Pastor Mike has a plan

It is a familiar plan. It is the kind of plan that many totalitarian regimes would love to implement. Pastor Mike wants a list of all atheists.

Brothers and Sisters , I have been seriously considering forming a ( Christian ) grassroots type of organization to be named “The Christian National Registry of Atheists” or something similar . I mean , think about it . There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

This type of “National Registry” would merely be for information purposes . To inform the public of KNOWN ( i.e., self-admitted) atheists . For example , let’s say you live in Colorado Springs , Colorado , you could simply scroll down ( from the I-Net site /Blog ) I would have , to the State of Colorado , and then when you see “Colorado Springs” , you will see the names of all the self-admitted atheist(s) who live there ( e.g., if an atheist’s name happened to be “Phil Small” ) . The individual’s physical address , and other known personal information would NOT be disclosed ( though , perhaps a photo could be ) .

Now , many (especially the atheists ) , may ask “Why do this , what’s the purpose ?” Duhhh , Mr. Atheist , for the same purpose many States put the names and photos of convicted sex offenders and other ex-felons on the I-Net – to INFORM the public ! I mean , in the City of Miramar , Florida , where I live , the population is approx. 109,000 . My family and I would sure like to know how many of those 109,000 are ADMITTED atheists ! Perhaps we may actually know some . In which case we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism . Or perhaps they are radical atheists , whose hearts are as hard as Pharaoh’s , in that case , if they are business owners , we would encourage all our Christian friends , as well as the various churches and their congregations NOT to patronize them as we would only be “feeding” Satan .

Frankly , I don’t see why anyone would oppose this idea – including the atheists themselves ( unless of course , they’re actually ashamed of their atheist religion , and would prefer to stay in the ‘closet.’ ) .

Actually, there are good reasons to oppose it. It’s involuntary; many atheists promote the Out Campaign, and we think it would be great if more of us would step forward and of our own choice make our rejection of religion open. But many people also have good reasons to fear being outed, and the Pastor Mikes of the world are among them — he’s already threatening to harass atheists and organize boycotts. As you can see, he’s already comparing atheists to criminals, sex offenders, and the KKK…which is all rather ironic, given that his tactics are more like the oppressive and discriminatory actions of the Ku Klux Klan, who, by the way, would also probably love a list of known atheists in their neighborhoods.

I’m out. Pastor Mike can get to work compiling his own damn list, and he can put me right at the top of it. Would he also like me to get a tattoo, or maybe wear an armband with a big red A on it? We’re not ashamed, but many of us are rightly afraid of the cretinous thugs who follow Pastor Mike’s Jesus.

By the way, heres a little eytmological information you might find entertaining.

CRETIN. ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from French crétin, from Swiss French crestin ‘Christian’ (from Latin Christianus), here used to mean ‘human being’, apparently as a reminder that, though deformed, cretins were human and not beasts.

People like Pastor Mike do force us to work harder to remember that Christians can be human beings, not beasts.


  1. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    Pastor Mike restricts signups for his blog. He allows comments, but only from the fawning faithful.

  2. Randide, ou l'Optimisme says

    Well, somebody is going to Godwin this thread. May as well be me.

    Where have I heard an idea like this before?

  3. Audley Z. Darkheart OM (OS), purveyor of candy and lies says

    Oh for fuck’s sake. Since the thread (and the OP) has already been Godwinned, I would like to compare this bullshit to the Red Scare.

    Just think, little Timmy! Your next door neighbor could be an Atheist!! Better report him to the authorities!


  4. raven says

    Let me guess.

    Part II of Pastor Mike’s plan involves nights of terror followed by incarceration in concentration camps.

    It’s all very xian though. Pastor Mike is your typical fundie xian death cult mass murderer wannabe.

    In the bible, atheism is a death penalty offense, right up there with being a disobedient child or nonvirgin bride. And a few centuries ago, being an out atheist could get you killed.

    Xians do have a 2,000 years of slaughtering people by the tens of millions. If it wasn’t for centuries of brave people putting them on a leash, they would still be doing it. One of the signs of a civilized society is not letting your religious kooks run around loose.

  5. Lord Shplanington, Not A Frenchman says

    Honestly, if Bachmann were to be elected I would not be surprised at all if this actually happened.

  6. Randide, ou l'Optimisme says

    See, Audley. That’s why I lurk most of the time. Everyone else here is smarter and better at this than I am!

  7. says

    if they are business owners , we would encourage all our Christian friends , as well as the various churches and their congregations NOT to patronize them

    Can’t you just feel the love?

  8. otrame says

    Dear Pastor Mike,

    Put me on your atheist list. I live in San Antonio, Texas. That’s right. THERE ARE ATHEISTS IN TEXAS!!!!!!11!!!!!!!

    Oh, and fuck you and the two asses your god-man rode into Jerusalem on (at the same time. It was pretty funny).

  9. rad_pumpkin says

    Ah yes, in fact let’s also make one for xian fuckwitsbelievers! Sure, you may take offense, being publicly listed in the same manner as sex offenders, but it’s all for a good cause! We care about you, we want to show you rationality, we want to save you from the dangers of xian beliefs. Can’t you see that we only want what is best for you? Sure, we may use such a list to boycott mega churches, and businesses run by xian extremists, but that is not the primary aim. Such actions would only be undertaken to save them from falling victim to a self-destructive ideology. I frankly cannot see why even xians themselves would not opt to register on such a list, unless of course they are ashamed for their own creed. Surely this is not the case…RIGHT?

  10. raven says

    Pastor Mike hasn’t really thought it through, thought being beyond him.

    The No Religions run around 22% of the population, 67 million people, while the fundie death cultists run around 20-30% of the population.

    It’s going to be difficult rounding up getting the names of that many people.

    And US xianity is dying at 1-2 million people leaving per year. It’s going to be even more difficult when xianity is reduced to small weird FLDS type cults, living in out of the way places, torturing their women and children, and being widely considered as…social problems.

    PS Cue the xian crazies with “but Pastor Mike isn’t a real xian”. Fallacies are all that have left.

  11. Graham Martin-Royle says

    Only a planet? I’m ashamed to share a universe with them. Anyway, if they want my details on a register, that’s fine by me. I already have a bumper sticker, another sticker on my front door and have had several letters published by my local paper, (all in deepest, darkest Sussex, U.K.) all of which proclaim my atheism.
    I know that there are many people for whom coming out as an atheist is just impossible right now and I object to them being forced out, but for those of us in my position, where there is no problem in coming out, then I think that we should (but there should never be any coercion to do so).

  12. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    Oh, he wouldn’t put on any personal information, just names and pictures. How nice. I am sure that his faithful followers wouldn’t dream of improving those lists with home and/or work addresses of atheists they know.

  13. brokenSoldier, OM says

    I’d say we need a list of hypocritical clergy who put the public in danger as well, but it seems lists like that are well on their way.

  14. Phil says

    And don’t forget to castrate us without unholy anaesthetics sterilise us while you’re at it. And do it In Dog’s Name, that will make it The Right Thing To Do.

    Here’s a brilliant idea to expand on his Divinely Inspired Plan: How about a public database of all people with Asperger’s or any other form of autism? We don’t want those vaccinated freaks in our church now, do we? Or, why don’t we create a list of all those evil Buddhists/Muslims/Hindus? They’re not members of The True Faith – they don’t deserve rights. And don’t forget to put all the Catholics/Presbyterians/Methodists/Baptists/Xians-who-don’t-follow-our-microscopically-defined-worldview on one too.

    People like him make me want to send my fist through their computer screen.

  15. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism

    The main danger seems to come from bigots like Pastor Mike who would hunt us down and proselytize at us, if not do anything worse.

  16. Revyloution says

    I think it’s a great idea. Once the list starts growing past 6,000, think of the panic that would settle in their little town of 109,000. Imagine the quiet little old ladies who would go sign up for the list in solidarity.

    I honestly can’t think of anything that would create more solidarity and cohesion in the community of non-believers. I heartily encourage him to begin his endeavor.

  17. starstuff91 says

    Usually idiots like this just make me angry, but this is just too outrageous. I’m honestly a little shocked by this. I guess I thought more of humanity than this; I thought we were beyond such things. I guess I was wrong.

  18. Algernon says

    I oppose national registries anyway. Like, all of them. And Pastor Mike’s arguments provide the reasons I think we all should.

    But no matter how you threaten and harass, atheism isn’t illegal. I know you’d like to have the police force as your own personal army to do whatever you want to other people, Pastor Mike. That’s because you’re a delusional authoritarian thug who hates freedom.

    Go take your Jesus into a dark room and fuck it. Maybe you’ll get on a national registry!

  19. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    @Audley Z. Darkheart OM (OS), purveyor of candy and lies,

    Did you look at the picture on his blog? Red scare is exactly what he’s talking about. After all, we atheists are just communists in disguise.

  20. says

    Oh, he wouldn’t put on any personal information, just names and pictures. How nice. I am sure that his faithful followers wouldn’t dream of improving those lists with home and/or work addresses of atheists they know.

    Well, to be fair, you can get his picture and details (including email address) from his GIMME CASH page.

    You’d think a man like this would be more careful with such details.

  21. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    One of the comments:

    So, being atheist is the same as being ex-convict to you. I agree: you served your time, now you are finally free from religious prison and there are some people trying to make your new, lawful life difficult.

    Nice. I guess that one passed because dear pastor couldn’t be bothered to read past “I agree:..”

  22. Abelard says

    I teach at a prestigious catholic university so coming out as an atheist isn’t currently an option for me. Even revealing this fact anonymously gives me some trepidation, given the mouth-foaming fear of religious fanatics like Pastor Mike who doubtless would target people like me first. I’ve always wondered how many others are in the same predicament.

  23. Nom de Plume says

    Perhaps we may actually know some. In which case we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism.

    I could handle you boycotting my business. I could even deal with hate mail. But, for the love of all that is “holy”, I beg you, for fuck’s sake, please do not witness to me.

  24. Jan says

    “In which case we could begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism.”

    How is that a valid reason? He must know that self admitted atheists are more often then not informed about “the dangers of atheism” reflected against not just Christianity, but many religions, and have to suffer every religious zealot trying to convert them even without this registry.

    And I really have a huge problem with him constantly comparing a list like this with a registry for sex offenders.

    Funny thing being that that list of sex offenders is likely populated by an overwhelming majority of religious people.

  25. raven says

    Thoughts of mass murder seem to be common pastimes among fundie xian leaders.

    Tom Willis is a creationist leader. He also helped write the science standards for the state of Kansas.

    His plan for “evolutionists” is to herd them into concentration camps and work them as slave labor until they die.

    Pastor Mike is a wimp and he really has to dial up the crazy and evil or risk being ignored.

    Tom Willis:

    …”evolutionism problem,” leaving the legal details to others:

    Labor camps. Their fellow believers were high on these. But, my position would be that most of them have lived their lives at, or near the public trough. So, after their own beliefs, their life should continue only as long as they can support themselves in the camps.

    Require them to wear placards around their neck, or perhaps large medallions which prominently announce “Warning: Evolutionist! Mentally Incompetent – Potentially Dangerous.” I consider this option too dangerous.

    Since evolutionists are liars and most do not really believe evolution we could employ truth serum or water-boarding to obtain confessions of evolution rejection. But, this should, at most, result in parole, because, like Muslims, evolutionist religion permits them to lie if there is any benefit to them.

