How can you tell when you’re a kook?

When the top of your web page is a scattershot series of all-caps links to crazy town.

– Life After Death –


In case you don’t want to read the horrible little site, here’s the executive summary to each point.

  • You will live after death because god said so.
  • Because evolution is FAKE SCIENCE!
  • Because they don’t teach legends of unseen realities. That’s the insane part. He’ll get around to explaining why it’s criminal later.
  • I think his answer is to fantasize a lot about hot men. Dreaming is not a sin!
  • If you like to look at women, if you swear, if you view porn, if you let your wife boss you around, if you are gay.
  • Women wear slutty clothes.
  • Women can do anything they want, as long as they realize men are in charge.
  • Not really! But she better not become president.
  • You have the right to kill a police officer if they try to make you take off your clothes.

Really, people send me these links, and then I have to read them. Some days the blood is oozing out of my ears at the strain.


  1. Tristan Croll says

    The best I can describe the feeling sites like that give me is as a powerful urge to reach in through my eye socket and tear out my own frontal lobe.

  2. Rich says

    Why did you post a link knowing we would be curious enought to look? I think I’m going to have to wash my eyes with soap…..

  3. says

    the rest of the site provides lots of roflcopters. From their tirade against interracial relationships: “Note that there are only three races in the world – white, black, and oriental”

  4. allkom says

    I’m too disgusted to comment this whit you right now .Will save it for chatting later when we meet in heel !!

  5. wildcardjack says

    Woo-boy. I think we have reached an age where we need a new level of crazy. All-Caps crazy. To replace batshit insane as being just below Charlie Manson.

  6. Dahan says

    Better you than me PZ. I’m often happy that nobody knows who I am. Hell, I don’t even get those ads for improving various parts of my body.

    Who would want to send e-mails like this to an obscure furniture designer/interior designer? Lol!

    Fame has its price, they say. Happy paying!

  7. MikeM says

    I went to one of the pages and read this:

    “Remember The Back Button On Your Browser”

    Best advice I’ve read all day.

  8. mattmc says

    Ouch… That site just hurt my brain.
    Check out his fancy credentials pages
    WTF is pneumiatry anyway??

  9. HT says

    Long time lurker decloaking to advise you how much I admire your intestinal fortitude. I spent less than three clicks at that site, then I googled Biskit’s name (sic) and found all I needed to know. How do you do it? I don’t watch TV, however, there is a program that my sister watches – H~lls kitchen and she made me watch one program. Seems to me, this is worse than that program, only with regards to the denizens that need to be…. addressed.
    P.S. haven’t watched since. Don’t have a TV.

  10. Fernando Magyar says

    Pneumiatry is the science of Pastoral Anthropiatry. Pastoral Anthropiatry is scripturally ethical Anthropiatry. Dr. Bisconti is the founder of the science

  11. Nix says

    Pneumiatry? Being an airhead. (A pompous, pretentious airhead in that case, with less rhetorical ability than an earthworm, and less ability at visual design than a paramecium.)

  12. AF says

    Only a shitty typeface like comic sans could convey the true nature of the content of that site. I was only able to take in about two minutes of it before wanting to scream, cry, and vomit all at the same time.

  13. Bride of Shrek says

    Oh Dear,
    whilst the link to “Sexual Karate” had me in stitches I’m still scratching my head over “Abortion- The 6 Day Rule”. Apparently abortion before the 6th day of conception is ok because thats “prebortion”. After the sixth day its baby and you’ll go to Hell.

    And I really like how the premise that Evolutionists are “insane” because they have “imagination”. I guess that means every artist, musician, inventor, scientist, philosopher etc etc is also insane by that yardstick. Then again I shouldn’t jest. I get the feeling that this chap is more in tune with insanity than I am.

  14. Bride of Shrek says


    I thought bisconti was a nice little crumbly biscuit you ate with strong coffee. Not uncoincidentally they’re usually nutty too.;-)

  15. Tulse says

    I’m gonna come off as cranky, I know, but…

    Honestly, PZ, are these kind of kooks worth your time, much less the exposure and traffic you give them? I always feel a great deal of satisfaction when you take down some bloviating idiot like D’Souza, who has real influence, but this type of marginal nutbar is unworthy of your laser-like intellect. I fear that these kind of posts fire up the troops but are just empty intellectual calories, and risk making us mentally flabby.

    Great fighters are not just measured by their skills, but also by their opponents. Picking on bums with glass brains is not worthy of a heavyweight like you.

    IMHO, of course.

  16. Santoki says

    “I think his answer is to fantasize a lot about hot men. Dreaming is not a sin!”

    According to the Catholic church, lust in man’s heart *is* a sin.

    Watch out, the Thought Police are coming for you!

  17. says

    Uh oh.

    Today, Tuesday, February 1, 2005, over 1,000 evolutionists formally rejected the traditional theory of evolution, called “monogenetic evolution,” in favor of a new theory of evolution, called “polygenetic evolution.” Monogenetic evolutionists hold to the traditional theory of evolution that states that “all organisms sprang from one single organism.” Polygenetic evolutionists, on the other hand, hold to the theory that “all organisms sprang from many organisms.” The polygenetic evolutionary view says that the human race evolved from a single pair of human beings. In addition, polygenetic evolutionists believe that this original pair of human beings were biologically identical to modern human beings.

    Among the followers of the new theory are the evolutionists at the Pro Evolution Society.

    And what does the Pro Evolution Society have to say on the topic?

    The new movement in field unification physics is primarily responsible for the change in our thinking. We would like to thank Dr. Michael Bisconti in particular for bringing to light both old and new scientific discoveries and, in particular, his recently published paper on “Field Unification: The Theory Of Infinite Relativity.” See Dr. Bisconti’s page “Unified Field Theory Disproves Evolution.” We must emphasize that we are not in perfect agreement with Dr. Bisconti. However, that may only be due to the fact that we have not yet had time to study all of Dr. Bisconti’s data.

    Hallelujah! Dr. Biscotti is a modern day prophet! Let’s all head to Starbucks to eat of his flesh!

  18. Bride of Shrek says

    Uh oh, just read his screed on “interracial marriages”. This guy is a frikkin bigot of the highest order. His statistics are pure lies( eg 99% of people are against interracial marriages, 75% of parents would disown a child who married outside their race) and he makes the most outrageous statements. Calling interracial marriage “imprudent” several times he ends of by informing us “imprudence” is a sin. Very christian atitude that is. What a fucking champion.

  19. Martha says

    The stuff on that website about Sexual Karate is hilarious.

    If you get pushed into the fire, run, run, run!!!
    This means, if you accidentally run across sexual images, flee (run away as if your house was on fire).

    I was always taught that if you get caught on fire, you’re supposed to stop drop and roll….

    Also, apparently saying the word “masturbation” is too crude, so they refer to “The ‘M’ Word” as “ego-attention”. I think they could do better (1, 2).

  20. says

    I fear that these kind of posts fire up the troops but are just empty intellectual calories, and risk making us mentally flabby.

    *Wiping crackpot crumbs off his belly* You’re probably right, Tulse. I’m just gonna have one more bite and I’ll put these cookies away.

  21. weemaryanne says

    We are eternally grateful to you, PZ, for enduring this torture so that we don’t have to, and for no reward except our love.

    Why, it’s almost like offering yourself as a sacrifice to — uh, something.

    (thinks it over)

    Nah, not really. But thanks anyway.

