I work for a YEC. My boss. A YEC. I went (please forgive me) to a bible study with him two years ago. It was my introduction to the whole concept and instrumental to my current Atheism.
man, what a hoot. gonna share that one around!
Nate Smithsays
Does it say something about me, the video, or creationists that I can’t tell if this is a spoof or not?
The lions keep ’em in check! Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
That’s genius. “Who let the Jew in the Creation Museum?”
Don Oliviersays
Lest you think that’s over the top, I remember sitting in a bus station in the 1950s, when Israel was in the news, hearing a long serious conversation between two drunks about whether Arabs were niggers. Where? St. Paul, Minnesota.
Hilarious! A keeper!
I always wondered about the dinosaurs in the Ark. So it was the lions who kept them in check then!
Thanks for posting PZ! (assuming you linked this from my email).
These guys are very good and post regularly on youtube, as well as their own site redstateupdate.com. They have lots of “commentary” on politics and pop culture. For a good laugh, check out their clips “impressions” and “scars”. Good stuff.
Please tell me that these guys are takin’ the piss.
I remember sitting in a bus station in the 1950s, when Israel was in the news, hearing a long serious conversation between two drunks about whether Arabs were niggers. Where? St. Paul, Minnesota.
I remember sitting in a coffee shop in Mankato, MN shortly after 9-11 and hearing two guys chatting about Islam after their NA meeting: “They don’t even believe in Jesus!”
Hey! What are my cousins doing in a video? (And to think we share descent from a common forebear.)
Arnosium Upinarumsays
“BOBBLE perk in MURFizBURo, that’s ROT!”
Ah, the lilting DRAAAAWL of the speech patterns is charming, in a revolting sort of way. Its like they enjoy listening to themselves…a way of sounding out, free of the responsibility of deliberation. (NO, of course not everybody in the south speaks without thinking, but the practice is disturbingly common. The affectation and emphasis on drawn-out and distorted voweled syllables is one of the chief reasons why I cannot listen to any popular or pseudo-rock singer without my gorge rising up at it, because the phoniness is so forced, so faked. I do not understand how anyone can possibly subject themselves to tuning in to “American Idol”, for example. Good blues is an excellent antidote, and then you can tell genuine expression from the faked style).
Reminds me of when I once visited Huntsville Alabama (on an occasion related to a space-SCIENCE conference being held there). At the hotel bar one evening, a fellow struck up a conversation with me about farms. He offered to buy me drinks as he went along, enthusing incessantly about farms, in his charmingly drawling manner. I said, “yeah” and “uh huh” alot. After a long while he got rather miffed that I wasn’t similarly enthusiastic about farms:
“HIGH, donchya got FARMS war ya cum frum???”
“Uh, yeah – of course we do, we’ve got lots of farms, and good ones too. Lots of mom and pop operations still up where I come from.” (What else could I say? That I got off on agriculture too?)
This went on for another solid half hour before I realized he was talking about “FIRE-ARMS”.
Seriously, absolutely true story.
In retrospect I’m just glad that the conversation hadn’t turned to religion.
beepbeep, these guys ARE taking the piss. Easy way to tell these aren’t real redneck hicks: several times, they say “animatronic” without mangling the word even a little.
“beepbeep, these guys ARE taking the piss. Easy way to tell these aren’t real redneck hicks: several times, they say “animatronic” without mangling the word even a little.
Posted by: Luna_the_cat | June 5, 2007 06:19 AM”
Actually, they are both from Tennessee (the other flag in the background is the Tennessee state flag). However, I think they do stress their “redneck” accent a bit in these clips.
THANK YOU for creating and posting this video. I am a Christian and believe in creation and think this is the best thing someone could have made to support the Creation Museum and spoof evolution. Christians have a great sense of humor and this is a good one!
That is one of the funnest clips I’ve seen in a while. I’m passing it along to all my friends and we all love it.
Oh, and we’re all creationists!
This clip is the best… I too am a Christian, and love the Creation Museum… I thought that this was one of the funniest things… I know that this was most likely done to make us angry, but every Christian I show this to absolutely loves it! Thank you for sharing this!
Hey, “Jeff”, “Joe”, and “Justin”, it’s a funny thing about this technology stuff: not only can my brain detect that your messages are amusingly similar, but the software tells me you’re all coming in from the same IP address,, from an ISP in Cincinnati.
Every Christian I know loves to misrepresent themselves on the internet and play sockpuppet games! Thank you for revealing this!
Hey, “Jeff”, “Joe”, and “Justin”, it’s a funny thing about this technology stuff: not only can my brain detect that your messages are amusingly similar, but the software tells me you’re all coming in from the same IP address,, from an ISP in Cincinnati.
Every Christian I know loves to misrepresent themselves on the internet and play sockpuppet games! Thank you for revealing this!
Don’t you just love it when the UberChristians completely disregard the 10 Commandments they allegedly revere?
The offices for Fuse are located in Cincinnati, but the IP reads West Harrison. It takes the I-275 to work every morning.
Where do you see any deception? This is a really funny video and we really do like it. Evereyone that sees it thinks it promotes the Creation Museum…honest, we really do have a sense of humor! We are passing it along to all Christians that we know. Thanks for posting it and keeping the publicity for the museum going. God bless you folks!
Thou shall not lie.
Just remember, people don’t get upset because the Bible contradicts itself, they get upset because the Bible contradicts their lives and beliefs. God is written on every man’s heart…there is hope for you…hang in there.
Uh, god-botherer dude, the Bible doesn’t upset us. God-botherers do. The Bible itself is a comedy, as in “farce”.
Did you ever think, wait you usually don’t before jumping to conclusions, but that we all work in the same office and that’s how we’ve been passing around the video. Thou shall not falsely accuse. Anywho the video still rocks.
Rey Foxsays
So you admit that the Bible contradicts itself.
Murray Renniesays
Um…Jeff”, “Joe”, and “Justin”
I just ran you IP through nslookup and got something interesting. Now I may be in error here and did something wrong…but why did it give me mail.answersingenesis.org?
The only I know of that would cause you to have the same IP address would be if all three of your “machines” were behind a switch. Somehow the hostname “mail.answersingenesis.org” does not strike me as a switch name.
