Cafe Scientifique tonight

Come on out to Morris this evening — at 6:00, at the Common Cup Coffeehouse, Van Gooch of the biology discipline will be talking about bioluminescence and other phenomena in our Cafe Scientifique. The title of his talk is “Light Giving Life: Real and Artificial,” and I know he’s planning to bring sample organisms to hand out to the attendees.


  1. Sparky says

    I’ll have to agree with jba….
    You’ve almost got me convinced to drive out there from Western NY. I would love to go to that, but alas…

  2. mdowe says

    Someday, somebody will think of a way to transmit the audio, or even video of such events, to all interested parties. It could happen ….

  3. says

    Sounds like great fun! I wonder what it would be like to have some sea creature blinking at me from my glass of water? LOL!
    Dave Briggs :~)

  4. Olorin says

    PZ, you might wish to tell the outa-Staters who owns/sponsors the Common Cup Coffeehouse, and the symbolism of the name. Or perhaps not…. :-)

  5. October Mermaid says

    I’m told that if you eat something bioluminescent, it’ll recharge your batteries.