Oh, no! Another debate!

It’s been a long day for me, and now I get to cap it off with another presidential debate. This could be awful. I’m just hoping that McCain is feeling desperate and will do something that’s bug-eyed crazy to change the status of the election. Go ahead, say what you think in the comments.

McCain brought up the “overhead projector” again! He really is an anti-science loon.

After claiming that Obama was running a negative campaign, McCain than tried to defend the ugly attempt to tar Obama by association with Ayers. Hypocrite alert!

My final opinion: McCain didn’t blow up as I hoped, making it a somewhat boring debate. Instead, McCain spent the whole hour and a half being creepy — I don’t want another president who makes me want to gag every time his face appears on TV.

McCain also seemed to lie incessantly. The claim that Obama has been negatively campaigning coming out of 100%-negative-McCain was a low point for him. I don’t trust him a bit.


  1. Alex says

    Just a bottle of general-purpose debate beer (or two) for me. After the last 3 debates, I’m convinced that any attempt at a drinking game will lead to a liver transplant.

  2. Roy says

    I have some Bailey’s…gonna see if I can finish the whole bottle using “maverick” and “my friends”.

  3. Smidgy says

    I’ve got a bottle of vodka – I’m going to go drink that instead of watching an old guy farting about trying to look clever and failing.

  4. Ragutis says

    McCain seems discombobulated. He’s trying to slam Obama on small business taxes, but is speaking in half sentences. Obama looks smooth and confident, as usual.

  5. Knurl says

    Taxes are an issue? They’re plating games about who will pay for the FIRST trillion.

    In South Florida I have a bottle of Capt. Morgan.


  6. says

    Sorry. Can’t drink since I’m on pain medication…

    Then again, I could pop a Vicodin when you guys take a… wait a minute… That would be unequal.

    Better make it two.


  7. JoshS says

    Irrelevant, but annoying: McCain pronounces the word “values” as if it were “vay-yews.” Drives me fuckin’ nuts.

  8. Litch says

    C-Span is showing this with a split screen. McCain not looking too good when he thinks the camera is off him.

  9. Erwan says

    I’m listening on NPR. Is it really live, or are they playing the tape of the last debate? Utterly disappointing to hear the almost exact same speeches over and over again. Tuning off…

  10. BrettG says

    There he goes blasting Planetariums again! My God, this man hates science. Education is NOT Pork!

  11. Litch says

    I wish Obama would set him straight on that “overhead projector” already. Get him on not supporting science.

  12. Gerardo Camilo says

    earmark – Drink!
    earmark – Drink!
    earmark – Drink!
    aermark – Dirnk!
    eramrak – Drnki/

  13. Knurl says

    Overhead projector? Again? WTF?!!

    In the Navy he studied in a planetarium and KNOWS that planetarium projection systems are not a high school projector. He’s lying. THE BAD ASTRONOMER pointed it out!!!

  14. James says

    Tough campaign… what an excuse. Put the blame on the one you’re smearing. Geesh!


  15. Trillian says

    Screw the undecided opinion polls. CNN should be running a lie detector line instead!!!

  16. justin says

    McCain is running a positive ad, where?
    I have not seen anything positive out of the McCain camp.

  17. BrettG says

    Liar. The fact is that he vetoed a bill on stem cell research in the name of Pro-Life causes. I can’t believe he would say that on national TV with a straight face.

  18. Adrian says

    I almost burst down to tears when McCain mentioned how hurt he was about segregationist negative comments

  19. Gerardo Camilo says

    Plumber Joe is the brother of Mike, the light tech who fixes the planetarium’s projector. DRINK!

  20. FishyFred says

    McCain says Obama has run false ads saying he does not support stem cell research.

    Well, you don’t support embryonic stem cell research, THE MOST POTENT FORM OF STEM CELL RESEARCH.

  21. Ragutis says

    Posted by: Capital Dan | October 15, 2008 9:27 PM

    McCain is lying on national TV. Wow!

    Haven’t been following the campaign much, have you?

    An attack ad on an issue? WTF?

    Joe again. Man, his business is gonna skyrocket.

  22. catta says

    Wow. He actually mentioned the “kill him” and “terrorist” shouts. Didn’t expect that.

  23. Paul Burnett says

    “Is McCain on medication?” – Chayanov, #33

    He probably borrowed some drugs from his wife’s stash which she stole from her “charitable” foundation.

  24. Trillian says

    How stupid does McCain think we are? Maybe Joe the Plumber will buy your crap, but most of us know you’re a freakin’ LIAR!

  25. BrettG says

    Will he stop interrupting Obama? I mean, seriously, Sen. Obama has not interrupted him or been anything but polite. McCain keeps interrupting.

  26. says

    Has anybody noticed that Obama IS wearing a flag pin, and McCain is NOT???

    Terrorist! How dare Obama a symbol that promotes violence against civilians worldwide?!?

  27. says

    Paul Burnett | October 15, 2008 9:33 PM [kill]​[hide comment]

    “Is McCain on medication?” – Chayanov, #33

    He probably borrowed some drugs from his wife’s stash which she stole from her “charitable” foundation.

    You sir may have just won the internet.

  28. Jorge Velez-Juarbe says

    “overhead projector” AGAIN!! This geezer mccain really doesn’t like science!!

    Joe the Plumber comes up again! I bet he’ll will be in the early show tomorrow morning!!


  29. Chayanov says

    But McCain doesn’t care about old, washed up terrorists. So why does he keep bringing it up?

  30. Anon says

    I see a commercial, juxtaposing McCain’s support of the good people who show up at his campaigns… with the youtube videos that Obama specifically mentioned–the “kill him” and “terrorist” shouts.

  31. 386sx says

    What’s with all this “Joe the plumber” stuff? Joe the plumber makes a lot of moola! I support a Joe the plumber tax!

  32. BrettG says

    Oh God! Acorn is going to destroy American Democracy. Um… what about the stealing of the election in Florida? What about the swift boating in 2004? If anyone is out to destroy American Democracy, it’s the wackaloon religious nuts that support McCain and can’t stomach the idea of Obama in office because he’s “One of them.”

  33. BrettG says

    If it’s not the point about Errs, why do you keep mentioning new things about it? You’re being a hypocrite on national TV IN THE SAME BREATH!

  34. john ilya says

    Obama just destroyed Mccain.

    Mccain’s reply was that he didn’t want to raise taxes?

  35. Trillian says

    I can’t wait to hear why McCain thinks Palin would be a better VP than Biden. She has better hair?

  36. BrettG says

    You know, the Keating point is a good one. Obama is showing real class by not bringing that up. He could NAIL McCain with it and yet, he chooses to focus more on the issues than on McCain’s past associations.

  37. Adrian says

    My friends, I can fix the Plumber Joe mystery, I know how to fix it. My friends, you know? Ok? DRINK!

  38. Bill Dauphin says

    Why in the fuck is McPain so convinced that being a traitor to your own party is something to brag about (even if it were true)?? Look how much good it’s done Joe LIEberman!

    BTW, a shout-out to Alaska’s First Dude?? WTF?

  39. Joseph Labatt says

    “Bresh of freath air”


    Yeah, yeah he mispoke and it really doesn’t have to do with his competency, but it makes him sound stupid.

    Also, I wish Obama could attack Palin without the sexism being screamed.

  40. Blaidd Drwg says

    I don’t know about you folks, but when it comes to a President I don’t want a guy I’d be comfortable having a beer with, I want someone who makes me look like a friggin’ idiot – and I’m a fairly smart guy.

  41. James says

    Yes! Address the negatives right to McCain’s face! Not smearing, but actually talk about the attacks.

    John’s got the deer in the headlight’s look. Then attack, but I’m about the economy. Wow! Holy talking points Batman!

    Insight about running mates: This should be a slam dunk. How to defend Palin as possible President? Role model, reformer? Corruption? Have people not heard about the investigation?

    Obama’s response to Palin, taking on the issues instead of attacking her person. Nice.


  42. Chayanov says

    Is McCain’s response to *every* question going to be “Obama’s going to raise taxes”?

  43. says

    Now what does beign the mom of a kid with Down Syndrome have with havign some sort of expertise on autism? Hint to McCain: they are not the same.

    Sorry abotu any typos, I sprained my wrist and I’m not goign to try and fix them tonight.

  44. says

    I don’t know about you folks, but when it comes to a President I don’t want a guy I’d be comfortable having a beer with, I want someone who makes me look like a friggin’ idiot – and I’m a fairly smart guy.

    For me, wanting a president I can have a beer with and one who would make me feel like a friggin’ idiot are one and the same.

  45. says

    Every time energy comes up, McCain rants off `wind! Solar! Tidal! Nuke-ular! Etc!` It’s like a parade of technologies and does nothing but fills airtime. I’ve started drinking each time he does.

  46. Blaidd Drwg says

    McCain is so confused – erratic – that he can barely talk straight.
    It’s beginning to sound like Carl Sagan vs. Porky Pig.