DNS server handling your query: localhost
DNS server’s address:
Non-authoritative answer: name = mail.answersingenesis.org.
Authoritative answers can be found from:
Murray, I don’t mean to insult you, but it’s a network, 200 computers in which all have the same outgoing IP. By the way, just showed the videp to 2nd shift and we all had another good laugh.
Way too technical for me…I thought this was all in good fun….why post a hilarious video???? Every one is out to make this a “conspiracy theory”….learn to laugh folks. God gave you a sense of humor…use it. Have a great day!
Ted Powellsays
Fun! I’ve bookmarked their web site.
Looks remarkably like the Great White North with Bob and Doug McKenzie, which recently celebrated its 24 Anniversary.
it’s a network, 200 computers in which all have the same outgoing IP.
An office with 200 computers located in a town with a population of 340, and all of them answer to mail.answersingenesis.org.
On dialup.
And tell Hammy-boy that reverse psychology may work on his minions, but it doesn’t work on the adults.
The word of God is quick and powerful, and piercing even to the dividing asunder of of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. What is it you fear about the truth?
The word of God is quick and powerful
The word of god doesn’t exist.
What is it you fear about the truth?
Nothing. There’s no truth in religion, just fables and fantasy.
The lines of snot are thick and colouful, and disgusting even to the rending of the tissue and Kleenex and of the rags and kerchiefs and is a nosewiper of the bleating and whinging of the mindless.
What is it you fear about reality?
If you think you got here by random chance [from goo to you] there is no accountability to the Creator God but you also have no hope. But if you believe the evidence all around you that the Creator God who made all things also paid in full the price for your sin you can have hope, be set free from sin and have the promise of eternal life with the one who died for you – Jesus Christ. Have you really swallowed the lie God is dead or does it occur to you He is very much alive – knowing every idle word spoken?
There’s lots of mucous involved in procreation, so from goo to you is the way it is. Too bad for you.
And I’ll take no advice from someone who is ignorant and arrogant enough to tell me I have no hope when they’re a follower of someone who rips off his own friends.
There’s more hope for health and happiness for people alive and not yet born in the honesty of scientists, as imperfect as that may be, than the fiction of the bible.
I’m not in the same office and i loved the video and sent it to my entire church! hilarious! amazing how quickly the dialog went from thank you to accusations and insults. lighten up a little. we love it that you are talking about the creation museum – over 20,000 visitors in two weeks, every one leaving with a big grin. you oughta try it. even PhD’s leave with a grin. the more you talk about it, the more people go to the museum to see what the fuss is, and they all come out grinning. must be something good there. but be careful – the dinosaurs might have you for lunch!
Have you really swallowed the lie God is dead or does it occur to you He is very much alive – knowing every idle word spoken?
The idea is not that he has once lived and is now dead. The idea is that he never existed in the first place, like the tooth fairy. You have fallen among the atheists and should know what that means.
Evolution is a different affair. Mutations are random — but selection is not, it is done by the environment. If you talk about evolution, you should know what that means.
David Marjanovićsays
Have you really swallowed the lie God is dead or does it occur to you He is very much alive – knowing every idle word spoken?
The idea is not that he has once lived and is now dead. The idea is that he never existed in the first place, like the tooth fairy. You have fallen among the atheists and should know what that means.
Evolution is a different affair. Mutations are random — but selection is not, it is done by the environment. If you talk about evolution, you should know what that means.
Am I the only one who’s going to make some remark about how you have to be a Creationist (and thus out of touch with reality) to willingly drink that much Budweiser? I swear, there has to be a correlation between regional prevalence of non-Creationists and micro- and craft breweries.
If you think you got here by random chance
Evolution is not random. Please visit Talk Origins for an explaination of what evolution is and the various ways you have been lied to by Creationists.
the evidence all around you that the Creator God
Got any evidence of your Creator God? If you want to believe in a deity that’s find by me, but now you are claiming that you have evidence and I’d like to see it.
no i think you are on the right track when it comes to evolution – tooth fairy stuff. but questioning the historicity of Jesus the Christ does not win you any educational awards. He has been hated by many who testified of him: Cornelius Tacitus, “greatest historian” of ancient Rome who said “Christus, the founder . . .was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea during the reign of Tiberias . . . “; he was also spoken of by others who hated all that He represented: Lucian of Samosata, Saetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, as well as the Jewish Historian Josephus. no, i wouldn’t go there if i were you, not if you want to retain any credibility amongst your educated cohorts. He lived, he died, he rose again from the dead, and what is more relevant for you, he is coming back. soon. sooner than you think.
re: Evolution is not random.
Since when has a scientific theory, either evolution or creation, become a lie? if someone comes to a different conclusion than YOU after looking at the evidence, does that make them a liar? this is pure emotion, not science. if you want some evidence, visit the Creation Museum. if you are too far away to get there, try reading The Young Earth, by Dr. John Morris, PhD Geologist. But you have to put your philosphy of atheism aside first before you will have even a chance of seeing the facts without bias. good luck.
Cornelius Tacitus, “greatest historian” of ancient Rome who said “Christus, the founder . . .was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea during the reign of Tiberias . . . “; he was also spoken of by others who hated all that He represented: Lucian of Samosata, Saetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, as well as the Jewish Historian Josephus
Of those, only Josephus is anywhere near being a contemporary of Jesus. And the only substantial reference in his works is an obvious forgery. Which prompts the obvious question; where are all the corroborating reports from contemporary historians regarding all these miracles? You’d think someone would have noticed earthquakes, solar eclipses, and the dead walking the earth, for instance.
But you have to put your philosphy of atheism aside first before you will have even a chance of seeing the facts without bias. good luck.
Creationists really have no sense of irony whatsoever, do they?
Creationism supported by – people whose religious beliefs are in conflict with evolution.
Evolution supported by – everyone else, pretty much.
