Enter this sweepstakes!

It’s a trivial little contest from JetBlue — it does require that you give them your contact information, which may be more than you want to surrender…but you can win fabulous prizes! Look at what you can get:

  • A vacation in the Dominican Republic!

  • A vacation in Costa Rica!

  • A vacation in the Sonoran Desert!

  • A Vespa scooter (they’re giving away 10 each week)!

  • The Grand Prize: A complete kitchen makeover with a set of appliances from Amana, and a $5000 gift card!

And that’s not all! There’s an ULTIMATE PRIZE. Looking at that list of pricey luxury items, you know this has got to be good. It’s got to be the kind of stunning I-can’t-believe-they’re-giving-that-away kind of prize that make the rest look paltry. Brace yourself for it, this has got to blow you away…


The prize that has to be better than 10 grand worth of appliances is…

The one thing that will send you running to that page to enter is…

…a meeting with Deepak Chopra?!?? Seriously?

Win a one-on-one meeting with the renowned author and mind-body expert, Deepak Chopra, M.D. and rejuvenate your spirit with his Seduction of Spirit Retreat at the Chopra Center. Dr. Chopra is a global force in the field of human empowerment and the prolific author of fourteen bestsellers on mind-body health, quantum mechanics, spirituality and peace. Time Magazine heralds Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

Holy crap.

They have got to be kidding. The very worst prize in their whole list is what they’re calling the “ultimate” prize? It’s a good thing they didn’t push it any further and offer a mega-super-duper-colossal prize, which at this rate would involve a hot date with a starving, rabid wolverine.

I entered anyway for the tiny shot at howling at Chopra face-to-face for a little while. Maybe that’s the logic behind this “ultimate” prize — it’s more like getting to confront Chopra with a rabid wolverine. One thing that would be almost as satisfying as winning that myself would be if some other skeptic won — so spread the word, get lots of woo-critics to enter the sweepstakes. Let’s make Chopra sweat a bit over this one, by worrying that he’ll get someone who won’t bend over and take his quantum nonsense compliantly.


  1. frisbeetarian says

    I wouldn’t enter this contest because the risk of ‘winning’ is too high. I would have to kill myself if I won because I would die from the stupid talking to Chopra so I would rather choose a nicer way to die.

  2. leepicton says

    I’ll enter, hoping to win one of the other prizes. But if I win the ultimate, could I take the cash equivalent?

  3. tas121790 says

    What would the cash equivalent of a meeting with Chopra buy you?
    A pack of Skittles?

  4. Sili, The Unknown Virgin says

    Reminds me of those old jokes about the DDR lotery:

    First prize: A TRABI!

    What’s the second prize then?


  5. Glen Davidson says

    I don’t know, maybe it’s at the lip of the Grand Canyon, and you get to push him over.

    Anyway, that’s the only way I can fathom that it’d be a prize worth winning.

    Glen D

  6. Sastra says

    If I win Chopra, can I ask him to use his contacts with the Field of Consciousness to intent me a complete kitchen makeover and set of appliances from Amana, with a $5000 gift card?

    As for “rejuvenating my spirit” in his “Seduction of the Spirit Retreat” — yeah, right. I’ve heard that one before. Nice try, Cosmic Cupcake.

  7. blf says

    Ah nuts, I can’t enter, not being resident in the USA. I’ve missed my opportunity to win having someone pour stoopid acid into my ears and dissolve my brain.

  8. natural cynic says

    If you win the biggie, just bring a pie to you meeting with Cheepak Dopra. A big creamy one that you can try to get him to eat in one bite.

  9. mommimus-prime says

    I wouldn’t enter this contest because the risk of ‘winning’ is too high. I would have to kill myself if I won because I would die from the stupid talking to Chopra so I would rather choose a nicer way to die.

    That was my reaction. After I finally stopped laughing. The risk of winnning the grand prize is just to great for me.

  10. greg.bourke0 says

    Deepak to the front of me, a gigantic herring in my right hand what could possibly go wrong?

    Oh only open to USians…………..bugger

  11. DavidCT says

    Chopra’s spirit is the only thing about him that is rejuvenated. Money can do that. The rest of him seems to be aging along with the rest of us. I can’t risk winning – I can’t handle such a massive dose of dumb-ass all at once.

  12. Ichthyic says

    Time Magazine heralds Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

    wait… hero? CREDITS him?

    just another indication of the worthlessness of Time Magazine.