  47. says


    Eliminate dependence on oil?! Crazy.

    @#97. I’d really, really like to see Hillary and Sarah go at it. It wouldn’t lase 2 minutes.

  48. Blaidd Drwg says

    Kel, now that you mention it, I’d feel pretty comfortable draining a jar with Obama…

  49. Chayanov says

    #108: Agreed. McCain never explains how he’s going to utilize these technologies, or how he’s going to invest in them without increasing spending.

  50. catta says

    Nice. Obama’s look when McCain started going on about eloquence is best summed up as “WTF”.

  51. Canuck says

    I’m watching this debate this now and McCain is a lying fuckwit. He’d do anything to win. Sell his mother to a crack dealer if he had to. What a prick.

  52. says

    McCain just shot himself in the foot by endorsing Free Trade so throughly. Not a popular idea right about now. Even if I like it myself.

  53. Dom says

    I just love the “I have to run negative adds, because Obama would not do 25 town hall meetings” (not an exact quote).

    It’s second to “Obama will redistribute Joe the plumber’s wealth” (not exact). Obama has stated several times he will not be taking the plumber’s wealth to redistribute it in the first place.

    Oh! “We can off shore drill now.” Really?? That’s news to the DoE and everyone else.

  54. DagoRed says

    Agricultural machinery to Venezuela and Columbia — is John McCain a Banana Republican?

  55. Joseph Labatt says

    Did you see McCain when Obama said he understood?

    He rolled his eyes and looked like a complete asshole. I’m thinking that we see might that clip again in the same way we saw “that one”

    Also, McCain totally ignored the 3% vs. 25% argument. He sounded horribly uninformed.

  56. Buenare says

    What I find interesting…

    Remember when Obama was attacked on the internet for not wearing a flag pin on his lapel? Look who isn’t wearing one today.

  57. says

    @#120: I thought that exactly. :p Columbia is going so well! That’s why we’re only two decades into the war on drugs.

  58. Jorge Velez-Juarbe says

    McCain has a look as if steam will start going out of his ears soon!! Why was he looking down so much while Obama was speaking? Does he need a potty break!?!

  59. catta says

    Is anyone else just busting up laughing every time McNonSequitur opens his mouth?

    Well, Obama certainly is. Audibly. And rightly so.

  60. Pygmy Loris says

    Obama said keep your choice of doctor…does anyone on an HMO have that many choices? I never have.

  61. Ragutis says

    Interesting strategy of Obama’s, talking to the camera when he lays out his plans. The Ohio undecideds turning the dials really seem to react positively to it, especially the women. Then again, they seem to be reponding positively to just about everything Obama’s saying. The men are a lot more all over the place.

  62. Chayanov says

    Jebus, but McCain is clueless. We already have pretty much everything in his health plan — walk-in clinics? Seriously?

  63. Dom says

    I just love the “I have to run negative adds, because Obama would not do 25 town hall meetings” (not an exact quote).

    It’s second to “Obama will redistribute Joe the plumber’s wealth” (not exact). Obama has stated several times he will not be taking the plumber’s wealth to redistribute it in the first place.

    Oh! “We can off shore drill now.” Really?? That’s news to the DoE and everyone else.

  64. says

    I /am/ slightly tired of Obama saying `Let’s have our cake and eat it too!` Show a spine, chief!

    Also. Joe the plumber again? DRINK!

  65. says

    I didn’t have the stomach to watch the debate. Instead I sat down and wrote a blog post about a student who tried to hoax a classmate just before an exam.

    I was about to say it was totally unrelated, but now it occurs to me that quite a lot of hoaxing is probably going on during the “debate”.

    Although I’m not watching it, I have my predictions, which are as good as an TV pundit’s (maybe better!): McCain will be judged as having put on his best and most aggressive performance yet, even if he didn’t land a single blow. The debate will be judged a tie. But that means McCain lost, since a tie is a losing proposition for someone so far behind.

    I just want this to be over so that I can start complaining about how President Obama isn’t living up to my expectations (which is what I’d much rather be doing than expressing my fears that McCain’s latest heart attack will make Palin president).

  66. Blaidd Drwg says

    McCain won’t look in the camera. He looks like he won’t look the American public in the eye.

  67. Disciple of "Bob" says

    I can’t help feeling so terribly *sorry* for McCain. Watching him struggle and falter is not at all satisfying. I would have voted for McCain in 2000, had he won the nomination. This campaign has just been beyond sad.

  68. Gerardo Camilo says

    Is it me, or does McMaverick looks like if he’s going to explode every time Obama speaks?

  69. Litch says

    Bet Joe regrets the day he even thought about going to a campaign function. Bet he’s drinking right now.

  70. Blaidd Drwg says

    Will Joe’s rehab be covered under McCain’s ‘plan’?

    “Senator O’Government”???? Funny – he doesn’t look Irish…

  71. DagoRed says

    McCain’s Health Care = We’ll pay for the coffin when you die of pneumonia because you sleep on a park bench in the winter after losing your house to a bank that was bailed out by the government with your tax dollars.

  72. Chayanov says

    #156: You could make a drinking game out of McCain’s verbal fumbling tonight. Is he taking diction lessons from Palin?

  73. Gregory Kusnick says

    #139: Yeah, McCain’s smirk is driving me nuts too. You can almost hear him thinking “Gotcha!” every time he lets off what he thinks is a real zinger.

  74. Hank Fox says

    I feel sorry for McCain only in a very minor way. Yes, it’s terrible to see this happen to him. But don’t ever forget who he represents, and what he and his party have done.

    I feel only as sorry for him as I would for a 12-year-old bully who got knocked down by a 9-year-old tired of being pushed around — 5 percent empathy, 95 percent satisfaction.

  75. Dom says

    “Elections have consequences.” -McCain in response the the president’s right to appoint anyone qualified to the court.

    Don’t congressional elections have consequences as well? Wasn’t Obama representing his constituents?

  76. FishyFred says

    Obama should just slap Senator McCain with a glove and challenge him to a duel of Constitutional knowledge.

  77. Joe the Plumber says

    What the hell man? I just said I wanted to go into business for myself. My boss is a dick.

  78. J Myers says

    McCain: “Extreme environmentalists will tell you that nuclear power has to be safe.” Right, McSchmuck, those extreme environmentalists and their wacky ideas… everyone knows that the Joe plumbers of the world love to drink toxic waste.

    In other news, the judiciary seems to have declared that God is not omnipotent.

  79. catta says

    Awww. joetheplumber.com is already taken. So disappointing. Although that site will see huge waves of traffic in the next few days, I suspect.

  80. TBRP says

    Posted by: Joe the Plumber
    What the hell man? I just said I wanted to go into business for myself. My boss is a dick.

    JOE!! How did you come to have so much influence over both campaigns?!

  81. Canuck says

    I’m watching this now on NYT site and McCain is a fucking asshole. Lying, manipulating asshole. Who can believe him? The same ones who believed Bush, I guess.

  82. Joe the Plumber says

    Why couldn’t I have been aborted? My phone’s ringing off the hook, and people are out on my front lawn with torches and pitchforks now.

  83. Trillian says

    McCain” “We need to change the culture of America”

    Translation: We need to make everyone believe what I believe.

  84. catta says

    Why couldn’t I have been aborted? My phone’s ringing off the hook, and people are out on my front lawn with torches and pitchforks now.

    Say it ain’t so, Joe… *wink*

  85. Joe the Plumber says

    TBRP | October 15, 2008 10:13 PM

    JOE!! How did you come to have so much influence over both campaigns?!

    I sat down and had a beer with them. Trust me. You don’t want a president who can drink a beer with you. Did anyone ever have a good idea after a few beers?

  86. Juustin says

    Did I hear wrong earlier, or did McCain say a) we need to secure our economy by developing energy independence and then say b) we should eliminate tariffs on imported sugar based ethanol?

  87. Azkyroth says

    I’m not sure which song McCain is using for his campaign’s theme, but I’ve found the perfect one.

    “I never wanted to know
    Never wanted to see
    I wasted my time till time wasted me
    Never wanted to go
    Always wanted to stay
    Cause the person I am are the parts that I play
    So I play and I plan
    And hope and I scheme
    To the lure of a night
    Filled with unfinished dreams
    And I’m holding on tight
    To a world gone astray
    As they charge me for years
    I can no longer pay”

  88. says

    if those air-quotes around “health of the mother” aren’t continuously looping on YouTube within the half-hour, then I’m going to be very disappointed in this country.

    and a science education question! I think I just came…

  89. hje says

    What’s up with McCain’s weird use of “air quotes?” Man, that’s just creepy. His claw-like attempts at these gestures come across as “I’ll get you and your little dog too!”

  90. James says

    Ohhh I can’t wait to see this on SNL. That deer in headlights look is SO going to be there.