Doesn’t that tell you something?
and which of the contemporary historians of Jesus who wrote about what was going on in Judea just then DIDN’T write about him? and since when do you have to have been alive to write a history report about the time being reported? After all – if it’s happening now, it’s news, not history. And remember this was in Judea, a dusty corner of nowhere, so who would have noticed, other than the over 500 witnesses whose testimony you choose not to believe because it was recorded in the scriptures? There’s more evidence of Jesus’ life than many other ancient figures. you can’t wish him away, no matter how hard you try.
re: Creationists really have no sense of irony whatsoever, do they?
so are you going to give me a reference for a book supporting evolution written by a creationist? or a book supporting creationism written by an evolutionist?
well, duh! is this circular reasoning, or what? you have educated people with two different views. One group looks at the evidence and says, old earth, billions of years, no God, ergo, atheist. the other group looks at the evidence, says, young earth, can’t be more than thousands of years, created by God, i choose to believe based on the evidence.
so why is one less reliable than the other, when both have the same credentials? or are we just going to hurl epithets instead of REALLY considering the evidence?
Since when has a scientific theory, either evolution or creation, become a lie?
Creation is not a scientific theory. If anyone claims it is then the options are 1) ignorant or 2) liar.
I did not call you a liar, BTW.
if someone comes to a different conclusion than YOU after looking at the evidence, does that make them a liar
I said that you didn’t know what the Theory of Evolution is. Because the Theory of Evolution does not say that evolution is random. Please familiarize yourself with what the ToE actually says before making claims about what it actually says.
But you have to put your philosphy of atheism aside first before you will have even a chance of seeing the facts without bias.
How about you put your philosophy of Creationism aside and look at the evidence. There is a nice collection of such at Talk Origins.
Do you worship God, or do you worship the Bible?
Why do you claim that your God is a liar?
and which of the contemporary historians of Jesus who wrote about what was going on in Judea just then DIDN’T write about him?
That would be all of them. Can you name a single contemporary who did mention him, let alone provide positive support for any of his miracles?
and since when do you have to have been alive to write a history report about the time being reported? After all – if it’s happening now, it’s news, not history.
Well, let’s take Tacitus. Where exactly did he find out about ‘Christus’ and his fate at the hands of Pilate? Did he read about it in official Roman records? Is he just repeating what a Christian told him regarding their beliefs? We don’t know. The difference in credibility is obvious, however. The closer the source is to the events, the less likely they’re just passing on hearsay.
And remember this was in Judea, a dusty corner of nowhere, so who would have noticed, other than the over 500 witnesses whose testimony you choose not to believe because it was recorded in the scriptures?
The scriptures don’t record testimony of 500 witnesses. Scripture merely states that there were 500 witnesses. We’re never told who they are, or where their testimony could be found. If I tell you that I walked on water yesterday, you won’t believe me. If I then tell you that 500 people saw me, does that make it more credible? Of course not. Why should you believe me about the second claim if you think I’m lying about the first?
There’s more evidence of Jesus’ life than many other ancient figures. you can’t wish him away, no matter how hard you try.
I’ll note again that it’s not his existence I’m discussing here, but rather the fantastic events attributed to him.
well, duh! is this circular reasoning, or what? you have educated people with two different views. One group looks at the evidence and says, old earth, billions of years, no God, ergo, atheist.
But that’s not what’s happening at all! The group which accepts the old Earth, evolution etc. is not solely comprised of atheists. I doubt atheists are even the majority. There are many Christians who are quite happy to accept evolution. They have no philosophical commitment to it; they just follow the evidence. The point is that the pro-evolution group covers an enormous range of philosophical and religious views. The anti-evolution group is restricted to those whose views require them to be anti-evolution. The pro-evolution group is largely made up of people whose views don’t require them to go one way or the other.
re: Can you name a single contemporary who did mention him, let alone provide positive support for any of his miracles
let’s see, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, – just because someone gathered up the historical documents and published them in one book doesn’t make them lack credibility . . .
just because someone gathered up the historical documents and published them in one book doesn’t make them lack credibility . . .
Nor does it give them credibility.
re: But that’s not what’s happening at all!
so let me get this straight. There are many Christians who are quite happy to accept evolution [true]. then, your next thought, the anti-evolution group is restricted to those whose views require them to be anti-evolution? So you think I am a creationist because someone or something requires me to be one? Who is that, or what is that? Somehow i am missing the logic in that thought. Creationists are scientists who believe the evidence supports special creation by God, in six days, about 6,000 years ago. But it’s based on evidence, not someone telling us what to believe. Most people believe evolution because they have been told it is a fact [not true], instead of a theory, and they don’t have the educational background to question it. We are simply providing other evidence for them to consider thoughtfully.
Albatrossity: It looks like “Jeff,” “Joe,” and “Justin” from already work for Answers in Genesis. As was pointed out already here, the reverse DNS on this IP is mail.answersingenesis.org. The forward DNS on mail.answersingenesis.org also points to that IP, so it’s not just some hacker kids who have control of their own reverse DNS having fun (which is common)–they’re really there. Contrary to Graculus’ comment, I see no evidence that it’s dialup–it’s probably a T1, with the whole office behind that IP via NAT, with port 25 redirected to the mail server (which I hope for their sake is in a DMZ and not just sitting on the office network). (I am unable to connect to port 25 on that IP, however–either they’re down or are filtering who they accept mail from.)
re: Creation is not a scientific theory. If anyone claims it is then the options are 1) ignorant or 2) liar.
A-ah. so there we are. Epithets again.
I beg to differ.
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
But i am sure you will discard this, and say that since more people believe evolution, and this is a democracy, it must be true. Wonder what Galileo would say about that.
re: it’s probably a T1, and your point is?
I live in another state than answers in genesis, and i am at home. i really exist, i really thought it was a funny video, and i really forwarded it to my whole church. they thought it was funny too.
with the whole office behind that IP via NAT
West Harrison doesn’t have any offices of a size to justify Cincinnati Bell putting in a T-1 (Fuse is their dial-up division). Take a boo on Google Maps. The only way 200 computers are getting in a building in West Harrison is if they are stacked floor to ceiling in the basement.
The AiG website is hosted by Rackspace, that’s completely seperate.
A-ah. so there we are. Epithets again.
No, I don’t consider being ignorant of something to be a flaw. Only those who claim to have all the answers to everything could consider it an epithet.
It does become a flaw when you are proud of your ignorance and insist on making statements about the fields that yo uare ignoarant about.