  22. Ryan F Stello says


    What does he mean? kirk?
    Dunno why he’d want someone to present Hillary in church, given how frightened he seems of her…

  23. Ryan F Stello says

    Tulse (#25) said,

    Honestly, PZ, are these kind of kooks worth your time, much less the exposure and traffic you give them?

    You’ve got a point, but you missed it that someone directed PZ there and who knows, maybe insinuated that he didn’t have the gall to challenge him (happens a lot to me, I know).

    Besides, it’s good for a laugh, so don’t worry none, we got value out of it.

  24. says

    Dammit! I was totally mislead by the “Sexual Karate” section. I was looking forward to learning how to go all Bruce Lee and bringing women to a brain-shattering climax with the pelvic thrusting equivalent of the near-lethal “Six-Inch-Punch.”

    Curse you Sexual Karate! Curse YOU!

  25. Aquaria says

    Wow. That little list looks like the required mindset to be an East Texan–by choice, anyway. I can hear some of those yokels spewing that drivel already. I grew up listening to crap like that. This is what constitutes reality for these morons. Never mind that it’s a reality that exists only in their pointy heads, but it’s “their” reality, and, by gum, that’s good enough for them. Too bad if you don’t have the same reality, though.

  26. Bostonian says

    You can’t make this up.

    We are not enraged by the theory of evolution because it contradicts anything in the Bible. Why are we enraged by the theory of evolution? We are enraged by the theory of evolution because it is FAKE SCIENCE!

    In other words, creationists are keenly interested in keeping science accurate for all our benefit. And look: one million pages of unassailable evidence against evolutionalism is coming right up, and with a pretty blue background … as soon as they find the time.

    As we have the opportunity, we will be publishing over one million web pages of old and new data, information, and discoveries that have forever obliterated the theory of evolution. Included will be the full text of Dr. Bisconti’s Field Unification: The Theory of Infinite Relativity (100,000 pages). For now, see our page portal Post-Evolutionism.

  27. wazza says

    The point must be made that the best argument we have against “Darwinist censorship” is that we not only don’t try to hide these things, but we actively introduce them to a wider audience. They can’t say we’re hiding their side of the story.

    As for christian porn… sounds boring. Also impossible to film.

  28. Patrick Quigley says

    He says that the central equation for Dr. Biconti’s unified field theory is: time=(energy)(speed of light)^3. The units don’t even match. This is the basis for overturning evolution?

  29. debbyo says

    Wow, the sexual karate one is wild. These guys are terrified of sex! But LOOK at how they carry out their sex research. LMAO.

    we have analyzed over 100 million (again, you read that right… we said “over 100 million”) pages of pornographic literature, both text and image, using indirect (only the computer “saw” the images) technical means, that is, computer programs. See Gabe (GAP Ornography Buster) for a discussion of how the images were analyzed. See Advanced Textual Filtering Techniques (link not yet active) to see how we “remotely” cleaned up the text before personally analyzing it. In addition, so as to prevent any accusation of incomplete science, over 100, carefully selected, mature married couples personally analyzed over one million pages of UNFILTERED text (images not included). Finally, again so as to prevent any accusation of incomplete science, 20 mature married couples, each married more than 50 years, were very carefully selected to directly analyze actual pornographic images.

    Dirty work but someone’s got to do it.

  30. wazza says

    Married for at least fifty years?

    They’ve got to have a massive researcher attrition rate; the average seventy year old christian can handle maybe five pornographic images before having a heart attack or otherwise suffering from catastrophically low blood pressure.

    Pierre passed away at sixty nine, and we all mis him so,
    Pierre passed away at sixty nine. Boy what a way to go!

  31. wazza says

    It’s not ALL bad…

    he advises ministers (after devoting four of six rules to only using the King James bible) to tell their congregation that tithing is optional and that people should make sure they can feed their families before giving money to the church.

  32. wazza says

    And the debating evolutionists thing does at least acknowledge the difference between a hypothesis and a theory, though he denies Evolution is a theory.

    The thing I love most about this is that he offers enormous numbers as though they were proof. Dr Bisconti has apparently won six-figure numbers of debates. I didn’t think anyone had lived long enough to be in more than a couple of hundred debates…

  33. Michael says

    To paraphrase a member of the gay rights movement, we have met the enemy and they can’t spell.

    As a side note PZ, I have a concern. People like this guy are potentially dangerous. Of course I’m not asking for a discussion on the topic, but if you haven’t implemented some basic security precautions, I recommend you do so. Although, the Evolution/Intelligent Design debate has so far, thankfully, been lacking in violence, it’s not impossible that some extreme follower to be triggered by a personal event and go off the deep end. I also recommend you have a professional in the field review whatever precautions you may already have in place.

  34. Damian says

    Tulse said:

    Honestly, PZ, are these kind of kooks worth your time, much less the exposure and traffic you give them? I always feel a great deal of satisfaction when you take down some bloviating idiot like D’Souza, who has real influence, but this type of marginal nutbar is unworthy of your laser-like intellect.

    “The following counter report is periodically updated with the total number of hits for the currently over 1,000,000 web pages that make up this website: 25,890,445”

    I don’t know whether it is true, of course, but that is some scary shit if it is. That isn’t marginal, although it does only equate to 25 hits for each web page, I guess.

  35. defectiverobot says


    There is something frighteningly wooden-horse insidious about that. Forgetting that it’s a ridiculous press release for a ridiculous group posted on a pro-frontal-lobotomy site that not even the Phelps family would cop to, what’s stopping a bunch of savvy creationists from fronting a phony pro-evolution group, massaging it to legitimacy, then pulling the rug out and claiming to advocate creationism as a science?

    Oh, right…hiring Ben Stein as a spokesman.


  36. freehand says

    In his page on “For Gays: How to Stop Your Homosexual Activity” he discusses how he and other enlightened men deal with sexual desire when they are confronted with the guilty entity (The neighbor? The neighbor’s kid? The neighbor’s dog? He doesn’t say.)

    He says that Godly men who resist fiercely enough go into a “virtual fugue” state, a waking dream. In this waking dream it looks to the dreamer to be the same place, with the same people, but he knows it’s a dream by the surreal nature. This can be identified by the dreamer’s complete lack of *will*. Nothing done in a dream is the dreamer’s fault (he’s dreaming, remember?) and therefore is not a sin.

    So what does he “dream” when he resists sexual temptation but then enters this divine state of total lack of self-control, in which his “dreaming” behavior is not sinful?

    Frankly, he sounds like he’s capable of anything, and is quite dangerous. It depends, I suppose, on whatever turns him on.

  37. Brain Hertz says

    A theoretical physicist with training in multiple disciplines, Dr. Michael Bisconti, is the first to discover the Unified Field Theory. Among his other achievements is the discovery of the “Theory of Pneumiatric Psychiatry” (see Dr. Bisconti’s discoveries in the field of pneumiatric psychiatry led to the breakthrough that resulted in the discovery of the Unified Field Theory.


    One prediction of The Unified Field Theory is the impossibility of evolution.


    Some interesting predictions of The Unified Field Theory relate to temporal physics, the physics of time, and, more specifically, to chronotransology (a term coined by Dr. Bisconti on January 1, 1975.) Chronotransology is the science of temporal transportation. Temporal transportation is NOT what has been referred to in science fiction for over a century as “time travel.” Temporal transportation is the seemingly instantaneous relocation without movement from one point in the “movie of life” to another point in the “movie of life.” One does not travel through time. Rather, time itself travels. However, IN EFFECT, NOT ACTUALLY, temporal transportation is time travel. The Unified Field Theory predicts the following “Laws of Time”:

    Laws of Time

    The Law of The Past

    Man cannot travel backward in time.

