who reportedly encouraged Cain to enter the race to start with, could not be reached for comment.
Ichthyic says
And it’s awfully funny how a consensual affair is what finally brought down his campaign, rather than assault. Or maybe “funny” isn’t the word.
you must mean funny ha-ha instead of funny “odd”, since sexual assault has rarely brought down anyone, on the right or the left.
Most recently, I give Arnold, who was re-elected in CA, even though he ended up admitting he was guilty of many cases of harassment and assault.
so, yeah, it does seem to be that case that the usual state of affairs (ha!) is that adultery > assault.
How that came to be is likely the real funny thing.
Ichthyic says
Gingrich is also considered a great intellectual by conservatives
not for the content of his ideas, but for the political clout they have achieved.
that is how intellectualism is measured in political circles.
The “Contract with (on) America” for example, was utter bullshit, and he knew it, but it enabled him to recruit an entire freshman republican base into Congress.
sheer political genius, if morally, ethically, and empirically not just worthless, but actually damaging.
ahs ॐ says
No shit, my interest here is not just the affair.
Ichthyic says
No shit, my interest here is not just the affair.
point your daggers away from my back, please.
Ichthyic says
God, who reportedly encouraged Cain to enter the race to start with, could not be reached for comment.
too busy laughing his ass off at the bar with his buddies.
ahs ॐ says
I added something I thought was important that you left out. You didn’t need to respond at all, or you could have responded with some “oh I was just talking about this subset because”. Instead you responded like I was a moron. You get one dagger for that. Keep it up and I’ve got plenty more.
Ichthyic says
Keep it up and I’ve got plenty more.
sorry, but that’s just pathetic.
ahs ॐ says
Very well, Ichthyic.
Your comment evinces the common sexism of the media and public at large.
It was not important enough to you to mention that he committed sexual assault.
Political hypocrisy per se was more worth your notice.
I hoped it was sufficient to simply add what you left out. But you want to fight about it? Fine; all you’ll be doing is defending your own sexist action.
StarStuff! Because f**k you, that's why says
Oh, Herman Cain, you surprise no one with this announcement. His campaign was imploding from the very start; he was just able to put up a good front briefly.
Lou Doench says
The sad thing is that I still run into people who prefer Newt Gingrich over the rest of the field because they are under the strange illusion that he’s a “big thinker”, and an intellectual. Hahahahahahaa!!!
EvoMonkey says
Did I hear him say in that speech, “Plan A was to win the presidency…”?
I think it was more like, “Plan A was to run for the Republican nomination, fail, blame the media for my failure, use a Koch brothers foundation and donations to get rid of any lingering campaign debts, write another crappy book, increase my public appearance fees, go back on the motivational speaking circuit, and rake in the profits.”
Mission accomplished, Herman (aka Herb) Cain!
ouabache says
I don’t know why anyone though Cain was a legitimate candidate in the first place. He was in it for the money from the beginning. Newt won’t be the Republican candidate either because he can’t go a day without saying something mind-numbingly stupid. Usually this is considered a positive in the Republican party but, mark my word, he will say something that repulses even the Tea Party soon enough. Romney is going to be the candidate. Everyone else is just padding their speaking resume at this point.
Gregory Greenwood says
Disgusting – everyone knows that babies should be roasted…
Alexander Safir says
Clear away an illiterate goof from Alaska and a blank-eyed goof from Minnesota looks that much better. Then, clear her away along with an inexperienced, abusive, CEO; a trigger happy governor from Texas; a naive “Libertarian”; a half-dozen or so no-names and a pandering, abusive bureaucrat steps up to sound reasonable and relevant by comparison: Gingrich would never have a chance without the dog and pony show to scare his FoxNews constituency.
All the sordid tales of woman hating philandering and all of the gosh-shucks feet in mouths almost seems calculated to mobilize the Nascar vote!
Brother Yam says
@Gregory Greenwood:
No, dude, baby blood sausage? Sublime…
frankb says
I am sorry to see him go, he was such a good object of redicule. It was great while it lasted. He helped to dumb down the whole process and that affect could last a while.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Yes, indeed, a good object of ‘redicule.’ ;)
The guy was a tard. He has zero foreign policy knowledge and did not care to learn about it. He knows almost nothing about domestic policy as well and had the shittiest tax plan out of any GOP proposed ones so far.