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
Creationism is neither plausible not scientifically accepted.
say that since more people believe evolution, and this is a democracy, it must be true.
No, that’s the Creationist argument. Science is not a democracy. This is both a strawman (“making stuff up”) and a reflection of your own arguments.
the Creation Museum is not in West Harrison, it’s in Petersburg Ky with a Hebron Ky mail address. about 10 minutes from the Greater Cincinnati airport. the building is bigger than 50K sq feet, and there are that many people there. lots of dinosaurs too, but most of them don’t have internet access . . .
the Creation Museum is not in West Harrison,
mail.answersingenesis.org is, along with our sockpuppets.
re: about the fields that yo uare ignoarant about
come again? Creationism is a theory, is plausible, has much evidence [which you have not reviewed]; all Creationists have of course been taught evolution, [what choice did we have?] however, when we exercise thought and logic, and ask questions,we tend to make many mad. especially if we dare question the current dogma of evolution.
Guess i started a firestorm this morning. maybe we should go back to the Budweiser comment, which i agree with – it is swill. signing off. got engineering work to do.
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
Ok, smarty pants, how would you disprove your theory? If there is no way to disprove it, it ain’t science.
But i am sure you will discard this, and say that since more people believe evolution, and this is a democracy, it must be true. Wonder what Galileo would say about that.
Do realize that Science is a meritocracy, not a democracy. Among other things, Creationism is NOT A SCIENCE primarily because Creationists DO NOT DO SCIENCE AT ALL.
Name me one scientific experiment done by Creationists.
Creationism is a theory
No, it’s a WAG. It explains nothing, predicts nothing, isn’t falsifiable or testable. That isn’t how science works.
is plausible
How is it more plausible than a cosmic egg? Stirring chaose with a spear?
when we exercise thought and logic,
You can start anytime.
and ask questions,we tend to make many mad.
No, the part that irritates us is when you put your hands over your ears and go “LA,LA,LA,LA,LA,LA, I CAN’T HEAR YOU”
got engineering work to do.
The Salem Hypothesis strikes again.
Creationism is a theory, is plausible, has much evidence [which you have not reviewed];
Actually creationism isn’t a theory, at least not a scientific theory. Since you want to appeal to democratic ideals, then let’s look at the facts. First, the vast majority of people in the fields you claim creation “theory” should be a valid part of disagree with your assessment and do not consider it a viable explanation for the evidence. Second, another response to your appeal to democratic principles, the courts (you know, 3rd branch of our government) have ruled over and over again that creationism isn’t science (neither is intelligent design). So, your “theory” has been dismissed by both scientific authority and democratic processes.
” all Creationists have of course been taught evolution, [what choice did we have?]”
Of course the fact that you had your fingers in your ears chanting “lalalalalala” the entire time kept you from actually LEARNING about evolution.
” however, when we exercise thought and logic,”
When will this begin again? We haven’t seen it yet.
” and ask questions,we tend to make many mad. especially if we dare question the current dogma of evolution.”
What questions have you asked?
Oh, by the way, your reference to Mathew, Mark, John, etc. doesn’t fit the bill as contemporaries. The gospels of the bible were written many years after the death of Christ. Mark, the earliest gospel, was written about 65 AD, the others followed ranging as late as 135 AD. It is possible that the earliest gospels were written by contemporaries, but they would either have been quite young when witnessing Christ, or extremely old when writing the gospel. But, that really is a moot point given that the new testament is composed of only four of the thirty-two known gospels to have existed when the book was canonized. When taken as a body, the thirty-two writings contradict one another immensely.
Eagle, if you want to play with the big boys and use scientific terminology, you better know what it means.
A theory is an overall explanation of phenomena, which is potentially falsifiable and also suggests further lines of research.
By the way, don’t give us any baloney about scientists ignoring evidence. If you wanted to do the work, you could bootstrap a line of research using grants from places like the Olin Foundation and the Templeton Foundation.
They’re certainly friendly to religion.
Of course, the problem is that these groups are professional. They have finely tuned BS detectors. They certainly won’t accept applications from people who are too lazy to do the hard work of science.
If creationists can answer the question “if I were wrong, how would I know?”, it is science.
David Marjanovićsays
So, is creationism science?
If creationists can answer the question “if I were wrong, how would I know?”, it is science.
Richard Simonssays
Eagle claims there is evidence for creation, presumably one of the Genesis versions rather than the Hopi, Ainu, Ancient Egyptian or other versions.
I would appreciate seeing some of this evidence. Remember, references to one particular Bronze Age mythology are not evidence and criticisms of the theory of evolution are not evidence for creation even if justified (and I have never seen one from a creationist source that has been justified).
Lady says
If you think you got here by random chance [from goo to you] there is no accountability to the Creator God but you also have no hope.
And who do you think you are to tell me whether I have hope or not? This is the kind of ignorance and arrogance expressed by fundamentalist Christians that is so irritating. At least find out the basics of the theory of evolution before posting to reduce the amount of twaddle.
What is it you fear about the truth?
Compare a creationist/ID site like Uncommon Descent and a pro-evolution site like Pandasthumb. See which one allows critical comments and which one doesn’t, than ask yourself who is afraid of the truth. BTW I have been banned from UD for attempting to post a comment no more offensive than this.
Jim, the billing address and the physical location of the machine do not have to be congruent. It reads as West Harrison by geographical location. AiG’s website has the same billing address, but I doubt RackSpace has moved to Hebron, KY.
Graculus: Where are you getting the West Harrison location? What do you mean by “It reads as West Harrison by geographical location?” Are you relying on some third-party IP geocoding?
The AiG *website* is in colo space at Rackspace in Texas (DFW), not at the AiG offices. The AiG *mail server* is apparently hosted at their own offices, on Fuse. Fuse’s rwhois server indicates the primary site location of the circuit they’re providing. There could well be more wide-area network behind that, but I doubt that AiG has any.
Are you relying on some third-party IP geocoding?
Yep. If the two locations were closer together and didn’t have a river between them I’d be inclined to think it was just that AiG was routed through West Harrison. I think their mail may be hosted offsite, at their “IT expert’s” home.
All of those comments were made by a single person, no need for a network.