    The Law of The Present

    Man cannot return to the present after having travelled through time.

    The Law of The Future

    Man can travel forward in time but only so far.

    For additional information, see

    that’s got to be at least 8.5 on the timecube scale…

  38. defectiverobot says


    That was a hoot!

    I particularly like the second directive, which basically states that the best way to win a debate with an evolutionist is to make sure you’re not debating an actual evolutionist.

    Indeed. The best way to win a fight with Mike Tyson is to fight Ben Stein!

  39. says

    In the past I’ve only tackled crackpots. Kooks seem to be a few steps further along the path towards insanity.

    A particularly interesting irony is that the guy says one can tell if one’s religion is stupid (in fact insane) if “#8 Your religion is stupid (and actually insane) if it requires you to make one or more other people suffer in order for you to have a good afterlife.”, and then says on another page that that is what God did (“means of their rescue was the suffering of the punishment by the Lord Jesus Christ in their place”)!

    For many people, “God says X” is an excuse for incoherent thought. Or insanity, as the case may be, while accusing others of it and not realizing one’s own self-diagnosed condition.

  40. tincture says



    Imagine how disappointed I was when I went to look and only found a picture of what appears to be an old curtain w/ a red line on it and possible a roman bridge. Again w/ a red line.

  41. says

    It’s pretty cool how he “proves” that supernatural dreams can cure a person’s gay orientation. Awesome. Clearly, therefore, supernatural dreams can also turn a straight person gay. I wonder if he’s tried it?

    (Can supernatural dreams cure wackiness? I’m guessing not.)

  42. debbyo says

    The numbers quoted are crazy everywhere. It’s like, after a couple of zeros they lose count. I mean, a hundred million pages of pornographic literature! To ensure it’s, you know, scientific enough. And what are they measuring(titter)? Whether pornography turns golden-anniversary Christians into devil-worshippers? It’s a bit hard on the old biddies isn’t it? Risking their salvation for science?

    And how do they “carefully select” from this group of fundamentalist christian couples married more than fifty years (how many can there be?)? If it’s their fortitude in the face of filth they want (and that is not going to be easy to find amongst this group), then how will they learn the effects it has on the more vulnerable?

    Also, how do the (other) testers analyze images that only a computer sees? And why would they analyze texts that have been “cleaned up”? What would be the point?

    This stuff is awful – it brings out the masochist in me. Imagine if I were forced to watch a zillion pictures of naked babes getting tied up and spanked (science blog, deb, SCIENCE blog) (How do you italicize?)

  43. Jon H says

    He’s also a database expert. And an AI expert. He has a PhD in Applied Computer Science from, well, some ‘school’ he claims to have set up. The link to the school goes to the site for “Urban Force”, a covert military version of Guardian Angels he claims to have been part of, which happens to have the same web host as everything else he links to.

    I particularly like his new Bible translation.

    “Perfect agreement” was achieved through the use of our cloistro-cyborgenic, AI technology developed through the application of the principles explained in Dr. Michael J. Bisconti’s 3-volume, 20,000-page masterpiece Linguistic Underpinnings of Perfection in Translational Agreement (link not yet activated).

    Damn, 6,000-some pages per volume. Must use God’s own bindery.

    Yeah, he’s most likely an unmedicated schizophrenic. I don’t see anything wrong with laughing at what he produces as long as we reserve a nugget of sympathy for the person.

  44. wazza says

    Debb: pointy bracket with point to the left lower-case i pointy bracket with point to the right words you want italicised pointy bracket with point to the left slash like this: / lower-case i pointy bracket with point to the right

    same also works with bold, just use a b instead of an i

    look up html tags for other things

  45. YSTH says

    Wait…you mean to tell me that this ISN’T a parody?!
    Sheesh, you know it’s bad when you can’t tell the difference between a parody site and those who really believe this crap.

  46. Onkel Bob says

    @Jon H #60
    Did you check out the source code on his web page? Mein Gott can you imagine what kind of database he would create for you? Pretty funny he advertises a Sarbanes Oxley AI program yet cannot write a decent web page.

  47. debbyo says

    Honestly, PZ, are these kind of kooks worth your time, much less the exposure and traffic you give them?

    I think it does have value (besides a bit of laughter through tears). Not all kooks are as crazy as the Sexual Karate guy. Your average kook – say, might go to church on Sundays, reads horoscope or just not walk under ladders – when exposed to the extreme kook (“sex is the work of the devil except when making little christians”) might give pause to question. Might think: superstition can go whacko, better watch that.

  48. Jon H says

    And don’t miss the schedule of monthly fees for his paid site.

    ‘Antievolution Studies’ costs just $45.95/month, compared to $195.95 for ‘Unified Field Theory’ and a whopping $795/month for ‘Parapsychiatric Training’.

  49. one of many NCSE Steves says

    “Evolutionists, then, take the artifact and go to the Book of Evolutionist Tricks” – I dunno why since I have not had the pleasure of meeting them in person (but enjoy their comments a lot), but I can picture Brownian OM and MAJeff up on a podium, consulting a eeeeevil looking book of tricks and then suddenly conjuring up …. PZ! Who immediately eats them! Then Cuttlefish will do a nice rhyme (and now for our final formal act – heeeeere’s Cuttlefish!) – and get eaten by PZ. PZ would eat Mathis too but best not to eat purgatives.

    I also like the EON TV idea. “I want my EON TV”. Maybe he can stream all that porn on it..?

    PZ has all the fun. At my uni, I usually just get spammed by people who want to know why I belong to NCSE’s Project Steve when my soul is obviously in mortal peril…

  50. Bill Anderson says

    Danian #48:
    I just checked the site, and the counter is still on 25,890,445.

  51. Jon H says

    Bill #71:

    It’s not so much the hit count as the claim that he has a million pages on his site.

  52. Pat says

    Pleeze Rich #9 post a warning before you send an innocent middle-aged woman like myself to a website like that… I should have blown my nose & strapped on a Depends – snerting & laughing until you wet yourself gets ugly.

  53. says

    OT, but heads up (or, as we might say, “Big Gadget, this is Little Tool. We’ve got ourselves a situation.”

    I just heard a blurb on Marketplace, the “business” show that frequently lives side-by-side with NPR’s All Things Considered, that tomorrow’s show will have an article entitled Scientists, businessmen, and evolution. I want to reserve judgement, but the audio blurb that followed the announcement was a woman’s voice saying only this: “If you question Darwinism that’s it, your career is over.”

    This does not fill me with hope.

    I can only hope that they make the point, over and over, loudly, that since Intelligent Design cannot by definition lead to promising channels of research, promoting it in the industrial research laboratory is a serious career-limiting move.

  54. wazza says

    debb: I for one didn’t notice until you pointed it out

    Elf, there is also the point that if you examine all the evidence, hear all the arguments, and then question darwinism, you’ve got to be something congenital. I don’t know what. Just something. And that does not bode well for your employment prospects.

  55. wazza says

    Ron: They’re actually volumes of the Handbook of the New World Order

    “Our Founder
    Dr. Michael J. Bisconti, DBA, Th.D., D.Sc., Ph.D., Ph.M.D., S.J.D.”