    Of the 4 debates, this one has been the best in actually getting them talking and addressing issues. McCain has hit the anti-eloquence at least twice. We’ve already had 8 years of that – I don’t think that’s going to help him.


  91. Adrian says

    My friends, I know how to fix schools, of course I’ll fix schools, of course it’s important BUT senator Obama wants to raise taxes!

  92. says

    ARGH! That smirk! It makes me tense with anger! Also: is McCain wearing some kind of back brace that prevents him from moving his arms? He’s some kind of antiquated robot, isn’t he? I’m totally sure of it.

  93. Litch says

    Education problems? Stop spending money on those newfangled overhead projectors and mimeograph machines.

  94. Sir Craig says

    Sweet Jebus – I’ve lost count of every right-wing paranoid delusion / conspiracy theory McCain has brought up. He finally dragged out that old chestnut about Obama voting against saving the life of fetuses born viable, or whatever the hell that was about, and I knew this was the time Obama was going to finally put that whole nonsense to rest.

    If I didn’t know better, I would swear McCain was bringing up all these points just so Obama could shoot them down.

  95. natural cynic says

    “Is McCain on medication?” – Chayanov, #33

    He probably borrowed some drugs from his wife’s stash which she stole from her “charitable” foundation.

    Nope. Why you think that he has someone from the meth capital of Alaska on the ticket.

  96. DagoRed says

    I LOVE to hearing McCain say he is pro-life, to complain about “health of the mother can mean anything”, and “We need to change the culture of America” — the more he tows that line, the more everyone sees he is an authentic right-wingnut! Remember the days when people mistakenly thought he was not so conservative? It’s nice to see him disavow everyone so succinctly this close to the election.

  97. spgreenlaw says

    McCain cares more about the rights of unborn nonpersons than he does the health and rights of the mother. He makes me fucking sick.

  98. says

    @111 I voted for McCain a couple of times, before he did a 180. He came across as a guy that you’d like to have a beer with. A jar? Please guy, Europe wants the Bush thing out, and you’re saying you want it in?

  99. says

    I wa sout to class. But seriously if I see Mccain smirk again , I am going to throw up. And the red wine aint helping keep away the creepy feeling.
    My mum, who is visiting, wonders “Is McCain, serious about this, he does not seem so”. And that is why one must support Obama.

  100. says

    McCain looks like he’s thinking about IHOP.

    Really. Obama is impressing the hell out of me with how detailed he’s being while McCain produces nothing but vapid sound bytes.

    Just listening to the two is remarkable.

  101. Ragutis says

    From the battlefield to the classroom… GREAT idea, John. Whoever said we need a *rolleyes* smiley the other day, I agree.

    What about being a grunt qualifies someone to teach?

  102. Sven says

    “Troops to teachers”?? And he wants to remove those troublesome tests to make sure the soldiers are suited to teaching?
    I don’t think that being in the military is automatic qualification for teaching students about anything other than being in the military.

  103. Litch says

    If these guys think that science and math education is so important, why did neither want to participate in Science Debate 2008?

  104. says

    What does any of this have to do with autism? Is he saying our voucher-free education system is causing autism?!?

    Sweet jebus, McCain. You’re just fucking pathetic now.

  105. Cut and Paste says

    I think the weird arm movements are due to the injuries he received when his plane was shot down near Hanoi.

    I believe both arms were broken and they weren’t properly reset.

  106. ggab says

    Did mcCain just say he wants to have town hall meetings where parents bring autistic children?
    What the hell is he talking about?
    He is losing his mind on national television.

  107. Kirk says

    OK kiddies, today were going to learn how to field strip an M16. And then were going to throw some grenades. What a fucking dumb ass. McCain looks drunk, he sure acts that way.

  108. llewelly says

    Dude. McCain wants to create nuclear pants (yes, pants).
    Not cool.

    That sucks radioactive rocks.

  109. Gunnery Sgt. Hartman says


    From the battlefield to the classroom… GREAT idea, John. Whoever said we need a *rolleyes* smiley the other day, I agree.
    What about being a grunt qualifies someone to teach?

    I’m Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and the last word out of your filthy sewers will be “Sir.” Do you maggots understand that?

  110. Arthur says

    Gunnery Sgt.: Try not to stereotype people who serve in the military. Don’t believe everything you see on TV.

  111. Pygmy Loris says

    As someone with a family member who has Downs, it is nothing like autism. They’re completely different problems with different treatments/educational approaches….why can’t McCain understand this?

  112. says

    Another 9/11 commission?

    Stop spending? Based on what he’s been saying?

    Bill the Cat would say PBTTHHHH.

    Drink one last time.


    Bill the plumber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  113. says

    No knockouts – no temper tantrums.

    McSwine had a well-rehearsed exit speech with little semantic content.

    Obama tied McSwine to the Rethuglican’s last eight years.

    Obama wins.

  114. justin says

    That “Good Job, Good Job, Good Job” McPain Just gave Obama just looked so strained. He is such a fucking douchebag.

  115. Woody says

    Well, if I was an American I would say that Obama’s final statement just clinched my vote. I mean, he would have had it already but he really seemed sincere. Really.

  116. s.v. says

    McCain’s condescending comment about women’s health pissed me off. The guy has zero compassion.

  117. Sir Craig says

    As someone who is not only in the military but was watching this debate with his fellow airmen, we had to laugh at the “troops to teachers” suggestion. Sorry to tell you, Arthur (#225), but there are some real dumbasses in the military, officer and enlisted alike, and I would INSIST on some kind of teaching qualification test should such a program go forward.

  118. says

    @210: thanks for the info. I’m glad I didn’t stick my foot further down my mouth in retrospect. The “GOOD JOB GOOD JOB GOOD JOB” during the final handshake seemed a little programmed (re: coached), though, IMO. ;)

  119. Jeremy says

    Even if he did get the mental deficiency correct, how does having a 6-month old with Down’s make her an expert?

  120. Litch says

    Is it me or are the McCains a scary looking couple? Get off my lawn or I’ll send my wife out.

  121. Canuck says

    Did McCain just say that Sarah Palin knows more about Autism, but her kid has Downs, are the two the same???

    Uh, no. I’ve got an Asperger’s child, which is on the Autistic spectrum. Nothing to do with Downs. Downs is a chromosomal abnormality, and Autism is not so clear cut genetically. Autistic kids have what are considered normal genotype. not so Downs. I’ve got two good friends with Downs kids. They are about as similar to Autistic kids as flat feet to a hair lip. Nothing at all the same.

    Neither situation is easy to deal with as a parent, but some Autistic kid, and in particular Asperger’s kids like mine, can lead more normal adult lives – they have often got very enhanced skills that win them good jobs in fields like computer programming, but I know of no Downs kids who function alone in society. The children are very different, and how they function is different. This is from the trenches.

  122. says

    “You changed man, you used to be cool”

    “Im still cool. I’m a maverick, like Tom Cruise”

    “Tom Cruise is nuts”

    “I can get jiggy with things”

    “Sure you can”

    “I’m still cool”

    “No, you’ve changed man”

  123. Martin says

    I think that “good job, good job, good job!” from McCain might just have been him in shock.

  124. says

    I’m going to replay the bit about autism for my mom and watch her explode. She’s a special ed teacher of autistic students AND has a foster sister with Down Syndrome.

  125. says

    A few thoughts on the fifteen minutes or so I heard:

    -To those people who weren’t actually paying attention to what was said, McCain might win on style. His presentation, though cliched and pretty much unrelentingly lacking in anything we can’t find in a gazillion conservative blogs and/or drunk guys on a bar stool, is pretty slick. Obama is working on the fly and it shows — he sounds like a college professor.
    -Despite that, in the part of the debate I listened to, at least twice McCain said something so obviously contradictory and/or illogical that it made my brain jump the track.
    -Despite being rather dry, Obama came off as someone who’s very quick on the draw with counterclaims, as well as just adapting to new lines of conversation well overall.

    I’d give it to Obama on substance, but it seems to have been pretty meh.

  126. Arthur says

    Sir Craig #237:

    I absolutely agree with you that military people going into a teaching career shouldn’t get a pass on the qualifications. And there are absolutely some dumbasses in the military. I guess my perspective is a little skewed because I served in the Navy in the Nuclear program, which kind of draws the more intelligent sort. I’m definitely considering the Troops to Teachers program, and I hope I’m not a dumbass.

  127. ggab says

    McCain was too angry too often, and Obama wasn’t as smooth as usual.
    I thought that as far as substance goes, this was the best debate.
    This was far and away, McCains best debate, but if we grade on substance, it was another win for Obama.
    We’ll see what America thinks.

  128. Dahan says

    I’m glad I didn’t make “joe” my drinking word for the night or I wouldn’t be able to get up and make it to class tomorrow. My students would probably be thrilled though.