Ezekiel Buchheit says
I work for a YEC. My boss. A YEC. I went (please forgive me) to a bible study with him two years ago. It was my introduction to the whole concept and instrumental to my current Atheism.
djlactin says
man, what a hoot. gonna share that one around!
Nate Smith says
Does it say something about me, the video, or creationists that I can’t tell if this is a spoof or not?
Firemancarl says
The lions keep ’em in check! Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
That just slays me!
BK says
“Bible Style” Yessir!
Dono says
That’s genius. “Who let the Jew in the Creation Museum?”
Don Olivier says
Lest you think that’s over the top, I remember sitting in a bus station in the 1950s, when Israel was in the news, hearing a long serious conversation between two drunks about whether Arabs were niggers. Where? St. Paul, Minnesota.
AlexF says
Hilarious! A keeper!
I always wondered about the dinosaurs in the Ark. So it was the lions who kept them in check then!
Deepsix says
Thanks for posting PZ! (assuming you linked this from my email).
These guys are very good and post regularly on youtube, as well as their own site redstateupdate.com. They have lots of “commentary” on politics and pop culture. For a good laugh, check out their clips “impressions” and “scars”. Good stuff.
beepbeepitsme says
Please tell me that these guys are takin’ the piss.
MAJeff says
I remember sitting in a bus station in the 1950s, when Israel was in the news, hearing a long serious conversation between two drunks about whether Arabs were niggers. Where? St. Paul, Minnesota.
I remember sitting in a coffee shop in Mankato, MN shortly after 9-11 and hearing two guys chatting about Islam after their NA meeting: “They don’t even believe in Jesus!”
Zeno says
Hey! What are my cousins doing in a video? (And to think we share descent from a common forebear.)
Arnosium Upinarum says
“BOBBLE perk in MURFizBURo, that’s ROT!”
Ah, the lilting DRAAAAWL of the speech patterns is charming, in a revolting sort of way. Its like they enjoy listening to themselves…a way of sounding out, free of the responsibility of deliberation. (NO, of course not everybody in the south speaks without thinking, but the practice is disturbingly common. The affectation and emphasis on drawn-out and distorted voweled syllables is one of the chief reasons why I cannot listen to any popular or pseudo-rock singer without my gorge rising up at it, because the phoniness is so forced, so faked. I do not understand how anyone can possibly subject themselves to tuning in to “American Idol”, for example. Good blues is an excellent antidote, and then you can tell genuine expression from the faked style).
Reminds me of when I once visited Huntsville Alabama (on an occasion related to a space-SCIENCE conference being held there). At the hotel bar one evening, a fellow struck up a conversation with me about farms. He offered to buy me drinks as he went along, enthusing incessantly about farms, in his charmingly drawling manner. I said, “yeah” and “uh huh” alot. After a long while he got rather miffed that I wasn’t similarly enthusiastic about farms:
“HIGH, donchya got FARMS war ya cum frum???”
“Uh, yeah – of course we do, we’ve got lots of farms, and good ones too. Lots of mom and pop operations still up where I come from.” (What else could I say? That I got off on agriculture too?)
This went on for another solid half hour before I realized he was talking about “FIRE-ARMS”.
Seriously, absolutely true story.
In retrospect I’m just glad that the conversation hadn’t turned to religion.
Luna_the_cat says
beepbeep, these guys ARE taking the piss. Easy way to tell these aren’t real redneck hicks: several times, they say “animatronic” without mangling the word even a little.
beepbeepitsme says
Ahhh. Ty.
Deepsix says
“beepbeep, these guys ARE taking the piss. Easy way to tell these aren’t real redneck hicks: several times, they say “animatronic” without mangling the word even a little.
Posted by: Luna_the_cat | June 5, 2007 06:19 AM”
Actually, they are both from Tennessee (the other flag in the background is the Tennessee state flag). However, I think they do stress their “redneck” accent a bit in these clips.
Jeff says
THANK YOU for creating and posting this video. I am a Christian and believe in creation and think this is the best thing someone could have made to support the Creation Museum and spoof evolution. Christians have a great sense of humor and this is a good one!
Joe says
That is one of the funnest clips I’ve seen in a while. I’m passing it along to all my friends and we all love it.
Oh, and we’re all creationists!
Justin says
This clip is the best… I too am a Christian, and love the Creation Museum… I thought that this was one of the funniest things… I know that this was most likely done to make us angry, but every Christian I show this to absolutely loves it! Thank you for sharing this!
PZ Myers says
Hey, “Jeff”, “Joe”, and “Justin”, it’s a funny thing about this technology stuff: not only can my brain detect that your messages are amusingly similar, but the software tells me you’re all coming in from the same IP address,, from an ISP in Cincinnati.
Every Christian I know loves to misrepresent themselves on the internet and play sockpuppet games! Thank you for revealing this!
Stanton says
Don’t you just love it when the UberChristians completely disregard the 10 Commandments they allegedly revere?
Graculus says
The offices for Fuse are located in Cincinnati, but the IP reads West Harrison. It takes the I-275 to work every morning.
Jeff says
Where do you see any deception? This is a really funny video and we really do like it. Evereyone that sees it thinks it promotes the Creation Museum…honest, we really do have a sense of humor! We are passing it along to all Christians that we know. Thanks for posting it and keeping the publicity for the museum going. God bless you folks!
Steve_C says
Thou shall not lie.
Jeff says
Just remember, people don’t get upset because the Bible contradicts itself, they get upset because the Bible contradicts their lives and beliefs. God is written on every man’s heart…there is hope for you…hang in there.
Graculus says
Uh, god-botherer dude, the Bible doesn’t upset us. God-botherers do. The Bible itself is a comedy, as in “farce”.
Joe says
Did you ever think, wait you usually don’t before jumping to conclusions, but that we all work in the same office and that’s how we’ve been passing around the video. Thou shall not falsely accuse. Anywho the video still rocks.
Rey Fox says
So you admit that the Bible contradicts itself.
Murray Rennie says
Um…Jeff”, “Joe”, and “Justin”
I just ran you IP through nslookup and got something interesting. Now I may be in error here and did something wrong…but why did it give me mail.answersingenesis.org?
