Did someone say “cognitive impairment”?

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious problem that causes devastating and progressive mental deficits, and we need to have some of our best minds working on it. So what are these two jokers contributing?

Dr. Michael Salla’s work in Exopolitics seeks to inspire humanity to appreciate pathological conditions like Alzheimer’s and Dementia within a broader context of Extraterrestrial activities, which have been repressed from a vital body of human knowledge. Dr. Salla and his colleagues seek to disclose insight and awareness of Extraterrestrial activities that are potentially having profound effects on the quality of human survival, and human sovereignty on our planet Earth. Dr. Salla specifically documents Manipulative Extraterrestrials that use mind control weapons technologies, that interfere with human cognitive functions. Could Alzheimer’s be a side effect of an alleged interference in human cognitive functions?

Dr. John Lash’s voluminous historical research focused on Pagan Gnostics, that documented their discovery of Manipulative Extraterrestrials referred to by Dr. Salla. The Pagan Gnostics referred to a constituency of Manipulative Extraterrestrials that apparently has played a key leading role in an alleged agenda of mind control against humankind, as the “archons”.

Salla and Lash — you aren’t helping.


  1. Parker says

    You have to b kidding. After Reading ‘the demon haunted world’ by carl sagan, I can’t help but see his fears come to life. Are people really that credulous? Are we really that gullible? I just hope more people can see through this bullshit so we don’t start defining our governmental policies depending on these pseudoscientists. We don’t need another Reagan. We don’t need to waste any more money. e need facts, evidences, proofs, convincing arguments to deter people from this sort of thinking. But I guess I’m an idealist in this area. If there was a God who cared for us, we would be rid of these dumb motherfuckers.

  2. Cylux says

    I was under the impression that all the increased attention to so called ‘extraterrestrial activities’ had more to do with a new X-files film needing to sell as many tickets/copies as possible. Although if the rot is spreading to non Murdock newspapers, then I guess more kooks will get their fifteen minutes of fame.

  3. Sparkomatic says

    Where do you find this stuff? I mean this is the biggest load of…wait a sec…I dropped my aluminum foil hat…where were we?

  4. says

    I don’t know, it sounds like you guys are AFRAID OF THE TRUTH! Perhaps you are PART OF THE CONSPIRACY to silence research on extra-terrestrial mind-power weapons.

    Oh god, I can’t keep that up. Besides, I can’t even make my font into Comic-Sans.

  5. Sparkomatic says

    PZ, you stopped before they got to the good part with a more literal translation of the bible:

    Ephesians 6:12 in the King James Version of the Bible, used as a basis for more modern translations stipulates “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” In sharp contrast a direct uncensored translation from Greek according to Biblical scholars indicates the following “For our struggle is not against [human beings], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual [dark forces] of wickedness in outer space.” – Ephesians 6:12 [the uncensored citation]

    I thought Canadians were immune to this sort of thing eh?

  6. scooter says

    Oh yeah, the archons, those archons are definitly a pain in the ass. They live under airports, and make you stupid.

    They took over part of Ohio, I think.

    They are nasty all right.

  7. Tom says

    For a real, honorable theory of the cause of Alzheimer’s, read the book “Dying for a Hamburger,” which posits that Alzheimer’s is a prion-caused or -related disease that has been helped by the meat industry. Very interesting stuff.

  8. Jon says

    Ok so my grandfather, who lost the last ten years of his life to alzheimers, used to wander off and get lost and crap his pants all because the alien overlords made him do it. Fine. Whatever. I hate the human race…

  9. says

    I don’t understand: are these two people saying that Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia are caused by extra-terrestrial activity, or that the study of Alzheimer’s and Dementia must be studied in a context of extra-terrestrial activity?

  10. Vinny says

    To quote Jim Davis: “Small operation. We should kill it before it spreads.”

    Oh, the looniness. It buuuuuurns.

  11. gypsytag says

    So there’s a different group of ETs for alzheimers?