  129. RamblinDude says

    My final opinion: McCain didn’t blow up as I hoped, making it a somewhat boring debate. Instead, McCain spent the whole hour and a half being creepy

    LOL! That’s exactly what I thought. He seems to be going out of his way to appear almost as an old guy with Alzheimer’s. I’m serious. The creepy forced glint of anger in his eyes, the tension in his mouth, his gestures, his befuddled old man walk at the end of the debate. The guy makes me feel uptight. I am so goddamn tired of that

    I don’t want any more emotionalism and gut feelings and acting; I want a smart person with the intellect to dissect a problem and deal with it.

  130. ggab says

    CNN independant panel says another obama win.
    Out of about 30 or so 3 people decided tonight that they were voting Obama. No on said they were willing to vote McCain.
    About 10 of them thought McCain won the debate to 15 for Obama.

  131. GMA says

    McPain summed it up best. “This country needs a new direction”.

    THat is why we need President Barack Obama.

  132. truth machine, OM says

    Soledad O’Brien is a moron.

    You must feel good about keenly zeroing in on the most relevant and important issue.

  133. foxfire says

    I think McCain did well for about the first 30 minutes and he lost my vote even further during the rest of the debate (the rolling-wild eyes didn’t help).

    I’m rather sad because I have liked John McCain for quite a while and I saw a duplicitous that had me yelling at the TV.

    Time to move on. Obama because the past is history.

    Final note: I cannot believe how (as s.v. pointed out in #236) lacking in compassion McCain appears to be. Perhaps people need to *reconsider* war as the first alternative, breeding like rats a good idea, and replacing reason and logic with superstition as the best move in a survival situation.

  134. says

    Replace “Obama” with “Intelligent Design” and “McCain” with “evolution” in this thread and you’d have a creationist thread over at Uncommon Descent.

  135. truth machine, OM says

    Hillary gives a classy substantive answer to Wolf Blitzer’s inane, shallow question about her feelings about not being the one up there in the debate.

    CNN instant poll shows McCain losing badly … again. And they’re saying that the other network polls show the same thing.

  136. Joshu says

    While I still applaud Obama for his ability to stick to the facts and not stooping to the “He’s a terrorist sympathizer!” tactics of the McCain/Palin ticket, I wish he had been a bit more aggressive tonight in a few instances.

    For example, when both candidates were asked what they thought of their opponents’ running mates, why didn’t he mention that Sarah Palin was just found guilty of unethical behavior as Governor of Alaska? Despite all her reality-ignoring protestations, the findings of the investigation said that she had engaged in unethical behavior; the only caveat was that it wasn’t a criminal offense. Still unethical as all hell, just not legally reprehensible.

    In my opinion, Obama could have used this to his advantage in presenting Palin for the poor VP candidate she clearly is- and that’s not even considering her lack of intelligence or her religious views. McCain didn’t hesitate to use lies and distortion in an attempt to paint Joe Biden as an unreliable candidate; Obama had a great opportunity to use facts to do the same, which would have helped knock yet another hole in this ridiculous image of Sarah Palin as the “folksy, trustworthy new redeemer of the Republican Party”.

  137. Paula Helm Murray says

    I didn’t watch because McCain causes a 50+ point rise in my blood pressure when I start hearing him blither. And he and his wife give me the creeps. She’s been tightened at least one too many times.

    His ads here in Missouri are offensive to the nth degree and I just change the channel. I have only seen two Obama ads, and they were both positive, issues-oriented and to the point, no nastiness, no lies, just straight issues-oriented advertisements.

  138. James F says

    Arthur and Sir Craig (and any other veterans or active military personnel): thank you for your service.

  139. truth machine, OM says

    Replace “Obama” with “Intelligent Design” and “McCain” with “evolution” in this thread and you’d have a creationist thread over at Uncommon Descent.

    Afraid not, troll. But congratulations on emulating John McCain’s strategy for success.

  140. J Myers says

    You must feel good about keenly zeroing in on the most relevant and important issue.

    Well, I don’t consider my observation quite that significant; I was merely venting about the miserable job she was doing leading the post-debate undecided voter panel discussion. “Who thought Mccain won? Am I correct to assume that the rest of you think Obama won?” No. That’s a really stupid question.

  141. truth machine, OM says

    the miserable job she was doing

    I guess you missed the other two debates, as well as all her other performances.

  142. truth machine, OM says

    why didn’t he mention that Sarah Palin was just found guilty of unethical behavior as Governor of Alaska?

    Because it doesn’t matter to peoples’ daily lives.

  143. three for three says


    As in the previous debates, CBS News and Knowledge Networks have conducted a nationally representative poll of uncommitted voters to get their immediate reaction to tonight’s presidential debate.

    In the first presidential debate, second presidential debate and vice presidential debate, more uncommitted voters said the Democratic candidate was the victor.

    And it looks like tonight’s results will, by a wide margin, make it a clean sweep. These numbers are preliminary, and will change slightly as more respondents are added, but here’s where things stand with most of the results in:

    Fifty-three percent of the uncommitted voters surveyed identified Democratic nominee Barack Obama as the winner of tonight’s debate. Twenty-two percent said Republican rival John McCain won. Twenty-four percent saw the debate as a draw.

    More uncommitted voters trusted Obama than McCain to make the right decisions about health care. Before the debate, sixty-one percent of uncommitted voters said that they trust Obama on that; after, sixty-nine percent said that. For McCain, twenty-seven percent trusted him to manage health care before the debate; thirty percent said so afterwards.

    Before the debate, fifty-four percent thought Obama shared their values. That percentage rose to sixty-three percent after the debate. For McCain, fifty-three percent thought he shared their values before the debate, and fifty-six percent thought so afterwards.

  144. E.V. says

    Obama had a great opportunity to use facts to do the same, which would have helped knock yet another hole in this ridiculous image of Sarah Palin as the “folksy, trustworthy new redeemer of the Republican Party”.

    That would have been a major tactical mistake to attack Palin further. Facts are irrelevant to Palin’s particular brand of mouthbreathers. The pitchfork/torch-bearing mob just needs the feeblest (un)righteous excuse to get medieval on Obama’s ass. Palin will self implode because of her own vacuousness, while Obama takes the high road.

  145. DagoRed says

    …The claim that Obama has been negatively campaigning coming out of 100%-negative-McCain was a low point for him. I don’t trust him a bit.

    My favorite part was after Obama accuses McCain of avoiding the issues by negative campaigning, to wit McCain replied that Obama is negative campaigning too — and as an example of Obama’s “negative” campaign, McCain sites Obama’s attack on the McCain Health Care plan. If double-talk were a virtue, McCain could be saint.

  146. truth machine, OM says

    That would have been a major tactical mistake to attack Palin further.

    It’s Obama campaign strategy that he not discuss Palin at all — except to say her children are off limits.

  147. Breakfast says

    I think Obama might catch some flak for spending most of the time McCain was talking looking down and chuckling. I mean, much of the time I couldn’t imagine doing much else myself, but it might have looked too ‘superior’.

  148. Eric Atkinson says

    CNN instant poll shows McCain losing badly … again. And they’re saying that the other network polls show the same thing.

    If Obama had said nothing and had drool running out of his mouth, the MSM would still have picked him as the winner.

    But he did well.

  149. Ken from Oregon says

    This debate is not going to change anyone’s mind. It’s still going to depend on how many undecideds cannot bring themselves to vote for a black guy once they are in the voting booth. Polls be damned.

  150. jomega says

    I come from a long line of Cranky Old Men. Long decades from now, I fully intend to become a Cranky Old Man and have striven to emulate their ways. But we do not need a Cranky Old Man running this country. My friends, John Mc Cain is one goddamn Cranky Old Man.

  151. E.V. says

    That would have been a major tactical mistake to attack Palin further.

    You’re right specifically TM. I was actually talking about the Obama/Biden political machine as a whole in disseminating Palin’s foibles, which as you point out, Obama has not been a party to, publicly.

  152. truth machine, OM says

    David Gergen, asked what McCain should do now, comes up empty … then says McCain should try to salvage downticket races and his honor. I’d say it’s too late for those either.

  153. truth machine, OM says

    If Obama had said nothing and had drool running out of his mouth, the MSM would still have picked him as the winner.

    You do have drool running out of your mouth, moron.

  154. Nibien says

    You do have drool running out of your mouth, moron.

    Ssshhh. You’re going to break his bubble of self-delusion.

  155. truth machine, OM says

    I forgot about Acorn.

    No, you didn’t, you lying asshole. But your dishonesty and the dishonesty of your rethuglican party will no longer win anything.

  156. wildlifer says

    You have a point Eric?

    The first one’s funny. The second one only impacts the number of registered voters, but not the election results.

  157. says

    truth machine, OM | October 15, 2008 11:30 PM

    David Gergen, asked what McCain should do now, comes up empty … then says McCain should try to salvage downticket races and his honor. I’d say it’s too late for those either.

    Considering Gergen said it, that’s got to be pretty hard for McCain to hear. That’s a big time ouch.