  13. Rutee, Shrieking Harpy of Dooooom says

    Dammit, Prime, I had managed to stop laughing and you made me spill ginger ale again.

  14. Yunomi says

    Wow. I could really, REALLY use that kitchen make-over. But I guess I could sell the Chopra meeting to one of my hippie friends… They have more money than me anyway.

  15. StevenB says

    I’m entering as soon as I post with the sincere hope that a) I win any real prize and b) failing that, I win the meeting with Deepak so I can tell them I’ll pass on meeting with the kook.

    I’m sure that would be great publicity.. that their grand prize winner said he wouldn’t waste his time.

    Second though.. it’d be fun to schedule the meeting and send some random mentally troubled homeless person.
    I don’t mean to disparage the homeless, I really don’t. It’s a reality that a significant number of the perennially homeless have mental issues and It’s an unfortunate reality that we’ve emptied our mental health facilities onto the streets to save money.

    It would be suiting so send someone with a tenuous grasp of reality to meeting with Chopra. A meeting that the airline would like to publicize. At a minimum it would give some unfortunate sole at least a good meal or two and maybe a day of getting pampered.

  16. KOPD says

    Look on the bright side, your risk of winning the ultimate prize (has that ever been called a risk before?) is probably quite low.

  17. Feynmaniac, Chimerical Toad says

    The very worst prize in their whole list is what they’re calling the “ultimate” prize?


    Personally, if I won the “ultimate” prize I’d just try to trade it with one of the other winners or auction it off or do anything to get something else out of it.

    No point trying to explain to Chopra why he’s fill of shit. As the old saying goes, it’s hard to get someone to understand something if their paycheck depends on them not understanding it. And he gets a pretty big paycheck.

  18. Nerd of Redhead, OM says

    If PZ wins, I’ll give him some back issues of Skeptical Inquirer to whop Chopra across the nose with, while saying “bad fraud, bad fraud”.

  19. mommimus-prime says

    Look on the bright side, your risk of winning the ultimate prize (has that ever been called a risk before?) is probably quite low.

    Knowing how my luck runs (bad) I’d win it just this one time. The idea of asking for a lesser prize is very tempting though.

  20. https://me.yahoo.com/a/Cs2wFZASrZWXUr046mGQzBdjUQZK1lqKa85Asw--#b6009 says

    Doesn’t “ultimate” mean Last? The opposite of “First Prize” is “Last Prize” Very fitting.

  21. Brownian, OM says

    I entered anyway for the tiny shot at howling at Chopra face-to-face for a little while.

    Now that—forgive me PZ for I am weak and I cannot resist the temptation—would be art.

  22. JohnW says

    Seduction Of Spirit Retreat?

    I can’t help thinking that’s going to involve Jesuits fiddling with the contents of your trousers.

  23. Carlie says

    After you enter, there’s a screen that tells you to tell all your friends to enter. Hell no! I don’t want the competition!

    If I win the Deepak, I will hand it over to PZ for the price of a complete shakedown post. And maybe video.

  24. Cuttlefish, OM says

    10 Vespas total. One per week. Not ten per week.


    A bad Vespa/Chopra ratio, if you ask me.

    Could I require Chopra to mow my lawn? That might be worth it.

  25. skepticalmoth says

    Don’t pass on Chopra if you win! If you request another prize they simply bump up a second place winner, likely some credulous fool who will be parasitized by woo.

    Personally, if I won the “ultimate” prize I’d just try to trade it with one of the other winners or auction it off or do anything to get something else out of it.

    Not allowed.

  26. Nebula99 says

    “Deepak Chopra” and “seduction” should never be in the same sentence. I’m not entering b/c I don’t want to give away my info, but if I were to win the Deepak Chopedliver meeting, I’d turn it down and/or sell it on Ebay.

  27. Shaggy Maniac says

    OK, I entered because the less-than-ultimate prizes are appealing. Should I win the “ultimate” prize, I’m planning to give it to you, PZ, and expect that you’ll happily accept and then blog about the experience.

  28. Kamaka says

    Aww, just screw with his mind pea-brain and see if you can make him have a melt-down. Getting him to rant would be *cool*.

  29. Feynmaniac, Chimerical Toad says

    Could I require Chopra to mow my lawn? That might be worth it.

