
  1. says

    “Longish hair declairs homage to monkey ‘ancestors'”

    I thought “declair” was a process for removing French pastry from one’s diet.

  2. Lilly de Lure says

    Comfortable footwear encourages moral decadence

    Well, if we get the comfy shoes I’m all for it!

    Unfortunately I now have the image of the entire Disco Institute wandering around everywhere in cripplingly high stillettoes and castration-tight pants stuck in my head.

    Thanks PZ!

  3. Prazzie says

    Great pic, but the comments make for depressing reading: (Comatorium22) what kind of point are you trying to make about atheists? Cause it doesnt sound like a good one and you should be careful about insulting religions unless you are prepared for a fight.

    *rolls over and dies*

    We should be careful about insulting religions, taking care to do so often and with fervour. But what does that have to do with atheism?

  4. Kseniya says

    I think it’s a parody. The artist comment was rather wry (along the lines of, “I’ve had a lot of people ask me if I was spying on them when I drew this”) and, contrary to other fundie artist pages like the excruciatingly painful “Dan’s Pulpit”, there doesn’t seem to be many other religious-themed pieces. None, actually, though I admit I haven’t browsed Ivy’s entire devArt portfolio… which mean, I guess, that the jury is still out. (?)

  5. Wes says

    It’s obviously satire of how some people stereotype atheists. I’m a bit baffled that some people see this as somehow an attack on atheists. If anything, it’s making fun of people who attack atheists!

    I like it, but artist needs to work on her spelling.

  6. Schmeer says

    The reason I asked is that I have seen this drawing posted on sickeningly dense theist blogs. Apparently they missed the joke entirely.

  7. jfatz says

    And, of course, in critiquing the artist’s spelling I made a typo… Dang it.

    That is why ewe need two use Firefox, because it has a built inn dictionary!

  8. Andrew says

    I liked it…”sports soulpatch to compensate for lack of real soul”…………hahahhhahaha

  9. heliobates says

    Apparently they missed the joke entirely.

    On a theist blog?!?

    Say it ain’t so, Schmeer.

  10. Matt says


    Oh, I get it now…it’s supposed to be ridiculous. It’s early and I am still half asleep!

  11. Interrobang says

    Oh, so is that what they mean by “women in comfortable shoes.” Morally decadent! Cool! Here I thought I just wound up looking like a graduate student of indeterminate sexual orientation, but I get to be morally decadent instead, thanks to my refusal to injure my feet, legs, and back to placate the patriarchy. Awesome! That’s so fraught, I may never even attempt to wear femme-looking shoes again.

    (Why, yes, I am a hairy-legged feminist atheist, thank you for asking. I’ve only got a put option on the “man-hating” bit, however.)

  12. jfatz says

    Parody, right? Dammit, its always so hard to tell.

    THIS is hard to tell? o_O The internet has clearly damaged something up there in the ol’ gray matter. ;-)

    …but of course the artist’s comments are right there on the front page:

    “Just so we’re clear, this is a satire. You’re supposed to be laughing at the person who’s making these (judgmental) observations. Then again I maintain the right to make fun of atheists because I am one.”

    Of course I let my soul patch grow out into full PZ beardiness years ago.

  13. CalGeorge says

    Got the slouch and the vacant stare down. I need to get me some baggy pants. And a soul patch! (will magic marker do the trick?)

  14. Luke says

    The only really insulting part of this is the wallet-an-a-chain.

    Everyone knows atheists aren’t into fiscal bondage.

  15. gsb says

    He needs a Macbook. All those hippie, beatnik, commie, atheist types carry Macbooks. They aren’t allowed into their Satanic Darwinist church, Starbucks, without them.

  16. jfatz says

    Everyone knows you can’t be BOTH an atheist and an Apple owner, as you’re required to worship Steve Jobs.

  17. says

    God forbid you should have too much freedom of motion… or of thought!

    ah, a soul patch… I’ll try to get my daughters to grow one. Can’t have them slacking off on their atheism now that I have them so thoroughly indoctrinated!

  18. Peter Ashby says

    Please excuse my ignorance, I don’t know if it is due to my generation or being not a ‘Merkin. What is a ‘soul patch’?

  19. Holbach says

    The atheist illustration aside, no one can tell we are
    atheists with just a cursory glance, but I sure can spot a
    religious cretin with more than the cursory glance. They
    have that faraway look about them, as if at any moment they
    are going to recognize their god, whether it be in a pile
    of shit, a eponymous cloud, or a freaking weirdo in the
    guise of a deranged priest puking out words of salvation
    or imminent apocolypse. “Have you spoken to jesus today?”,
    one of the perambulant cretins accosted me with while I
    was leaving a mall. “No, but I saw it in a pile of dog shit
    on the sidewalk.” Made my day.

  20. gsb says

    Everyone knows you can’t be BOTH an atheist and an Apple owner, as you’re required to worship Steve Jobs.

    Heh. Good one. (I’m platform Agnostic myself, having owned both platforms over the years).

  21. Sven DiMIlo says

    tennis shoes?
    soul patch?
    “longish” hair?
    Those are for short-ball hitters.
    Birkenstocks, ponytail and full-on beard since ’81, baby. You-all are gonna have to hustle to keep up with us REAL atheists. (Those of the double-X persuasion are encouraged to substitute leg and/or armpit hair for the beard, though.)