  26. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    You’d think a man like this would be more careful with such details.

    When was the last time you saw atheists persecuting a Christian? I know they accuse us of doing it, but pastor knows very well that it doesn’t really happen and that giving out that personal information is not going to put him in any particular danger. Listing names and pictures (and at least states if not addresses) of atheists will put some at risk of losing their jobs, friends or family and most of them at risk of being harassed by godbotherers.

  27. says

    I have occasionally thought that if everyone who doesn’t believe in god were to skip church on the same Sunday, people like Pastor Mike would learn something that it would benefit them to know.

  28. Jason says

    Guys, guys, there’s an explanation after all.

    1) The guy is from Florida.
    2) He has an email address.

  29. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Pastor Tom:

    Require them to wear placards around their neck, or perhaps large medallions which prominently announce “Warning: Evolutionist! Mentally Incompetent – Potentially Dangerous.” I consider this option too dangerous.

    I don’t remember the guy from the book of Revelations that wanted to mark everybody as being the good guy in that story…

    How magnanimous of him to consider this option “too dangerous.”

  30. rad_pumpkin says

    You guys should read his blog, it’s hilarious!

    Well , it seems that when I woke up Tuesday morning , things weren’t much better , even though some of the symptoms had subsided some. So , I just called in sick ( my boss even said , “Man , Mike , you sound BAD!” ). But by early evening I began having minor chest pains and at times coughing up blood? ( what’s THAT about , huh? – at least it looked like blood ). Then around 3 a.m. yesterday I woke up with excruciating chest pain , that may have just been caused by a muscle spasm when I coughed so hard..I honestly don’t know. I didn’t want to alarm my wife and daughter by waking them up and telling them , so I just dealt with it until I heard my wife get my daughter up for school at 5am.

    So , after my daughter left on the school bus , I told my wife , “Well , sweetheart , I think The LORD is TELLING me to get to the ER,” and I went on to explain what happened to me a few hours earlier , which she wasn’t too pleased about.

    That’s from the most recent entry. Yes…Lord Jeebus is telling you to get medical help by making you cough up blood. Good to know he’s not vague about it…

    And yes, the alleviation of his symptoms is clearly due to some cosmic jewish zombie bastard thing, and not the antibiotics he received. Damn Satan and his constant trying to silence him…via respiratory problems.

    (not that I wish him ill, but come on man, credit where credit is due…thank your fucking doctor already!)

  31. starstuff91 says

    Guys, guys, there’s an explanation after all.

    1) The guy is from Florida.
    2) He has an email address.

    Hey, that’s not cool. Don’t hate on Florida. There’s a lot of people here, some of them are bound to be crazy and hateful.

  32. Carbon Based Life Form says

    Pastor Mike’s email address is [email protected]

    I just sent him an email about his list, giving my real name and address. I asked if he was compiling the list to make it easier to round up and imprison atheists when the theocrats come to power. I’ll be interested if I get a response.

  33. Allen L. says

    I tried to volunteer to be on the List but I couldn’t get accepted. Is it because I am the worst kind of atheist? Canadian of mixed background (Protestant and Ukrainian Catholic)?

    I hate moronic, elitist bigots.

  34. Danaleigh says

    That he could possibly think this is a reasonable thing to say, and reasonable arguments to make for it, is deeply scary.

    And did it not occur to him that just maybe the fact that he feels the need for such a registry…in other words, that he doesn’t just automatically know who the evil criminal atheists are who need saving from themselves…means atheists are ordinary people just like him living ordinary lives just like his? If we’re as evil as he thinks, wouldn’t he be easily able to identify us by the horrible things we’re constantly doing or the way we’re constantly trying to prevent people from going to church and make them be atheists too?

  35. Zinc Avenger says

    Good idea, Pastor Mike!

    Lets have a national registry of Christians. That we we can witness to the weak-faithed. And if they’re strong in their faith we can shun them! In case we, you know, accidentally feed Teh God.

  36. says

    Guys, guys, there’s an explanation after all.

    1) The guy is from Florida.
    2) He has an email address.

    Oh, whew! He’s probably using IE too. I guess we’re OK after all.

    Seriously though, how fucked up can you be to go around suggesting something like that as if it’s nothing? At least the idea’s been sitting there unacted upon.

  37. says

    Seems like Pastor Mike has McCarthy envy. It’s terribly pathetic, his claims that atheists should have no problem with such a registry, given that he starts out with:

    There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

    Thereby placing atheists in the same company. So nice, so…christian.

  38. Film Flram Man says

    #31 – dude, this is the easiest thing to repel.

    So the poor brain-damaged true believers™ (PBTBs) come to your door to “witness” to you. What do you do?

    Stage 1: say, “no, thank you,” then close the door gently.

    If they come back, then

    Stage 2: say, “I’m not interested; please leave me alone,” then close the door a little harder.

    If the PBTBs don’t get the hint

    Stage 3: when you see it is them through the peephole/window, strip down to your epidermis, fling the door open and say, “COME ON IN!”

    We’ve actually gone to stage three and my only regret is we didn’t capture those poor Mormon boys’ expressions on camera. Next time.

  39. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Guys, guys, there’s an explanation after all.

    1) The guy is from Florida.
    2) He has an email address.

    Where are you from Jason?

  40. says

    When was the last time you saw atheists persecuting a Christian?

    Except he is not just attacking atheists (although he does seem to have more posts about us than other groups). His whole blog is a hatefest against other groups too, including the religious.

  41. Allen L. says

    If the list gets going, atheists could use it frequent any businesses on it and avoid causing any embarassment to PBTB business owners being forced to refuse us service.

  42. Rey Fox says

    whose hearts are as hard as Pharaoh’s

    Check your bible, who hardened the Pharaoh’s heart?

  43. Alverant says

    Two questions:
    1) Is this guy an actual pastor?
    2) If he is, WHY is he still a pastor? The fact he hasn’t been fired says a lot about his denomination.

  44. rad_pumpkin says

    @Caine #53
    Ok…either you are incapable of reading his entire post (spoiler: he’s feeling better) much less the rest of his blog, or you completely missed the point of my post (spoiler the second: attributing health problems and solutions to imaginary things rather than medical science is both stupid and funny – if everything gets fine again). But thanks for replying. Idiot.

  45. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Now he’s got a post up on his site crowing about how many visits he’s gotten for a year-old post, and how no one made any good arguments. I’d link to it, but the stupid just burns too much.

  46. Anteprepro says

    Ah, I see. We atheists are just like convicts, menaces to society, flagrant breakers of the law. Oh, except at least 80% of the prison population are Christians. Hmmm.

    Well, we atheists are likely to be sex offenders, deserving to be kept track of because of previous heinous sex crimes. Wait, what is this “Catholic Church” you speak of?

    Anyway, we atheists are just like KKK members. Damn, that atheistic organization run by totally non-Christian Southerners after the collapse of the totally non-Christian confederate South.

    This reminds me of the standard nonsense of talking about how atheism is evil because of the atheist dictators of the 20th century, which half the time manages to include Hitler in the list. How are these people so blind?

  47. says

    He also thinks we are just anti christian, and want to make America Muslim.

    He is either really deluded, or a very good Poe. But the request for money makes me think Poe is not an option.

  48. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    His whole blog is a hatefest against other groups too, including the religious.

    The guy does so much hating that he doesn’t seem to have time for Christian love.

  49. raven says

    His whole blog is a hatefest against other groups too, including the religious.

    Very xian. Before there were atheists, Moslems, and gays to hate, they hated each other and still do so.

    Xians fought wars between the sects that killed tens of millions and stretch back 2,000 years. The last hot war ended a whole 11 years ago in Northern Ireland.

  50. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Markita Lynda, admirer of roadkill says:

    Hello, BrokenSoldier, OM! I hope you’re well and safe.

    *smiles* I moved to a new city & finally found a new job, so things are definitely better for me now. :) Thanks for the thoughts!

  51. Twisty says

    “There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..”

    This actually makes me shudder.

    That’s right Pastor Mike, being an ‘admitted atheist’ is exactly the same as being a sex offender or member of the KKK.

    “Frankly , I don’t see why anyone would oppose this idea – including the atheists themselves ( unless of course , they’re actually ashamed of their atheist religion , and would prefer to stay in the ‘closet.’ )”

    Yeah, I mean who wouldn’t want (more) proselytising morons showing up at their door? And hate mail. Everyone loves hate mail.

    Remember the list of facebook comments amounting to death threats to all atheists following the recent WTC cross thing?

  52. says

    It’s kind of cute and adorable. He’s bragging about getting about as many visits in a day as I get in a half-hour, after I linked to him.

  53. Allen L. says

    How dare Pastor Mike update his blog on his sabbath. He is supposed to rest after mowing the lawn, right? The FSM may just smite Miley again.

    Mikey probably would be shocked that his blog has more visits from Pharyngulists than PBTBs

  54. mustagotlost says

    You have got to be kidding me. I tried to say something irreverent and nasty on the dear Pastor’s website, but you have to be a member to join. They would just kick me out after my first post anyway because it would be vile.

    I really don’t care what people want to believe, but leave me the Hell alone, I say.

  55. teawithbertrand says

    Wow. Just wow.

    Of course all he’s really done is give yet another shining example of Christianity’s complete moral and intellectual bankruptcy. Just keep talking, pastor Mike.

  56. Moggie says

    Wait. There’s a national register of skinheads? How does that work? Do all hairdressers report to the government?


    Can we get a National Idiot registry?

    You could start with the list of registered Republicans.

    Pastor Mike could be a poe, but the obsession with “witnessing” to unbelievers is true to life, and it always strikes me as strange. I could kind of understand (though not approve) if you wanted to inflict your Jebus stories on a remote Amazonian tribe, but Americans? Dude, there’s not a single adult in America who’s unaware of this shit, unless they have some kind of cognitive deficit, in which case you shouldn’t be preying on them.

  57. brokenSoldier, OM says


    Pastor Mike could be a poe, but the obsession with “witnessing” to unbelievers is true to life, and it always strikes me as strange. I could kind of understand (though not approve) if you wanted to inflict your Jebus stories on a remote Amazonian tribe, but Americans? Dude, there’s not a single adult in America who’s unaware of this shit, unless they have some kind of cognitive deficit, in which case you shouldn’t be preying on them.

    It makes more sense to think of it in terms of what it does for them, not you – because that’s why they do it. To understand it, you just have to replace the word “witnessing” with the phrase “scoring brownie points with god.”

    They do it because of what they think it will get them. They couldn’t care less whether it bothers the target of their proselytizing.

  58. Sili says

    Someone hasn’t been paying attention in Wingnut School.

    He’s supposed to accuse Muslim Atheist anti-Americans of registering all good Christians in the Census in order to have FEMA heard them into camps.

    Silly pastor. Camps are for Christians.

  59. peterh says

    This “Let’s make a list” (a list of ANY sort) business long ago stopped being quirky, went past troublesome and is now nibbling at potentially dangerous. Hasn’t this dingo’s kidney on legs read history?

  60. Cosmic Snark says


    “Can we get a National Idiot registry?”

    I don’t think the internet has that much storage capacity.

  61. Sean Boyd says

    Rev. Big Dumb Chimp,

    Can we get a National Idiot registry?

    Don’t we already know the members of the Republican National Committee?