  158. Demos says

    Hey, say it ain’t so, Joe. I was watching and refreshing repeatedly on the Fox poll page, and guess what? The total number of votes wasn’t rising steadily as one would expect; it was going up, and then dropping back down, over and over. And at the same time, Obama’s lead was slowly eroding. You don’t think the fine folks at fox are trying to steal an election, do you? Come on, now. Republicans steal an election? They’re the Law And Order people, aren’t they? Mom and Apple Pie people, aren’t they?

    I’ve been in a coma for 10 years. Have I missed something, here?

  159. Patricia says

    I’ve been one of Naders Raiders for years. I’ve voted for him every time he’s run – except when I voted for Carter.

    The sad thing is folks, I’ve never voted for a winner. My vote is the death knell to any candidate.

    But I have to say, I support Obamas abortion stance, and his support of science and education. Of course as an almost senior citizen I support his health care plan.

    I couldn’t tell if McCain was eye blinking ‘fuck you’ in Morris Code.

  160. MisterGadget says

    I was going to vote 3rd party (as Obama will certainly win NY) but McCain has me convinced.

    To vote for Obama.

    McCain’s strawman arguments and factual errors made my choice. He’s clueless.

  161. truth machine, OM says

    No wait! I forgot about Acorn.

    Because you’re too stupid to read your own citations, I’ll read it out for you:

    Jackson said that ACORN itself had identified most of the fraudulent or duplicative registration forms this campaign year, and not state officials.

    The fact is that ACORN is required by law to hand in all registration forms, regardless of their validity. ACORN has done so, and has also alerted election officials about those which are bogus — alerts which election officials have repeatedly ignored.

  162. J Myers says

    I guess you missed the other two debates, as well as all her other performances.

    I did indeed miss the first debate. I saw the second debate, and I watched her subsequent debate wrap-up, which was, as recollection serves, better than tonight’s (it was the panel that had me exasperated in that instance), though not remarkable. I thought my comment in this fast-flowing thread would be understood to reflect my opinion of what I was witnessing at the moment, and would not be interpreted as my general assessment of her ability. For those interested in the latter, I’m sure she performs, on balance, much better than I would had I her job, but tonight’s post-debate segment was rather painful.

    She’s on again now; let’s see how it goes.

  163. says

    Dirty old men are more fun than cranky ones anyway (thinking of George Burns smoking cigars and cracking jokes at 100).

  164. Patricia says

    Of course we haven’t heard the real scoop on the debate poop until we hear from Scott from Oregon.

  165. truth machine, OM says

    would not be interpreted as my general assessment of her ability

    Um, you said she’s a moron, not that she was flubbing. Own your own opinions, don’t lie about them after the fact in a lame attempt to defend yourself.

  166. J. D. Mack says

    Ah, the Washington Times. It’s good to know that there’s one newspaper that is proud to be unfair and unbalanced:


    “McCain Unrelenting in Final Debate”

    1st paragraph:
    “Sen. John McCain defiantly declared his independence from President Bush in the final debate of the presidential campaign Wednesday as he fired off attack after attack on Democratic opponent Sen. Barack Obama’s qualifications, his associations and his economic policies that he denounced as class warfare. ”

    The rest of the article is a hoot as well!

    J. D.

  167. truth machine, OM says

    Considering Gergen said it, that’s got to be pretty hard for McCain to hear.

    Actually, Gergen has been consistently critical of McCain and his sleazy campaign, but his comment tonight had finality, much like Tim Russert’s comment about Clinton.

  168. truth machine, OM says

    Voter registration fraud does not equal voter fraud you dumb fucking fool.

    It’s irrelevant in any case, as it has nothing to do with Obama, the Democratic Party, or even the ACORN organization — much as the rethuglicans try to make it such.

  169. CalGeorge says

    People who are horrified by Bill Ayers should be 100 times more horrified by George W. Bush.

    Obama associated with Ayers?

    Well, McCain associates with a war criminal, torture proponent, and mass murderer.

    Bill Ayers:

    The real problem with most of the discussion about violence is that the powerful, the rulers, have what appears to be a monopoly on violence and they use it not just occasionally, but daily, constantly.

  170. says

    truth machine, OM | October 15, 2008 11:50 PM [kill]​[hide comment]

    Voter registration fraud does not equal voter fraud you dumb fucking fool.

    It’s irrelevant in any case, as it has nothing to do with Obama, the Democratic Party, or even the ACORN organization — much as the rethuglicans try to make it such.

    Wasn’t talking to you, TM. Sorry if that came across as such. But, yes. You are right.

    It is irrelevant, but the Conservatives’ approach to this is beyond freakin’ tedious and annoying. I spent a couple of hours earlier tonight explaining to my neo-con brother how this ACORN nonsense is nothing more than a pathetically manufactured ignorant outrage, and the poor dupes who think it has any bearing whatsoever on this election are just that: dumb fucking dupes.

  171. justin says

    J. D. Mack, I think you are on the wrong website. Washington Times is owned by the Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon.

  172. Rey Fox says

    So let’s drink! Drink!
    This town is so great!
    Drink! Drink!
    It’s never too late
    To drink! Drink!
    To no big surprise
    But what words rhyme
    With “buried alive”?

  173. DagoRed says

    Jerimiah Wright — at least Obama knew him
    Bill Ayers — shared a couple of political arena’s with him?
    Acorn — WTF? Just because Acorn is Liberal?

    The decaying process of Repiglican “smear by association” campaign is beginning to look a bit like Six-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon!

  174. says

    Voter fraud is a perpless crime, alleged only by those engaged in electoral fraud. Mickey Mouse has been registered to vote many times, but has never shown up to vote in any precinct, despite all the calculated hissy fits and vapors staged by the GOP. How many factions will the GOP split into after Nov. 4?

  175. Son of a Nonymous says

    Patricia, don’t mention him! He’s like Candlejack! Say his name, and he’ll appea

  176. says

    The Intrade difference has narrowed a little bit, with Obama now up 3.3 and McCain down 4.4. Most interesting is that the bid/ask spreads are very narrow, just one tick, indicating that the gains and losses are on high volume. And that means it’s a more reliable estimator of the political betting crowd’s assessment of the outcome.

  177. Rainah says

    I was so furious about McCain’s abortion stance. This day and age having to deal with a debate over whether or not the government would allow me to protect my health because of a religiously-based idea about when “life” begins is just unreal.

  178. John C. Randolph says

    McCain is a sacrificial candidate.

    Romney and the Huckster dropped out because they want to be president someday, and they knew that whoever got the Republican nomination this time was going to end up next to Walter Mondale on a milk carton. All they were after in the primary season was name recognition for the next round in 2012.


  179. Patricia says

    #312- Son – You are probably right!
    I can be out kicking the hell out of my old Harley and Scot will probably try to sneak through.
    He so totally sucks at explaining the whole deal to my pullets.

  180. says

    Romney and the Huckster dropped out because they want to be president someday, and they knew that whoever got the Republican nomination this time was going to end up next to Walter Mondale on a milk carton.

    Here I was thinking they both dropped out because they simply didn’t get enough support in the primaries. Didn’t Huckabee only leave when it became a mathematical certainty for McCain?

  181. AlanWCan says

    Knurl | October 15, 2008 9:16 PM
    Jesus Christ am I glad I’m not a plumber!

    What pissed me off is that the plumber dude is making $250k a year. Last science job I had was $40k/year…and people like to talk about the big bucks scientists are getting.

  182. says

    What pissed me off is that the plumber dude is making $250k a year. Last science job I had was $40k/year…

    When your next peer-reviewed paper explains how to squeeze money out of a turd, riches can be yours, as well.

  183. Your Mighty Overload says

    I think next time, the Rethuglicans should run “Plumber – Six-pack 2012”, since that seems to be where they get all their economic ideas from.

  184. Michael from Idaho says

    I realize this is somewhat off-topic (not about the debate) but I believe it is still relevant.

    Hayden Panettiere talks about getting fucked by John McCain… (serious!)

  185. truth machine, OM says

    Wasn’t talking to you, TM. Sorry if that came across as such.

    I knew that. No, it didn’t.

    It is irrelevant, but the Conservatives’ approach to this is beyond freakin’ tedious and annoying. I spent a couple of hours earlier tonight explaining to my neo-con brother how this ACORN nonsense is nothing more than a pathetically manufactured ignorant outrage, and the poor dupes who think it has any bearing whatsoever on this election are just that: dumb fucking dupes.


  186. truth machine, OM says

    Here I was thinking they both dropped out because they simply didn’t get enough support in the primaries. Didn’t Huckabee only leave when it became a mathematical certainty for McCain?

    Kel, it’s best to ignore the jcr loon.

  187. truth machine, OM says

    I was so furious about McCain’s abortion stance. This day and age having to deal with a debate over whether or not the government would allow me to protect my health because of a religiously-based idea about when “life” begins is just unreal.

    You must be an extremist to care about your health or the health of anyone bearing a precious little clump of cells.