    Because I was only aware of the ones that came from other galaxies to shove probes up our asses. I assumed it was for recreational purposes only – nothing nefarious like those alzheimer space dudes!

    Where are the men in black when you need them?

  12. 'Tis Himself says

    Scooter #9

    Oh yeah, the archons, those archons are definitly a pain in the ass.

    The result of anal probing.

  13. Ignorant Atheist says

    Two things, both OT.

    What is that symbol I am seeing on people’s posts (ie. Stanton)?

    And, Janine, when you show up, I missed the latest name change, an explanation would be appreciated.

  14. arekksu says

    i think these guys have solved the Problem of Evil.
    Good Stuff = God’s Plan.
    Evil = the intervention of eeeevil aaaaliens.

  15. scooter says

    the ones that came from other galaxies to shove probes up our asses. I assumed it was for recreational purposes only

    No, they’re looking for colon or prostate cancer. If you’re over fifty you should think about getting abducted.

  16. says

    You say these guys are from “Exopolitics”? Are you sure they’re not from Exploitics? That would make at least as much sense.

  17. scooter says

    So there’s a different group of ETs for alzheimers?

    Same ETs just a different specialty.

    First you are abducted by an abstraction team,, you get checked in for an anal probe, then you get taken over to the implant section, and if all goes well, the last procedure is the alzhiemer thing so you don’t recall the abduction, unless of course you are hypnotized by a wild eyed old red-headed lady that reeks of patchouli oil.

    They have specific names for each of these specialists, but I can never remember them.

  18. DLC says

    I don’t know, I actually kinda like Archons.
    Not as flexible perhaps as Dark Archons, but useful nonetheless. Especially against terran siege tanks or zerg ultralisks.

  19. NewEnglandBob says

    Manipulative Extraterrestrials, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Shintoists, Sikhs, Baha’i, Jains etc.: they are all delusional – mental midgets who have no excuses.

    The poor Alzheimer’s sufferers have no need for these horseshit charlatans to talk for them.

  20. AnthonyK says

    That truly is the most incomprehensible bit of internet twaddle I’ve read since Timecube. And that was on this site too. PZ, you’re messing with our minds. For pity’s sake, please stop!

  21. Big A says

    Well, it looks like it’s already too late for Dr. Michael Salla and Dr. John Lash. It appears they already have the Alzheimer’s disease and have completely lost their cognitive functions. Sometimes mentally ill people are the last to realize that they have a problem. Such is the case with these doctors.

  22. pablo says

    That’s just lunacy, but equally looney, i have heard that there are legitimate doctors who insist that Alzheimer’s and dementia are not diseases, but are a normal part of aging and that to regard it as a disease is to be bigoted against the elderly.

  23. Owlmirror says

    I thought Canadians were immune to this sort of thing eh?

    I guess you’ve never seen Robert Byers crap on a thread with his proud pronouncement of where he is posting from?

    “Archons” means “rulers”, of course. The term appears in 1 Corinthians 2:8; “which no one of the rulers of this age did know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified” “ην ουδεις των αρχοντων (archonton) του αιωνος τουτου εγνωκεν ει γαρ εγνωσαν ουκ αν τον κυριον της δοξης εσταυρωσαν”.

    When the term came up earlier, I wondered if the bible had been influenced by the Gnostics, or if the Gnostics had been influenced by the bible. Probably the former, but I don’t know, and I have not yet done the research to find out what current informed opinion is (or if there even is any consensus on the matter).

  24. says

    The link re the atheist bus campaign didn’t work. But really–we don’t need a campaign. I’m not sure about the churches, but I do know that a lot of the synagogues are attended by atheists. It’s really not too cool in a lot of synagogues to talk too much about God. I don’t understand why people get so worried about extra-terristrials, it isn’t like people aren’t inventive enough to mess up each other and our world quite effectively. Angels, yes, we need angels. But nasty doings are quite well done by human beings.