  62. Allen L. says

    Hey!! How dare you call Pastor Mike a dingo’s kidney? There is an important difference, a kidney is useful and required for a healthy life. Now if you referred to Mike as a kidney’s output, I would agree completely.

  63. Sean Boyd says

    Sorry, Moggie, I hadn’t refreshed the page before I posted, so didn’t see that you’d already posted basically the same thing.

  64. Gord O'Mitey says

    I’m not giving this guy a free pass into Heaven, on account of his willful stupidity.

  65. Pat says

    There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

    A little analysis:

    Terrorist cells- Mostly Islamic Jihadists and a smattering of xtians
    KKK- Christian
    Skinheads- Christian
    Ex-convicts- statistically most are Christian or Muslum

    As far as hate groups are concerned Pastor Mike should sign himself up as he would be in “good” company.

  66. Mike says

    That etymology of “cretin” is fun, but wrong. It comes from a corruption of “creatura” — Latin for “created thing,” basically.

  67. Mike de Fleuriot says

    What I would really like to see, is some strong atheist business person, offering a 5 – 10 % discount to any atheist that makes a purchase from him, and takes the blasphemy challenge.

    That would really show these idiots that we do no acknowledge their gods. Make it a direct question at the point of sale, like cash or charge, something like will you take the challenge or pay the extra 10%.

  68. Sheesh (as seen on Sadly, No!) says

    Pastor Mike and those like him are exactly the reason that I post sparsely and pseudonymously on atheism-related websites! Being in the closet is self preservation in northern Florida. Thanks a lot, Pastor Mike!

  69. Aquaria says

    Sure, Pastor Mike, draw up your lists. But know that we can draw up lists, too. You know, like how many Chirstarded shit stains like you are in jail. Or sexual perverts. Or beating their wives. Or stalkers. Or thieves. Or con artists. Or drug dealers. Or child molesters. Or mass murderers. Or serial killers. Or terrorists.

    Scratch the registries of “sex offenders, ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads” and I guarantee that the vast majority of them will be scumbag Christards like you.

    Do you really want to go there? Because I have a handy dandy list of just the Republicans who are child molesters.

    Since there are more of you in America, it’s going to be a lot easier to find more of you Christards who are scumbags. We’ll even be able to show that more of you are scumbags as percentage of your own braindead delusional demographic than others, and then we non-Christards can point to that list and demand to know why anyone with any decency is a Christarded piece of shit like you.

    I’ll even show you how we can fucking burn your scumbag asses, a sneak preview, if you will? Let’s start with Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council. Yes, scumbag shit stain, Tony, the known associate of racist scumbags, who, while a reserve police officer, knew when some of you anti-abortion woman-killing scumbags were going to turn violent against his own police force and said nothing to his superiors. Got suspended for it, too, didn’t he?

    So I dare you to start this crap.




  70. Pat says

    There are already National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

    A little analysis:

    Terrorist cells- Islamic Jihadists and a smattering of xtians
    KKK- Christian
    Skinheads- Christian
    Ex-convicts- statistically most are Christian or Muslum

    As far as hate groups are concerned maybe pastor Mike should sign himself up as he would be in “good” company.

  71. Sili says

    That etymology of “cretin” is fun, but wrong. It comes from a corruption of “creatura” — Latin for “created thing,” basically.

    Do remember to write to the OED and tell them how wrong they are.

    ( /ˈkrɛtɪn/ , formerly /ˈkriːtɪn/ )
    Etymology: < French crétin (in Encycl. 1754), < Swiss patois crestin, creitin < Latin ChristiānumChristian adj. and n., which in the mod. Romanic languages (as sometimes dial. in English) means ‘human creature’ as distinguished from the brutes; the sense being here that these beings are really human, though so deformed physically and mentally. (Compare natural.) So, according to Hatzfeld and Darmesteter, the Cagots are called in Bearnese crestiaas.

    One of a class of dwarfed and specially deformed idiots found in certain valleys of the Alps and elsewhere. Also in weakened sense (esp. in form crétin): a fool, one who behaves stupidly. Also attrib. and transf.
    1779 W. Coxe in Ann. Reg. ii. 92 (note) , The species of idiots I have mentioned‥who are described by many authors as peculiar to the Vallais, are called Cretins.
    1834 T. Medwin Angler in Wales I. 239 The Cretin is hardly a human being‥They have all immense heads and more immense goitres.
    1879 R. N. Khory Digest Med. 4 The offspring of persons with goître are cretins without goître.
    1884 W. James Coll. Ess. & Rev. (1920) 270 Bodily commotions‥may be experienced in their fulness by Crétins and Philistines in whom the critical judgment is at its lowest ebb.
    1929 D. H. Lawrence Paintings Introd. f. 8, The blood in the body stands still, before such crétin ugliness.
    1933 J. Joyce Let. 13 Aug. (1966) III. 282 The crétin of a concierge‥has misdirected half my mail.
    1961 I. Jefferies It wasn’t Me! ix. 123, I know I’m a moron and a cretin like you’re always calling people.

  72. Johan Fruh says

    Wow…just wow… I didn’t think religion could shock me even more… but this…
    What’s next? calling atheists witches, and burning them at the stake?

    As for cretin… I’m swiss.. and I’m just sooo happy to have learned this ethymology! Gives me ammunition to poke fun at my friend from the Valais!!
    Especially since the Valais here, is the state that is the most dominated by UDC (a party that would be the equivalent to your republicans)

  73. Penguin_Factory says

    I immediately thought “poe” like a lot of others, but the dude has hundreds of posts going back to 2009. I’ve never seen a parody that dedicated, and a lot of the posts don’t strike me as obviously satirical. The one PZ Myers quoted is the only one more extreme than what you regularly find on fundamentalist Christian websites.

  74. dcg1 says

    How about world wide US style Border Controls for religious believers/bigots?

    I know this seems like a crazy idea but think of the humanitarian benefits.

    It would prevent the majority of the U.S. Armed Forces from travelling to take part in “crusades” like the wars in Iran, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

    The CIA would have severe difficulties in finding Agents able to accompany the disappeared, on rendition flights to places where they can be tortured and killed for fun.

    No one else would be allowed to be transprted to Guantanamo bay, to be tortured and held in captivity for years, without hope of due legal process.

    Am I naive or what?

  75. Valis says

    Well, unless Pastor Mike believes in Allah, Yahweh, Zeus, Thor, Odin, Ra, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, the entire Hindu pantheon and the myriad other gods out there, his name belongs just as much on that list.

  76. calladus says

    He’s really shut down the comments on his site, and will only “sell” via Paypal to registered addresses.

    It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to give out his name and address to a faceless person.

  77. Aquaria says

    Terrorist cells- Islamic Jihadists and a smattering of xtians

    In America, there are more terrorist cells of Xians than there are of Islamists.

    There are probably more people associated with the white supremacist/neo-Nazi/neo-Confederate terrorist movement than there are Muslims in America. The neo-Nazi organization known as the National Socialist Movement has chapters in 38 states. How many Muslim groups have that?

  78. dcg1 says

    What about the terrorists in the US Armed Forces and the CIA.
    are American atheists as blinkered as their religious brethren??

  79. Patricia, OM says

    Brokensoldier, OM good to “see” you again, glad things are better for you. If you’re ever in Oregon, stop by my VSO for some good atheist coffee.

  80. Aquaria says

    Xian terrorists are a much bigger threat than Muslims. Just one Xian terrorist group, the Army of God, has been associated with these terrorist scumbags:

    Michael Bray–associated with at least 10 bombings of abortion clinics in the 80s. Most recently told Richard Dawkins on videotape that he thought adultery and homosexuality should carry the death sentence.

    Paul Jennings Hill–murdered a doctor who performed abortions.

    Stephen John Jordi–had plans and the materials to bomb abortion clinics, gay bars and even churches he didn’t like. Huge admirer of some of the other scumbags on this list and wanted to be just like them.

    Scott Roeder–murdered George Tiller.

    Eric Robert Rudolph–bombed the Atlanta Olympics, numerous abortion clinics, and gay and lesbian bars.

    James Charles Kopp–murdered a doctor who performed abortions.

    Shelley Shannon–attempted to murder George Tiller in 1993 (shot him in each arm).

    Fritz Springmeier–tried to bomb an adult video store.

    Clayton Waagner–robbed banks; mailed anthrax to abortion clinics.

    The Muslims have nothing on these scumbags.

    By the way, how many Muslim groups have had chemical weapons they planned to use on Americans? One of the tiny-penis militia movement scumbags did have it. Google William Krar. How much do you think we’d still be hearing about a Muslim who did something like that—or the sheer volume of terrorism ugly white Christards have committed? How much would we be hearing about it if leftists did these things? Hell, we all know we’d never hear the end of it–for either group–if they’d done what these right wing scumbags have.

    We have a lot more to fear from white, Christard, racist, anti-abortion right-wing scumbags than we do 99% of the Muslims in America.

  81. says

    And lo, the many whose hearts were full and brains were empty, who loved the GOD!! who was almighty and whatnot, and who knew that GOD!! warming was just HIS!! love and hugging of the earth, flew away into the sky on alien tractor beams GOD!! LOVE ENERGY. And those who might be a lie in their faith, and do what should not have done, such as abort the mission and only mission, or place foreign islam puppy-eaters in power, or ruin the sanctity of marriage by joining with one of the same gender, the sign of lucifer or the devil or whatever would be placed on their armbands: 666. And those who shunned the GOD!!, who would refuse to bask in HIS!! glow and instead in the glow of an angry sun, a big honkin’ A on their armband!

    I am upset at myself for writing all that.

  82. jbrock says

    Alverant @ 57 said:
    1) Is this guy an actual pastor?

    By definition, yes, as long as he says he is and can find a congregation to agree with him on that point.

    2) If he is, WHY is he still a pastor? The fact he hasn’t been fired says a lot about his denomination.

    His ‘denomination’ may be no more than one congregation headquartered in a storefront, or even an outbuilding. That’s how these tiny, ultra-fundamentalist outfits operate. Many require no formal qualifications at all. Some alpha wackjob hears, directly and personally, the ‘call of the Lord to preach the Gospel’, and finds a few subordinate wackjobs who’ll buy into that story. The congregation ordains him, ‘calls’ him, and sha-zam, it’s a church.

    How do I know? My late father was a Baptist preacher, at least until he swallowed some even more batshit insane theo(path)ology that ate his brain completely. It’s not uncommon for small towns to have three or four churches that split off from each other due to factionalism in a congregation. All it takes is a dispute over the minutiae of interpretation of one passage of scripture, and there’s yet another church in town, with its own duly called and ordained pastor.

  83. peterh says

    “Hey!! How dare you call Pastor Mike a dingo’s kidney? There is an important difference, a kidney is useful and required for a healthy life. Now if you referred to Mike as a kidney’s output, I would agree completely.”

    I was using a metaphor. Heehee!

  84. Bob says

    The last time people started registering anyone based upon religion, they were given yellow stars to wear too. Should Atheists perhaps be given a signifying badge so that Atheistic salespeople aren’t patronized, so as to prevent them from earning commissions?

    On the flip side, what if state or local government started a registry of “known Christians”, would Pastor Mike feel threatened? Of course he would. Because it would OBVIOUSLY be a tool of the “repressive anti-Christian forces” to round up and destroy Christians.

    Sad, since the people who are targeting people based upon religion, or lack there-of, are RELIGIOUS themselves.