Forget the multiple sexual harassment charges, the assault charges and the affair. This guy was an empty suit. It is ridiculous that he was ever taken seriously in the first place. But hell, I guess GOP primary voters are all imbeciles, so what can we expect. Oh that’s right, them shifting from Cain to a Newt, the serial adulterer hypocrite.
'Tis Himself, OM says
Gingrich is called “professor” because he was a history and geography professor at West Georgia College during the 1970s. He has a PhD in American history from Tulane.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Except for Rick Perry, who doesn’t know how to speak.
Back to Romney – no one on the right is excited about him at all. He’s everyone’s second choice. Which is why all of the other mental midgets keep shooting to the top of the polls…
ahs ॐ says
WTRA, you’re a piece of shit.
feurio says
“Gingrich is called “professor” because he was a history and geography professor at West Georgia College during the 1970s. He has a PhD in American history from Tulane.”
Yet amazingly he has called Iran a greater threat than the nazis. And of course poor children have no work ethics.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
LOL. Tell us how you really feel.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
You know what ahs ॐ, seeing as you are probably mentally handicapped in some way, I apologize for lumping Cain in with you by calling him a tard. You can’t help it, but he probably can, but chooses to remain ignorant.
Hmm, did I call anyone stupid or an idiot or an imbecile in this thread? Because there’s a lot of stupids idiots and imbeciles out there to apologize to…. hmm….
ahs ॐ says
WTRA: Get your head out of your ass. The wording of your insult is objectionable on its face. It doesn’t matter whether I am personally offended.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
ahs ॐ lordy lordy lordy. Come on man.
Without going on some long thread derail, I note you don’t object to equating people to imbeciles, but object to me call Cain a retard. Why do you object to one mental based insult but not another? Are you some kind of fucking moron? My apologies to the morons out there, if you can read and understand this.
janine says
Spiteful Stinking Rules All, you have been around long enough that insults like that are lumped in with gendered and racist insults.
Oh, yeah, I forgot. You are the big bad iconoclast fighting back against the group think that this blog engages in.
Smug spleen weasel.
blbt5 says
Now, oddly the Republicans have the bizarro version of the 2008 Hilary-Obama matchup, with Romney as the anointed successor being overtaken by the base-playing demagogue, Gingrich. Gingrich will be nominated so he can beat up on Obama – the Republicans could care less about governing since they already own everything.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Insults… like that? You mean the ones that call people stupid by calling them a mentally deficient person? Because that’s what all those words are doing, yet you and dumb fuck ahs ॐ object to retard but not the others (moron, idiot, imbecile etc;).
If you weren’t fucking morons, maybe you’d be able to discern the inconsistency of your position.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
I disagree. The media was focusing on Cain for the last couple of months, while Gingrich has been mostly ignored. Now that Cain is out, EVERYONE in the media is going to try to dig up info on Gingrich. Which won’t be hard. This guy has a lot of dirty laundry in his past. So even if wasn’t sticking his foot in his mouth daily, he’d lose the primaries just based on his past.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
This has been discussed thoroughly in the past. Hit the archives, and you might learn something loser. Your way out is to change the “a” to a “u”. And turd fits all the rethugs running for office.
janine says
Have people already forgotten that many Republicans blamed Newt Gingrich’s leadership as Speaker Of The House for the lose of seats in the House during the 1998 mid-term elections?
And that Next’s run for the candidacy is no more serious than Herman Cain’s run. Just a marketing ploy to draw money from the true believers.
David Marjanović says
With one important difference: today, there are a lot fewer jobs per person in the world. You hire a child, or for that matter an unpaid intern who desperately needs experience for their resume – you fire an adult.
Thread won.
I don’t know why you’re so confident about this a year before the election, but… it would be pretty awesome if Romney became the Reptilian candidate. First, he’d stop the creep of the Overton Window to the right; second, he’d lose, because tens of millions of Evangelicals simply will not vote for a Mormon. That’s why he didn’t get the nomination in 2008!
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says:
Not that I want this to keep going, but you didn’t even offer a sentence as to why retard is bad, but imbecile (or the dozen other examples are) not, even though those are both terms which describe people of low IQ. I could understand objecting to all of them, but we all know no one here does, because people’s intelligence is always the target of insults around here.
janine says
You shit speckled spleen weasel, Newt Gingrich has been a public figure for decades. There is not not known about him, from his pork barrel politics for Cobb County, Georgia to what was considered his incompetent run as Speaker.