  22. T. Bruce McNeely says

    Please excuse my ignorance, I don’t know if it is due to my generation or being not a ‘Merkin. What is a ‘soul patch’?

    A soul patch is a tuft of facial hair grown below the lower lip. A Merkin is the same thing, only lower down, and false. No wonder you didn’t know…

  23. zer0 says

    GOD DAMN IT! SO my balding head means I’m not an atheist?

    I’m with ya there bud. My hair has been rapidly retreating from the front lines since I was 17 = Want to get together for bible study and kool-aid?

  24. Jim says

    For the follicly challenged commenting above:

    As I pointed out to my little brother, “You’re not losing your hair dude, you’re just getting more head”.

  25. says

    “A soul patch is a tiny patch of beard, between the lower lip and the chin.”

    AKA, “Damn. Missed a spot! Again.”

  26. says

    Notice that the object of parody (the Creationist who supposedly wrote the poster) has completely missed the Darwin fish. I suppose that says that Creationists are completely ignorant about the few *real* signs. Or am I overanalyzing the parody?

  27. Ryan says

    wow. . .This originally appeared in Golden Words, the campus satire rag here at Queen’s (Kingston, ON). Always thought it was funny, and glad to see it’s making the rounds.

  28. Patrick says

    Outside of the chain wallet…those all apply pretty well to me. Well…my shoes could be a bit more comfortable but such is the price of business attire on a grad student budget. Top notch satire. I must get that on a t-shirt or poster.

  29. Michelle says

    Hmmm when you think about it, a soul patch is pretty close to a clichéed satanic goatee!

  30. says

    Wow, someone on DA just pointed this out to me. I’m glad you like my comic! I mostly wrote this in fun…I tend to shy away from the religious stuff these days because people inevitably think you’re attacking them, rather than trying to make them laugh.

    Anyway, if you’re interested the comic is on my website here: Feel free to check out the other comics and games I’ve done. :)

  31. says

    Please excuse my ignorance, I don’t know if it is due to my generation or being not a ‘Merkin. What is a ‘soul patch’?

    You’re a pubic wig?

  32. Sven DiMIlo says

    Blake: Stay away from the icing!!! REAL poptarts are just crust ‘n’ filling…available in strawberry and blueberry.
    Did you know they’re now marketing whole-grain poptarts? Oxymoronic?

  33. says

    Oops. I googled ‘merkin’ and came across several images that were NSFW.

    Then again, our department IT guy mentioned the other day that he and an ex-girlfriend used to ‘swing’, so I’m probably alright.

  34. Peter Ashby says

    Thanks for the knowledge on what a soul patch is. The very ironic thing is, I have one ;-) It’s just that I never knew it had a specific name. I grew the ‘tache because the missus liked it and the soul patch was a compromise when she wanted me to grow a beard.

  35. DanioPhD says

    Comfortable footwear encourages moral decadence

    I’m guessing that being liberated from the constant misery of pinchy cruel business shoes allows one to focus more completely on the primal, blazing lust within their loins…? Works for me :)

  36. bill says

    mmmm poptarts…
    best sandwich ever = chocolate frosting between two chocolate fudge poptarts…

  37. jfatz says

    Wow, someone on DA just pointed this out to me. I’m glad you like my comic!

    Thanks for making it! Just be sure to thank for his open storage directories ( ), StumbleUpon for linking to yours, a Googling to find your DA page, and then a quick note to PZ… ;-)

    I think you’re going to HAVE to make the female version of it now, right?

  38. says

    I think you’re going to HAVE to make the female version of it now, right?

    If I did, I’d have to include the line:

    “Wears ‘soul patch’ patch to compensate for lack of real soul patch.”


  39. Sili says

    If I did, I’d have to include the line:

    “Wears ‘soul patch’ patch to compensate for lack of real soul patch.”


    I see no problem with that. It’d go well with your “Man-Man” comic – that made me smile.

  40. says

    That’s pretty much me, except the chain and hair. I don’t use a chain, largely because it’s impractical for me, and I have actually long hair. I also have a goatee, not a soul patch, because soul patches make me want to punch people. It’s fine when it’s got companions, but all by its lonesome, I think it looks stupid. The rest of it is spot-on. Right down to the shoes, which, I’ll admit, are for moral decadence. I mean, with comfy shoes, how can you not?

  41. Bride of Shrek says

    Round my neck fo the woods the “soul patch” is known as the “clit tickler”. Classy bunch we are.

  42. Bride of Shrek says

    I find personally I am far more morally decadent in my comfortable old flatties. My thigh high black patent leather stiletto boots just make me feel all prudish and upright.

  43. Hematite says

    Bride of Shrek (55): Me too, I was wondering whether it would be in bad taste to mention it ;)

    Puts Peter Ashley (46) in a different light!

  44. Peter Ashby says

    Typical, my wife didn’t want the beard at all! it was just a ploy to get me to grow a ‘soul patch’. You trust people…..

  45. anti-nonsense says

    I love comfortable shoes. Wouldn’t catch me in high-heels ever. I don’t believe in broken ankles for beauty.