Chuck Olson has captured Geek Prom 2006 on video. Be prepared to be shocked: there’s the talent show, the spaz dancing, the coronation, parades of geeks in strange costumes, and most terrifying of all…nerd nudity. Not safe for work or individuals with any sense of taste or propriety.
idlemind says
Those of you wanting to view this at work: Other than a guy with a weird tongue and a quick reference to amateur proctology, you’re safe except for the last ten seconds.
jeffperado says
When I first read this, my eye saw “Chuck Colsen” and I thought, now what the heck was he doing there??
JoeB says
Yay GeekProm! And that IS a weird tongue.
RavenT says
Not safe for…individuals with any sense of taste or propriety.
Well, no worries here then. Rock on, GeekProm!
FrancestheMagnificent says
Not safe for work or individuals with any sense of taste or propriety.
Suggested correction: Not safe for Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
sdanielmorgan says
…I think PZ was streaker #3.
MReap says
How have I missed this the past 5 years? I am SO going next year.