    What are those qualifications?

  56. waldteufel says

    Now I know where many of the crazies who post on Panda’s Thumb get their book learnin’ . . . . .from For the Kids to Wiilliam Wallace . . . .

  57. says

    Wazza: DBA is “Dilute Brown Agouti,” a species of mouse frequently used for laboratory experiments. I have no trouble believing that of Dr. Bisconti.

    The more I read this site, the more convinced I become that it has to be a hoax. There’s too much unlinked material, too many gaps.

  58. debbyo says

    What are those qualifications?

    DBA – “Dead Before Arrival”.

    LOL – also stands for “Design Basis Accident.”

  59. says

    Incidentally, Michael Bisconti, PhD, is quite obviously an expert on all of the natural sciences. See his resume here:

    Here’s his educational record:
    Doctorate: Ph.D. in Applied Computer Science (5/80 MicroTech Institute)

    Master’s Degree (MBA 5/90 Chicago Business Institute)

    Master’s Degree (M.S. in Computer Science 5/74 MicroTech Institute)

    Bachelor’s Degree (B.E., Bachelor of Educ. 5/71 Midwestern College)

    Certification – MTI Microsoft SQL Server DBA Certification
    Certification – MTI Oracle DBA Certification

  60. wazza says

    Everyone gets stuck on the first one

    personally, I think the second one is “theological doctor”, known to non-kooks as a Doctor of Divinity, or DD

    Also “Doctor of Science”, a qualification which does not, in fact, exist, a Philosophical Doctorate he almost certainly was not given by any academy not established by himself, a Philosophical Medical Doctorate, which also exists only in the imagination of Mr Bisconti, and SJD, which I assume has something to do with religion.

    So, basically, a huge pile of falsehoods.

    Wazza, ATCL

    (and yes, I am entitled to those letters, unlike some people I could provide a link to)

  61. Jon H says

    “Go nuts, minions!”

    That’s out of line and entirely uncalled for.

    Sure, the guy’s got a nutty website, but that’s no reason to be posting his real-world address.

    That’s a GOP move. What are you, some kind of pathetic thug?

  62. Xopher tm says

    I was amused until I got to here:



    In other words, interracial marriage is a sin.

    Now I just have a headache.

  63. Jon H says

    “If not, these people are a threat to humanity at large.”

    This guy’s not a threat to anyone but himself. The site’s so transparently crazy that anyone who believes it was never going to be on the side of reason in the first place.

    Frankly, with your bullshit about reeducation camps, you’re a bigger threat to humanity than some pathetic guy with schizophrenia.

  64. ChapstickAddict says

    Bahaha! This is the best laugh I’ve had all night.

    Have you seen how many “doctorates” this guy has? ( Shockingly, the links he provides to his dissertations are not working! Gasp!

    Oh also, I looked at the “resume” website (, and apparently he got one doctorate from The MicroTech Institute ( Which also happens to look like his own website, but more “official”. Except when you try to click on the links, the website is under construction (pretty funny for an institute that grants degrees in computer science…oh wait).

    Also, he got his fake MBA from the Chicago Business Institute (, which is actually a cut-and-pasted version of the MicroTech Institute except there are no clickable links.

    Does this guy actually think he’s fooling anyone?

    The “How To Tell If You Are An Idiot” page is really a riot ( Shorter version: you’re an idiot if you listen to loud rap music and some statistic that I just made up proves it.

    This guy is so stream-of-consciousness. I bet he just sits around all day waiting for people to annoy him and then he makes a little website about what idiots they are. Also, apparently “99% of a million” people have written to him about these “idiots”.

  65. Brain Hertz says

    Aaron @ #80,
    apparently you figured out how to look up entries in whois. Congratulations.

    Did you have a point?

  66. wazza says

    I think the point is that we’re supposed to provide material for Expelled 2 by egging his house or something

  67. longstreet63 says

    It’s a cornucopia of self-aggrandizing Krazy! (Maybe that should be ‘KornuKopia’.) I’ve buzzed around a bit. He has a list of all terrorists in the world on the site, but, funny, to access the list, you must be a member of his special squad of some sort and ask your cell leader for it. The list has been sent to the government–along with, in the spirit of the site, 2000 other reports–by means of their proprietary magical communication system. I hope they provided Homeland Security with a receiver. (Although it probably would have been shoved in a drawer with the rest of the aluminum foil.
    But my fave so far is “The Sin That Causes Brain Injury.”

    It’s everybody’s favorite: Fornication!
    And the injury?

    “Many, who have used pornography, have reported the delusion of “the possibility that they will suffer unnamed horrors for what they have done.” Many others, who engage in the physical act with another person, have reported the delusion that they are “right this moment physically going to hell.””

    Fornication: UR DOIN IT RONG

    Steve “LOLCrackpots!” James

  68. sangfroid says

    The following counter report is periodically updated with the total number of hits for the currently over 1,000,000 web pages that make up this website: 25,890,445

    Alexa would beg to differ.

  69. says

    Damn you people! I was just about to turn off my komputa but unwisely decided to see what was happening over here first.


    btw I think we could be getting into a hybrid Christo-Scientology thing with stuff like this going on:


  70. Russell Seitz says

    He seems to be a cross between Tom Bethell on steroids and Fred Singer on Tom Bethell–Ben Stein could use him as an understudy :
    ” Why should the average person care about the Unified Field
    Theory and what in the world is it?

    Why The Average Person Should Care

    Very simply put, the Unified Field Theory eliminates many foolish ideas from the thinking of the human race.

    For example, the idea of evolution (from simple life-form to man over aeons of time). In addition, the Unified Field Theory opens up the possibility of solving some problems that have plagued mankind since the beginning of recorded history as well as some of the new problems that confront it today (e.g., AIDS).

    Also, the Unified Field Theory stacks up the evidence in favor of the existence of God in a ratio of more than 101,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 (more than 10 to the septillionth power to 1).

    What is the Unified Field Theory? The Unified Field Theory is a single law of nature that explains how the physical universe works.

    Up until now, the physical universe has been incompletely explained by many laws of nature (these laws are still valid). Before anyone thinks that we have now solved all of the mysteries of life, take note: the Unified Field Theory applies only to the physical universe. Life consists of infinitely more than the physical universe.

    Unified Field Theory – Predictions


    One prediction of The Unified Field Theory is the impossibility of evolution.

    Evolution requires the occurrence of chance events in the physical realm occurring as a result of one or more chance or nonchance events in the physical realm. The Unified Field Theory says that there are no such chance events in the physical realm but that all chance events in the physical realm are, in terms of objective phenomena only, determined by chance or nonchance events in the nonphysical realm…This extract begins on page 5112 of Dr. Bisconti’s full paper …It’s about 2:00 AM CST on December 8, 2003. I’m taking a break. I may do further work on this page before I go to sleep. Since I have to work a regular job like everyone else, I will not be able to further develop this page as quickly as I would like.


