
  1. Pope Bologna XIII - The Glorious High Sauceror of Pastafarianism and Grand Poobah of His Holy Meatba says

    What a beauty!

  2. JD says

    Doesn’t this mean David Hume was wrong? We should be giving thanks to Basiliscus from whom all blessings flow.

  3. Fred The Hun says

    So you’re sayin Jeebus could do a really really fast 100 yard dash? 65 mph?!

    Shucks he missed the boat and came at the wrong period in History.

    He shoulda played in the NFL… the halftime commercials in the Super Bowl with a slow mo of his sneakered feet with Nike logos would top any old miracle story.

  4. Michelle R says

    That cool lizard would be a great savior. Anyone thought about making a superhero out of it?

  5. Victor says

    I would love to make a Jesus movie where he runs across the water like that lizard. Maybe he should dart his tongue a couple of times, too.

  6. Carlie says

    Of course, the name could also come from saying “Jesus Christ, look at that lizard!”

  7. MosesZD says

    Hydroplaning. Even cars can do that if they’re going too fast on wet roads.

    Therefore: Cars = Jesus… Only at 60MPH…

  8. ambook says

    @Carlie #8 – sort of like the Holy God Bird (ivory-billed woodpecker). Seriously, as a nature educator, I sort of hate names like this – the number of times I’ve had to get into Jesus Bugs (water striders) is beyond measure. Can’t they keep their religion out of the naming of cool organisms? Or at least be more discreet about it? (Note snarky tone.)

  9. Sven DiMilo says

    Great footage but contrived story. I truly doubt that little 3-inch lizard had much to fear from that “hunting bird” vulture.

  10. Holytape says

    Long neck giraffes, and pet cats and dogs? Answer me that? I supposed that a cellphone eating pelican that can run is not a miracle?

    I really hate the fucking retarded mime herd, or whatever their god damn name is.

  11. says

    So lizard=god. I guess that makes me a god of cyberspace! All hail me! Or not. Probably not. Never could get that movement off the ground. Oh well.

  12. master.bratac says

    Man, these things are awesome. Made that much better by David Attenborough.

    Jason A.: A wizard did it.

  13. Janine, Mistress Of Foul Mouth Abuse, OM says

    Wowbagger, that band happens to be one of my all time favorite. Absolutely brutal and perverse. I would not recommend them to most people but for those who think that Iggy Pop is entertaining, they will love this.

    Then Comes Dudley

    Note to Sven, they nicked the guitar riff from Great Expectations by Miles Davis.

  14. DLC says

    I may not be able to walk on water, but give me a good non-Newtonian fluid and I’ll run across it.
    Of course, that won’t make me your savior either.

  15. Rebelest says

    I think the correct scientific nomenclature for this specimen is the Jesus F’n Christ lizard…

  16. Ray Moscow says

    Notice that the size of Jesus’ feet is never specified in the Bible.

    I figure surface tension explains the “walking on water” episode — no miracle required there, either.

  17. Sven DiMilo says

    they nicked the guitar riff from Great Expectations by Miles Davis.

    Ha! They sure did. I kind of liked tha6t one.

  18. Glen Davidson says

    Yeah, but evolution of such a trait is improbable (esp. if taken as a “goal”), which means that magic having no known probability at all is responsible instead.

    Got to think like an IDiot to see the miracle, you know.

    Glen D

  19. SteveM says

    That cool lizard would be a great savior. Anyone thought about making a superhero out of it?

    Maybe not what you were thinking of, but in The Incredibles, running on water is one of the major action sequences.

  20. woodsong says

    Very cool indeed.

    I’ve seen bullfrogs run across the water surface, too, for about 10 feet before diving. The presence of a very large snapping turtle in the pond may have contributed to this behavior.

    Sven, I recognized the vulture too, and I agree fully that it’s no “hunting bird” and not likely a danger to the lizard. But, how well can the lizard see it? I suspect they’ll flee from anything that soars overhead. But it would have been better, I think, if Attenborough had pointed out that this particular bird wasn’t dangerous.

  21. BruceJ says

    @#5, Jesus can[t play in the NFL, he’s already under contract with the Yankees.

    Top Gear a season or so ago whowed a bunch of INSANE Icelanders who do things like ride snowmobiles and tricked out 4×4’s at high speeds across lakes.

  22. darwinsdog says

    I would love to make a Jesus movie where he runs across the water like that lizard. Maybe he should dart his tongue a couple of times, too.

    Uh, basilisks are Corytophanids which are iguanians, not scleroglossans. But then, this blog isn’t about biology, is it?