    Knowing him he’ll just sit there and start lecturing the lawn mower:

    “The cutting of the grass starts with a punctuated equilibrium over the quantum consciousness of the soul and the superimposition of wave-particle blades are entangled with the singularity of the big bang universe. The blades of grass are us and we are the blades of grass.”

    He will then charge the lawn mower $10,000 for that.

  30. Jillian Swift says

    I’d love to win that prize. The opportunity to tell Chorpa to his face that he’s a fraud and an idiot…

    Well, the kitchen upgrade would be more interesting. And I like Vespas.

    But, you have to take the skeptic opportunities when they come, yes?

  31. Platypus says

    If I sign in and win the Ultimate Prize, can I give my meeting with Deepak to PZ?

    Awww, we can’t. “No transfer or cash equivalent of any prize allowed except at Sponsor’s sole discretion.”

  32. Mu says

    The trip to see Chopra probably involves a plane ticket and a nice hotel. And the opportunity to stand up Chopra. It’s not all bad.

  33. The Countess says

    Wait a minute… you mean the same JetBlue that was sued for forcing a passenger to sit out the flight on a toilet, or the same JetBlue charged with anti-Arab racial profiling? Aw heck, I’ll enter anyway. I’d love to take The Count to the Sonoran desert. I’ve been to it several times when I visited Tucson, Arizona. I love Tucson.

    If I win the meeting with Deep Shit I’ll let you know. :)

  34. porkchop says

    What if you win a Vespa? What then Huh?? You’ll just have to howl at the Vespa instead. Do you have a motorcycle license? Bet you don’t need one for vespas in the ‘states.
    I hear, though, that Vespas are a little like the esteemed Mr. Chopra; occasionaly getting all emotional and complicated when all you really need is to get where you’re going.

  35. Jarred C. says

    I’m some some of you out there would know better than me, but I can’t seem to find Deepok Chopra anywhere in the June 1999 Time 100 magazine, which this contest (and wikipedia plus the two sources wiki cited) claim he is listed at a member of the top 100 heroes and icons.

    Heck, even the premise of “top 100” seems to be wrong. From what I can tell, Time doesn’t do a top 100; they do a “most influential” or “top heroes and icons” of the past 100 years.

    So I’m not really sure where people are getting the idea that Deepak Chopra was listed as an icon or hero in Time magazine.

    /Perhaps I’m wrong?

  36. QuarkyGideon says

    Seriously if you win 1st prize go for it! It’ll be so funny watching him spew bollocks and getting told how wrong he is!

  37. Blake Stacey says

    The only item from Time I can find mentioning Chopra during the year 1999 is this one:

    If your age or disposition keeps you from club hopping, here’s a tip: two of the hottest songs the kids are dancing to are spoken-word texts with a disco beat

    SONG: Do You Love Me

    CONCEIVED BY: Deepak Chopra, author of Perfect Digestion: The Key to Balanced Living and Ageless Body, Timeless Mind

    CHANTED BY: Famous actress Demi Moore

    BASED ON THE WRITINGS OF: Rumi, a 13th century Persian scholar

    PROVENANCE: New Age guru Chopra gathered some of his Hollywood pals, including Moore, Madonna, Martin Sheen and Goldie Hawn, to record some of Rumi’s love poems. Taken with Moore’s track, a Staten Island, N.Y., musician added a techno beat

    SAMPLE LYRIC: “I love myself; I love you; I love you; I love myself”

  38. Weed Monkey says

    Boo-hoo! “Sweepstakes open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 years or older at the time of entry.” It would have been so awesome to discuss world politics and the newest Ufomammut album with Deepak and ride my 10 Vespas to the sunset.

  39. GBart says

    Saying Chopra’s books are “about” quantum mechanics is like saying the movie The Matrix is about programming.

  40. Patch says

    So if you meet with the guy, since it’s a prize you won, do you have to pay taxes based on what his per hour private consultation time would be?

  41. Logic H. Science! says

    Talk about your basic Pyrrhic victory. You win a prize, but lose all those brain cells by having to talk to that moron.
    I live right next to Jet Blue corporate HQ; this makes me want to stand outside and stop everyone going into the building to ask which one of those brain-geniuses came up with such a dumb prize. And then to lobotomize the poor sucker and put him/her out of our misery.

  42. Jessie Colt says

    Time Magazine heralds Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as “the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.”

    There seems to be a problem with this claim.

    Time Magazine picked the Top 100 Most Important People of the Century, which isn’t a problem.

    The issue is that they picked 20 people in 5 categories.

