Ending a period of silence

Over the last couple weeks I’ve had a combination of events that have kept me from being able to blog. Primarily, a health problem and a re-assessment of funding at work that means I’m now working half-time instead of full time.

The downside of all this is that I don’t currently have the funds to hire other writers for a series I had planned, so that’ll have to go on hold for a while. The upside is that I now have a lot more time for blogging and fiction writing. Starting Friday, I’ll be doing about one in-depth blog post about some aspect of climate change per week, plus a higher volume of less time-consuming posts, so this will become a more interesting place for all of us.

I’m also going to re-vamp my patreon page and put a link to that where it’ll be easier to find, so if you decide you like what I’m doing, and want me to do more of it, you will have the ability to make that happen! More on that later.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a post to say I’m back in action, and stay tuned!


  1. StevoR says

    Good to hear – looking forward to it and hope you’ve fully recovered from your health issue or if not that your recovery from it is smooth and soon.

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