
  1. says

    How can an elitist bastard use 10-point Verdana font? Tsk tsk. Either the author pictures himself/herself as too good for an attractive web design, or they’re too lazy to select a better font.

  2. Ichthyic says

    Either the author pictures himself/herself as too good for an attractive web design, or they’re too lazy to select a better font.

    sounds like subgenius subversion to me…

    slackers, maybe?

  3. says

    Only a true Elitist Bastard’s computer can read that rarified font as something other than Verdana. Alas, I’m afraid yours did not make the cut.

  4. says


    Not true. I have toolbars that can change it for me, and I can just Ctrl+Mouse scrolly thing to make it bigger if I’m lazy. :D

  5. Robert Estrada says

    Was their event as weird as ours at AAI? WE had both funjelical AND islamofascist loonies threaten some of our proposed guests. Did it make any news? (polishes fingernails in tie)

  6. Chris says

    Elitist Bastards sound fine and all, but I can’t imagine it was a better trip than Vegas with the Elitist Jerks. To each their own, I guess!