    My delusion says that I must kill you based on your delusion.

  85. says

    If I can get onto his website, this is what I’ll leave as a comment:

    I’m an atheist. Come at me bro. My girlfriend is also an atheist, as well. We are atheists because we there is no empirical evidence to suggest that the god exist, nor even any reason to suggest that god is a legitimate possibility. There’s also massive amount of empirical data that demonstrates the impossibility of the bible being true, so if there is a god, it sure is not the Christian one. I can’t speak for all atheists, but I can tell what would generally convince us and what won’t convince us that god and Jesus are real.

    Let’s start out by what will NOT convince us. We do not believe that the bible is true, nor do we believe that heaven or hell are real, so telling us bible verses will do absolutely nothing to convince us to become Christians and threatening us with hell does not scare us, because we don’t believe in that crap. Using the bible and threats of hell are only convincing to those who already believe in that stuff, and practically no atheist believes that stuff.

    What will convince us is actual evidence that the bible is true or that god exists, and my evidence, I mean data. Something that’s testable and verifiable. In general, atheists view faith as a bad thing, because what faith really boils down to is believing stuff without evidence to support it. Remember, burden of proof is on the one who says that something does exist, not the atheists who won’t believe due to a lack of evidence.

  86. Sili says

    Heh heh heh

    Joseph Crétin (19 December 1799 – 22 February 1857) was the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Cretin Avenue in St. Paul, Cretin-Derham Hall High School, and Cretin Hall at the University of St. Thomas are named for him.

  87. Akira MacKenzie says

    This attitude isn’t that uncommon among evangelicals. I outed myself as an atheist to my mother’s side of the family–good WELS-church-going, racist, homophobic, fundies all–during an e-mail debate about “In God We Trust” being on the currency (my uncle sent out a copy of that much-Snoped link to the online poll urging his relations to vote). After explaining why their notions of a “Christian Nation” where false and that religious affirmation don’t belong on our money, government buildings, and official oaths, pledges, or mottos, I was deluged with angry e-mails calling me a Communist who should move to Cuba or China where my godlessness would be tolerated.

    One cousin, the eldest son of the uncle who started this crap, after echoing the red-baiting from the other e-mails wrote “I hope that the authorities are notified so they know exactly what you are doing!”

    Needless to say, I don’t talk with them anymore despite the efforts of my mother and liberal-Cat-Lick sister to convince me to reconcile with them. Sorry, you don’t ever forgive someone who thinks you should be monitored by the state because you don’t believe in a deity. Fuck them all.

  88. Happy Camper says

    I think “pastor” Mikes sermons would be closer to their message in the original German.

  89. Aquaria says

    What about the terrorists in the US Armed Forces and the CIA. are American atheists as blinkered as their religious brethren??

    As a US Air Force veteran, I have one thing to say to you:

    Fuck you.

    99% of the people in the military have fuck-all to do with the policies of the US Government. They’re not the ones who decide to invade or bomb a country; most of them would rather not do it. Once they’re in, though, they don’t have much choice if their government tells them to. They’re supposed to resist illegal orders, but 1) what is an illegal order when your government is gaming the system and running roughshod over those who decide what is and isn’t illegal? 2) 18-year-old kids from Dumbfuckistan aren’t exactly known for understanding how to balance a checkbook, much less where lines between legal and illegal are. 3) What happens when the people who might expect you to do something illegal for them are the ones brainwashing you (and make no doubt about it, basic training is brainwashing) into near-mindless obedience to their authority?

    So it’s a lot more complicated than the simplistic scumbaggery you’re vomiting up.

    Know this, though:

    Most of the people serving right now wouldn’t even be in the military if their own government didn’t fuck them over. Maybe you’re so lacking in compassion for them because you don’t realize that the US military is the most expensive vocational program in history, a tool to keep the proles from rising up and murdering the oligarchs in their sleep.

    Most of the enlisted people in the US military are there because there’s nothing for them at home. Nothing. Do you understand that? Most of them have no skills and no connections. There are no jobs where they live, or, if there are any, the pay next to nothing. They can’t imagine being able to afford going to anything more than a jr. college–student loans don’t pay for getting you to school, or housing you, or feeding you.

    Even if they wanted to go to school, too many of them have received educations that are the laughingstock of the Western world, and struggle to make it into even the colleges with lenient admissions policies. Or they realize at some point if they do manage to gain entry, that they’ll have to be in college much longer than they’d planned because they’re having to take “remedial” courses before they can even take credited courses.

    Their other options: They can hope to work at the convenience store for slave wages and no benefits, no health insurance, no future. Or they can join the military, get the pay and bennies, get some skills and experience, even get help with tuition, and after their tour they can either get help finishing their degree, or tap into the veterans network that gets preference for federal and state jobs that pay well.

    BTW: If the near-poverty and opportunity issues aren’t enough of a driving factor for joining the military, there are plenty of people who do it to escape awful issues at home: neglect, abuse, incest, molestation, mental illness, alcoholism, drug addiction, criminal behavior–the list goes on and on. Our federal and state governments do disgustingly little to help people enduring these things.

    Or how about other ways that the US fucks over its citizens: Do you realize that people in this country who receive organ transplants have to live on as little as $7,000 a year just to get the drugs, treatments and checkups they need to stay alive? What would you do if you had no skills, no prospects, and a family member desperately needing any help you can give him just to survive?

    So before you open your stupid scumbag trap, try to put yourself in their shoes, for just five seconds.

  90. snow fox says

    If the registry would be just for out atheists, as he claims, then it would be useless for him. Does anybody doubt that such a thing would be used as an intimidation tool?

  91. says

    I wonder how many members of the Christian clergy would be on that list. If it were at all comprehensive, there would be quite a few.

  92. says

    I think that he’s a Poe. Someone mentioned that he asks for donations, though?

    Eesh. What does it say about humanity when we actually have to figure out if someone is really crazy or is just putting us on?

  93. Anteprepro says

    “I think “pastor” Mikes sermons would be closer to their message in the original German.”

    German? I got the impression that the message was originally uttered in Parseltongue. Or whatever language these folks use when attempting the garnering the attention of their titanic master sleeping in a lost watery city before offering up their blood sacrifices. Or perhaps I have once again confused real life priests with the fictional diabolical wizards that they aspire to emulate. Easy mistake, you’ve got to admit.

  94. Timzor says

    This guy has got to be a Poe. I just can’t take him seriously. Aside from sounding exactly like some of the people you see posting on the Landover Baptist Church website and forums, he also types way too much “in dialect.” Even though many people sound like that when they talk, they don’t sound like that when they type… usually.
    Also, there’s the picture he included at the top of his latest post.
    It’s a work of satire. And I’d be surprised if his site weren’t, as well.

  95. Alvaro Hidalgo says

    If he wants to boycott atheists, he better not be using Windows, as Bill Gates is an atheist. Plus, he certainly uses Facebook and Zuckerberg is an atheist. Maybe someone should point this out to him. I think I will.

  96. Randy Riggs says

    While the idea of a national registry itself is outrageous, it seems that “Pastor” Mike is little more than a lonely, old, retired man who is dying of emphysema. I’m pretty certain there is no church, just a couple of blogs. I’m pretty certain no one is really paying attention. I am also certain that he is clearly enjoying the attention we have given him these past 24 hours.

  97. says

    Randy Riggs:

    I am also certain that he is clearly enjoying the attention we have given him these past 24 hours.

    Well, if we can make a lonely person’s day a little less lonely, if we can comfort them when they need comfort, we’ve done a good thing.

    I’d just like it better if he didn’t echo the sentiment latent in many Christians.

  98. Nom de Plume says

    @#49: So the poor brain-damaged true believers™ (PBTBs) come to your door to “witness” to you.

    Come to my door? If only. I have no problem dealing with it on my home turf. It’s everywhere else that’s the problem.

  99. says

    “I think “pastor” Mikes sermons would be closer to their message in the original German.”

    German? I got the impression that the message was originally uttered in Parseltongue.

    Godwin, cough, Godwin.

    My apologies if you got that the first time, but was making another joke that I didn’t get. :)

  100. Roll says

    Calm down everyone. Just a spoof. Don’t make yourself look any more hysterical than you already are.

  101. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    I know why Pastor Mike is making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who’s naughty or nice….

    Ahem, anyway, the problem is the omnipotent god is becoming more and more impotent as time goes by.

    6000 years ago The Big Guy In The Sky could poof the entire universe into being in just six days. A couple of thousand years later TBGITS decides the Earth needs a reboot but instead of poofing the old Earth away and poofing a new one into existence he can only drown everyone except for one family and an ark (or possibly two) full of critters. Then Son of TBGITS comes on the scene. You’d think he could just poof himself back to life but it took three days to do it. Now TBGITS and Son of TBGITS are reduced to showing up on pieces of toast and dog’s asses. The past few centuries TBGITS & Son have been coasting on past glories. They just don’t have what it takes any more.

    This explains why so many goddists feel they have to take action against blasphemers. They know TBGITS can’t smite the unbelievers like he used to so they have to take up the slack. Pastor Mikey is doing TBGITS’s work because TBGITS isn’t up to it.

  102. says

    Come to my door? If only. I have no problem dealing with it on my home turf. It’s everywhere else that’s the problem.

    Same here. When I got home from the grocery store, I found an oversized postcard had been added to my bag. It was an advertisement for a traveling display of painting of Christ. Well, mostly paintings of Christ, with a few paintings of white men in sheets raising their awestruck visages to the sky.

    I just want groceries in my grocery bags, thank you very much.

  103. Anteprepro says

    No worries, Cosmic Teapot. I got the joke, but I decided to springboard off it in order to craft a rough copy of the joke of my own, and then drag it along, kicking and screaming, into Dweeb Territory. Just like this post of mine was just an excuse to brutally mix metaphors.

  104. MichelleZB says

    Oh sure, I have no problem at all being put on a list so that some fundamentalists can more conveniently bug me when they’re in town. That sounds totally reasonable.

  105. ckitching says

    This infuriates me. Either this guy is a class-A moron, who can’t see the obvious consequences of what he’s proposing, or he doesn’t care. I posted a rant about the probable consequences, but I don’t expect that he’d approve it.

    I guess we better reconvene the Committee on Unamerican Activities, and rename it the Committee on Unchristian Activities. Nothing is more effective for bring someone to religion like the “Love” of blackening their name in public, and ostracizing them.

    Bravo, Pastor. Bravo.

  106. Aquaria says

    Calm down everyone. Just a spoof.

    And you know that…how?

    Don’t make yourself look any more hysterical than you already are.

    Don’t make yourself look any more like a hysterical, condescending, moronic douchebag than you already do.

    The things this slimebucket vomits up is no different than what many, many other christarded bigoted maniacs blather every single day about atheists, liberals, Democrats, blacks, GLBTs, women, and the rest of the long list of People They Hate.

    They’re haters, they’re terrorists and they kill. All the fucking time.

    Do fucking keep up.

  107. Anteprepro says

    For those crying Poe: He has a Facebook page where he essentially reposts his blog stuff, amongst receiving Father’s day wishes from his daughter, posting pictures of himself with his wife and son, and mourning the death of a cousin. He also has a second blog dedicated entirely to posting Bible verses, and his linked blog has been around since 2009. Oh, and he also signed an online guest book containing the obituary for his recently dead cousin as “Pastor Mike Stahl and Family”. His contribution was a Bible verse. “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” (1 Cor. 15:52)

    I feel uncomfortable for even spouting this much information, but I feel that it is needed to show that he is for real, while not actually exposing an unreasonable amount of personal, sensitive information about him. If he’s not the real deal, he has set up the most elaborate ruse I’ve ever seen in all my internetting.