  25. says

    wait, are these the same aliens who didn’t dry up that lake a few days ago? Humanity confuses me, I finally see why Jane Goodall liked living with the members of the Hominidae family that couldn’t talk…

  26. talking snake says

    I could be mistaken, but isn’t “archons” a condition characterized by putrid smelling hair after the head has been lodged in one’s colon for an extended period of time?

  27. says

    Dr. Salla specifically documents Manipulative Extraterrestrials that use mind control weapons technologies, that interfere with human cognitive functions. Could Alzheimer’s be a side effect of an alleged interference…

    Oh sure, he’s all ‘they’re manipulative‘ now. But tho’ you didn’t hear it here or nothin’, a certain ‘alien researcher’ we might all be familiar with sure seemed to us to be pretty into it, last time we had him up here for a good probing…

    ‘Manipulative’, huh, Salla, is it? Sure. You were ‘manipulated’. Is that what you tell your wife, huh?

    Some gratitude. We did you a favour, pal. And as of now, that was your last one… Oh, and any dementia you’re experiencing had nothing to do with us. You were a fruitbat before, you’re still a fruitbat now, and we’re sorry we had anything to do with you…

    Yeah, you get lonely, maybe try the Greys. I hear they’ll probe almost anyone. Because we’re through, ‘doc’.

    Kang out.

  28. says

    Oh my: that webzine is seriously wierd. Leftist politics + LGBT + ET’s & UFOs + “spiritual” something-or-other. By themselves the first two are OK by me, but the combination makes it feel like a newage-liberal counterpart to WorldNetDaily.

  29. says

    John Lash:

    The Pagan era of Western Civilization had its ups and downs, but we can credit its intellectual and political giants for many praiseworthy foundational elements of our own society. The ancient Gnostic constituents of said civilization were many in creed, but for the most part they were anti-dogmatists who many of us wish had risen to the prominence enjoyed by certain other cults.

    Get your delusional fuckwit claws out of my cultural forebears.

    Thank you.


  30. Wayne Robinson says

    From what I can gather, Michael Salla was quite reasonable until about 2003. His PhD is from a creditable university (University of Queensland). So he didn’t start to go slightly… well odd, until he went to America, so what is it about America that turns expatriate Australians peculiar? First there was Ken Ham, now there is… No wait, Ken Ham was always a few sheep short in the top paddock…

  31. E.V. says

    Get your delusional fuckwit claws out of my cultural forebears.

    Wasn’t that from Grease?

    (Kudos, Stephen))

  32. Sparkomatic says

    Its certainly not my intention to disparage Canadians in general,I’m a fan, especially poutine and Timbits. It’s just…I mean first Bryan Adams, then Stephan Harper (by the way some of the best evidence yet for alien occupation), I’m just wondering what the heck is going on up there?

  33. Wowbagger says

    From what I can gather, Michael Salla was quite reasonable until about 2003. His PhD is from a creditable university (University of Queensland).

    Great. Another crackpot from my home state. I’m very embarrassed.

  34. Zar says

    Look, all I’m saying that for years and years we’ve been kidnapping people, probing them anally, erasing their memories and releasing them, and all we’ve learned is that one in ten don’t seem to mind it that much!

  35. says

    What a sick joke!

    You guys should be bashing Dr. John Singh. He’s the one who wrote all that $#it! If I were the editor of that web news source, I’d call for a psycho ward to see if I could have Dr Singh committed ASAP.

  36. says

    I’m immune from all those extra terrestrial waves because I keep a special crystal in my pocket and I wear a magnetic bracelet that distorts their chi and keeps ET from harshing my mellow.


  37. says

    There might be an explanation after all!

    IRPT.INFO standpoint:
    The development of advanced technologies in classified projects, e.g. antigravity vehicles, scalar technology and Direct Human Brain – AI – Technologies are directly connected and of terrestrial origin.

    This does not exclude the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

    “There is an ongoing debate whether alien abduction is a military experiment or not. Listening to the stories of victims of alien abduction, there is no doubt that their experiences coincides with electromagnetic experiments conducted by military, resulting in specific symptoms typical of electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. It is about time that alien abduction officially is listed as yet another government and military experiment”


  38. scooter says

    antigravity vehicles, scalar technology and Direct Human Brain – AI – Technologies are directly connected and of terrestrial origin.

