Oh, holy heck Mike Pence: you would leave me no choice except for the fact that you’re so damn obvious about it that I don’t have to write the (now tired and old) joke myself. From the Washington Post, when Pence was asked if Trump might not be telling the actual literal truth about that migrant caravan:
Well, it’s inconceivable that there are not people of Middle Eastern descent in a crowd of more than 7,000 people advancing toward our border
He went on to give folks an important lesson in geography, at least according to the more extensive RawStory reporting of his remarks:
“There are statistics on this,” Pence insisted. “In the last fiscal year we apprehended 10 terrorists or suspected terrorists per day at our southern border — from countries that are referred to as ‘other than Mexico,’” the vice president said. “That means from the Middle East region.”
Ah, yes. The administration that struggles to define sex and gender now struggles to define Mexico – that country which includes, apparently, every land on earth that is not the United States or the Middle East.
fFs: I can haz kompuhtent leedr nao?
Mexico – that country which includes, apparently, every land on earth that is not the United States or the Middle East.
So that is Spanish on the cornflake boxes here in Ontario?
Sheesh, does anyone in the Trump administration know any geography outside the USA?
The US Secretary of the Interior, recently warned of the possibility of the US Navy blockading Russian energy exports. I believe some commentators suggested he look at a map.
The US Navy putting wheels on their ships and roaring across the Ukraine to blockade pipelines is something I would like to see.
Well, the municipality of Wampusirpi (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wampusirpi) is in the middle east of Honduras. It’s possible that some of the refugees are from there.
It sounds to me like he’s saying that all countries on the planet that are not Mexico or the US are in the Middle East. Not that that makes it any less idiotic.
I suspect the government also has difficulties in defining “terrorist,” which apparently includes everyone, including children, trying to cross the border without documentation, as well as anyone who disagrees with their agenda and policies.
Thank you so much. You just made my evening.
If quoting The Princess Bride is wrong, I don’t want to be right 🤓🤓🤓