  188. Scott from Oregon says

    “Of course we haven’t heard the real scoop on the debate poop until we hear from Scott from Oregon.”

    Just a couple of things–

    Neither candidate even mentioned the complicit nature of the Federal Reserve with our current economic maladies. McCain wants to take taxes from Americans and give them to homeowners to cover their housing losses, but in no way wants to “spread the wealth around”… He wants to cut 20 billion in astronomy projectors and museums for Woodstock boomers, and then spend three hundred million making sure banks don’t have losses for making bad bets and lots of money on mortgage loans…

    Obama likes to brag about being in the pocket of Warren Buffet and an old federal reserve guy, so he’ll never point the finger in their direction, nor have an open inquiry into the Federal Reserve itself, with hearings on how the unelected body steered the economic ship right into the shoals, (and the bailout of its members by taxpayers)… Buffet is poised to make a good godly sum on all of this bailing out of main street, and his puppet Obama will in no way step on the toes of the big boys while he “looks out for the little guy”…

    Neither candidate even mentioned the HUGE sums of money America spends just cruising ships around and maintaining bases in order to maintain its superior … uh… broke ass standing in the world. 20% folks. Of everything they force you to pay with the threat of jailtime… That’s AFTER they pay the interests on the 10 trillion they’ve borrowed.

    No mention of FISA. No mention of the Patriot Act. Homeland Security is a foregone conclusion. Neither candidate bothered to mention the Constitution in any meaningful way, nor mentioned that the Bill of Rights was a shredded bit of antiquated idealism not necessary for the people of America…

    Bend over folks. Let the corn cob find the corn hole and blame it all on yourselves.

    It’s gonna get rough in there…

  189. Ichthyic says

    Just a couple of things–

    leave to Scott not to get the satire in the request for his exposition.

    Let the corn cob find the corn hole and blame it all on yourselves.

    Well, I guess with all your experience shoving your head so far up your own ass, you can finally claim to have relevant experience to support something you are ranting about.

    It’s gonna get rough in there…

    I’d recommend a colonoscopy; you’re likely seeing polyps, Scott.

  190. Tarsis L. says

    Neither outlined a plan which would positively affect the average single male in a meaningful manner. Neither appeared to offer, for example, a way to get more men inserting their penises into appropriately available vaginas.

    As far as I can tell, there is no essential difference between the two candidates. In either case, men will continue to have difficultly finding a sufficient amount of willing vaginas into which their penises may be buried.

    One wonders why such an important issue continues to be ignored by the mainstream media. Clearly there is an anti-men bias present in the media.

  191. Aquaria says

    I still can’t believe that it’s taken this long for anyone to see through the John McCain myth.

    McCain has always been George W. Bush, Navy style, a son of privilege who was a fuckup but thought he was entitled to the same privileges his forebears had earned.

    McCain has always been a crank.

    McCain has always been selfish, arrogant and mean-spirited.

    McCain has always been a conservative so conservative that he made Reagan and Bush I look liberal. Did anyone before this election really look at this guy’s voting record? You name the archconservative position on any issue, he voted that way. I just loved when people were so surprised that he voted for torture, like he would have any compassion or ethics. He’s a Republican. They don’t do compassion and ethics unless it will embarrass a Democrat. Speaking of…

    McCain has always played dirty, and has always been a partisan hack. Ask Arizona Dems about the time he sabotaged the US Senate testimony of newly-appointed AZ governor Rose Mofford, eight days into her term. He bragged about it to a reporter, and said that he never missed an opportunity to embarrass a Democrat.

    McCain has always cared only about making himself and his other rich Republican friends richer. He doesn’t give a damn about anyone else. He will sell out anybody to protect the rich. See KEATING.

    I never understand why anybody thought this guy was anything but yet another selfish, arrogant Republican.

  192. bastion says

    There were several things that McCain said repeatedly that affected me like nails being scraped across a chalkboard. Here are the one’s that spring immediately to mind:

    1. McCain would misrepresent lie about Obama’s tax, health, and spending plans. Obama would correct him. McCain would then act like he hadn’t heard Obama and kept repeating the mispresentations lies. It’s like he was totally oblivious to Obama’s explanations.

    2. McCain kept referring to those who are pro-choice as “pro-abortion.”

    3. McCain kept touting Palin as an advocate for kids with special needs.

    What the heck did Palin do for kids with special needs before she had one of her own, other than slash funding for programs for kids with disabilities? Oh, I guess kids with disabilities only become truly “special” when you have one of your own.

    And how does Palin’s having an infant with Downs syndrome make her an expert on autism?! Or even Downs syndrome?

    Palin’s just starting on a long journey with her baby. And, as I suspect with so many things, Palin simply doesn’t know how much she doesn’t know about parenting a child with special needs.

    And I would have loved to hear McCain explain how he was going to improve special education and find the cause of autism by hacking funding for relevant programs with his cost-cutting hatchet.

    4. McCain sulked about John Lewis’s comments comparing his and Palin’s rallies to those of George Wallace and complained that Obama hadn’t repudiated Lewis’ comments sufficently, but I must’ve missed McCain’s repudiation of Palin’s distorted claim lie that Obama “pals around with terrorists.”

    And as others have mentioned: McCain’s constant, but totally unjustified smirking was totally creepy.

  193. says

    I enjoyed the debate. Of course, I paired it with a nice (i.e. cheap) Southeastern Australian Shiraz followed up with some Harp, so that may have helped…

    Overall, I saw nothing that blew my mind, but McCain truly came across as a cranky old man. Seriously, I was concerned about one or two of his veins at a couple points. And Obama? Does nothing rattle that man? He took unfair insinuations, straightforward demagoguery, and outright lies with as genuine a smile as I would imagine from a close family member. That’s something I want in a president: calm, clear-headed consideration. Not vein-busting anger.

  194. John C. Randolph says

    Didn’t Huckabee only leave when it became a mathematical certainty for McCain?

    He was just going through the motions by then.


  195. John C. Randolph says

    What pissed me off is that the plumber dude is making $250k a year.

    Why should that bother you? He got his money from people who gave it to him voluntarily in exchange for his services.

    Last science job I had was $40k/year

    If you want to make more money, then figure out what you can do that pays better. Nobody owes you a job at whatever salary you think you’re worth.


  196. John C. Randolph says

    the jcr loon.

    Well TM, I see you’ve mellowed a bit while you were away. Perhaps someday, you might even learn the rudiments of polite conversation.


  197. John C. Randolph says

    He will sell out anybody to protect the rich. See KEATING.

    BTW, did you hear that Obama voted to rob the taxpayers of something over 800 billion dollars to give it to a bunch of incompetent speculators, including several organizations who have given him large campaign contributions?

    See BAILOUT.

    McCain and Obama are both bought and paid for. Quit fooling yourself.


  198. clinteas says


    //did you hear that Obama voted to rob the taxpayers of something over 800 billion dollars to give it to a bunch of incompetent speculators//

    links,data to back your claim up? You know,this sciencey stuff……

    //McCain and Obama are both bought and paid for//

    They are american politicians.
    I’ll take Obama over the senile fool with PTSD anytime.

  199. clinteas says


    sorry should have realized you were referring to the bailout,fair enough.
    I guess only time will tell if your judgement of it is correct.

    //Just don’t get your hopes up for any substantial improvements in either economic or foreign policy on his watch.//

    I disagree.I saw Obama’s speech in Germany in front of 200.000 people,and if you are not totally blind and deaf you would know that the whole world is “praying”for Obama to win this election.
    The U.S.might have been rendered third rate in science and economy and education,but they still have the biggest military,and therefore retain enough relevance on the world stage for this to matter to people overseas.

  200. says

    John C. Randolph wrote:

    … he’s going to win. Just don’t get your hopes up for any substantial improvements in either economic or foreign policy on his watch.

    I’m not. He’s inherited quite a mess and he’s a little too calm about it. If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos…then you probably haven’t completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

  201. rightsaid says

    I’m not. He’s inherited quite a mess and he’s a little too calm about it. If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos…then you probably haven’t completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

    I don’t buy this assertion for a second. Coolness and thoughtfulness during crisis isn’t cause for concern here. Obama seems to have a real pragmatic side and I think he has a good chance of moving the country in the right direction on many fronts.

    The largest impediment will be partisanship. I hate this two party system and how entrenched each side is. I want serious discussion on how to best deal with the large issues of our day, and the campaign just doesn’t provide an opportunity for that. I’m hoping the Obama administration is going to bring the best and brightest (unlike that of Bush) to Washington to work for and lead this country out of the messes it’s in.

  202. raven says

    And I would have loved to hear McCain explain how he was going to improve special education and find the cause of autism by hacking funding for relevant programs with his cost-cutting hatchet.

    WTF??? We already know the causes of autism!!! McCain is just a very old man stringing words together without knowing or caring what they mean.