    There goes the neighborhood

  39. John Morales says


    The development of advanced technologies in classified projects, e.g. antigravity vehicles, scalar technology and Direct Human Brain – AI – Technologies are directly connected and of terrestrial origin.

    That’s science-fiction, not fact.

    But there is indeed an explanation.

  40. Jason A. says

    What the heck is ‘scalar technology’?

    I’m thinking of the math term ‘scalar’… is there another?

  41. arekksu says

    It is Professor John Davison and his Evolutionary Manifesto that should be read by those who are interested how evolution proceeded.

    O do tell us more, person-who-is-clearly-not-john-davison-pretending-to-be-someone-else.

  42. says

    Perhaps the educated world should forgo the title of ‘Doctor’ as a sign of intelligence and learning. Meanwhile the great pretenders would leap about with their ‘Dr.’ prefixes and we’d all be able to keep well clear of them.

    That goes for Michael Bisconti too.

  43. Kitty says

    Right at the end of the linked article –

    Exopolitics practitioners and indigenous knowledge gleaned from researchers like David Icke suggest that it is time for broader constituencies of humanity to begin to take a more open mind on the existence of, and the implications of, invasive Extraterrestrials activities, in relation to the quality-of-living of Earthbound human beings.

    It’s that famous purveyor of ‘indigenous knowledge’.

  44. Tielserrath says

    I get peed off that people are paid to churn out this stuff. That you can actually make a living spouting wibble. Often a very good living. I particularly think about it when my ancient car refuses to start and I have to get out and hit bits of the engine with a hammer. Or when it rains and I discover I have three buckets but the roof has four leaks.

    Sometimes I wonder if I could get my ethics amputated.

  45. Ian H Spedding, FCD says

    Enkidu wrote @# 38

    Weren’t Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock mistaken for Archons once?

    But Salla and Lash obviously still haven’t discovered that we are all just puppets of the evil Landru

  46. 'Tis Himself says

    There is an ongoing debate whether alien abduction is a military experiment or not. Listening to the stories of victims of alien abduction, there is no doubt that their experiences coincides with electromagnetic experiments conducted by military, resulting in specific symptoms typical of electromagnetic stimulation of the brain.

    The military experiments with the brain and the aliens experiment with other places where certain thinking takes place.

    (These anal probe jokes can go on forever.)

  47. paragrinn says

    I don’t know, I actually kinda like Archons.
    Not as flexible perhaps as Dark Archons, but useful nonetheless. Especially against terran siege tanks or zerg ultralisks.

    Also handy against 8-bit goblins, manticores, and banshees.

  48. Slugsie says

    I had a hard time reading those passages, the BS quotient was so high, and my first coffee of the day was only half way down.

  49. Fernando Magyar says


    Recently, Jarod 2 asked a group of UFOlogists, “What is the most difficult language on earth to learn?” When somebody piped up and said “Hungarian” (I have no idea whether this is true or not), Jarod 2 said that was right, and claimed that the ETs speak Hungarian — actually, “a higher form of Hungarian.” Or so he claimed to have been told by his supervisor at Area 51. Further evidence of this is that the extraterrestrials speak English words in Hungarian word-order during their terse conversations.

    Hmm, some of my Hungarian speaking relatives speak English words in Hungarian word-order to this day and I’ve always wondered about that large round object covered with tarps that sits in my uncle’s back yard.

  50. T_U_T says

    paragrinn, they are also effective against mutalisks because they deal splash damage and mutalisks tend to crowd all to one place.
    And they are ideal minesweepers because they dont trigger spider mines.

    One terran science vessel and a few marines can finish them off all at once though.