The only I know of that would cause you to have the same IP address would be if all three of your “machines” were behind a switch. Somehow the hostname “mail.answersingenesis.org” does not strike me as a switch name.
I confirmed this by going to http://www.kloth.net/services/nslookup.php and entering the IP…I got
DNS server handling your query: localhost
DNS server’s address:
Non-authoritative answer: name = mail.answersingenesis.org.
Authoritative answers can be found from:
Joe says
Murray, I don’t mean to insult you, but it’s a network, 200 computers in which all have the same outgoing IP. By the way, just showed the videp to 2nd shift and we all had another good laugh.
Jeff says
Way too technical for me…I thought this was all in good fun….why post a hilarious video???? Every one is out to make this a “conspiracy theory”….learn to laugh folks. God gave you a sense of humor…use it. Have a great day!
Ted Powell says
Fun! I’ve bookmarked their web site.
Looks remarkably like the Great White North with Bob and Doug McKenzie, which recently celebrated its 24 Anniversary.
Graculus says
it’s a network, 200 computers in which all have the same outgoing IP.
An office with 200 computers located in a town with a population of 340, and all of them answer to mail.answersingenesis.org.
On dialup.
And tell Hammy-boy that reverse psychology may work on his minions, but it doesn’t work on the adults.
Lady says
The word of God is quick and powerful, and piercing even to the dividing asunder of of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. What is it you fear about the truth?
Zarquon says
The word of god doesn’t exist.
Nothing. There’s no truth in religion, just fables and fantasy.
Zeno_of_Elea says
The lines of snot are thick and colouful, and disgusting even to the rending of the tissue and Kleenex and of the rags and kerchiefs and is a nosewiper of the bleating and whinging of the mindless.
What is it you fear about reality?
Lady says
If you think you got here by random chance [from goo to you] there is no accountability to the Creator God but you also have no hope. But if you believe the evidence all around you that the Creator God who made all things also paid in full the price for your sin you can have hope, be set free from sin and have the promise of eternal life with the one who died for you – Jesus Christ. Have you really swallowed the lie God is dead or does it occur to you He is very much alive – knowing every idle word spoken?
Zarquon says
There’s lots of mucous involved in procreation, so from goo to you is the way it is. Too bad for you.
And I’ll take no advice from someone who is ignorant and arrogant enough to tell me I have no hope when they’re a follower of someone who rips off his own friends.
There’s more hope for health and happiness for people alive and not yet born in the honesty of scientists, as imperfect as that may be, than the fiction of the bible.
Eagle says
I’m not in the same office and i loved the video and sent it to my entire church! hilarious! amazing how quickly the dialog went from thank you to accusations and insults. lighten up a little. we love it that you are talking about the creation museum – over 20,000 visitors in two weeks, every one leaving with a big grin. you oughta try it. even PhD’s leave with a grin. the more you talk about it, the more people go to the museum to see what the fuss is, and they all come out grinning. must be something good there. but be careful – the dinosaurs might have you for lunch!
Albatrossity says
Perhaps one of these guys has the qualifications to apply for this job as a geologist/shill for the Creation museum.
David Marjanović says
The idea is not that he has once lived and is now dead. The idea is that he never existed in the first place, like the tooth fairy. You have fallen among the atheists and should know what that means.
Evolution is a different affair. Mutations are random — but selection is not, it is done by the environment. If you talk about evolution, you should know what that means.
David Marjanović says
The idea is not that he has once lived and is now dead. The idea is that he never existed in the first place, like the tooth fairy. You have fallen among the atheists and should know what that means.
Evolution is a different affair. Mutations are random — but selection is not, it is done by the environment. If you talk about evolution, you should know what that means.
Jurjen S. says
Am I the only one who’s going to make some remark about how you have to be a Creationist (and thus out of touch with reality) to willingly drink that much Budweiser? I swear, there has to be a correlation between regional prevalence of non-Creationists and micro- and craft breweries.
Grauculus says
If you think you got here by random chance
Evolution is not random. Please visit Talk Origins for an explaination of what evolution is and the various ways you have been lied to by Creationists.
the evidence all around you that the Creator God
Got any evidence of your Creator God? If you want to believe in a deity that’s find by me, but now you are claiming that you have evidence and I’d like to see it.
Eagle says
no i think you are on the right track when it comes to evolution – tooth fairy stuff. but questioning the historicity of Jesus the Christ does not win you any educational awards. He has been hated by many who testified of him: Cornelius Tacitus, “greatest historian” of ancient Rome who said “Christus, the founder . . .was put to death by Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea during the reign of Tiberias . . . “; he was also spoken of by others who hated all that He represented: Lucian of Samosata, Saetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, as well as the Jewish Historian Josephus. no, i wouldn’t go there if i were you, not if you want to retain any credibility amongst your educated cohorts. He lived, he died, he rose again from the dead, and what is more relevant for you, he is coming back. soon. sooner than you think.
Eagle says
re: Evolution is not random.
Since when has a scientific theory, either evolution or creation, become a lie? if someone comes to a different conclusion than YOU after looking at the evidence, does that make them a liar? this is pure emotion, not science. if you want some evidence, visit the Creation Museum. if you are too far away to get there, try reading The Young Earth, by Dr. John Morris, PhD Geologist. But you have to put your philosphy of atheism aside first before you will have even a chance of seeing the facts without bias. good luck.
MartinM says
Of those, only Josephus is anywhere near being a contemporary of Jesus. And the only substantial reference in his works is an obvious forgery. Which prompts the obvious question; where are all the corroborating reports from contemporary historians regarding all these miracles? You’d think someone would have noticed earthquakes, solar eclipses, and the dead walking the earth, for instance.
MartinM says
Creationists really have no sense of irony whatsoever, do they?
Creationism supported by – people whose religious beliefs are in conflict with evolution.
Evolution supported by – everyone else, pretty much.
Doesn’t that tell you something?
Eagle says
and which of the contemporary historians of Jesus who wrote about what was going on in Judea just then DIDN’T write about him? and since when do you have to have been alive to write a history report about the time being reported? After all – if it’s happening now, it’s news, not history. And remember this was in Judea, a dusty corner of nowhere, so who would have noticed, other than the over 500 witnesses whose testimony you choose not to believe because it was recorded in the scriptures? There’s more evidence of Jesus’ life than many other ancient figures. you can’t wish him away, no matter how hard you try.
