For Your Enjoyment: Hail Mary, Full of Sarcasm

Many of you will remember the It Gets Better movement and its apotheosis: Rebecca Drysdale’s song and video.

Well, it turns out that Drysdale has a new project. The Ave Maria Bamford videos are consistently co-written by Maria Bamford and Drysdale. I’m not sure of the exact working relationship here as Maria Bamford is clearly the “star” of this youtube series, but it’s clear that Drysdale is integral to the writing. Drysdale even takes on an acting role in the latest video Ave Maria Bamford 112: The End of the World:

If you like dry, sometimes uncomfortable humor, and you don’t mind when someone pokes fun at religion, you’ll probably like the Ave Maria Bamford series. Enjoy!


For Your Enjoyment: Nature Is Amazing

I was entirely unfamiliar with Nature Is Amazing (a Twitter channel that bears some small resemblance to WTF, Evolution, though NIA focuses more on behavior than on bodies) until a few minutes ago I was reading a post on the latest in DudeBro culture written by David Futrelle over at WeHuntedTheMammoth. There I learned the important lesson that whether or not dudebro behavior is natural or nurtured, some dudbro behavior isn’t all bad:

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For Your Enjoyment: Penises, Pepsis, and (Grocery?) Bags

We Hunted the Mammoth is a website probably at least vaguely familiar to any reader of Pervert Justice. While WHTM may or may not be to your taste, author/curator David Futrelle has discovered something interesting and terribly, terribly funny about the tastes of a certain misogynist. While I highly recommend you spend some time browsing the site and especially reading the particular post in question, I cannot stop myself from stealing a few snippets of Futrelle’s work and pasting it here for your enjoyment. Permit me to begin by reposting the very interesting writings of a particular misogynist discovered by Futrelle:

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A Timely Rebuttal to St. Anselm

We are, of course, all familiar with the ontological arguments of St. Anselm, in which he uses the existence of something greater than whatever you’re currently thinking about to prove that there must be a single greatest thing, because no one thing is ever greatest because there’s always something greater. Or something. I’m told it logics quite a bit, actually.

As one result of an unfortunate encounter for Anselm, over at Chainsawsuit by Kris Straub I found Anselm’s argument unfortunately demolished by a dick:  [Read more…]


An odd mishearing, a bit of banter, and a child who learned pun-crafting from some demented soul*1 and you end up with this travesty being created mostly by my child, with a small amount of assistance from me that I now, of course, deeply regret::

When you see headlines like,
Global climate change: defining the end of an entire geologic age? Scientists now asserting “holocene” ending in disaster, “anthropocene” imminent…

you know you’re encountering an Epoch ellipse.


*1: I can’t imagine whom that would be

For Your Enjoyment: A commenter makes me think

Comment filters here at Pervert Justice are set so that your first comment ever always goes to moderation. If approved, subsequent comments – even on different threads – are not moderated unless they trip the spam trap or certain specific content filters.

One of the best things about this is that I get to see all the commenters names, there’s never one that I miss because I don’t realize a commenter is new. Today that commenter is AbbeyCadabra, commenting on the thread I am 3 years old. I know everything.

AbbeyCadabra really made me think, though not about arcane topics like philately or feminism. No, the arcane which AbbeyCadabra woke from my memory is entirely different and entirely more fun. For your enjoyment, I provide a clip that never stops making me laugh, 40 years after I first saw it:


I particularly like, “AbbaCaPocus!” and the poor vampires stone-muffled “Hoh-kusss, Poh-kusss”. There must be something terribly Sadistic going on here at Pervert Justice.

I Have Been Slandered!

While I am well versed in ethics*1 and even considered an expert by some*2 in my area of specialization*3, I always, always, always go back to my sources when I write about ethics to make sure that I’m not misrepresenting the work of others by distorting it through the lens of what part of a topic or an author’s work seemed important to me. It’s also a good way to brush up on areas I tend to neglect. While I could open any number of books sitting on my shelves, it is frankly easier to open an internet source as I’m already writing on my computer. Thus, for topics where a sufficiently trustworthy source exists, I may very well skim a website to make sure that I’m not forgetting or misremembering anything important.

Often, that website is the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Today it happens to be the SEP’s background page on Virtue Ethics. Imagine my surprise to read down and find myself defamed by this go-to internet resource on important philosophical topics.

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