    This is an informal paper. The formal paper, titled “Field Unification: The Theory of Infinite Relativity,” will be published by JATPA (see the top of”

  71. wazza says

    Oh, man, that’s just sad…

    we could make a page like that, comparing this site to Pharyngula, but it’d hurt too much to make that kind of in-depth study of a page so acid-to-the-brain stupid

  72. says

    Google Maps search for Chicago Theoretical Physics Institute:

    We were not able to locate the address:
    Chicago Theoretical Physics Institute

    But a search for Theoretical Physics Institute near Chicago:

    Theoretical Physics Institute Results 1-20 of about 666 for Theoretical Physics Institute near Chicago, IL

    666! Coincidence? :P

  73. says

    Isn’t putting the site transcription in Comic Sans kind of like rereading it out loud in a nyah nyah voice? Seems to me it’s ridiculous enough without gilding the lily…

  74. wazza says

    Comic sans is used here to show that a quote is from a kooky site. Or so I understand the tradition.

    Has anyone ever heard of the National Psychiatric Association? I use APA style references, but I’ve never heard of the NPA. Suddenly they’re the foremost authority?

  75. says

    Uh, deep tinfoil territory.

    DAY 2 – The Outsmart Principle

    Evolution has been disproven over 10,000 times over the past more than 100 years. A computer analysis of over 10,000,000 pages of published books, articles, reports, research papers, and other documentation prepared by evolutionists reveals that every time evolution has been disproven evolutionists have instantly changed the definition of “evolution” to accommodate the contradictory evidence that would otherwise disprove it. The definition of evolution used today is radically different from that used in the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925. We see, then, that we are not only up against a theory but we are also up against a group of theoreticians. It is the sole objective of these theoreticians to maintain their power and influence, no matter what the cost to truth and science. We have now defeated evolution and evolutionists BECAUSE WE HAVE BROUGHT THE CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE TO THE PUBLIC BEFORE BRINGING IT TO THE EVOLUTIONISTS. THIS WAY THE EVOLUTIONISTS WERE NOT ABLE TO CHANGE THEIR THEORY TO FIT THE NEW FACTS. Sorry evolutionists, you’ll have to do your own research. Don’t bother looking for our evidence. We have it sealed up tighter than the lid on a pickle jar. This evidence will be revealed later and, as we have said, to the public BEFORE it is revealed to evolutionists.

    This seems to be #2 of…

    Every day (or as soon as possible) for 1000 days we will provide one proof that the Theory of Evolution is false. By the end of the 1000th day, that will be 1000 proofs that the Theory of Evolution is false. We are at “Day 6.”

    Somehow I am not surprised that the page has been last updated May 20, 2005.

  76. C. Chu says

    “A monkey has given birth to a creature that is x/(x+1) monkey and 1/(x+1) human being.”


  77. C. Chu says

    ..April fools, right? I can’t believe anyone can be THIS dumb, no matter how religious he could be..

    Or maybe I underestimate people.

  78. Frank Oswalt says

    Dr. Albert Einstein gave us:


    Now, Dr. Michael Bisconti gives us:


    This is the “core equation” of the Unified Field Theory. The letter “T” stands for time. The letter “e” stands for energy. The letter “c” stands for the velocity (speed) of light. Every law of the physical universe can be directly or indirectly associated with the three universal concepts of T, time, e, energy, and c, velocity (speed) of light.

  79. Frank Oswalt says

    This just gets better and better…

    Cybortron, Inc. Research And Development

    “Chipless Computer” Technology

    Cybortron, Inc. is the first to invent “‘Chipless Computer’ Technology.” Those with special permission may click here for a brief explanation of this new technology.

    “Chipless Computer” Technology springs from the discovery of the Unified Field Theory (see UniFieldX, Inc. and the Chicago Theoretical Physics Institute).

    Our first implementations of “Chipcom” (Chipless Computer) Technology use “plasma streams.” These implementations comprise the first “Plasma Stream Supercomputers.” They are in use at the L. F. Nexus and the Chicago Christian University.

    My guess is that this guy is actually suffering from some kind of dissociative disorder. He has set up a complete alternative reality on his website, with himself as a sort of semi-god. If I lived in his neighborhood, I would be seriously concerned.

  80. BG says

    Soliciting someone to kill a sitting US Senator is a crime. It doesn’t matter if they have underscores or say just kidding later.

  81. andrew says

    That’s really sweet: “Something is false when it is inconsistent with reality. Something is stupid when it is inconsistent with the nature and character of God.”
    Thank you for letting us finally know that religion is false!

  82. Blaidd Drwg says

    @ Martha (#29)

    If you get pushed into the fire, run, run, run!!!
    This means, if you accidentally run across sexual images, flee (run away as if your house was on fire).

    Why did I suddenly have visions of John Cleese???

    RUN AWAY!!!!!

  83. wazza says

    According to the site (which is the Prime Authority), a photodiamine is an average of all photographs fitting into a certain category, allowing the common features of all photographs to be seen.

    I’ve heard of the principle before, though I don’t recognise this particular term. Facial identification programs use one as the baseline, then create a profile based on how different the particular face is from the average.

  84. DrFrank says

    @Wazza #84

    Also “Doctor of Science”, a qualification which does not, in fact, exist
    Actually, the Doctor of Science does exist. In fact, a couple were awarded in the ceremony where I obtained my PhD.

    Over here in the UK it’s basically a formal recognition that you’re a kick-ass researcher.

    Of course, not for a second do I think that Bisconti actually has one ;)

  85. wazza says

    We live and learn…

    Is it abbreviated DSc?

    Also, what about the other qualifications? Do any of them look familiar?

  86. DrFrank says

    Hmm, if Bisconti wants to get published, I feel a little judicious editing may be in order. I had to cut down a paper from 9000 to 5500 words recently to fit in journal guidelines, and most of his work seems to be at least 10,000 pages in length ;)

  87. DrFrank says

    Also, what about the other qualifications? Do any of them look familiar?
    Only Doctor of Theology, if you want to count that as a real qualification ;)

  88. Wes says

    I feel very uncomfortable with laughing at this guy. As others have pointed out, the sheer degree of narcissistic self-aggrandizement on his site is disturbing–he’s gone so far as to create dozens of fake institutions and fake schools with himself as director, and the websites for them even have messages to “students and faculty” which seem to exist only in his imagination. I mean, just look at these pages and tell me if it doesn’t make you sad and worried for this person’s mental well-being:

    This guy seems to be genuinely mentally ill. His whole website gives me the impression of an extremely lonely and deluded person suffering from some pretty debilitating mental problems. I think it’s okay to point and laugh at lying manipulators like Bill Dembski or Ben Stein (they deserve it), but publicly ridiculing this guy is cruel.

  89. wazza says

    Faculty positions available…

    Wes, for now I’m working with the hypothesis that this is some enormous hoax, and if we take it too seriously we’ll be laughed at.

    (Is doctor of theology abbreviated ThD or DD? I’m sure it’s DD)

    When this guy gets taken away in a straightjacket, we’ll send him some low-choking-risk cookies or something. But I really don’t see that much difference between this and the other delusions fuelled by religion, except a matter of degree.

  90. Lilly de Lure says

    wazza said:

    Wes, for now I’m working with the hypothesis that this is some enormous hoax, and if we take it too seriously we’ll be laughed at.

    Brain-fryingly stupid though it may be, it seems a little elaborate for an out and out hoax given the amount of time it must have taken to set up, bad programming and lunatic content not withstanding. I’m going to go with Wes here, I think the guy has a genuine mental illness.

    I find him more sad than funny, especially considering the likelihood of him getting the medical and psychological help he needs, considering his opinion of psychiatrists, is virtually nil.

  91. Rob says

    DUH, it’s a parody. I can’t believe PZ fell for this (if he really did and isn’t pulling our legs).