This is why his is not a serious candidate. He is known and not liked nor respected except for true ideologues. And Newt is campaigning to get their money.
ahs ॐ says
Because when I was growing up in the late twentieth century, I was not exposed to your faux concern that imbecile refers to an antiquated medical classification, but I and all of my peers learned that retard, preferably accompanied by an expressive arm gesture, was the fashionable insult.
I see a consistency in basing my observations on real-world use.
If you arrived here at Pharyngula via a difference engine, after your commute in a horseless carriage, then I apologize for the confusion.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
janine says:
Agreed. But more than that, doesn’t it seem like the media is partially responsible for this nonsense? Too many candidates have been considered a serious contender at one point or another, only to crash and burn shortly thereafter. I feel like once there is a minor uptick in the polls for a given candidate, the media hypes the shit out of it and that person rises, since voters keep seeing the hype.
David Marjanović says
He means the ones that call people stupid by calling them a mentally ill person. Moron, idiot and imbecile haven’t been used as medical diagnoses for something like a century; they’re about as harmless as stupid in this respect. Retarded development does not share this history of usage.
And yes, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed. You’re not that new here.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
janine says:
Besides the media reminding us all (or telling some of us for the first time) how much of a shithead Newt is from his past known behavior, you better believe they are going to dig for more dirt. I am sure things will come up about his actions since he left office that have not already been reported.
In any case, I agree with you, he is not a serious candidate, even by the low standards of the GOP primary.
David Marjanović says
Ah. The things I missed by not growing up in the US.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
David Marjanović says:
I don’t care whether or not they are medical diagnoses, they are all saying people are mentally deficient. There are actual idiots out there, whether you use the old definition, or the newer one that is much vaguer with regards to IQ levels. They of course don’t have Down’s Syndrome, but they lost out on the Punnett Square of life by being way below average intelligence wise. No matter what mental insult term you use to disparage someone’s point, the term can accurately be applied to a person who is truly at that mental level. So I don’t buy your distinction.
Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart OM, liar and scoundrel says
A yup. He seems to be the only one who can keep his shit together. I’m sure there’s skeletons in ol’ Mitten’s closet, but he has kept them buried deep.
The only thing that could possibly trip him up is Romneycare, but so far he’s been pretty good at deflecting criticism.
David M:
Don’t bet your sweet ass on that assumption, David. You’re looking at this the wrong way ’round– if Obama can’t mobilize Democratic/liberal/lefty voters, it won’t matter one bit if Evangelicals support Mittens or not. All that Romney needs is enough pissed off conservatives and an apathetic Democratic base to win.
Azkyroth says
You could start with the fact that “retarded” is still in clinical use….
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Sad, but true. Also, don’t forget about the Independents. Some may lean right, some may lean left, but a not insignificant percentage go back and forth from election to election. Plenty of them could go for Romney, the moderate Republican. If most of them are not evangelicals, I imagine many would be ok with voting for him.
Still, if I were to play the part of a shady pro-Obama propagandist, you better believe I would push how weird and cultist the Mormons are. How they didn’t like black folk until a short while ago. And so on and so on. Could turn off enough of those pissed off religious conservatives to make a difference.
ahs ॐ says
WTRAnslation: “I don’t care whether you behave consistently with your own standard. All I care about is whether you adhere to my standard, which I do not adhere to myself, because I am a troll.”
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Azkyroth says:
What an absurd way to look at the world. Because one term signifies mental slowness and is used by some doctors, it is horrible, absolutely horrible, to use it to make fun of someone. But all of the other terms which signify mental slowness are not just ok, but actively encouraged to be used to insult folks around here, since doctors don’t use them anymore. LOL. Silly me, little did I realize that doctors were the key! I thought ad hominem attacks against one’s mental state was the important issue. But no no no, no one cares about that! Too funny. Alright, I think I am done with this silly tangent.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Wait a thread with WTRA whining?
I’m just hoping mythusmage shows up to update us on his Cain liberal conspiracy theory.
Azkyroth says
As you are perfectly well aware…
To simplify slightly, “retardation” denotes low “mental output” due to disability. It is thus bigoted to use it as a generic term of abuse. The other terms have been decoupled from this meaning and can just as easily be used to denote low mental output due to laziness (as in your case), dogmatism or similar reasons. Using them is thus not bigoted.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
WTRA what is your opinion on the use of vandal?