Eagle says
re: Creationists really have no sense of irony whatsoever, do they?
so are you going to give me a reference for a book supporting evolution written by a creationist? or a book supporting creationism written by an evolutionist?
well, duh! is this circular reasoning, or what? you have educated people with two different views. One group looks at the evidence and says, old earth, billions of years, no God, ergo, atheist. the other group looks at the evidence, says, young earth, can’t be more than thousands of years, created by God, i choose to believe based on the evidence.
so why is one less reliable than the other, when both have the same credentials? or are we just going to hurl epithets instead of REALLY considering the evidence?
Graculus says
Since when has a scientific theory, either evolution or creation, become a lie?
Creation is not a scientific theory. If anyone claims it is then the options are 1) ignorant or 2) liar.
I did not call you a liar, BTW.
if someone comes to a different conclusion than YOU after looking at the evidence, does that make them a liar
I said that you didn’t know what the Theory of Evolution is. Because the Theory of Evolution does not say that evolution is random. Please familiarize yourself with what the ToE actually says before making claims about what it actually says.
But you have to put your philosphy of atheism aside first before you will have even a chance of seeing the facts without bias.
How about you put your philosophy of Creationism aside and look at the evidence. There is a nice collection of such at Talk Origins.
Do you worship God, or do you worship the Bible?
Why do you claim that your God is a liar?
MartinM says
That would be all of them. Can you name a single contemporary who did mention him, let alone provide positive support for any of his miracles?
Well, let’s take Tacitus. Where exactly did he find out about ‘Christus’ and his fate at the hands of Pilate? Did he read about it in official Roman records? Is he just repeating what a Christian told him regarding their beliefs? We don’t know. The difference in credibility is obvious, however. The closer the source is to the events, the less likely they’re just passing on hearsay.
The scriptures don’t record testimony of 500 witnesses. Scripture merely states that there were 500 witnesses. We’re never told who they are, or where their testimony could be found. If I tell you that I walked on water yesterday, you won’t believe me. If I then tell you that 500 people saw me, does that make it more credible? Of course not. Why should you believe me about the second claim if you think I’m lying about the first?
I’ll note again that it’s not his existence I’m discussing here, but rather the fantastic events attributed to him.
MartinM says
But that’s not what’s happening at all! The group which accepts the old Earth, evolution etc. is not solely comprised of atheists. I doubt atheists are even the majority. There are many Christians who are quite happy to accept evolution. They have no philosophical commitment to it; they just follow the evidence. The point is that the pro-evolution group covers an enormous range of philosophical and religious views. The anti-evolution group is restricted to those whose views require them to be anti-evolution. The pro-evolution group is largely made up of people whose views don’t require them to go one way or the other.
Eagle says
re: Can you name a single contemporary who did mention him, let alone provide positive support for any of his miracles
let’s see, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, – just because someone gathered up the historical documents and published them in one book doesn’t make them lack credibility . . .
Graculus says
just because someone gathered up the historical documents and published them in one book doesn’t make them lack credibility . . .
Nor does it give them credibility.
Eagle says
re: But that’s not what’s happening at all!
so let me get this straight. There are many Christians who are quite happy to accept evolution [true]. then, your next thought, the anti-evolution group is restricted to those whose views require them to be anti-evolution? So you think I am a creationist because someone or something requires me to be one? Who is that, or what is that? Somehow i am missing the logic in that thought. Creationists are scientists who believe the evidence supports special creation by God, in six days, about 6,000 years ago. But it’s based on evidence, not someone telling us what to believe. Most people believe evolution because they have been told it is a fact [not true], instead of a theory, and they don’t have the educational background to question it. We are simply providing other evidence for them to consider thoughtfully.
Jim Lippard says
Albatrossity: It looks like “Jeff,” “Joe,” and “Justin” from already work for Answers in Genesis. As was pointed out already here, the reverse DNS on this IP is mail.answersingenesis.org. The forward DNS on mail.answersingenesis.org also points to that IP, so it’s not just some hacker kids who have control of their own reverse DNS having fun (which is common)–they’re really there. Contrary to Graculus’ comment, I see no evidence that it’s dialup–it’s probably a T1, with the whole office behind that IP via NAT, with port 25 redirected to the mail server (which I hope for their sake is in a DMZ and not just sitting on the office network). (I am unable to connect to port 25 on that IP, however–either they’re down or are filtering who they accept mail from.)
Eagle says
re: Creation is not a scientific theory. If anyone claims it is then the options are 1) ignorant or 2) liar.
A-ah. so there we are. Epithets again.
I beg to differ.
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
But i am sure you will discard this, and say that since more people believe evolution, and this is a democracy, it must be true. Wonder what Galileo would say about that.
Eagle says
re: it’s probably a T1, and your point is?
I live in another state than answers in genesis, and i am at home. i really exist, i really thought it was a funny video, and i really forwarded it to my whole church. they thought it was funny too.
Graculus says
with the whole office behind that IP via NAT
West Harrison doesn’t have any offices of a size to justify Cincinnati Bell putting in a T-1 (Fuse is their dial-up division). Take a boo on Google Maps. The only way 200 computers are getting in a building in West Harrison is if they are stacked floor to ceiling in the basement.
The AiG website is hosted by Rackspace, that’s completely seperate.
Graculus says
A-ah. so there we are. Epithets again.
No, I don’t consider being ignorant of something to be a flaw. Only those who claim to have all the answers to everything could consider it an epithet.
It does become a flaw when you are proud of your ignorance and insist on making statements about the fields that yo uare ignoarant about.
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
Creationism is neither plausible not scientifically accepted.
say that since more people believe evolution, and this is a democracy, it must be true.
No, that’s the Creationist argument. Science is not a democracy. This is both a strawman (“making stuff up”) and a reflection of your own arguments.
Eagle says
the Creation Museum is not in West Harrison, it’s in Petersburg Ky with a Hebron Ky mail address. about 10 minutes from the Greater Cincinnati airport. the building is bigger than 50K sq feet, and there are that many people there. lots of dinosaurs too, but most of them don’t have internet access . . .
