I find it amazing that it is necessary for me to write this post, but it appears to be necessary.
When you are a journalist, TV reporter, blogger, or any other type of media person reporting on revenge porn, you shouldn’t help spread the revenge porn!
Again and again, we see news stories reporting on revenge porn, in which examples of said revenge porn (sometimes censored) is included.
This is not OK. This helps spreading the revenge porn, and harm the victims.
A recent example of this is the German TV channel RTL, which in June reported on the story of Emma Holten who had pictures of her leaked on the internet, and as a response created some new pictures of herself, to take back ownership of her body. This has been widely reported on, e.g. in this video at the Guardian: Someone stole naked pictures of me. This is what I did about it.
RTL had made a story about Emma Holten and her experiences last year, where they used the new pictures, after having obtained the right to use them.
This time around, they also showed the new pictures of Emma Holten, but they also showed some of the original leaked photos, uncensored. As a matter of fact, they apparently spent more time on showing the leaked photos than the others.
All this happened without Emma Holten being informed about it, and thus obviously without her consent.
The Guardian has a good article on the incident and the results of it: Revenge porn survivor may take legal action against German TV firm
What the Guardian article doesn’t make clear is that RTL at first was dismissive of Emma Holten’s objections, saying there was a language barrier at play, but since then, the channel has apologized and removed the program from the internet, and promised that it won’t ever be broadcasted again.
Currently I don’t know if Emma Holten will press on with legal action, but if she does, she has my full support, and I hope that it will stop other medias from helping spread revenge porn in the future.
While it’s not revenge porn, there is an equally disgusting example of slimy journalism that is hurting people.
OutSports: Straight writer for The Daily Beast outs gay Olympians from Grindr
The “writer” did not list names, but did list enough (physical descriptions, sports, country) for people to be identified. Some come from countries which criminalize people for being LGBTQIA. But even if they are from “safe” countries, these people weren’t out voluntarily.