    20 x 5 = 100

    And the Heroes & Icons top 20 does NOT list Deepak Chopra.

    This must mean that he was one of the 100 from that category, and of those 100, only 20 were picked for inclusion in the actual Top 100 list.

    So for all we know, the dumbass ranked in at 100 on the list and barely made it.

    But he sure seems to be milking it for all it is worth.

    Just search google for Time Magazine + the poet-prophet of alternative medicine.

    There are 9520 results, along with a link to this post by Dr. M, but after scanning the first 10 pages of results, none of them are from Time Magazine itself.

    Almost all of them are woo based articles with the same quote.

  43. MadScientist says

    There are many reasons my latest copy of Time predates the Apollo 11 launch. Not even moon pics could get me to subscribe again.

  44. Crudely Wrott says

    It might not be so bad to win the Ultimate Prize.

    I’ve been known to go off in an unexpected direction from time to time, chasing some bounding rabbit of a notion. Occasionally that chase will pull up short and bounce in some other direction. Listeners sometimes begin to express the first signs of confusion or listlessness. Depak is different. He listens on a higher whole other level.

    I’m considering the possibility that I could talk such rich shit to Depak that within a week or so traces of my lures and implications would start to show up in his ongoing stream-of-consciousness-random-association screed. Like that Woody Allen character who absorbed knowledge from his immediate company, Depak would start becoming me. My influence would flow through him out upon the world, borne on the soft voice of Depak, destined for many willing ears . . .

    Wow. That would be power . . . of a small and tawdry sort. Still, my notion is intriguing.

    ‘Ware the Ultimate Anything!

  45. Beth says

    Also, am I the only one who thinks that offering to fly people places is a strange “green” prize? Airline travel- not exactly green.

  46. OurDeadSelves says

    It’s a good thing they didn’t push it any further and offer a mega-super-duper-colossal prize, which at this rate would involve a hot date with a starving, rabid wolverine.

    You act like that’s worse than meeting Chopra.

  47. scarygirl says

    PFFNNGH. Deepak Chopra was all over the TV today here in Oz. Saw him on Kerri-Anne’s morning show and nearly projectile-puked all over the TV.

  48. Autumn says

    OKay, I entered, but I just want to make sure that, If I win the Ultimate Prize, y’all will set up some kind of pay-pal account or something to make my bail when I punch the doofus in the balls.
    Or, indeed, any of our other entrants, as I fail to see how any of the regulars here would not just haul off and paste the bastard.

  49. https://me.yahoo.com/a/7bP64dsCsNde3x.4t5pshK_WF4p8#86291 says

    I can’t help thinking that this should be drawn to the attention of Orac’s “friend”. If he won, the resulting exchange would be even more awesome than if PZ won!

  50. davem says

    Hmm, the prizes just get better as you go down the list. Deepak first – worthless (negative worth?) Kitchen equipment whose refrigerator alone would occupy my entire kitchen, a holiday on the desert (no thanks), then some decent holidays, worth entering – if I lived in the US. I’ll pass, thanks.

  51. CunningLingus says

    If I was able to enter from the UK, and happened to win the Chopra booby prize, I would accept said “prize”, turn up at the publicity event, then declare to the gathered press that “Deepak Chopra’s arse gets jealous of the amount of shit that spews from his mouth”

  52. Draken says

    Hmm, hot date with a starving, rabid wolverine… sounds good. Not too much different from what I’m used to.

  53. Timothy says

    Well, can I punch him in the face and film it with my cell phone for upload to Youtube without getting charged with assault? That might be worth more than $10,000 to me.

  54. ospalh says

    Maybe the winner could ask him about spherical harmonics. Sounds somewhat woo-ish, he might start talking his usually nonsens, but it’s real quantum mechanics. You know, the stuff physicists use, with equations and everything.

  55. https://me.yahoo.com/a/LvVbBPgVwdZ4XT_qzAbztQtV33Gy#d2307 says

    I entered, but despite the lure of punching Deepak Chopra in the balls (or anywhere else), I think that should I win their “ultimate” prize, I’ll just go, stay in the fancy hotel, and go do things I find interesting during the day while everyone else gets their daily dose of woo with him. If anyone asks why I’m not showing up for his “seduction”, I’ll happily fill their ear with my opinion of the shit he spews on a regular basis.

    And totally off-topic, this Open ID stuff is driving me crazy with the user name I used to have now being replaced with the giant, unweildy URL.