Graculus says
the Creation Museum is not in West Harrison,
mail.answersingenesis.org is, along with our sockpuppets.
Eagle says
re: about the fields that yo uare ignoarant about
come again? Creationism is a theory, is plausible, has much evidence [which you have not reviewed]; all Creationists have of course been taught evolution, [what choice did we have?] however, when we exercise thought and logic, and ask questions,we tend to make many mad. especially if we dare question the current dogma of evolution.
Guess i started a firestorm this morning. maybe we should go back to the Budweiser comment, which i agree with – it is swill. signing off. got engineering work to do.
bliekker says
Theory: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena.
Ok, smarty pants, how would you disprove your theory? If there is no way to disprove it, it ain’t science.
Stanton says
Do realize that Science is a meritocracy, not a democracy. Among other things, Creationism is NOT A SCIENCE primarily because Creationists DO NOT DO SCIENCE AT ALL.
Name me one scientific experiment done by Creationists.
Graculus says
Creationism is a theory
No, it’s a WAG. It explains nothing, predicts nothing, isn’t falsifiable or testable. That isn’t how science works.
is plausible
How is it more plausible than a cosmic egg? Stirring chaose with a spear?
when we exercise thought and logic,
You can start anytime.
and ask questions,we tend to make many mad.
No, the part that irritates us is when you put your hands over your ears and go “LA,LA,LA,LA,LA,LA, I CAN’T HEAR YOU”
got engineering work to do.
The Salem Hypothesis strikes again.
dogmeatib says
Creationism is a theory, is plausible, has much evidence [which you have not reviewed];
Actually creationism isn’t a theory, at least not a scientific theory. Since you want to appeal to democratic ideals, then let’s look at the facts. First, the vast majority of people in the fields you claim creation “theory” should be a valid part of disagree with your assessment and do not consider it a viable explanation for the evidence. Second, another response to your appeal to democratic principles, the courts (you know, 3rd branch of our government) have ruled over and over again that creationism isn’t science (neither is intelligent design). So, your “theory” has been dismissed by both scientific authority and democratic processes.
” all Creationists have of course been taught evolution, [what choice did we have?]”
Of course the fact that you had your fingers in your ears chanting “lalalalalala” the entire time kept you from actually LEARNING about evolution.
” however, when we exercise thought and logic,”
When will this begin again? We haven’t seen it yet.
” and ask questions,we tend to make many mad. especially if we dare question the current dogma of evolution.”
What questions have you asked?
Oh, by the way, your reference to Mathew, Mark, John, etc. doesn’t fit the bill as contemporaries. The gospels of the bible were written many years after the death of Christ. Mark, the earliest gospel, was written about 65 AD, the others followed ranging as late as 135 AD. It is possible that the earliest gospels were written by contemporaries, but they would either have been quite young when witnessing Christ, or extremely old when writing the gospel. But, that really is a moot point given that the new testament is composed of only four of the thirty-two known gospels to have existed when the book was canonized. When taken as a body, the thirty-two writings contradict one another immensely.
gwangung says
Eagle, if you want to play with the big boys and use scientific terminology, you better know what it means.
A theory is an overall explanation of phenomena, which is potentially falsifiable and also suggests further lines of research.
By the way, don’t give us any baloney about scientists ignoring evidence. If you wanted to do the work, you could bootstrap a line of research using grants from places like the Olin Foundation and the Templeton Foundation.
They’re certainly friendly to religion.
Of course, the problem is that these groups are professional. They have finely tuned BS detectors. They certainly won’t accept applications from people who are too lazy to do the hard work of science.
Jim Lippard says
Graculus, this isn’t in West Harrison. If you look at Fuse’s rwhois entry for the IP address, it shows:
network:IP-Network-Block: –
network:Org-Name:Answers in Genesis
network:Street-Address:2800 Bullitsburg Church Rd
network:Updated-By:[email protected]
David Marjanović says
So, is creationism science?
If creationists can answer the question “if I were wrong, how would I know?”, it is science.
David Marjanović says
So, is creationism science?
If creationists can answer the question “if I were wrong, how would I know?”, it is science.
Richard Simons says
Eagle claims there is evidence for creation, presumably one of the Genesis versions rather than the Hopi, Ainu, Ancient Egyptian or other versions.
I would appreciate seeing some of this evidence. Remember, references to one particular Bronze Age mythology are not evidence and criticisms of the theory of evolution are not evidence for creation even if justified (and I have never seen one from a creationist source that has been justified).
Lady says
And who do you think you are to tell me whether I have hope or not? This is the kind of ignorance and arrogance expressed by fundamentalist Christians that is so irritating. At least find out the basics of the theory of evolution before posting to reduce the amount of twaddle.
Compare a creationist/ID site like Uncommon Descent and a pro-evolution site like Pandasthumb. See which one allows critical comments and which one doesn’t, than ask yourself who is afraid of the truth. BTW I have been banned from UD for attempting to post a comment no more offensive than this.
Graculus says
Jim, the billing address and the physical location of the machine do not have to be congruent. It reads as West Harrison by geographical location. AiG’s website has the same billing address, but I doubt RackSpace has moved to Hebron, KY.
Jim Lippard says
Graculus: Where are you getting the West Harrison location? What do you mean by “It reads as West Harrison by geographical location?” Are you relying on some third-party IP geocoding?
The AiG *website* is in colo space at Rackspace in Texas (DFW), not at the AiG offices. The AiG *mail server* is apparently hosted at their own offices, on Fuse. Fuse’s rwhois server indicates the primary site location of the circuit they’re providing. There could well be more wide-area network behind that, but I doubt that AiG has any.
Graculus says
Are you relying on some third-party IP geocoding?
Yep. If the two locations were closer together and didn’t have a river between them I’d be inclined to think it was just that AiG was routed through West Harrison. I think their mail may be hosted offsite, at their “IT expert’s” home.
All of those comments were made by a single person, no need for a network.
Ryan says
I have see the author of this Blog ban people for less offensive comments like this.
B.S Cocksnack. He only banned you because
1. You use multiple aliases from the same IP address.
2. You refuse to acknowledge anyone else’s points.
3. You cut and paste.
P.S – Welcome back.