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
ahs ॐ says:
You fucking moron. Every other time someone disagrees with you you call them a troll. Even though you started it here and appear to wish to continue with it, while I do not. LOL. Dumbass. But that’s not the worst of it. Since you are too much of a dumb fuck to read and comprehend, I will say this, before bowing out of the tangent – please read it slowly, focus, and think hard. I am fine with all mental insults. You are fine with almost all. I am commenting on your inconsistency, or if you agree with Azkyroth, your absurd distinction based only on whether or not doctors use the word. Got it, fucktard? You started this with your whining, I merely responded and pointed out your inconsistency. Now please STFU with this, after you get your cherished “last word”, so that we can all make fun of Republicans.
Marcus Ranum says
I think I am done with this silly tangent.
FYI, in the 16th century “Silly” meant lacking in mental capacity, foolish, or feeble-minded.
chigau (違う) says
Wishful Thinking Rules All
If all that philosophyzing about etymology confounds you, try this:
Don’t use “retard” as an insult here.
Azkyroth says
I posted a follow-up, scumbag, demolishing your stupid little strawman. I’m waiting for your acknowledgment, since you’ve run out of time on the excuse that you simply didn’t see my post.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Azkyroth says:
ROFLOL. They can be used a different way, and just because they can they are not bigoted? No fucktard, they are most often used to insult another’s intelligence, not their ignorance or laziness or low ‘output’. But hey, by your logic, every time they are used to insult actual intelligence, they would be bigoted. Yes? Unless you want to claim that dim-witted people are not “disabled”, but rather unlucky and disadvantaged, unlike the retards who are “disabled” because a doctor still uses the word retard? I mean how much ridiculous word play are you willing to engage in? Really how much? Because I can’t take anymore. Peace.
ahs ॐ says
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ve called anyone a troll in the last month except you.
I try to use terms accurately.
Azkyroth says
Good grief, you really are too stupid to recognize that I’m using “mental output” as a more precise stand-in for “intelligence.”
I almost feel bad now.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Rev. BigDumbChimp says:
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, do you know how to read? I made fun of Cain using a word people take offense to. I asked why one mental insult is somehow bad where others are ok, and thus a tangent was born. That isn’t whining you dumb fuck. How can you be this stupid, I will not ever know. In any case, you’re the lucky one who gets my last post relating to retards in here. Which is fitting, because you just acted like one.
ahs ॐ says
Oops. There was Pogsurf, who was actually a self-declared troll. So I was accurate in that instance as well.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
No but youhave been whining ever since because you just can’t take it that people won’t accept your proclamations ipso facto.
Keep it up whiner.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
David Marjanović says:
Awesome? Maybe, but far less awesome than if Gingrich or Cain or Perry was the candidate. Those guys would turn away so many independents it wouldn’t even be funny. Romney is well spoken and has a lot of money, and he looks Presidential (which sadly matters in elections). Sure he has flip flopped a billion times, and his private sector experience was mostly buying companies, streamlining them (laying off a shit ton of people) and then selling them, but even so, he will be a tougher opponent to face than any of the other GOP Primary jokers.
As for confidence, who is left that hasn’t already flamed out that has an actual chance? Ron Paul? No, too many on the Right disagree with him. Huntsman? He’s too much like Romney to stand out. Santorum? Has positions and values that the Far Right loves, but he never gets any votes – either they don’t think he’ll win in the general election, or they google searched his name and were disgusted by what they found. Or maybe like me, they can’t stand his personality. And we already discussed why Gingrich will drop soon.
So to me at least, it seems like Romney is the overwhelming favorite.
Azkyroth says
I can’t speak for the right, but at least Santorum doesn’t lecture me about word usage.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Except his name.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
*facepalm* @ Azkyroth
No wait, let’s work with this. Why isn’t Santorum higher up in the polls? It can’t be his policies, can it? The far right eats that shit up, and they are stronger than ever. So it has to be the man. Unlike Huntsman, who appears to be a decent guy, Santorum just rubs me the wrong way. Guess most GOPers feel the same? It would be absolutely hilarious though if Santorum was briefly catapulted to the top of the polls. Think of all of the people who would google his name then! LOL.
spamamander, hellmart survivor says
WTRA- my daughter with Down syndrome knows not to use the word “tard”. You should be able to figure it out too.