    Autism is like SZ, a disease with a strong genetic disposition with a hundred or so genes involved. This is a finding thanks to federal funding and the efforts of many pointy headed intellectuals who gasp! horrors! know the earth is round and 4.5 billion years old.

    The guy is clearly too old and confused to be president. That his support is still running around 40% just shows that this many people have a death wish and brains the size of walnuts. But we already knew that.

  203. negentropyeater says

    If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos…then you probably haven’t completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

    It’s all a question of TIMING ! Obama has shown consistently, from the very begining of his campaign, that he can tune his emotional tonality to the moment.
    Today he needs to convince undecided voters, so he has to appear above all resolute, calm, and statesmanlike, convince them that he can be president. That’s his main goal, that’s what he achieved in this debate. If he had done anything else, it would have been stupid.

    So, I don’t think you can judge his understanding of the situation from his emotional response in this debate, at least he didn’t say, like McCain one month ago, that the fundamentals of the economy were sound.

    So sure, there’s always a risk that he might misjudge the seriousness of the situation, but I’m quite sure that the risk is much higher with McCain. Because he just doesn’t get it. He thinks this is just one of those little recessions and we’re going to get out of it like with the previous ones, cut taxes, cut spending etc… But Obama knows that in these times, he’s going to have no choice than to spend like mad, huge public infrastructure, science and thechnology projects, that’s the only way to relaunch the economy.

  204. clinteas says

    But,but…..itz dah vaccines !!!

    //WTF??? We already know the causes of autism!!!//

    I would be a bit careful with a statement like that,we might have an idea,we might be starting to understand some of the causative changes and genetic mechanisms involved,but I dont think that anyone actually really knows what causes autism yet.

  205. Aquaria says

    The thing is, jcr, that that is only one of the examples about McCain that could be cited that he cares about the rich a lot more than he does the poor.

    Let’s take a look, shall we?

    Voted for HR 8 to phase out the estate tax over a ten year period.

    Voted for HR 4297, to retain reduced capital gains taxes.

    Voted against (S 256 amendment), raising the minimum wage to $7.25 within 2 years. Did vote for the amendment raising it, after 18 months, to $6.25. What a guy.

    Voted against S Amdt 3071 to S Con Res 83 to increase funding for Title I grants and reduce debt by closing corporate tax loopholes.

    Voted against HR 3108, which would have provided more funding for Pell grants.

    Voted against HR 976, reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, providing health care to needy children.

    Voted against S Amdt 2213 to HR 3010 to increase the maximum Federal Pell Grant award by $200 to $4,250.

    And that’s just a few examples of his votes that make it clear whose side he’s on.

  206. varlo says

    Some moments are golden. For months I have been working on the resident female to wean her to Obama’s side. This morniong she brought up the “overhead projector” and asked what that was about. When I told hber, she remembered having been IN that planetarium as a child. Sealed: One more Obama vote in Florida. (Pats self on back.)

  207. MH says

    Funniest thing in the whole thread:

    “I couldn’t tell if McCain was eye blinking ‘fuck you’ in Morris Code.”

    Thanks, Patricia #294


  208. Feynmaniac says

    Didn’t Huckabee only leave when it became a mathematical certainty for McCain?

    Actually when told that it was mathematically impossible for him to win he said:

    I didn’t major in math, I majored in miracles, and I still believe in them.

    A month later he dropped out. Maybe he is still hoping that in the next 3 weeks McCain dies, Palin is shot by Cheney while moose hunting, the GOP then asks him to fill in and he somehow defeats Obama.

  209. Wowbagger says

    Palin is shot by Cheney while moose hunting

    My money’d be on Palin blowing Cheney away. She’s got the cold, dead eyes of a killer.

  210. negentropyeater says


    BTW, did you hear that Obama voted to rob the taxpayers of something over 800 billion dollars to give it to a bunch of incompetent speculators, including several organizations who have given him large campaign contributions?

    See BAILOUT.

    Well, the only way to do it in a clean way would have been to wipe out entrely the shareholders of these failed institutions (they were afterall bankrupt, all of them), and the govt should have nationalized all of them, 100% and gotten the entire equity for the same amount.
    But that would have been “socialism”. I doubt Obama would have had any problem with it, but the republicans, Paulson, Bush ? No way. This stupid compromise is the result of America’s nonsensical dogmatic rejection of the concept of mixed economy.
    Not Obama’s fault.

  211. Julie Stahlhut says

    McCain” “We need to change the culture of America”

    Oh, I do so agree with him there. But certainly not in the way that McCain means.

  212. Loren Petrich says

    That story wasn’t about some plumber who makes $250K/year; it was about someone who got nicknamed “Joe the Plumber” who wanted to buy some company with an income of $250K/year.

    I’d be surprised if any plumber ever earned $250K/year at the dollar’s current valuation.

    As to John Randolph’s statements about voluntary exchange, I’d like to see him run a store where all payment is on the honor system. If it’s such a great idea, then he’ll put Wal-Mart out of business.

  213. says

    Yeah, Gawd’s eldest, Republican Jesus, made a transcript of the debate over at my place last night. I think he was dead-on.

  214. Scott from Oregon says

    “He thinks this is just one of those little recessions and we’re going to get out of it like with the previous ones, cut taxes, cut spending etc… But Obama knows that in these times, he’s going to have no choice than to spend like mad, huge public infrastructure, science and thechnology projects, that’s the only way to relaunch the economy.”

    I see. Sort of like spending your way into the Weimar Republic…

    Dude. 10.3 trillion in debt. 90 trillion in unfunded liabilities. The only way to spend is to print, and with the rejection of the dollar on the horizon, that would mean an increase in wheelbarrow sales and poor people…

  215. negentropyeater says


    you’re confusing things.

    First, the national debt is gong to go down, because economic activity is going to go down, households, businesses, and especially the shadow banking system (hedge funds, broker-dealers, etc..) is going to take much less credit. That you can be sure of.

    Second, budget deficit. In these times of crisis, as Roosevelt demonstrated, it is the time to invest on large public works projects. It’s the new deal again. That will create jobs and will relaunch the econnomy, otherwise, you’re in deap shit. So if you need to balance the deficit, you’re going to have to raise taxes. Which in practice will mean not raising them for 95% of the households, but raising them on the top 5%, and on large businesses and corporations.
    And let’s not fixing the $ against the Euro and all major currencies, which WILL be necessary. A new Bretton Woods will be necessary in this period.

    I think you don’t seem to realise the level of destruction this credit bubble and this era of irresponsible deregulation has caused on the US and world economy. Oh, but a few did milk the cow very well thank you very much during those bonanza years from 1980 to 2006. They’ve got the money safe. Now is the time the world has to payback, and rebuild.

    That’s with the Friedmanian ideals of Libertarianism, no governement intervention, deregulation, perfect competition, free markets, “economic freedom”. R.I.P

    But the USA has done it before. Same problem, same remedies. Let’s just hope we can avoid facism and civil war.

  216. Ichthyic says

    If you want to make more money, then figure out what you can do that pays better. Nobody owes you a job at whatever salary you think you’re worth.

    more moronic spewings from the unthinking.

    for a guy who is obviously somewhat intelligent, you really seem tremendously hung up on this “free market” bullshit.

    Is it guilt?

    it certainly can’t be based on any rational thought process.

  217. Ichthyic says

    Well TM, I see you’ve mellowed a bit while you were away. Perhaps someday, you might even learn the rudiments of polite conversation.

    how is that relevant to the fact that he’s correct?

    You ARE a loon.

  218. Eric [email protected] says

    No, you didn’t, you lying asshole. But your dishonesty and the dishonesty of your rethuglican party will no longer win anything.

    Fuck you TM. With a AIDS infected monkey dick.

  219. Hap says

    I’m sure TM appreciates the love – considering your party affiliation and previous testimony, that might actually be one of your few honest statements.

    Of course, monkeys don’t get AIDS. Oops. Your statement’s kind of like a local Republican celebrating “liberal fascism” with a Benito Mussolini T-shirt. (I guess he couldn’t find his “Hitler was a liberal” T-shirt in the closet.) You really should try not to parade your stupidity in public so openly.

  220. says

    I noticed a few things last night. I don’t know if it was just because he was sitting so close to Obama and/or the lighting was bad, but McCain looked really pale. Sickly pale. His skin looked as white as his hair. Also, McCain came across as rather uptight and uncomfortable to me. He reminded me of how my son acts when he’s really constipated. And what’s with all the blinking? Both the McCains seem really uptight & stiff, come to think of it.

    Like others, I don’t see why McCain feels justified in running negative personal attack ads just because Obama didn’t agree to a bunch of town hall type debates. That line of reasoning is a non-sequitur.

    Obama did circumvent a few questions. McCain is obviously pissed off that Obama didn’t take the federal election funding. I wish Obama would’ve answered that question. He could’ve said something like “you know what John? I changed my mind. I decided it would be better for me to go this route instead. Deal with it.” There’s nothing wrong with someone changing their strategy if they decide a different strategy will work better. In my book that’s the mark of an intelligent person.