  56. AJS says

    Am I the only one who mis-read

    Dr. Chopra is a global force in the field of human empowerment


    Dr. Chopra is a global farce in the field of human entertainment

  57. masksoferis says

    This is a very clever prize indeed. Guaranteed to make a very PR-worthy soundbite even if it goes wrong.

    (Scene: Shortly after the conclusion of the Close Encounter of the Chopradelic Kind. The Winner is smiling tiredly at the camera.)

    INTERVIEWER: So, tell us — what was it like?

    WINNER: I — I am so happy right now. God, I’m so happy to be alive. You don’t know what joy it is to be out here in the open sunlight before you’ve been there inside with Him. I have no words. I have no words. Indescribable — thousand shapes — burning eyes — maelstrom-of-woo — it was the unnamable!

    INTERVIEWER: We can use the first part, but could you sound a little more upbeat? Less of the raggedy tiredness and nervous shaking. And please put sunglasses on or something, you’re crying blood. Here’s homeopathic remedy against bloody tears, left over from the previous winner —

  58. Gus Snarp says

    Oh come one guys, don’t be afraid of winning. The power of Pharyngulation suggests that we should be able to strongly skew the odds in favor of a skeptic winning that top prize. I bet the vacation at Chopra’s spa is pretty good otherwise, and you get to sit down and tell Chopra what an idiot he is. That possibility and the fact that it relieves some idiot of an opportunity to get swayed by Chopra woo and give him more money makes it an obligation that you enter this contest.

    Although I would really prefer the kitchen makeover, I could use it.

  59. Janice in Toronto says

    Aww nuts. I’m in Canada, so the entry form won’t let me sign up.

    Now I’ll -never- get to see Deepak. How sad…

    Guess I’ll just have to get over it.

    There. I’m over it.

  60. dutchdoc says

    You’re all so NEGATIVE.
    I’m sure you can really learn valuable things from the man during a one-on-one!
    (How to get rich quick, how to bilk the most money from the most people in the least amount of time… things like that).

  61. WCorvi says

    Ohhh, the problem is MUCH worse than that! I’ve had two Amana refrigerators in the past couple of years – they don’t work, either.

    The bottom half of the fridge part froze everything, and then, when they quit working, it smelled like something died in the house.

  62. faisons says

    PZ, I hope you win the ultimate prize. It would provide an unparalleled opportunity to corner him. And he can’t escape – you WON him! :D

  63. Rorschach says

    faisons @ 72,

    are you the person who posted this under the nick “faison” at YNH :

    Keep criticizing Pharyngula and see how far it gets you. PZ will fuck your blog in the throat with a bloody knife and make sure you don’t have a reputation anymore, for what your bullshit reputation is for anyways. That’s what we do to people who criticize us.

    If yes, I would like to see you banned from here.

  64. norm.olsen says

    Dr. Chopra is a global force in the field of human empowerment and the prolific author of fourteen bestsellers on mind-body health, quantum mechanics, spirituality and peace.

    Wow, I didn’t even realize there was a field called “human empowerment”. And a book about quantum mechanics? From Chopra?! No way. The last time I fell for something like that I learned nothing about motorcycle maintenance and even less about Zen.

  65. Rob Janzen says

    I don’t think people are creative enough. I think winning the Chopra prize might be fun!

    I would have the opportunity to do everything I could to piss Deepak off. Call him a liar, ask hundreds of annoying (for him) questions, laugh out loud at the stupidity. Basically, everything I could to get thrown out. And once I’ve been thrown out, I complain to the company that they haven’t met their obligations with regards to my prize, so I’d like another please. Then I’d have a real prize AND had the opportunity to laugh in Chopra’s face!

    I don’t know if that would work, but then I can’t enter and find out from up here in Canada. Oh Well…..

  66. ecpaulsen says

    I entered, but if I win the Chopra prize you had BETTER take it off my hands Dr. Myers! Not so sure I would want the Dominican Republic vacation either for fear I might bump into Rush Limbaugh debauching small children.

  67. peggesis says

    It’s so unfair that only US residents can join in the fun. What if you all had a US address? How about using PZ’s office address? The AAI offices? 1600 Pennsylvania Ave in Washington D.C? (No, I guess President Obama is too busy to forward mail.)

  68. Modern Atheist says

    It’s pretty apparent that anyone going for the bacon, in this contest, is already a wiener. :)