  51. says

    Oh come on people, there are no evil ETs causing cognitive impairment. Cthulhu told me that it is all part of the plan of the old ones to gain recruits. The work is done by the Star-spawn of Cthulhu which may account for the confusion. If people would only do the basic research…

  52. says

    Well, I am well-prepared for any type of disease due to alien abductions. … http://www.stopabductions.com/

    Ye palent warks! Ye palent warks! Littill foo humaans now yon hellments r is decoy. HA HA HA. Soön will halve toadal controll os Ye Iarth! HA HA HA. Wers ye hellment andes u is r slav. HA HA HA.

     — overheard one night after putting on my protective tinfoil socks

  53. Aquaria says

    Aw, PZ, you’re gonna confuse these guys if you use big words like “cognitive” and “impairment.” Try one they’ll definitely be familiar with: Dipshits.

  54. says

    So treatment for Altzheimers and Dementia now will include wearing a tin foil hat to keep the aliens from interfering with brain waves?

    For the patients, I mean. Not for Sala and Lash.

  55. says

    “Researcher David Icke”? This article is incredible. A window into a parallel world where evidence is what people say and David isn’t widely recognised as an irrecoverable basketcase.

  56. Tom L says

    At last, Salla uncovers the true link between Alzheimers and aluminum.

    Not from ingesting it, but from wearing it on the head.

  57. Sastra says

    I wonder who the target audience is for this “theory” — beyond the usual conspiracy folk, I mean. Is it people with relatives who have Alzheimer’s, or is it people who have Alzheimer’s themselves? The guys promoting this are finding some group which is being reassured. I’m wondering how.

    Perhaps it’s somehow easier to think that a loved one is a victim of an important communication from a Higher Realm or advanced species, than to accept that they simply, by chance, came down with a terrible disease. It gives weight and import to their suffering, and your own. Those with dementia, who can tell that their cognitive abilities are deteriorating, might find the narrative helpful. I don’t know.

    Isaac Asimov once said something to the effect that “behind every piece of pseudoscience is a skirt to cling to, and a thumb to suck.”

  58. uncle frogy says

    while reading the link from above (http://www.skepdic.com/aliens.html)
    and trying to understand the religious fundamentalism, mythology, bible stories and “miracles” and other magical type things. I wondered if the same thing or similar process is at the root of most of the more far fetched stories that are purported to have been real events and not as allegorical or poetic . Does anyone know of any serious study into it. It does seem to be some kind of natural phenomena. The original Lourdes event or the stories of visitation by “angles or messengers of god” from the past ages come to mind as does the events surrounding of the “Salem witch trials”

    such things seem to be easily exploited by the corrupt self seeking who interpret them in ways that some how benefit them the most.

  59. Ktesibios says

    @Fernando Magyar: They’re ripping that schtick off from a bit of physicist humor from way back around Manhattan Project days:

    Many years ago, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard were engaged in a conversation about the possibility of superior, highly intelligent life other than on the planet Earth. Fermi tried to point out the absurdity of the favorable estimates of intelligent life elsewhere by asking, “If they [beings of superior intelligence] are so probable, then where are they? They should be here already, we should have seen them by now. After all, there are stars far older than ours: life elsewhere could have had a ten-billion-year head start.” After a pregnant pause, Leo Szilard answered, “Perhaps they are already here. But you call them Hungarians.”


  60. peter says

    The Candadian : “Canada’s new socially progressive and cross-cultural national newspaper

    Everyone seems to be missing the point here:
    It’s all good fun to tear that XXXL size BS to pieces, but how is it that an ostensibly liberal, left-wing, multi-culti journal publishes it?

  61. Jerry Billings says

    My wife (aged 75)is afflicted with dementia and I am her primary caregiver. She is the sweet, loving mother of our three daughters and she has been a good wife. It is moronic that anyone would seee her as a victim of some alien super-power or an evildoer. It defies comprehension for a person to even imagine that my wife ever did anything to deserve this. My only comment is her condition is simply more proof that no intelligent force is in charge of life on Earth. What’s that which the believers say so often, “God loves us?” They are only kidding themselves because we Atheists know better.