(And yes, it is Down syndrome in the US. The apostrophe S has been dropped from the name. England still uses the possessive I believe.)
changeable moniker says
Random: Some commentary:
(If you’re quick, Cain’s top of the heap. Clear Newt assessment from 11/27. On Newt, of course, there also has to be this.)
[meta: Q to WRTA deleted, as unlikely to induce progress.]
imthegenieicandoanything says
Cain had a peculiar kind of ugliness in manner, speech, and stupidity that highlighted just how bad a person he was: the Neo-Tom that the self-made reptiles of the “Republican” Party could champion… as long as was useful, entertaining (by their standards, which finds waterboarding worthy of only mild smirking chuckles), and unavoidable.
In a campaign where the excesses of evil, greed,stupidity, ignorance, and insanity have been ever exceeded by different “Republican” candidates, though, Newt Gingrich is easily the worst person, as a person, ever to run for the Presidency.
Truly, he is among the worst and most damaging little insects-in-human-shells ever allowed to take the public stage. One day, I beleive testing will reveal he actually ISN’T human, biologically.
My vote, and I’m including the tradition favorites like Hitler, Stalin, Caligula, whose actions are clearly far worse, for the worst human being purely as a human being, ever.
becca says
The one who scares me is Jon Huntsman. He has a gravitas that Mitt lacks, a seriousness – he’s thoughtful. I strongly disagree with the results of his thinking, but at least he does it. He’s got good, successful credentials, both domestically and internationally. He’s also wealthy enough to run. I think the only thing against him in the Republican mind is that he, too, is Mormon.
Wishful Thinking Killfiles All!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Why should I do your homework for you? That is trolling. Try the archives like any scholar would. A little research is needed on your part. Which is why Killfile will be engaged, as you are preaching, not learning.
Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativism says
The really amazing thing being that they don’t hate him for it.
John Morales says
spamamander, that’s the attributive, not the possessive.
Wishful Thinking is one of those part-time trolls, because it doesn’t always troll.
(Like being a part-time pedophile, that is)
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
LOL, you guys just can’t stop yourselves can you?
becca says:
Yes, this is all correct, and sounds good in theory. Yet Huntsman is polling around what, 2%? I don’t see him rising up in the polls because there is nothing different enough from Romney for the media to latch onto and hype. Romney would have to bow out due to a scandal for Huntsman to have a chance, IMHO.
ahs ॐ says
WTRAnslation: “I can’t stop myself.”
John Morales says
Your plea goes not unheard, though you misrepresent the causation.
(You stop yourself from trolling, you’ll stop being called out.
Simple, really)
chigau (違う) says
Wishful Thinking Rules All
Do yoou really think that you can continue like this?
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
LOL. Did any of you read my last 3 posts? Or the 4th most recent (from hours ago) where I said I was done with the tangent? Seems I stopped and went back to discussing politics. Try it, if I can do it so can you.
Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativism says:
The really amazing thing being that they don’t hate him for it.
You know what this is a really good point. When was the last time the GOP base didn’t use “intellectual” as an insult? I really can’t remember, yet here we are with folks accepting Gingrich for claiming to be one.
Mr. Fire says
One more time with feeling.
You do not understand what an ad hominem is, WTRA. I can therefore assume that you do not understand anything else.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Damn blockquote fail. Hurin said the don’t hate him for it line.
Azkyroth says
Search for “sticking the flounce” in the archives, while you’re at it.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
Azkyroth, are ANY of your posts in here about politics? Nope. LOL. Come on man, there is a lot to talk about / make fun of concerning the potential GOP presidential candidates. If I can do it, so can you. Who do you think is going to get the nomination?
Mr. Fire says
Yet you ignore ahs’ #50, shit-for brains.
Why should I or anyone else give six fucks what you’re done with?
You have no insights or other contributions that I will miss, so I want you to be unwelcome here.
rbrannan says
Random observations:
Agreed that the concern with Cain isn’t his adultery, although that does raise questions about his trustworthiness. It also signals that we have the “same old (white) guy” syndrome. The sexual harassment is, of course, a different situation that’s potentially criminal. Likewise with Clinton. The adultery with Gennifer Flowers didn’t matter so much except it undermine his creditability. That’s why the 60 Minutes show with Hillary with him helped so much. The allegation that he used his position of power to demand sex…that was a big problem and deserved serious investigation. Unfortunately, the whole business got derailed as a political weapon by the Republicans.