  92. wazza says

    I dunno

    sometimes people like this are happy in their own world, where they are top dog. Of course, if they become a danger to themselves or others, then intervention should occur, but if they’re just delusional and doing their thing without any effect on anyone else, then I say leave them to it. They may be stuck in the Matrix, but at least they can get a good steak.

    And I assume someone is looking after him, because he’s been running this site for at least three years.

  93. Frank Oswalt says

    I don’t think this is a hoax. If someone wanted to set a number of imaginary institutions as a hoax, they would not list themselves as director of all of them and use the same web layout and the same structure of dead links for all of them.

    It also cannot be satire, unless it is meant as a satire of a mentally ill person running a web site.

    Also, none of the stuff on the web site is funny, nor is it an imitation of real christian websites.

    After having looked around the site for a bit, I’m convinced that this man has serious mental problems and I feel a bit sorry for laughing at the stuff.

  94. Lilly de Lure says


    Fair point. Let’s hope you’re right and he’s at least a happy and well looked after kook!

  95. longstreet63 says

    “Is doctor of theology abbreviated ThD or DD? I’m sure it’s DD”

    Tsk, tsk.
    Somebody doesn’t know their ‘Wizard of Oz.”
    ThD is ‘Doctor of Thinkology’–the degree awarded to the Scarecrow for his amazing brain.

    Steve “This signature is being updated” James

  96. wazza says

    Really, it’s more of a goatse or a 2girls1cup (Yay! Coprophilia!)

    I can see a small group of uni-age nerds making something like this to make their friends’ heads explode

    and the earlier dates could be faked…

  97. Michelle says

    Wow. Well, this sorta sounds fake you know, but then again, a retard is born every second.

    Excuse me while I resume being a slutty woman. Wait, I’m wearing a medium sized men’s Super Mario t-shirt… Guess I’m okay.

    But wait until that snow melts! You might glimpse my THIGHS! OH NO!

  98. wazza says

    But, Michelle… women aren’t supposed to wear clothing pertaining to a man!

  99. ben says

    to wazza @ 124:

    At Harvard Div School, at least, our Doctorates of Theology are Th.D.’s. And they get grant money for it, too. Sigh.

  100. Lita says


    (Is doctor of theology abbreviated ThD or DD? I’m sure it’s DD)

    There is a world of difference between a doctorate in Theology and a Doctor of Divinity. The former is one who studies religion in an academic sense – e.g., in a comparative or sociological framework. I have never heard of a Doctor of Theology as a recognized degree from a reputable and accredited university. The degree is a Ph.D. However, Doctor of Divinity is generally earned by senior level prelates, and focuses on the advanced study of religious texts in that particular religion. It is fairly common to hear of Protestant bishops called “Doctor” – and it is one of the few acceptable non-academic venues where a non-MD can use the appelation.

  101. Jon H says

    “Yep, “Dr.” Bisconti runs a Mom and Pop computer store in Rockford, Illinois … a job that apparently gives him lots of free time to pull people’s chains!”

    Same last name, but not necessarily the same person. Maybe the crazy guy lives with family members who run the store…

  102. Michelle says

    @134 Wazza: You’re right. God almighty, where are my lady like manners?
    Just a sec, I’ll take my clothes off now.

  103. Nemo says

    The stupid, it burns like a gamma-ray burst.

    Can anyone tell what “holotristically” is supposed to mean? Google finds two usages — both at alternate URLs for that site.

  104. ZekeCDN says

    Same last name, but not necessarily the same person. Maybe the crazy guy lives with family members who run the store…

    It’s entirely possible Jon, but note that one of the “Dr.’s” claimed fields of accomplishment is computer science and one of his (“hundreds of”) companies sells an actual Excel plug-in. That seems to be the only genuine business venture of the lot. For these and other reasons, I think it’s safe to apply Occam’s Razor.

    If anyone lives in the area and can tune in WNTA 1330AM, apparently Bob Bisconti (owner of the store) appears on a talk radio show at 9:00AM on the second and fourth Fridays of each month to answer computer-related questions. Someone could always phone in and ask him about his association with the Doc … or perhaps if he could elaborate on the Unified Field Theory!

  105. ben says

    to Leta @ 140

    Is that really the case? I’d be heartened if it were. I’m at Harvard Div now (a lion in the Christians’ den) and we have three different degree programs:
    ~ MDiv – a master’s degree in Jesus
    ~ Masters in Theological Studies – ostensibly secular and academic but only vaguely in practice (very woo-friendly and more ecumenically focused than analytical)
    ~ and ThD, whose candidates are all, in my experience, explicitly religious, and are deeply-immersed in religious philosophy.

    People who want to study religion academically get PhD’s in Religious Studies – or so all of my advisors have ever told me. Or, better yet, in Anthropology. All of our ThD’s seem to be studying for the ministry.

    Granted, this is just my own impression of a single school, so I could well be wrong.

  106. Jon H says

    ” note that one of the “Dr.’s” claimed fields of accomplishment is computer science and one of his (“hundreds of”) companies sells an actual Excel plug-in. ”

    And this has *what* to do with running a computer store?

    Nor is it unlikely that multiple members of a family could have an interest in computers. I find it highly unlikely that store-owning ‘Bob’ would concoct a ‘hoax’ or ‘spoof’ web of sites, including ones claiming computer expertise of varying levels of rationality, and then attach his own surname to it, especially when the same surname is part of the name of his business.

    Ockham’s Razor says the site is the product of a mentally ill person; that being from the Chicago area he probably has family nearby; that he probably lives with family since he probably can’t really cope on his own.

    I don’t really see the point publicly embarrassing the store owner for having a mentally ill relative.

  107. ZekeCDN says

    Jon we’ll have to agree to disagree on (the spelling and) application of Occam’s Razor. Having read through dozens and dozens of pages from the site in question I am reasonably certain that this is not the product of a mentally ill person. Quite the opposite in fact–much of the humour is so subtle I think people are missing it entirely. A quick example: the good doctor claims to have expertise in both Pneumiatric Psychiatry and Psychiatric Pneumiatry (and also Psychological Pneumiatry and Pneumiatric Psychology).

    There are a great many other examples I could cite, including the fact that every time he makes a really “out there” statement, like the bit about “K_ _ _ Hillary Clinton” (or the page about Interracial Marriage) he ALWAYS pulls back from the edge and includes an explicit statement that he is advocating neither violent measures nor changes to current laws. Such restraint is not typical of the truly deluded. In addition, if you review his CV (or indeed any of the many pages trumpeting his accomplishments) his experience in higher education dates from the 1970s. This puts him in the right age bracket to be a computer store owner, not the son of one.

    Yes, it’s entirely possible (as I admitted previously) that he’s a crazy brother or uncle or whatever … just as it’s possible that the god of the Bible exists. However, in my opinion both are extremely unlikely. Again extrapolating from my personal experience of working with mentally ill individuals (hey, it’s all I’ve got!) the truly sick lack the ambition, focus and consistency to construct such an elaborate and enormous web site. In addition to setting up all these institutes (which then bestowed his many degrees upon him), according to his CV Bisconti first founded an international accreditation organization–and then an American subsidiary–to give said institutes a veneer of credibility. Is that something a madman would think to do?

    Finally, a quick Google search on the terms “Bisconti” and “hoax” will reveal that this dude has been rickrolling serious bloggers for several years now.