  108. Outrage Zombie says

    And yet if someone suggested the opposite — a mandatory listing of all Christians in the area — we’d never hear the end of it.

  109. piranhaintheguppytank says

    if they are business owners , we would encourage all our Christian friends , as well as the various churches and their congregations NOT to patronize them as we would only be “feeding” Satan .

    Wow, I didn’t know Satan was in the protection racket.

    That should be a lesson to you atheists planning to start a business. Just be aware that Satan will be coming by to collect his cut.

  110. airbowline says

    It’s interesting that Pastor Mike doesn’t go for the much more straightforward solution; don’t create lists of atheists, simply have all Christian businesses query all customers; if they won’t profess to be Christians, deny them service.

    Oh. That would cost money.

    Never mind.

  111. ckitching says

    Oh. That would cost money.

    Oh, but what he has proposed is a far more complete solution.

    A good Christian wouldn’t want an Atheist employed in the area, so The List of Evil Atheists can be used to call employers to inform them that an atheist is working for them. If they refuse to immediately find grounds to terminate the employee, then that’s proof that the boss is an immoral atheist, as well. Parents can inform their children about how their peers are going to hell and that they should not have anything to do with them or that they should harass them about coming to church. It should be trivial to find physical addresses for the names of those living in small cities, so Good Christians can teach the Malevolent Atheists the consequences of their continued defiance in miniature by ways of a firebomb delivered through the living room window.

    See how much Pastor Mikes loves atheists and just wants to protect them from hell fire?

  112. Patricia, OM says

    His screed against the gayz looks like something straight out of my old pastors mouth. Yeah, it’s that disgusting.


    Anteprepro – Just a minute there youngster, only True Christians ™ speak Parseltongue, we got it directly from the Serpent. *smirk*

  113. Gorun Nova says

    Pastor Mike wants to gather atheist names so he can use them to destroy their lives (e.g. identify atheist store owners and employees to systematically get fellow Christians to shop elsewhere, among other things). Pastor Mike is an asshole. If I met Pastor Mike, I would tell him to get the fuck out of my sight for being an immoral bastard who wants to destroy other people’s lives and livelihoods based on their religious beliefs (or lack of them).

    As another person suggested in a different place that I can’t recall at the moment, the best way to deal with people who suggest nonsense like that is to tell them to replace ‘atheist’ with ‘Jew’, ‘Muslim’, or even ‘Christian’ and see if it still sounds good.

  114. says


    if they won’t profess to be Christians, deny them service.

    It’s not so much about denying service, it’s more about denying custom to atheists who dare to *gasp* own a business and to have a way to threaten withheld custom for employers who dared *gasp* to have an atheist employee.

  115. piranhaintheguppytank says

    In the near future…

    TSA Agent: “I’m sorry, Mr. Myers. We can’t let you board this plane. We checked the registry and found out you are listed as a Militant Outspoken Atheist. You have numerous violations, including ‘vandalizing the personal thoughts of Christians’ and ‘teaching the disputed theory of evolution’. Now come along quietly — don’t make us bring out the tasers.”

  116. stewartt1982 says

    I rather enjoy the line “Frankly , I don’t see why anyone would oppose this idea – including the atheists themselves” when just above he indicates the purpose of the list might to allow Christians to “begin to witness to them and warn them of the dangers of atheism” or possibly socially ostracise them (as his example of boycotting businesses).

    Then again, there is already one such list that I know of
    here. Compiled by someone who trolled alt.atheism. I was pleasantly surprised to see my own name as well as my twin brothers.

  117. eandh says

    Why just atheists? After all, aren’t Hindus and Muslims and Buddhists and Jains just as much on the escalator straight to hell as atheists? This isn’t even about converting people it’s about harassing people Pastor Mike feels safe harassing.

  118. otrame says

    Aquaria, thank you for that well-written, vehement, and factual defense of military people. I’ve noticed the occasional anti-military crap from one or two commenters here and have always responded, but your comment is golden.

    I’ve been associated with the military all my life. I know these guys. Sure, there are a fair number of assholes, but no more than you find in any working-class environment. Sure some of the officers are elitist jerks but no more so than any middle management types you might find anywhere. And that is your point, of course. The military is not only often the only option for young people, but it can actually be be a springboard to a much better life and that fact is what gets them their volunteers.

  119. TestForEric says

    Since “Pastor Mike” wants to register us atheists, how about we show him what it’s like?

    Michael C Stahl
    XXXX SW XXth St, Xpt XXXX

    You’re welcome.

    [NO. We are not going to play that game. Unless they are trying to promote violence, do not post people’s personal information here. –pzm]

  120. Randy Riggs says

    [NO. We are not going to play that game. Unless they are trying to promote violence, do not post people’s personal information here. –pzm]

    Thanks PZ

  121. says


    how about we show him what it’s like?

    How about you TestForASignOfIntelligence? Nothing like showing you can be just as much of a bigoted assclown, right? :eyeroll:

  122. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Patricia, OM:

    Brokensoldier, OM good to “see” you again, glad things are better for you. If you’re ever in Oregon, stop by my VSO for some good atheist coffee.

    Its good to see you again too! And I definitely will let you know if I’m ever out tht way. Hope you’re doing well. :)


    As a US Air Force veteran, I have one thing to say to you:

    Fuck you.

    QFT Aquaria, and well said – I swear, dcg1, I’d give almost anything for someone like you to come up with something more original than trying to shit on soldiers for being “terrorists.” Don’t get me wrong, you’d still get torn right the fuck down for your misguided disgust, but for fuck’s sake, at least it would be an argument that we hadn’t seen on here every fucking time some dickface feels like irrationally projecting their rage at the government onto those who choose to serve it.

    But I can’t put it any better than Aquaria just did – you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. Full stop.

  123. ironflange says

    We don’t even need to consider coming up with a registry of idiot assholes. They’re plenty easy to spot.

  124. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    My family and I would sure like to know how many of those 109,000 are ADMITTED atheists !

    Why do you want to know how many atheists there are, Mikey? So you know how many boxes of ammo you need to buy?

  125. Patricia, OM says

    brokenSoldier – I’m doing as well as I can, :) My husband died in the veterans hospital 13 Oct 2009. Since then I began volunteering at my County’s VSO. Mostly to help widows, but now I am worried about the new group of women veterans we will soon have coming home. Since there are so few women at VSO’s, perhaps they will be relieved to see me there. I’m not afraid to hold anybodies hand while they battle the VA.

  126. PigDiesel says

    As this is my first comment out of the lurkers closet, I would like to also thank Aquaria for the well written post. As a 9+ year U.S. Navy veteran I would like to also join on and say fuck you cupcake to dcg1. I shall now flounce my back to my closet.

  127. PigDiesel says

    @Patricia, OM :) Thank you. I try not to flounce too much, I might drop me clutchin pearls:).

  128. Snowshoe the Canuck says

    As the son of a Canadian soldier and the brother of another, I would like to thank Aquaria as well. The likes of dcg1 are not confined to the area south of the 49th parallel.

  129. says

    I have stared into the eyes of hatred.
    The Christian hatred of atheists.
    Scary shit, that. This guy would’ve killed me if he could have done so & gotten away with it.
    And here PZ tells us that these bastards want to make it easy to round us up.

  130. horace says


    >And here PZ tells us that these bastards want to make it >easy to round us up.

    Well every challenge is an opportunity; it is important to have a positive outlook. I think that they give will dispensations and rewards to accomodationists who help them round up Gnu atheists. I mean it takes a godless unbeliever to catch godless unbelievers. Perhaps we will be allowed some position of authority in the coming theocracy for this.

  131. says

    Since we aren’t allowed to comment on his blog, I left him a message on facebook:
    To Pastor Mike Stahl
    “I’ll answer your question about atheists hating God. We don’t hate God. We ignore God. We also ignore Vishnu, Buddha, fairies, the Loch Ness Monster & your Devil. They are all fantasies. No hatred involved. My morals are intact. I’ll be doing no robberies, murders or rapes. I don’t need the supernatural threat of everlasting torture to get me to do right by my fellow man. It scares me that you, however, do.”

    By the way, Patricia, I’ve read plenty of it. Biggest load of bollocks ever.
    Go peddle your superstitious nonsense elsewhere.

  132. says

    Crap! I misjudged you. I just noticed your avatar has “I hate religion, god & child molesters…” tagged to it. I’m sorry. I also just now scrolled up and saw your earlier posts. Your “Have you read the Bible?” thing sounded like a standard religious comeback.
    Again, sorry!

  133. Patricia, OM says

    Richard Drumm – Usually when you see OM at the end of a posters nym here, you can feel pretty sure they are non-believers. (There are exceptions)

    I am an exfundementalist that could make Pastor Mike piss himself with envy.

  134. StevoR says

    @107. Sili : 28 August 2011 at 2:11 pm

    Heh heh heh
    Joseph Crétin (19 December 1799 – 22 February 1857) was the first Roman Catholic Bishop of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Cretin Avenue in St. Paul, Cretin-Derham Hall High School, and Cretin Hall at the University of St. Thomas are named for him.

    Thanks. I Laughed Out Loud – in Real Life. :-)

    I must admit I thought this fruitloop was a Poe but have now been convinced otherwise. Guess that’s why a Poe is a Poe.

    My reaction to “Mike’s List” : I .. just .. whoah! Wow. O-o For real?

    Oh & add my name to that list if you want Pastor Mike. I’m living in Australia though so kudos if you can send someone round to pester me pastor. Also couldn’t comment on his blog – the coward.

    @110. Aquaria : 28 August 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Very well said.

  135. StevoR says

    @ 108. Akira MacKenzie : 28 August 2011 at 2:11 pm

    This attitude isn’t that uncommon among evangelicals. I outed myself as an atheist to my mother’s side of the family–good WELS-church-going, racist, homophobic, fundies all–during an e-mail debate about “In God We Trust” being on the currency (my uncle sent out a copy of that much-Snoped link to the online poll urging his relations to vote). After explaining why their notions of a “Christian Nation” where false and that religious affirmation don’t belong on our money, government buildings, and official oaths, pledges, or mottos, I was deluged with angry e-mails calling me a Communist who should move to Cuba or China where my godlessness would be tolerated.

    One cousin, the eldest son of the uncle who started this crap, after echoing the red-baiting from the other e-mails wrote “I hope that the authorities are notified so they know exactly what you are doing!”

    Needless to say, I don’t talk with them anymore despite the efforts of my mother and liberal-Cat-Lick sister to convince me to reconcile with them. Sorry, you don’t ever forgive someone who thinks you should be monitored by the state because you don’t believe in a deity. Fuck them all.

    Okay, this is totally NOT my business & I don’t know you or your rellies from a bar of soap. I don’t know your life or situation or anything beyond what you’ve said here. Apologies in advance if this is intruding where its not welcome.

    However, reading that comment it does occur to me that your mother and sister are NOT the one’s who “think you should be monitored by the state because you don’t believe in a deity” are they? So perhaps you could benefit from talking to your mother and sister and not cut them off from your life because of comments that another relative said? That seems a bit mean and Over the Top a response to me – although, as already noted, I don’t really know anymore than you’ve told us here.