There have been quite a few people running for the presidency whose motivation seems less about the nomination and more about the money they can bring in as donations, matching funds, and speaking tours. Sarah comes to mind, of course. Bachmann has been accused of it. Cain, Newt, and several of the others in all likelihood. Ugh! What a terrible political process.
A question about Newt’s child labor pitch: Is it possible that it has more to do with overseas working conditions than here in the good ol’ US of A? Most kids here aren’t going to work that much no matter what happens. But perhaps US laws require US firms to regulate child labor conditions in the off-shore factories they use. If that were the case, it could be a big motivator to rolling back those laws. I don’t know that’s the case, although I may recall seeing such things in the past.
Newt’s an intellectual. Hahahaha! That’s the best one today.
What a Maroon says
Also, he accepts science, in the guise of global warming. That is anathema to Republicans. Gingrich accepted it too, for a bit, till he realized that he couldn’t accept science and be a viable gopper candidate.
We’d be in much better shape if Jon Huntsman represented the mainstream of the Republican party. You still wouldn’t want to vote for them, but at least if they won you get the feeling that they’d be trying to solve our real problems.
Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativism says
I believe the term used was “conservative intellectual” which really means something entirely different than “intellectual”. I think you could draw a rough analogy to the person voted “best smelling employee of the month” at the municipal wastewater treatment plant.
ahs ॐ says
spamamander, hellmart survivor says
@ John Morales
An actual thanks. It didn’t sound right, and it would be attributive as it is in reference to John Langdon Down who is credited with identifying the group of traits displayed by people with trisomy 21 as a distinct syndrome.
Ariaflame says
If you compare a fuckwit to someone who is in a minority because of something they cannot help or change you insult that minority. Some of the words WTRA used do not describe current minorities and thus may be used. At least one did describe such a minority and was objected to.
I don’t have enough background to comment on Cain except to wish partly that such a thing might happen to our own fuckwit, except I don’t really wish unhappiness on Abbott’s wife and children, in spite of her appalling taste in men.
Wishful Thinking Rules All says
What a Maroon says:
Depending on which way the wind blows, Romney isn’t really mainstream either… or at least I reckon his actual beliefs aren’t mainstream Republican, he’s just saying shit to get through the primaries, then I am sure he will say somewhat different shit leading up to the general. Not that I want Romney elected, but it would be interesting to see what he would do if he ended up as POTUS.
Azkyroth says
“Interesting” in the Chinese sense. He IS a repig, after all.
rnilsson says
I’m a little surprised nobody here (as confirmed via a lazy ctrl-F search) has yet noted the obvious: Cain is not Able. What that means, however, is quite another enigma.
David Marjanović says
That usage of “idiot” hasn’t existed for decades. It’s also sad that you conflate “stupid” and “mentally ill”.
Oh, sure. But why do you think the Democratic base could become that apathetic?
It doesn’t “signify mental slowness”. It signifies a specific bunch of syndromes that have retarded development of the brain in common.
I thought ad hominem attacks against one’s mental state was the important issue.
You seem to believe that we believe it’s impossible to learn and impossible to train one’s intelligence.
The issue is ableism. You know, like racism and sexism, only against people with a disability they can’t do anything about.
Why should we? Give us a reason, and we’ll stop. :-|
StevoR says
@80. imthegenieicandoanything : 3 December 2011 at 6:59 pm
Big call there & not sure I entirely agree. Worse than Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Pat Buchanan and a whole slew of other possible contenders for that odious dishonour throughout all of US history? Really?
Really? You actually mean that??
Now I’m no fan of the slimey, disgusting minute-brained Newt (meaning N. Gingrich, of course, the amphibians are kinda cool, esp. those giant Japanese river monster ones!) at all but don’t you think that’s taking it waaay too far Over-The Top? Hyperbole~wise?
I may disagree with New Gingrich and all the Republicans but I am pretty sure none of them are Stalin – or even Saddam Hussein bad.
They are disgusting politicians with the unpleasant traits of appalling hypcrosy, narcisstic greed, shallow small-minded inconsiderate cruel expediency and so on.
But do you really see N. Gingerich committing mass genocide, crimes against Humanity and ordering his opponents and thsoe he dislikes be slaughtered in extermination camps?
I don’t. Hate the guy and all but he’s small time evil. Not even a half-Mussolini or Mugabe on the evil leader scale.