    PS: I apologize if I wasn’t clear that my suggestion about calling up the radio program was a joke. But if I lived in the area myself I’d be awfully tempted to listen to the program just to evaluate Mr. Bisconti’s intelligence, age, sense of humour, etc.

  108. Frank Oswalt says

    I agree with Jon H — why would someone running a computer store damage his image by using his real name in a “hoax” like this? And why would he use his real last name, but use a different first name? ZekeCDN, a Google search of “Bisconti” and “hoax” yields no relevant links whatsoever. In fact, Bisconti is rarely mentioned at all in blogs or forums outside of his own web site. And again, what would this “hoax” be meant to represent? No, this guy’s webpage is the web-based equivalent of the barely medicated schizophrenic’s conspiracy scrap book.

  109. says

    I made the mistake of clicking on that link. How am I going to get this horrible taste out of my mouth? Better open that bottle of wine right now, and take of some clothes, like the true slut that I am, and think sinful thoughts.

  110. Chris says

    If you like to look at women … [or] if you are gay.

    I think they’ve pretty much covered all the bases with that one.

  111. ZekeCDN says

    Re “no relevant links”: I used various combinations of terms in my searches, however using only the two I mentioned–“Bisconti” and “hoax”–will lead you to at least four blogs that were either hoodwinked by Bisconti or sucked into an “Is this guy for real?” debate. That’s what I meant by rickrolled. They include:,, and (the latter has written about the Bisconti site twice).

    Please understand that I’m not suggesting that Bisconti is some jolly fellow of the sort you’d like to have round for drinks. Clearly his site promotes views–whether intentionally or in jest–that are abhorrent to most of the posters here, myself included. However that doesn’t mean he’s certifiably crazy and I see no evidence that supports jumping to that conclusion. I think “crackpot” or “prankster” are far closer to the mark than mentally ill.

    In my admittedly limited experience* I’ve never met a schizophrenic with the ability and stamina required to construct such a massive web site, consisting of hundreds of pages that uniformly support an elaborate and consistent (albeit thoroughly unbelievable) narrative. Neither have I ever met a person suffering from delusional disorder who demonstrated the consistency of thought and purpose evidenced by Bisconti’s site and writings.

    Seriously, have you ever met a “barely-medicated schizophrenic” capable of such feats? Someone who makes wild pronouncements but then immediately backtracks to bring them within the letter of the law? If so, I’d be fascinated to hear about it. Like any good scientist I’ll be happy to be proven wrong … but only with evidence, not mere assertions.

    *Disclaimer: I am not qualified to perform clinical diagnoses. I worked for four years (during undergrad) as an orderly in a mental hospital, where I did get to know a few hundred mentally ill individuals … and I’m married to a psychiatric nurse. Nevertheless I’m far better equipped to argue the issue of capacity in legal fora.

  112. wazza says

    Michelle: Don’t worry, at pharyngula you’re allowed to – uh – never mind, just get those sinful clothes out of here!

    You could always ask the guy in private. I mean, just call the store, say you’re from scienceblogs and ask whether it would be appropriate to expose this site to ridicule or whether the author is genuinely ill. If they say he is, send him a gift-basket or something, because what we just did was Not Nice.

  113. Shade says

    As of Oct 07, this guy was living in an “Extended Stay” hotel in Illinois.

    I am actually pretty disturbed by this guy. Seriously, I think he’s dangerous.

  114. says

    The Time Cube Number

    The Time Cube Number is a measure of how closely a bit of insanity approaches Time Cube. Time Cube itself has a Time Cube Number of “1”, for only Time Cube is Time Cube. The higher the Time Cube Number of anything that is not Time Cube the more Time Cube it becomes. A Time Cube Number of “1” indicates unity with Time Cube, which makes the matter Time Cube. Thus the highest any kook thinking can approach Time Cube without becoming Time Cube is a Time Cube Number of 0.99, and even there the tendency is to think of such material as being Virtual Time Cube.

    So, remember the closer to unity (1) with Time Cube something is, the more Time Cube it becomes.

    Where learning more about Time Cube is concerned let me ask you this question … If everybody jumped into an infinite ocean of sulfuric acid, would you?

  115. Ichthyic says

    … If everybody jumped into an infinite ocean of sulfuric acid, would you?

    if the ocean of acid were infinite, you’d already be soaking in it.

  116. Jon H says

    “In addition to setting up all these institutes (which then bestowed his many degrees upon him), according to his CV Bisconti first founded an international accreditation organization–and then an American subsidiary–to give said institutes a veneer of credibility. Is that something a madman would think to do?”

    It could also be a sign of delusions of grandeur, a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. It could be that he ‘knows’ he knows everything, therefore when existing institutions won’t confirm this, he just goes ahead and says he has founded institutions (after all, he thinks he’s competent to do so) and essentially grants himself the degrees that established academia will not (because they’re fools! fools!).

    The Unabomber was pretty competent when he wanted to be, and made a much greater effort to evade detection.

    Compared to what he did, it’s a small matter that Bisconti doesn’t just claim to have founded Bisconti U.

    I mean, it’s not like he actually *founded* any of those places. They’re no more real than ‘Urban Force’.

  117. says

    Did you report this person to the secret service? I was under the impression it was illegal to call for someone’s murder like that. Unless of course you’re Ann Coulter or something. But Skeletor gets a free pass.

  118. ZekeCDN says

    It could also be a sign of delusions of grandeur, a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia. It could be that he ‘knows’ he knows everything, therefore when existing institutions won’t confirm this, he just goes ahead and says he has founded institutions (after all, he thinks he’s competent to do so) and essentially grants himself the degrees that established academia will not (because they’re fools! fools!).

    I totally agree that a lot of it is consistent with someone suffering from delusions of grandeur. It’s just that I’ve never seen such a sufferer who felt the need to extensively document a fictitious back story. In my experience true delusion disorders genuinely believe that they have the qualifications or accomplishments that they brag about. They may even have false memories of having attended a certain school or being knighted or whatever. They don’t consciously construct a fake CV, with fake degree-granting institutions and even fake accreditation organizations. That’s too much like lying and deluded people don’t believe that they’re lying.

    You are also right though that they frequently do think everyone else is a fool … for not recognizing their brilliance or their exclusive access to some truth and so on. I just can’t imagine a deluded individual trying to shore up their delusion by deliberately creating something they know to be a fiction. Plus there’s his pattern of writing provocative headlines followed by a hasty retreat. That seems consistent with a clear appreciation of the legal consequences of his actions (and evidence that he cares about that).

    Perhaps I’m all wet and he is a Unabomber-wannabe. On the other hand Kaczynski really was smart. Wasn’t he a Harvard grad with a Ph.D. in Math? I know he didn’t make public or traceable threats–in fact he left a bunch of deliberately false clues to evade discovery. The more I reflect, I think he was a whole different kind of crazy from what we’re talking about here :-)

    I’m intrigued by the report about Bisconti’s residency. If true, that probably does rule him out as the owner of the computer store. Can I ask how you discovered that info Shade?

  119. AAB says

    it looks like a parody page. One hint: if you go to the about page it states that the website is a joint venture of of other 5-6 institutes. If you go to all the other pages it looks like same person created all the pages. For example look at the institute of theoretical physics web; no link to anything else but the lexus (or whatever it is) web. And it is founded in 1973!! It just looks like parody…

  120. Eric says

    I misread it at first and put two lines together…lack of punctuation does that…I thought it said





    It made me laugh…I’m tired.