  136. Akira MacKenzie says


    Oh no, no, no… I haven’t stopped talking to my mother and sister, since they weren’t a part of the debate. Mom and Sis keep insisting that my Bible beating relatives “love me” and that they forgive me… as if I had done something wrong.

  137. cody says

    Yes, Pastor Mike, you can put me on your list below PZ and otrame. Pay for the trip and I’ll even talk to your congregation face to face so they can see just how horrid us atheists are.

    You bring your ‘good’ book, I’ll bring my brain, and we can figure out who better represents your mythical satan.

  138. says

    So this is an outright threat. We’ll get you on the list so we can harass you and shun you within your own communities until you say you’re a believer. And if you don’t, we’ll try to put you out of business.

    I’m not convinced that Pastor Mike even wants there to be no atheists. He just doesn’t want anyone to be allowed to *say* they’re an atheist.

  139. says


    Mom and Sis keep insisting that my Bible beating relatives “love me” and that they forgive me… as if I had done something wrong.

    Well, Christians are all about forgiveness. They can’t forgive you if you haven’t done anything wrong. It’s easier to make most things wrong and forgive you, than it is to be a truly moral person looking to forgive people.

    That’s the only reason Christians forbid pretty much everything. It’s so they’re sure to have something for which to forgive you.

  140. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Patricia, I’m so sorry – I know it’s belated, but it makes my heart heavy to hear that. I know your presence will make a world of difference for the vets that come through there, and they’ll be forever grateful for it.

  141. vel says

    what a hateful little man. I guess he’s all for yellow stars for everyone. However, always glad to see people like this actually showign their true colors.

  142. NixManes says

    The benefits of such a list sound awesome. To be publicly recognized for the ability to discard belief and use reason in its place is something that very much past due.

    Maybe scholarship funds could use the list to narrow down their potential candidates. Giving money for college to those who think magic is real would be a waste of time and money.

    Maybe the list could be used by marketers to sell science books and other materials that thinking people would enjoy.

    Those on the list could use it as a resume item for employers who like the idea that people have discarded dogma.

    The more I think about this the more I like the idea. I can’t wait!

  143. Rick Gaither says

    We’ve seen this behavior before. Like the Westboro Baptist clowns seeking (and finding) notoriety through crude, contemptible hate speech wrapped in religious piety. The emotional reaction is naturally outrage, but that’s what they want. It’s what feeds them. It’s what they survive on. It’s the same for may simple-minded (mostly religious) people. Don’t give him, or them, the attention they crave. Let them wallow alone in their shallow, putrid puddle of ignorant, righteous bigotry.

  144. says

    After the laugh it gave me that article left rather confused… do these christians know that it’s not an object to be atheist. It’s just an answer to the question ”do you believe in god”, nope i’m atheist. The exemple of ”not collecting stamp” as being a hobby comes to mind. Also, isn’t enough that we’ll all burn for eternity when we die? Freewill and all, i want my judgement at the Pearly Gates, not while i’m still breathing. I guess that’s part of that christian love i keep hearing about!
    Take care atheists! And P.Z., nice little jab at the end.

  145. illuminata says

    If we completely ignore the obvious nazilicious threat, this could work to our favor. It would be a handy-dandy list of businesses to patronize.

    I know I skip right passed every biz in the phone book that has any religious symbolism in its ad, so this list would help.

    That is, unless loving’ xtians like Pastor Mike haven’t already pipebombed it and crucified the owners and employees.

  146. JoeB says

    In addition to harassment, boycotts, and violence, I could see every Christian manager checking the registry before making hiring decisions. It’s one thing to be “out” to you friends and family, it’s quite another to be “out” to the public and complete strangers.

  147. Dave, the Kwisatz Haderach says

    Thanks for the link stewartt1982, I sent the following message to JCSM, I hope to earn myself a spot on their list.

    I wanna be on your list of atheists.

    Name: Dave Wise
    DOB: 1981
    Country: Canada
    Philosophic Conviction: Strong Atheist

    What a great service you are doing, posting a list of freethinkers to encourage others to stand up for our lack of belief in foolish gods. Well done!

  148. Aspentroll says

    Pastor Mike sounds a little bit like Pastor Ted Haggart. Ted
    raved against gays until he found out that he was one.
    Maybe Pastor Mike is all of the things that he says atheists are and just doesn’t realize it yet. After all, fundies are slow thinking deluded people who can’t talk and walk at the same time, so it will probably take a month or two for him to
    come to grips with his massive problem.

  149. stewartt1982 says

    I hope they add you. Maybe you have some posts from alt.atheism that you could forward to them, in case they are sticklers on where they find their atheists?

  150. ellocotheinsane says

    Isn’t compiling and publishing lists of this sort kinda … well … illegal ? In some countries it’s even illegal to keep records of this sort, let alone publish them …

  151. says

    I know it’s just a minor pimple on top of the festering gangrenous cancer of crazy that is Pastor Mikey’s blog (and presumably, his mind) but: unsurprisingly, he’s a KJV-Onlyist.

  152. dcg1 says

    To Aquaria and all the others who agree with her. I’m just not going to descend to your level.

    Aquaria says:
    28 August 2011 at 2:38 pm
    What about the terrorists in the US Armed Forces and the CIA. are American atheists as blinkered as their religious brethren??

    As a US Air Force veteran, I have one thing to say to you:

    Fuck you.

    99% of the people in the military have fuck-all to do with the policies of the US Government. They’re not the ones who decide to invade or bomb a country; most of them would rather not do it. Once they’re in, though, they don’t have much choice if their government tells them to. They’re supposed to resist illegal orders, but 1) what is an illegal order when your government is gaming the system and running roughshod over those who decide what is and isn’t illegal? 2) 18-year-old kids from Dumbfuckistan aren’t exactly known for understanding how to balance a checkbook, much less where lines between legal and illegal are. 3) What happens when the people who might expect you to do something illegal for them are the ones brainwashing you (and make no doubt about it, basic training is brainwashing) into near-mindless obedience to their authority?

    So it’s a lot more complicated than the simplistic scumbaggery you’re vomiting up.

    I’m not vomiting up simplistic scumbaggery.

    You’ve left the barn door open. I could score numerous cheap and pathetic points about your comments, but that would be pointless; e.g. so according to you, 99% of the U.S.military do just what they’re told without questioning the legality or morality of their orders; sounds awfully familiar to the excuses spouted at Nuremberg in 1945.

    More importantly, It would be insulting to those members of the U.S. Armed forces who have expressed their doubts about the morality and legallity of U.S. government policy and been heavily punished for their moral courage.

    Torture is torture and morally wrong. Whether you hand over the victims to the torturer, act as his chauffeur and fly his victims to him, keep the torturer’s victims in captivity. Or order him to do it.

    If you think I’m one of those stupid people who hate Americans or just like criticising the U.S. Government or its armed forces, you’d be mistaken. I’m British, I like Americans and we owe a great debt to the American people for their sacrifices in WW2. I have friends who are American.

    Given the actions of the British government over the last ten years, I’m not trying to take a national moral high ground either.

    Recently our government has tried to deny any knowledge of or complicity with the US Government in commisioning acts of torture.

    Given that

    1)The UK Government have had full knowledge of the consequences and reasons for CIA Rendition Flights and imprisonment in Guantanamo Bay.

    2)The Uk Government are legally prohibited from handing over or returning prisoners to regimes where they may be subject to abuse or torture (which obviously precludes transferring prisoners to the juristiction of the US, Iraqi or Afghan governments)

    3) The Uk Government have had tens of thousands of UK troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for the last ten years.

    My question is where do the Uk Government keep the prisoners that our armed forces have captured in the last ten years, or haven’t we captured any??.

    Surely the UK Armed forces haven’t been ordered to hand them over to regimes where they may be subject to abuse and torture???/

  153. Pastor Mike says

    Gee, I feel somewhat ‘humbled’ here. Perhaps out of the ‘zillion of you atheists that visit my blog (as well as get enlightened from my I-Net Church ), just ONE of you may avoid the damnation of ETERNITY IN HELL!!

    I do however, continue to pray for the true salvation of you ALL! IN JESUS’ NAME , AMEN

    Pastor Mike

  154. Anteprepro says

    They need to shout because otherwise their God can’t hear them. In the immortal words of the Simpsons:

    “Homer, you don’t have to pray outloud”
    “But he’s way the hell up there!”

  155. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Pastor Mike I’ve read your blog and I want to compliment you on providing a example of a genuine religious zealot, devoid of reason or informed commentary.

    Also, I think your hospital photos are very cute.

  156. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Pastor Mike, a pissant, wrote:

    Gee, I feel somewhat ‘humbled’ here. Perhaps out of the ‘zillion of you atheists that visit my blog (as well as get enlightened from my I-Net Church ), just ONE of you may avoid the damnation of ETERNITY IN HELL!!

    We don’t need to avoid the damnation of an eternity in hell, you dumbass; it, like your god, doesn’t exist and never did – unless you’ve some evidence to the contrary that you’d like to present to us?

  157. Pastor Mike says





    HOWZAAAT? ;-))

  158. says

    Your Caps Lock button is broken, Pastor Mike.

    Good to know you support something that the Nazi pulled off, though.

    God bless you too. ;)

  159. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Gee, I feel somewhat ‘humbled’ here. Perhaps out of the ‘zillion of you atheists that visit my blog (as well as get enlightened from my I-Net Church ), just ONE of you may avoid the damnation of ETERNITY IN HELL!!

    Three things.

    1)You have not shown that there is a heaven.

    2)You have not shown that there is a hell.

    3)You have not shown why one would want to spend eternity in a place where you are a typical denizen.

  160. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Still waiting for your conclusive physical evidence for your imaginary deity Pastor M. Evidence that will pass muster with scientists, magicians, and professional debunkers, as being of divine, and not natural (scientifically explained), origin. Something equivalent to the eternally burning bush. You know, what will burn you as liar and bullshitter for eternity…

  161. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    You have not shown why one would want to spend eternity in a place where you are a typical denizen.

    Heaven for climate, Hell for society. -Mark Twain

  162. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Heaven for climate, Hell for society. -Mark Twain

    But I think hell’s got all the good bands anyway.-The Flaming Lips

  163. 'Tis Himself, pour encourager les autres says

    So, Pastor Mike, you got anything else to bring us to Jesus besides threats and mindlessly repeating Jesus’s name? Can you give us some of that sophisticated theology we keep hearing about? Come on, give us your best shot.

    Just as a gesture of friendship, “you’ll burn forever in Hell” is not a good persuader with us.

  164. Randide, ou l'Optimisme says


    Say hello to Napoleon for me if you see him too.

  165. SallyStrange says

    Of course Pastor Mike has nothing but empty threats. And even if god and hell were real, it would be every moral person’s duty to oppose Yahweh’s monstrous plans for the world and risk eternal suffering thereby.

  166. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Once again we’re treated for what counts as a rational argument amongst Christians – baseless rants and threats. What a useless bunch of asshats.

  167. raven says

    just ONE of you may avoid the damnation of ETERNITY IN HELL!!

    Huh??? What!!!

    Oh gee, I’m not really sure how to break this news. I’m so sorry, but only xians go to hell.

    They invented hell so it is their problem.

  168. Satan says



    How, exactly, do I do that?

