
  1. Hank Fox says

    I can’t decide:

    Sir Hank the Radiant of Great Leering
    Duke Hank the Erudite of Greater Waldenshire
    Lord Hank the Assiduous of Biggleswade by Biscuit
    His Excellency Hank the Lush of Lower Slaughter
    His Highness Hank the Unusual of Studly Roger

    A quick way to cheat the Peculiar Aristocratic Title engine:

    Enter your name and sex and press the Submit button for the first title. Then use your browser’s Back button to return to the previous page, where your name and sex will still be entered. Press the Submit button again. Do it over and over until you have a title to be proud of.

  2. ctenotrish, FCD, PhD says

    I am “Duchess Ctenotrish the Eldritch of Westley Waterless.” I can live with that. Now I just need to work on my posh accent (my usual Texas-driven mid-west US drawl will never do).

  3. Desert Donkey says

    Baron Desert Donkey the Expensive of Bow under Bumpstead

    ’tis a good friday to be silly I guess

  4. speedwell says

    I’m in love with my very first Internet title:

    Marchioness Speedwell the Dissolute of New Scagglethorpe

    Now where the heck IS New Scagglethorpe? Hey, come to think of it, where the heck is OLD Scagglethorpe?

    Oh… never mind…

    SCAGGLETHORPE, in the parish of Settrington, and wapentake of Buckrose…

    That explains everything, doesn’t it? ;)

  5. Stogoe says

    Duke Stogoe the Temporary of Witchampton Under Buzzard
    His Noble Excellency Stogoe the Flavoursome of Melbury Bumpton
    The Most Honourable Stogoe the Decent of Deepest Throcking
    Duke Stogoe the Festive of Middle Witchampton
    His Excellency Stogoe the Bloody of Colquhoun St Cahoon
    His Excellency Stogoe the Cannibalistic of Heffton St Mallet

    That’s a lot of fun.

  6. Crudely Wrott says

    I was particularly taken with my very first title and sought no other.

    Duke Carl the Perplexed of Leg over Wallop

    Carl is my first name.

    While I’ve spent a great deal of time being perplexed, I haven’t yet decided if Leg over Wallop is a location or a martial arts move. If I had to choose I’d take the Leg over the Wallop. My imagination produces many images. But then maybe if Wallop was some kind of food or if Leg was a slang term for . . .

  7. CJColucci says

    The Reverend Earl Clement the Saturnine of New Porton Wells wishes you all a Merry Christmas. (Do I believe in Christmas? Hell, I’ve seen it. No reason not to be merry even if it isn’t your particular holiday.)

  8. says

    “While I’ve spent a great deal of time being perplexed, I haven’t yet decided if Leg over Wallop is a location or a martial arts move. If I had to choose I’d take the Leg over the Wallop. My imagination produces many images. But then maybe if Wallop was some kind of food or if Leg was a slang term for . . .”

    In British slang, “getting your leg over” is slang for having a shag, dipping the quill, spearing the bearded clam, helping Mr Wibbly-Wobbly hide his helmet, a bit of ‘ows yer father… and wallop is slang for beer. (There is a beer called Wallop, but it was named after the slang).

    Not a bad title, depending on your tastes.


  9. says

    My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
    Reverend Earl Gregory the Incomplete of Praze-an-Beeble

    A Reverend Earl that’s incomplete. Hmmmmm…… never thought of that before.

  10. Ian H Spedding FCD says

    Pheasants! Bow before His Imperial Majesty Ian the Defenestrated of Lower Hellswicke!

    (Actually, I still use Windows so I suppose I’m not yet truly defenestated.)