  62. says

    It’s all good fun to tear that XXXL size BS to pieces, but how is it that an ostensibly liberal, left-wing, multi-culti journal publishes it?

    Because the Left has its own forms of uncritical stupidity, just like the Right has creationism, “scientific” racism, etc. In this case, I suspect that one or more of the editors has a Personal Obsession with UFOlogy, and the rest just go along in a good po-mo everyone’s-viewpoint-is-equally-valid sort of way.

  63. Aphrodine says

    After watching my grandfather who was a decorated war hero and brilliant academic wither away during his advanced stages with the illness, I’d like to give a whole-hearted “fuck you” to anyone who belittles this disease.

    Alzheimer’s disease is a serious problem. There’s no need for mindless dick-wads depreciate actual scientific research with their WHARBLEGARBLE.

  64. chuckgoecke says

    It is extraordinarily unlikely that I’d feel compelled to repeat EXACTLY a post I did last, but I must here:

    This sort of reminds me of Dana Carvey doing an impression of Ross Perot: “You can coil a porcupine, but that don’t git ya rhubarb jam.”

  65. Zetetic says

    I’m late to the party (as usual), so I don’t know how many people will read this. Oh, well.

    I knew nothing of this publication until now, and I couldn’t believe that the article was in earnest. So I went to see if they had contact info to complain, or ask if it was a joke. Guess what! They have a little instant message chat thing built right into the contacts! They really are nutters over there. He (or she) was most offended when I called the article “crackpot” and suggested that perhaps they should publish articles based on evidence rather than on paranoid delusions. He then suggested I read Dr. Salla’s articles (I wonder what he has his doctorate in?) which have been published in “many prestigious journals”. He also seemed offended when I doubted Dr. Salla had been published in something like Nature, and asked for links to said “prestigious journals”. I never got any links either. Woe is me. I’m doomed to Alzheimer’s, I suppose.

    Hmm… if Wikipedia is correct, he was fired from his university and hasn’t received a grant since 1999.

    Talking to crazy people can be fun!

  66. Fernando Magyar says

    Posted by: Ktesibios | January 18, 2009 2:34 PM

    @Fernando Magyar: They’re ripping that schtick off from a bit of physicist humor from way back around Manhattan Project days:

    Yeah, I knew about that one as well ;-)

  67. David Marjanović, OM says

    You have to b kidding. After Reading ‘the demon haunted world’ by carl sagan, I can’t help but see his fears come to life. Are people really that credulous? Are we really that gullible? I just hope more people can see through this bullshit so we don’t start defining our governmental policies depending on these pseudoscientists. We don’t need another Reagan.

    You had another Saint Ronnie Raygun till today.

    (How sweet the past tense is.)

    Meh. A mere 3.8 on the Timecube scale.

    You misunderstand. The Timecube scale is logarithmic, and the insanity of the Wisest Human and Greatest Thinker is 1 Tc, which is 10 times as insane as 0.9 Tc.

    O do tell us more, person-who-is-clearly-not-john-davison-pretending-to-be-someone-else.

    He’s been disappeared, so I can’t tell, but I suspect it was actually JAD’s suckup, VMartin.

    I wonder who the target audience is for this “theory” — beyond the usual conspiracy folk, I mean.

    Upwards of 0.7 Tc, people just don’t consider such details. They’re happy with getting the truth out to anyone by any means.

    Many years ago, the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard were engaged in a conversation about the possibility of superior, highly intelligent life other than on the planet Earth. Fermi tried to point out the absurdity of the favorable estimates of intelligent life elsewhere by asking, “If they [beings of superior intelligence] are so probable, then where are they? They should be here already, we should have seen them by now. After all, there are stars far older than ours: life elsewhere could have had a ten-billion-year head start.” After a pregnant pause, Leo Szilard answered, “Perhaps they are already here. But you call them Hungarians.”

    “Where do we come from? And why do some of us
    speak Basque?”
    — New Scientist headline a couple of years ago.