Focussing On Right Wing Violence After The Attack On Trump Is Not Irrational

Why hello, fellow friends! It is I, your friendly, neighbourhood Crip Dyke.

For various reasons, since 2020 I’ve migrated farther and farther from FTB. This does not mean I do not love FTB. I do! The factors leading me to post elsewhere more often are much more complex than simply liking another site or not liking this one. I keep saying that I’m going to post more over here — cross posting, at least — and then I keep failing to follow through. I dislike disappointing people, so I will stop promising that. I will continue to post rarely here, but not never. And you are always welcome at my new primary writing spots Wonkette (where, yes, I am a paid writer!) and another Pervert Justice, which is my own Substack (yes, with the same name). The other PJ remains much like this blog, but on a platform that mixes mild social media-esque features (“Notes” like Mastodon or BlueSky in that they are intended to be short thoughts and do not have many options for formatting, but they don’t technically have a character limit either, at least that I have found, and you know how I go on.) plus a bloggy feature for writings I intend to be taken more seriously (or at least that I hope will be read more widely) plus comments and discussions (both public and direct message “chat”).

And that is more than I originally intended to say. Even those features do not entirely explain why I have been posting here less, but they are part of that larger explanation.

In any case, I hope that some of you will be tempted to read Wonkette — more news commentary than news, though depending on how much news you read, they are timely enough that sometimes a Wonkette article may be early enough for it to be your first read on a topic — and to visit my alterna-digs.

The current post is on the same general topic as PZ’s exploration of the media’s insistence on bothsidesing supposedly violent rhetoric after the assassination attempt on Trump. For a number of reasons, this is asinine, and I hope to make a good many of those reasons clear in my post. Here, have a taste, and maybe that will entice you!

Trump built a violent house. He led a violent riot against his own VP, Mike Pence, in Republican-on-Republican violence. Liz Cheney has endured unending, gruesome threats, Republican-on-Republican threats, because the violent movement Trump built felt betrayed by her. There is currently a movement that endorses violence for political ends in the USA, and it is not one of the left.

There is much more, hopefully as thoughtful and useful as anything I’ve written here.

Be well, and I’ll see you around. If not here, then maybe on Substack or on FTB in the comments of Pharyngula, Stderr, Mano Singham, Affinity, or the other blogs I drop in on occasionally.


Do I have to do everything around here?

Fortunately, no. No I do not. On every issue that I address, there’s someone else right here on FtB who also discusses (or has discussed) the same thing. But there are issues where I feel I have that little extra bit of expertise, or where I flatter myself that I have had a particularly good insight and start to feel, “Gosh, I really should write something on that.” My feeling of moral obligation has been expressed in many ways. A couple of my favorites are the Hebrew, “Tikkun olam,” and the West Wing quote from a fictional New Hampshire Catholic,

If fidelity to freedom and democracy is the code of our civic religion, then surely the code of our humanity is faithful service to that unwritten commandment that says we shall give our children better than we ourselves received.

I just can’t seem to leave poor enough alone. But there are times when issues come up,  as has happened in the last few days, that I feel I’ve already expressed myself well on a topic, but in a comment on some thread where it is more than likely to be lost to time. Writing on trans issues can be exhausting for me. Frankly, it’s not necessarily good for my mental health. But leaving the  world in a poor state is not only bad for the world, it’s also bad for me: as a relentlessly self-critical ethicist, shirking my ethical duties only results in self loathing, which ain’t any better for my mental health than writing on difficult topics. As a result, I’m going to start doing something I previously felt ws too vain to do more than once a year or so. I’m going to be resurrecting some of those comments that I consider worth time and attention even outside of their original contexts and recreate them as posts here on Pervert Justice. Note that I won’t be merely linking them, since we know that it’s easier to lose blog comments in a technology transition than blog posts. When I do this, I’ll be copying them whole, sometimes with bits of additional context surrounding them so that there are no gaps in understanding.

Bonus points to those who understand why I chose today to embark on this new policy (no peeking at this post’s URL), and on the off chance someone who reads me elsewhere has a suggestion for a topic on which I’ve expressed myself (or even a specific comment), you can put it below.