    No one said what Joe the Plumber thought once Obama explained what his policies actually are as opposed to the misrepresentations Joe was told by the McCain camp.

  221. says

    Norman said: “If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos…then you probably haven’t completely understood the seriousness of the situation.”

    That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever read/heard. One of the most important qualities a leader can have IMO is the ability to stay calm in a crisis. Staying calm and keeping a cool head is the way to make rational decisions. When people get all emotional about problems, they waste a lot of time running around freaking out and they rarely make sound decisions. You have to be able to push the emotions aside and look at all the facts. You determine what needs to be done and do it.

    I worked for a long time in a high stress environment where my team was responsible for some systems that were mission critical to a very large organization. One of the most important qualities I could find and encourage in an employee was an ability to stay calm and level headed during a crisis when the pressure was really turned on.

  222. Eric Atkinson says

    Of course, monkeys don’t get AIDS.

    True. But after giving TM a good time, that monkey dick would have the viral material on its surface.

  223. Eric Atkinson says

    Dear Hapless.

    As if you know my party affiliation .

    Your affiliation, I think might be “twit”.

  224. Ichthyic says

    Fuck you TM. With a AIDS infected monkey dick.

    that sounds like a threat to me.

    though why Eric had an infected monkey dick grafted on to himself is a puzzler.

    replace even smaller equipment?

    or was it just defective?

    regardless, I don’t think threatening to rape TM with it is going to do you any good, Eric.

    …still holding that door open for you.

    time for you to go.

  225. Hap says

    1) Sorry, Joe Blow came up with that a while ago – you could at least insult me originally. You have more of a point than he used to have (in general), but you’re delusional. One out of two is…not so good.

    2) Well, if you’re not a Republican shill, then the difference between that and your true affiliation is not enough to matter. Or you need to find a better quality of client (or cultivate better skills).

    3) What party is “twit” exactly? Are they a Green Party sect I missed out on, or a Libertarian sect who’s writings I missed. Maybe Reform Party? Sorry, not a fan of the Little Buchananana. Thanks for playing.

  226. Ichthyic says

    Not so good at reading comprehension are you?

    you’d think with all the experience you have had with twisting other’s words, you’d get what I was doing there.

    I gave you a modicum of wit. Too much, I know.

    time for you to go.

  227. Patricia says

    Egad! PZ’s gonna need a #9 scoop shovel to clean the place up. I think Eric, Scott, and Silver should all go in the same cell together.

  228. Patricia says

    Oh that’s right, Nerd of Redhead! I forgot ol’ Pilty the dungfish. He must have exhausted poor Nick Gotts & Holbach.

    Stick your binky back in your mouth Eric.

  229. Hap says

    What exactly would you know about thinking, other than that it’s a liberal plot to subvert your innocent brain cells, or whatever the transmitters of Fox beamed into your head yesterday? You explaining thought is like Palin explaining integrity, or McCain explaining, well, anything.

  230. E.V. says

    Dear Hapless. Self

    You got to have them brains before you do any thinking. -Posted by: Eric Atkinson

    So Eric, just what is it you do? I mean, beyond exhibiting traits of Borderline Personality Disorder

  231. Eric Atkinson says

    Its funny to me to see Democrats that really think they are the only people in America with any intelligence. If anyone disagrees with any little bit of bullshit they “believe”, that person is accused of being stupid, being troll, lying, and so forth.

    Trish.. Bite someone else.

  232. Eric Atkinson says

    In order to have an argument, one must take a contrary position.

    And by any standard there are many here with “personality disorders”, including myself.

    Futher more, responding to attack is to be expected.

  233. Hap says

    You seem to confuse the realization that Democrats have no monopoly on brains with the realization that you don’t have them. I’m pretty sure that George Will and Dennis Miller have brains, for example, though I disagree with them. Other Republicans may be smart, but I can’t trust what they say, so I can’t tell whether they are intelligent or not. You, on the other hand, ape Republican talking points without any ability to engage in reasoned discussion. You haven’t shown any intelligence, so not many people see fit to credit you with any.

    You aren’t stupid because you’re Republican. You’re stupid because you can’t say anything rational that someone hasn’t spoonfed you, you can’t argue for what you believe, and your repartee was uncool in the second grade. Aren’t Republicans the party of personal responsibility? I guess that only applies to other people’s flaws.

  234. Eric Atkinson says

    Number uno: I am Not a Republician.

    Number two oh: Where do you get all your rational facts?
    The Daily Kos?

    Number three oh: Try fourth grade.

  235. Ichthyic says

    No thank you.

    yes, i got that you refused my gift of thinking you posses a modicum of wit.

    you don’t need to actively flaunt both your ignorance and your lack of wit at the same time.


  236. Ichthyic says

    Number uno: I am Not a Republician.

    number one:

    nobody cares.

    repeat ad nauseum.


  237. Ichthyic says

    And by any standard there are many here with “personality disorders”, including myself.

    ah, now we’re getting somewhere.

    so what will you admit to?


    any of the above, combined with gross ignorance and a desire for self mutilation would explain your posts.

  238. Eric Atkinson says

    And anyone who calls themself “Truth Machine” , well he sure stripped a gear, blew a diode, or broke a cog.

  239. cyan says

    truth machine,

    glad always to see your comments: most or many of which with which I agree; those with which I don’t: always cause me to pause & re-evaluate why

  240. Hap says


    1) In that case you need to get better clients. Across from the plasma donation clinic might be a good place to start, though I’m pretty sure the homeless guys under the bridge can give you some good places as well. Your conscience will probably thank you once you get the taste out of your mouth.

    2) Facts aren’t rational – people are (or are not). Arguments are logical or not. Having not worried about such details before, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t be familiar with them. I’m not certain you would know what my logical or factual limitations were, since I haven’t made enough arguments requiring them here, and if I did, you probably wouldn’t get them anyway. Probably the reason no one who actually knows anything here is talking to you as well (well, anymore – TM and I. actually know something, but cleaning the litter box mess gets unexciting after the third time around, I guess).

    3) I guess standards really have fallen with NCLB. Oh well.

  241. Ichthyic says

    For you, I would think Delusions of grandeur.

    glad you have a natural recognition of how much smarter everyone else here is than yourself, but you don’t have to attribute that to just me.

    again, everyone here is smarter than yourself.

  242. truth machine, OM says

    jcr loon: Perhaps someday, you might even learn the rudiments of polite conversation.

    The last conversation I had with the loon involved numerous other posters all pointing out that complaining about being impolite was no substitute for telling the truth, acknowledging error, avoiding fallacies, and other elements of rational discourse that the loon routinely and rudely eschews.

  243. truth machine, OM says

    I still can’t believe that it’s taken this long for anyone to see through the John McCain myth.

    It’s irritating when people are so sloppy with their qualifiers. Many people saw through the McCain myth long ago — so much for “anyone”. And surely we can’t expect everyone to see through it. So what do you really mean to say? Perhaps that you still can’t believe that, after all this time, so few people have seen through the myth. But you can’t really mean that, since you surely believe your own claims. So how about “I have trouble understanding why, after all this time, so few people have seen through the John McCain myth”. In which case someone might help out by offering explanations, in terms of human psychology, media coverage, etc. as to why that might be.

  244. truth machine, OM says

    If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos…then you probably haven’t completely understood the seriousness of the situation.

    Norman, you can be such an idiot. Obama always displays a calm demeanor in public — it’s a combination of temperament and training. That hardly implies that he hasn’t completely understood the seriousness of anything.

  245. truth machine, OM says

    “No, you didn’t, you lying asshole. But your dishonesty and the dishonesty of your rethuglican party will no longer win anything.”

    Fuck you TM. With a AIDS infected monkey dick.

    I’ll take that as an affirmation of my statement. Possibly an actionable one, though.

    BTW, your drivel would be slightly more comprehensible if you would learn to quote.

  246. truth machine, OM says

    truth machine,

    glad always to see your comments: most or many of which with which I agree; those with which I don’t: always cause me to pause & re-evaluate why

    Thank you kindly, cyan, for such a high compliment.

  247. Eric Atkinson says

    Dear “machine”;

    If you tkink my angry comment it ” actionable”, you are dumber than dirt. Do you think this is Canada?

    BTW Its not up to you either. Its up to Dr. Myers.

  248. Eric Atkinson says

    Dear “machine”;

    If you tkink my angry comment is ” actionable”, you are dumber than dirt. Do you think this is Canada?

    BTW Its not up to you either. Its up to Dr. Myers

  249. J Myers says

    Um, you said she’s a moron, not that she was flubbing.

    Um, right. As I’ve already pointed out, for the sake of those whom might have thought otherwise, my initial comment was a bit offhand hyperbole.

    Own your own opinions

    Of course. What’s my opinion, again?

    don’t lie about them after the fact in a lame attempt to defend yourself.

    Terrific advice; I’ll be sure I never do.