    What is it that you think I do that causes this strange and selective “blindness” and “deafness”?

  169. God says


    Excuse Me, I think I know My will better than some chattering mortal.

  170. Randy says

    Just took a look at this Pastor’s latest blog on Prof.Myers. Seems he’s challenging the Professor, to what I have no idea. Read the latest from this nutcase. This insane pastor goes on about any and everyone as if he’s the second coming.
    Check this guy out below.

  171. Pastor Mike says

    Brothers and Sisters, tonight’s sermon will be on fools who do not believe,now..(err…what ya say?..OOPS,I’m in the wrong

    Ahem..okay,allow me to humbly leave y’all with some words of wisdom:

    “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back” (Proverbs 26:3)

    Y’all have blessed night…


  172. SallyStrange says

    “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back” (Proverbs 26:3)

    “As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.” (Proverbs 24:13)

  173. SallyStrange says

    I’m not entirely sure, but I think Pastor Mike is threatening to beat us with a rod.

  174. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    Here’s some equally wise words: ‘There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.’
    Ezekiel 23:20

  175. Tim Carroll says

    Why would any atheist not want to be testified to, and told of the “dangers” of atheism? Why would one, for that matter, not want one’s business singled out for a boycott?

  176. Anteprepro says

    Nice to see you leave Pastor. I will also share words of wisdom before I settle in for the evening.

    ” Meanwhile, the LORD instructed one of the group of prophets to say to another man, “Strike me!” But the man refused to strike the prophet. Then the prophet told him, “Because you have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, a lion will kill you as soon as you leave me.” And sure enough, when he had gone, a lion attacked and killed him.” (1 Kings 20:35-36 NLT)

    Such is the way of the Lord. May God restrain Himself from afflicting you with His horrible wrath for at least one more day, so that you may beg for mercy if he deigns you fit to be mercilessly slaughtered for arbitrary reasons. Amen.

  177. Satan says

    “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back” (Proverbs 26:3)

    “Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him.”
    (John 19:1)

  178. Patricia, OM says

    Randy – Thanks for the link.

    Pastor Mike must have been masturbating like Russell Brand while typing his thrills for jezus smiting PZ with the other hand. What a load of cak.

  179. Patricia, OM says

    Oh goody, here’s Pastor Mike.

    NO, you crusty old turd, you may not step into my spanking parlor.

  180. SallyStrange says

    Pastor Mike must have been masturbating like Russell Brand while typing his thrills for jezus smiting PZ with the other hand.

    I think you mean to say–he was hoggling!

  181. brokenSoldier, OM says

    dcg1, nowhere in your nauseating word-salad did you indicate that you realize that servicemembers have absolutely no say in what they’re ordered to do once they sign on the dotted line to serve. You can pontificate all you want, but your armchair quarterbacking has absolutely shit to do with what an actual servicemember faces as far as their orders once they’re in.

    My question is where do the Uk Government keep the prisoners that our armed forces have captured in the last ten years, or haven’t we captured any??.

    If you were paying attention, you’d realize that US soldiers have absolutely no say in what is done with prisoners of war — so trying to shift the goalposts to detention policy away from your original point of calling US soldiers “terrorists” only makes you look even more intellectually dishonest. The point remains that your first post was an attempt to claim some sort of moral high ground at the expense of those who chose to serve their government, and once you were called on your bullshit, you attempted to shift the target of the conversation to the inefficacies of the US government’s foreign policy as a whole. If you think that is a unique tactic to employ on this site, then you need to rethink your strategy, because it isn’t. It just makes you look exactly like what you are – a troll.

  182. brokenSoldier, OM says

    Pastor Mike says:

    Brothers and Sisters, tonight’s sermon will be on fools who do not believe,now..(err…what ya say?..OOPS,I’m in the wrong

    Ahem..okay,allow me to humbly leave y’all with some words of wisdom

    There – fixed it for ya…

  183. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Funny. All I want is to be left alone by the likes of Pastor Mike and I will be happy to leave them be. But as it stands, just what type of people does the pastor thinks an atheist like me is like?

    …convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

    And what does the pastor wants to be about to do to the likes of me?

    …a rod for the fool’s back

    And he wonders why an atheist would not want to support his idea of registering atheists. Pastor Mike is not much for deep thought nor self reflection.

    What a horrid little man. Perhaps he deserves an eternity spent with people just like him.

    I take that back. No one deserves that type of torment.

  184. brokenSoldier, OM says

    I take that back. No one deserves that type of torment.

    Janine, I respectfully disagree – if he’s so happy to make that bed for us, then he should be just as happy to lie in it himself.

  185. Patricia, OM says

    Tim Carroll @ 220 – Are you serious ?

    Why would any atheist not want to be testified to

    Where do you think a large number of the atheists here came from? We just poofed into being because we’ve never heard the “Good News”?


    Poor Pastor ‘Spank Me Now’ Mike, is outraged because atheists quote the holy babble. You know what Mikey, you can roll a turd in all the glitter you like, but it still stinks. How come you won’t let us comment on your blog? Are you afraid the Great Satan PZ ‘s flying Imps will kick your gawds puny ass?

  186. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    BrokenSoldier. People who gleefully go on about how some people are going to suffer forever are sadists. I think that, as a baseline, we should avoiding being that sadistic. Even if Pastor Mike deserves a decade or three of being subjected to people just like him.

    It is good to see that you are back and commenting regularly. Just so you know, during the last couple of years that you were gone, people did regularly ask if you were still around and if you were doing alright.

  187. Owlmirror says

    Tim Carroll @ 220 – Are you serious ?

    I’m pretty sure that he’s as serious as yourself. Heh.

    (His gravatar says “desanctified”)

  188. brokenSoldier, OM says


    I can honestly say that I missed the community here greatly, and being able to come back to commenting somewhat regularly has made me feel more at home than I have felt in a long time. I concede that it would be unkind to subject assholes like Pastor Mike to his own brand of assholery – sometimes it is hard to refrain from the type of vindictiveness people like him harbor – but then I remember that’s what makes a person better than his type…the ability to not wish upon them what they do upon us. Thanks for reminding me…and its good to be reading your comments again! :)

  189. Patricia, OM says

    Janine – I haven’t read all of Mikey’s shit festered drivel, but I’ll bet he cites good ol’ Romans 1:26 to condemn you to hell.

    This religious bullshit will probably be what drives me out of my volunteer job. Day after day I hear, “Thank God” he only had whatever body part blown off.

  190. Patricia, OM says

    Owlmirror – If he is an atheist, he has an even stranger way of ‘speaking’ than I do.

  191. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Day after day I hear, “Thank God” he only had whatever body part blown off.

    And I am sure that the big sky daddy does not give the wounded an injury that cannot be handled by that individual. Good luck with dealing with that. I cannot. I do not do a good job hiding my feelings, my biting of my tongue and driving my nails through my palms are dead give aways.

    Seriously, how can one say that a wounded person is lucky because it could have been worse?

  192. gsw says

    Since this person appears to believe that an atheist is “one who worships satan” – he is obviously an illiterate.

    Non-believers, non-worshippers, lacking the god-fetish cannot exist in his universe. For him, worshipping is breathing (as shown by his referring to atheism as a religion) and if you do not worship his god, you must worship an evil god.

    The efforts of atheists/non-worshippers should instead be aimed at educating these ignoramuses, as far as they are capable, to at least becoming aware than some people live without any belief, faith, worship or supernatural.
    If their children at least can be shown – not that there is no god – but that one can live without religion – we are well on the way to a better society.

  193. Patricia, OM says

    Janine – They do. Every fucking day. The soldiers that are atheists let them go, I can’t say too much because staff can’t be rude, controversial, or state political opinions, like Palin is an idiot.

    I stay for the widows, because the VA screws us without a kiss, but some day, some christian moron will say just the right thing to cross the line. Then I’ll get a review, and get told I’m no longer needed.

  194. says

    Owlmirror – If he is an atheist, he has an even stranger way of ‘speaking’ than I do.

    If this is the same Tim from Facebook, yes, he is an atheist.

    Since this person appears to believe that an atheist is “one who worships satan” – he is obviously an illiterate.

    He also believes we want America to be a muslim nation.

  195. DaveL says

    “A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back” (Proverbs 26:3)

    I’m confused, Mike. Are you asking for a bridle or a rod?

  196. Luce says

    I agree with Revyloution, I think this would be great for atheism in the States. A few people would be treated badly as a result of their listing on the register (you’d have to hope nothing too drastic, though, or my optimism becomes a bit Machiavellian) and then I think atheists all over the country would sign themselves up in solidarity. Can you imagine how people would feel as the list grew longer, as millions of atheists realised they weren’t the only one after all and everyone else realised that atheists aren’t the freakish minority they’ve been portrayed to be? I think it could be an excellent boost for the atheist movement!

    In terms of the involuntary intention of the register, though, I think what pissed me off most about this article was the deeply tenuous and laughably transparent bit of manipulative rhetoric at the end – the bit about how atheists shouldn’t mind being “outed” unless we’re ashamed of being atheists. Leaving aside everything else that’s wrong with this statement (and there’s lots wrong with it), I wonder if someone might suggest to “Pastor” Mike that we start a “homophobe register” ( or a “dangerously uneducated register” (… unless people are ashamed of being good christian semi-literate bigots? (Actually… Mike and his like probably AREN’T ashamed of being bigoted or uneducated, which just makes me depressed.)

  197. Hairy Chris says

    Oh dear, Pastor Mike. You do remember that Pharaoh had his “heard hardened” by the Jewish god, directly contradicting free will & so on (Exodus 4:21)?

    That’s known as a “dick move” by some people…

  198. Luce says

    Rambling T. Wreck asks:

    “Pastor Mike:

    Why are YOU people ALWAYS SHOUTING?”

    I’ve noticed that too. I think it’s because they haven’t got a lot of any merit to say; they hope to make up for lack of substance/sanity with extra volume.

    To a certain mind-set, it doesn’t matter if your beliefs are sensible or lunatic as long as you’re definite. I think that’s probably why atheism is so much harder to swallow than alternative religions; an atheist by definition acknowledges that s/he doesn’t know everything (although if “Pastor” Mike’s still here, I should point out that “I personally do not know/understand X therefore baby jesus” does not even approach a logical progression).

    Personally I’m an atheist partly because I cannot reconcile religious belief with sound ethics, and partly because I’m not capable of the kind of self-lobotomising dishonesty necessary to declare you know what you cannot possibly know and then stick with it in defiance of reality and common sense while getting offended at people who question your completely invalid methods. More cynically, I also think religions are more reluctant to attack each other because they know their own beliefs are no less nonsensical – how ridiculous would it be for a christian to say to a muslim “your book is just a book and you’ve no proof your god exists”? All the muslim (or anyone else) would have to say would be “um… ditto”.

  199. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Pastor Mike, Can I make one request?

    More pictures of you in your boxers on your blog please?


    signed an admirer

  200. ima nottheist says

    Well, alleged man of god pastor Mikey at least didn’t promote branding “A” on atheists. That way, like unto the scarlet letter of old puritan days, the terrorist’s among the radical Theist community could know us by the mark of beast upon our skins.

  201. fastlane says

    In an amusingly ironic (and hypocritical) twist, Pastor douchepickle has made his blog private!

    I think we can put that in the ‘win’ category.