How do you solve a problem like kathleenzielinski?

So, over on that Pharyngula thread that has sparked a week’s worth of posts here on Pervert Justice, the main instigator of the back and forth was a commenter named kathleenzielinski who tends to pop up in threads that are not about trans people and pose a very, very serious question about “Why do we take all these trans people seriously, with their rights and stuff, when they deserve rights of course but not the almighty excessive rights that these trans people are always demanding, like the right to grow their wheatgrass for juicing right in my shower under my bathroom skylight? Why are over 90% of trans people telling me that I can’t move wheatgrass out of my own way when I take a shower in my own bathroom just because the shower is where the daylight from the skylight hits?”

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Pervert Puns for Justice

On my last post reader lumipuma was surprised to hear I had conceived of my blog’s title as a pun, and wrote this comment:

This blog’s name is a pun? Now I’m slightly perplexed on why you’d want to pervert justice, in addition to just wanting pervert justice.

I had always assumed the verb/noun pun was apparent, but as it is not, Lumipuma deserves a serious answer to what is a serious question.

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Logic and trolling and blogs, oh my!

Someone is attempting to play logic games in the comments. Set up to require approval for the 1st comment by any account or e-mail address, my comment filter asked me for permission to post this bit of text from a new commenter named “Path”:

This is a lie.

The comment was intended for my post I’m a Nazi, Says Nazi. World Topples in Not-Shock. There’s always the possibility that they actually had a coherent comment in mind, but as they did not quote what they thought was actually a lie or make any argument at all in support of their assertion, all I could think of was the reliability problems of Harcourt Fenton Mudd:

Try again, Path. If you have a thoughtful comment, it’s almost certainly welcome, but this was so vague I honestly couldn’t tell if you were attempting to add to the conversation, attempting to troll me or one of my commenters, or just babbling. Make an effort and so long as you’re not trolling, twisting others words dishonestly, pushing hatred, or issuing threats you can probably comment here indefinitely.


More Voting Deadline Information, Courtesy of Snopes

Exactly what it says. I chose Snopes because they have additional information (as limited and vague as it may be, it’s hard to be more precise) with links to separate articles with the details of the aspect of voting, requesting an absentee ballot, or other issues that concerns you most.

Please, click this link and do everything you can to make sure you’re prepared.



Have you been donating? You may already be a winner!

Remember that post recently when I promised to write a story for the community, with each person who donated $10 being able to specify a single character, setting, quality (of either character or setting), or plot point? And those who donated more could specify one for each $10 donated?

Well, if you donated during any of the panels I’ve been on already – Friday night’s Meet the Bloggers or Saturday night’s Quiz and/or Sophisticated Literature Reading – those donations count! Just leave a comment below with the amount you donated and the story aspect(s) you would like to specify. If you’re shy about taking credit and/or what you would like to specify, my blogging ‘nym, Crip Dyke, is also my google e-mail name and you can send me those well-earned specifications privately.

Do feel free to make things challenging for me by specifying apparently contradictory aspects of character, setting or plot! And take advantage of my two panels tomorrow – Scientism at 11am Pacific and the Panel of Inexpert Discussion at 1pm Pacific – to donate so as to earn the right to name a/nother story aspect.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Youtube! Check the weekend schedule for links if you need them.

Energy Transformation & Nuclear Waste

I am happy to announce that for FreethoughtBlogs upcoming Panel of Inexpert Discussion, I have been able to secure the contribution of notable local luminary Ingibjörg Margarét Guðiradottir, Roy G. Biv Professor of Darwinian-Dysonian Radioecology at Nanaimo Technical University, British Columbia. She will be speaking next weekend, during our fundraiser, on a comprehensive plan to address problems with current nuclear waste disposal, accelerating the transformation of electricity production and energy markets more generally, with knock-on effects for demilitarization and updating older urban infrastructure to more modern building designs.

Before you read her intriguing abstract, please remember to click through to read about my own offer to craft custom short stories for your benefit and titillation.

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