  121. wazza says

    AAB: that’s just the discussion we were having, and many have pointed out that your evidence is not conclusive…

    Eric, the last one actually does go together

  122. Jon H says

    ZekeCDN wrote: “. They don’t consciously construct a fake CV, with fake degree-granting institutions and even fake accreditation organizations. That’s too much like lying and deluded people don’t believe that they’re lying.”

    What it actually reminds me of is something a kid would do for fun – not making up a hoax to fool anyone, but concocting a fanciful, detailed alternate reality persona. Imagine a kid writing up a bunch of stuff in which he won all sorts of sporting events and grammy-style music biz awards, profiles of his rock band, etc, and created the supporting evidence in crayon. Then he and his friends dwell in the created reality for a while until it gets boring.

    A kid might do his for an afternoon, and dig out the stuff once in a while to play Rock Musician or Famous Hero Soldier.

    The writing style and content make it clear it’s an adult, but something about it reeks of this sort of wish-fulfillment/reality construction. How pathological it is, I admit, is way up in the air.

  123. Frank Oswalt says

    Jon H, I agree that it is hard to tell whether this guy has crossed the border from elaborate wishful thinking into the pathological construction of alternate realities that he truly believes in. So, let’s hope it is just wishful thinking. However, what I do find disturbing is this page:

    Here, he develops a weird theory of “virtual fugues”, waking dreams in which, he seems to believe, you are not responsible for the things you do (they are not “sinful” because you are not responsible for your dreams). My feeling is that he engages in activities that he believes are sinful (since he seems obsessed with gays, these might be homosexual encounters), and that he has constructed this theory of “virtual fugues” to distance himself from these activities. If that is true, then the guy could well be a sex offender (or worse) waiting to happen — what if he decides, in one of his “virtual fugues”, to rape or to kill?

    I wonder if one should draw the attention of some law enforcement agency to the material on his site, just so they could check out the guy.

  124. ZekeCDN says

    What it actually reminds me of is something a kid would do for fun – not making up a hoax to fool anyone, but concocting a fanciful, detailed alternate reality persona.

    Yes, it has that exact flavour.

    Here, he develops a weird theory of “virtual fugues” …

    I must admit that I read and reread that page (and kept shaking my head) but it was still saying the same thing–that it isn’t sinful to engage in gay sex, provided you’re in a waking dream state. As Jon wrote, the signs point to him being an adult. But if they didn’t, that would have convinced me that he’s a troubled Christian teen, trying to reconcile his sexuality with his–or his parents’– religion.

  125. Kadin says

    Apparently, pornography is a ‘super evil’ that is a billion times more powerful than other sins. That’s right, a billion.

    Man, I never would have looked at all that porn if I had realised it was a SUPER evil. I always just thought it was the regular kind.

  126. dkew says

    I think Aaron’s research (#80) was more valuable than many of the other posts. Since some posters were claimng Bisconti might be dangerous, and others that he is mentally ill (after Aaron’s post), it is a service to know where he is.

  127. David Marjanović, OM says

    There is a world of difference between a doctorate in Theology and a Doctor of Divinity. The former is one who studies religion in an academic sense – e.g., in a comparative or sociological framework. I have never heard of a Doctor of Theology as a recognized degree from a reputable and accredited university. The degree is a Ph.D. However, Doctor of Divinity is generally earned by senior level prelates, and focuses on the advanced study of religious texts in that particular religion. It is fairly common to hear of Protestant bishops called “Doctor” – and it is one of the few acceptable non-academic venues where a non-MD can use the appelation.

    America is a strange place… ~:-|

    Over here, theology is studied at universities like a science (just without the experiments, har har), and when candidates write a Master’s thesis, they become Masters of Theology (Mag. theol.), and when they add a doctoral thesis, they become Doctors of Theology (Dr. theol.)… I don’t think that difference between “theology” and “Divinity” even exists in any language other than English.

  128. David Marjanović, OM says

    There is a world of difference between a doctorate in Theology and a Doctor of Divinity. The former is one who studies religion in an academic sense – e.g., in a comparative or sociological framework. I have never heard of a Doctor of Theology as a recognized degree from a reputable and accredited university. The degree is a Ph.D. However, Doctor of Divinity is generally earned by senior level prelates, and focuses on the advanced study of religious texts in that particular religion. It is fairly common to hear of Protestant bishops called “Doctor” – and it is one of the few acceptable non-academic venues where a non-MD can use the appelation.

    America is a strange place… ~:-|

    Over here, theology is studied at universities like a science (just without the experiments, har har), and when candidates write a Master’s thesis, they become Masters of Theology (Mag. theol.), and when they add a doctoral thesis, they become Doctors of Theology (Dr. theol.)… I don’t think that difference between “theology” and “Divinity” even exists in any language other than English.

  129. David Marjanović, OM says

    Over here, theology is studied at universities like a science (just without the experiments, har har)

    I should just have written “like philosophy”.

  130. David Marjanović, OM says

    Over here, theology is studied at universities like a science (just without the experiments, har har)

    I should just have written “like philosophy”.

  131. Lee says

    “First, because God, in the Bible, the Holy Word of God, tells us to love ALMOST (we say ALMOST because of how we use the word “love” in America) everyone, we LOVE Gays EXCEPT for extremist Gays, who corrupt, abuse, and even molest the children of America.”

    I wonder if they are aware of the priests? lol.

  132. LP says

    LO-Frickin’ L. This page cracks me up. I especially like the pictures that were processed to show the slutiness of whatever they were showing. Oh, and the sexual karate got me laughing to bits. But, I must say, the site is not very attractive as far as presentation is concerned. Very unorganized and to jumbly.

  133. Chris R says

    That website cracked me up. I think my favourite page, solely for its oxymoronic glory, is the ‘Scientific Bible Movement’ – forgive me for quoting most of it:

    >>>Tuesday, January 15, 2008 8:31 PM CST, we launched the “Scientific Bible Movement.” The first three principles of this movement are:
    Even if all other religions were good, they would not be as good as Christianity.
    Even if all other segments (branches and denominations) of Christianity were good, they would not be as good as the Scientific Bible Movement.
    Only the King James Version of the Bible and the IAV, the International Authorized Version, are the Word of God.

    Well that seems an admirably clear statement of his position. Only snag is, try as I might I cannot find the slightest trace of logical argument, or the scientific method, about that.

    Thanks so much for giving me a good laugh!

  134. catgirl says

    Ok, this is hilarious in a scary kind of way. From the section ‘How to Find a Husband/Wife”:

    9. Find someone who is not overly concerned about whether you are physically attractive.

    13. Make yourself as beautiful as possible.

    I guess by putting a few lines of text between them, he just didn’t notice the blatant contradiction.

  135. Nes says

    And the debating evolutionists thing does at least acknowledge the difference between a hypothesis and a theory, though he denies Evolution is a theory.

    Interesting, considering his definitions of “exolution” and evolution. Granted, he does say that it’s claimed to be a theory on his exolution page, which implies that he doesn’t think it is. Still seems odd to continue calling it a theory after that, though.

    He also seems to contradict himself on the evolution page:

    Note, in passing, that the definition says “a theory” and not “the theory.”


    For example, whether we say “a dog” or “the dog,” we are still talking about a dog.

    So, which is it? is “the” or “a” an important distinction, or not?