  202. Luna says

    Hey all :) Well, yesterday I sent “Pastor Mike” an e-mail ( [email protected] found on his public blogger profile) sharing with him my thoughts about this proposed list of his.

    Today I get this in my e-mail:
    “I ran across your email address on Pastor Mike’s blog. What he is doing is awful and I don’t really have the appropriate words to tell you how badly I feel when I see people like Mike treat other people like he is treating you guys, especially from someone who labels himself as a Christian. I don’t want to waste anymore of your time, and just want to tell you that as a person who believes in God and in loving people, I’m sorry that you’ve been treated this way. I hope this offers some peace.”

    I just tried to go to the link posted by PZ and it’s now for invited readers only… access denied!

    So, it seems that not only has he made his blog private (or could he just block certain IP/log ins?), but he is posting the e-mail addresses of those of us who have e-mailed him privately. What a laughably pathetic man he is. :)

  203. unefleurdecactus says Crétin comes from Chrétien indeed… even more interesting if the définition of the word in French. ;o) “Crétinisme” is a form of intellectuelle deficiency. So, a crétin is used to mean “idiot, stupid,… etc” When I was living in Québec, I was a passive agnostic. Religious people are so rare and don’t bother anyone. (vice versa) I live in Wisconsin now, stuff like this transformed into a real Atheist, although, I don’t know if I need to wear a badge now. I’m Canadian AND Atheist…. and French speaking. I’ll be burnt like witch I know… *sighs*

  204. Brad says

    Um, the sex offender registry is for criminals. It is made so, if you live near a convicted rapist or child molester, you are aware for yours and your child’s sake. It really does not parallel a list of law abiding atheists. That’s just crazy. If you want to boycot atheists businesses, that’s your right, but the government doesn’t have to keep a lit of them to help you like they were criminals. Atheists, in general, are no more threat to anybody than everybody else. Why should we keep tabs on them? That’s profiling and it’s unconstitutional.

  205. latsot says

    I’ve just got a comment on my blog purporting to be from Pastor Mike. It reads:

    For what its worth , I have abandoned the entire idea and have no desire to do any “atheist list.” It was written mostly in parody ( jokingly ). Instead , I am simply going to continue praying for the salvation of all the lost.

    The continued hate mail I get is already validating my point.

    God bless you and yours –

    Pastor Mike


    I can’t confirm whether it was the One True Pastor Mike, although it appeared a few minutes after I emailed him. I’m not sure what it was a parody of exactly or what the punchline was. I’m not sure what point is being validated by alleged hate mail if the whole thing was a joke anyway.

    But here we are. I just thought I’d share.

  206. says

    @Pastor Mike:

    For it to be a joke it needs to be funny. This was not funny. It was cruel and intolerant. Your post aligned us with the likes of the worst of the worst.

    The thing remains that there are Christians who believe that atheists are evil and need to be killed. So it strikes hard at us when things like this are trotted out, then retracted with a “lol I was kidding!”

    You’re not even apologetic for it, which is sad.

  207. latsot says

    It’s great that someone claiming to be Pastor Mike has turned up to say that the other claimed Pastor Mike is the real Pastor Mike. THAT should certainly convince the doubters.

    If he’d reply to my email or post its contents somewhere, I could at least vouch for his reality.

  208. Carlie says

    It was written mostly in parody ( jokingly ). […]

    The continued hate mail I get is already validating my point.

    Either he was joking, or he was making a point. He can’t have it both ways, given that the “joke” was the exact same thing as the “point”.

  209. latsot says

    Either he was joking, or he was making a point. He can’t have it both ways, given that the “joke” was the exact same thing as the “point”.

    Well quite. He seems a little confused. I sometimes find that religious types are genuinely dumbfounded when faced with proper arguments. Some of them have never had to cope with them and when they venture out onto the web, the culture shock causes them to reboot.

  210. Luna says

    Joke or not, he’s already posted the e-mails of people on his other blog, with promises of IP addresses and “related info” to Christians who ask for them. I won’t entirely believe his sincerity until he takes that particular post down.

  211. randy says

    I find pastor Mike’s comment to be nothing more than trying to backtrack because the heats on him. I also concur that I see no public apology for his actions, just his line of “The continued hate mail I get is already validating my point”. What’s that supposed to mean, I’m still right and you are still wrong?

    Now he wants to extend his “olive branch”. He starts this whole spewing of hate against atheists and making the ridiculous comparisons of us to criminals and now we are supposed to back off him? He needs to understand “he” is responsible for what he blogs about on the internet, and when you go after groups, individuals, or whomever, there are repercussions to deal with, especially when they are lies.

  212. Janine, The Little Top Of Venom, OM says

    Pastor Mike is the same person who equates atheists with sex offenders, ex-cons, the KKK and terrorists. I would think that he would see any mildly critical letter as an example of “hate” mail.

    It would be nice if Pastor Mike could figure out why an atheist would be reluctant to agree to his modest proposal. But I am afraid that is beyond his abilities.

  213. latsot says

    Luna@260 Do you mean the blog he’s now closed down? Do you have any links to where that post was?


  214. Dragonfound says

    I am not an atheist…however I am married to one and we often read this blog on our date nights for a laugh at stupid people.

    I do, however, happen to be a heathen witch and wear my religious symbols proudly in a very Jebus friendly state (UT). I used to work as a cashier in a department store and at time had my line boycotted, had management told that they should fire me or make me take off my religious symbols (good thing my managers were half-way intelligent), and even quoted scripture about how I shouldn’t be allowed to live. All of this negative contact was from random people who happened to know what my pentacle necklace meant; I shutter to think what would happen to my three small children if these fundamentalists had my husband’s name and picture on a list.

  215. Lindsey says

    Below is the latest rant from Pastor Mike’s church blog.


    Title 18 U.S.C. § 875 : US Code – Section 875: Interstate communications states:

    “(c) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any

    communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any

    threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this

    title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”

    I am also in the process of consulting with an attorney for possible civil action.

    You all have been publicly advised -please govern yourselves accordingly!

  216. Luna says

    On his old blog “free-atheist-e-mail-addresses” It’s cached. If you google it you’ll see it, promises of manila envelopes filled with atheist info for people to distribute and “do with as [they] wish.”

    This tells me that he did intend to share, and continue to share, email/IP/who knows what else via snail mail.

    As for this latest development, good for him. As I informed him via his email last night and again this morning after receiving his “just kidding” response, I have already contacted his local police, alerting them to the fact that the man “was” planning on sharing at the very least general location (per the IP addresses) of individuals based on their creed. Has he never heard of hate crime legislation? It’s quite the thing these days.

    He’s playing the victim now and it’s laughable. I don’t approve of the death threats toward him at all, but the attention? He brought that upon himself.

  217. Erin says

    Oh my gosh. I am a Christian and I would like a list compiled of thoughtless narrowminded people like ‘Pastor’ Mike (please tell me he doesn’t actually lead a congregation…). I’m sorry some believers make it hard to like us. Thanks for posting!

  218. Brownian says

    I’m sorry some believers make it hard to like us.

    It’s not your fault. Your god has no concept of quality control among his followers. You should feel sorry for those he dooms to an afterlife in hell because they had an experience with Pastor Mike types that turned them off of Christianity altogether.

  219. Renee says

    Honestly, I didn’t have a problem with e-mails being shared. So what? It’s just a little hate mail, if anything at all. My concern was and is that more than that would have been shared, such as names and IPs. What’s the purpose of sharing the IP other than to pinpoint someone’s location? Not good at all. Meant in jest? Meh. Not funny if that’s the case

    So, olive branch accepted and moving on to more important things….

    …HOWEVER, should my front porch suddenly become a meeting place for evangelicals, I know who I’m blaming first. He’s not the only one who can file official police reports.

    @Randy, that video was chilling. I hope the Pastor watches it and sees his “joke” in a different light.

  220. Up In the Mountains says

    I was horrified when I originally saw the postin on…My heart sank. I tried to find the pastor’s email address so I could send him a professional e-mail but he has cowardly gone away. My problem with his “atheist list” is several-fold. First, why is he playing “God”? That is not right. Second, he has not thought out the consequences of his actions. There are people here in America who are “haters” – and there are some who go to extremes that include violent, harassment and even murder. By providing a list – who is to say that someone on the list isn’t murdered because they are perceived to be “Godless”. This is so wrong I can’t find the exact words to describe how wrong his idea is. Thirdly, let’s say that my name is found on the list. What do I need to fear since my details as being a non-Christian are found by an extremist somewhere with an arsenal of guns and a will to do harm to non-Christians? What if tomorrow I embrace Christianity but by name remains on this list? Fourth, what if this is just the beginnings of other on-line databases? For example, this could set a horrible precedent for other lists such as homosexuals. There would definitely be blood-shed in this scenario. This pastor has blood on his hands. I don’t think he realizes what he is doing. His intent may be good but it’s the ramifications based on others actions or derivatives of this list that will put blood on his hands. How would he like it if we had a list of fat old people that need to go on a diet? Hmmm… And lastly, I AM A CHRISTIAN and I make no apologies for pointing all of this out. Just because one is a Christian does not mean we/he/me/any of us get to stand up on a pedastal and condemn people to harassment, violence and even death. SHAME ON YOU PASTOR.

  221. Indigo says

    Pastor Mike, perhaps you would think about how you would feel if someone compared Christians to sex offenders. I need not draw your attention to how many priests have been caught molesting children. They get shifted to another parish or congregation to do the same rather than ending up on a sex offender list.

    I am not ashamed of being an atheist. But those of us who are closeted are closeted because of Christians like you, who think we should be ostracized and shunned for not believing what you believe.

    Atheists are human beings, and not evil. If you believe in God, we are still God’s children, regardless of whether our belief has strayed.

    And doesn’t the Bible say “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? Treating anyone who believes differently as you’d treat a criminal does not seem true to that message.

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  223. Christraper says

    Religious zealotry like this..makes me glad I don’t live anywhere near him. He is precisely the type of inbred moron that DOES need to be on some such list somewhere. BEWARE the pedophile hater across the street kids. He believes in gods and angels and probably Santa Claus too. I shit all over your religion pastor.

  224. says


    He is precisely the type of inbred moron that DOES need to be on some such list somewhere.

    Right…because putting people on lists is such a good idea. :eyeroll:

    Given that you think Christraper is an appropriate nym, I don’t think you have much room to talk about morons.

  225. nicole says

    the difference, between a sex offenders watchlist, and an athiest watchlist should be inherently obvious. one is a person who is dangerous to children, and one has chosen a path that doesn’t follow your beliefs.

    freedom OF religion, also means freedom FROM religion. go proselytize to each other. leave us alone. (and no i’m not athiest, i’m pagan. i have my own beleifs and i find that your non judgemental loving of your enemies is actually quite offensive in the manner in which you practice it.)

    your right to believe as you wish, ends where it intersects mine. i have absolutely no problem with your beliefs. i have a problem with shoving them down other people’s throats. the Divine can hardly be seen in your actions, or your words.

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  227. theophontes, feu d'artifice du cosmopolitisme says

    @ 287

    Your spamming of this blog is not appreciated.

  228. Rizdek says

    Mike actually has the information he needs to create this list already. He claims he has the National Registrys for convicted sex offenders , ex-convicts , terrorist cells , hate groups like the KKK , skinheads , radical Islamists , etc..

    So all he needs to do is get a phone book, find the names from these registries, cross them out. Pretty much all that’s left are atheists.