Edwin Kagin on Atheist News


Kentucky Atheists, P.O. Box 48, Union, KY 41091; Email: [email protected]

Phone: (859) 384-7000; Fax: (859) 384-7324; Web: http://www.atheists.org/ky/

Editor’s personal web site: www.edwinkagin.com

Editor’s personal blog: http://edwinkagin.blogspot.com

Edited by:

Edwin Kagin, Kentucky State Director, American Atheists, Inc.

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.)


To Unidentified Recipients:

The forum discussion “Does God Exist” at the University of Kentucky at Lexington, Kentucky on March 03, 2008 was a great success. At least 200 people attended, with standing room only. Extra chairs had to be brought in. On the panel were three Atheists, three Christians, and one Muslim. The discussion was lively, and the audience was polite and full of questions. It was an honor to be included. For the first time that I can recall, the audience reactions seemed to be more favorable to the Atheist side than to the Christian side.

Here is a video of the event, recorded by Dr. Robin Cooper of the Biology Department of the University of Kentucky:

He says:

“Subject: Last night’s talk… Movie downloads- back of the room version


Just go to this link and right click on the movie, SAVE to your hard drive, then open in windows media player


For some odd reason I can not get Quick Time to open these files. Only WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER works for me.

The higher quality front room version will soon be available (all 8GB) from Edwin’s camera



Clever readers, who know how to do such things, may want to put some segments of this video on YouTube or such.

Many thanks to the members of SHIFT at U.K., to the Lexington Atheists Meet-up, and especially to Jan, Dr. Robin and family, Adam, and Stephen for helping to make this event such a success.





AA Media




Arlene Marie, Michigan State Director for American Atheists, will be the guest Thursday night, March 6, 2008 on the popular internet radio program “Answers in Atheism.” The program will stream live beginning at 7:00 PM ET; listeners will be able to access the content in the Archives section shortly thereafter. Visit http://www.answersinatheism.net .

Arlene-Marie is not only one of the most active freethinkers today, she has a career in the Atheist movement going back nearly four decades. She was a close friend of American Atheists founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair, and was present at the very first AA Convention held in Austin, Texas in 1971. She has made hundreds of media appearances, spoken at numerous events, and established herself as a leading spokesperson for Atheism and the separation of Church and state.

Arlene Marie shares her memories and thoughts about our movement, and where it is headed. She’ll also be available to answer any of your questions. Join her and host Edwin Kagin Thursday night on the “Answers in Atheism” internet radio program.

WHO & WHAT: Arlene-Marie, Michigan State Director for American Atheists on the “Answers in Atheism” internet radio show.

WHEN: Thursday, March 6, 2008 beginning at 7:00 PM

WHERE: http://www.answersinatheism.net

MORE INFO: http://www.answersinatheism.netand http://www.michiganatheists.org

(AMERICAN ATHEISTS is a nationwide movement that defends civil rights for Atheists, Freethinkers and other nonbelievers; works for the total separation of church and state; and addresses issues of First Amendment public policy.)


Forwarded from the President of American Atheists and Executive Director of the GAMPAC, Ellen Johnson.


Pat Robertson has chosen his candidates to run the
country in 2008. Have you?

Dear State Director,

As you know, we are now less than one year away from the presidential elections. The winner who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue – along with those serving in Congress — could well determine the final political make-up of the U.S. Supreme Court, and seriously affect our First Amendment freedoms.

Religious right leaders like Pat Robertson know this. There is now a growing split, though, among factions of America’s theocratic far-right. Pastor Robertson seems willing to make limited tactical compromises in order to retain his considerable political access within the DC beltway. Other religious right luminaries are far less willing to bargain, and are talking about forming a third-party movement.

What will be the outcome of this? We can’t say for sure. I can tell you, however, that it is absolutely essential that America’s growing community of Atheists, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and other non-believers flex our political muscle by supporting candidates who embrace our values and our agenda! We need to “spread the word,” and encourage like-minded individuals to run for public office. And we need to back candidates at all levels of the electoral process who will work for us! The truth is that candidates listen to those who “put their money where their mouth is.” That’s where the GAMPAC, the Godless Americans Political Action Committee gets involved!

We actively support the candidates who vote our way pertaining to the separation of church and state – men and women like Rep. Pete Stark of California, an openly professed religious skeptic on Capitol Hill.

The GAMPAC encourages you to help us spread the word about this important mission. Your group can help in many ways; but right now, we’re asking you to use your local or regional web site to LINK to the GAMPAC page at http://www.gampac.org <http://www.gampac.org/> . It’s easy to do – just visit http://www.godlessamericans.org/pacspreadtheword.php where you’ll find logos and even Flash movie animations, along with the appropriate code.

Your help will go a long way in giving GAMPAC the exposure and support we need to continue having an influence in our nation’s electoral process. It’s important that Atheists, Freethinkers, Humanists and other “godless Americans” continue to educate the public about vital philosophical, cultural and political issues. We also need to take direct action, however, and that means choosing and backing the right candidates for elected office! That is the mission of the Godless Americans Political Action Committee. Since its founding, the GAMPAC has endorsed and contributed to the campaigns of dozens or worthy candidates. We’ve also educated America’s diverse and growing community of non-believers about the need to become politically involved.

Your AA State Web Site link to the GAMPAC will help to raise the awareness level among Atheists, Freethinkers, Secular Humanists and others about the importance of “voting our principles” and supporting our candidates!

Thanking you in advance for your help!

— ELLEN JOHNSON, Executive Director

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