Despite all their rhetoric, it’s easy to tell that the US democratic party leadership are uninterested in protecting the voting rights of citizens who are poor and not white.
The US has federal elections every two years. And every two years, just before the elections, the republicans engage in tactics designed to prevent, deny and harass large numbers of US voters from participating. And every two years, the democrats do nothing about it until the last minute instead of taking pre-emptive measures to protect voters.
The republicans want “voter ID”? Then spend money getting people ID. Help people obtain driver’s licenses or anything else that will suffice as legal ID for voter registration. (Most Canadian provinces offer provincial ID cards. The US ought to have something similar.)
The republicans try to enact “voter ID rules and laws” WEEKS before an election? Then enact your own legislation A YEAR before an election. Do it now, make ID easily available a year in advance of the next election cycle. (They should have started in January, but better now than Fall 2018.)
The republicans make it difficult for people in isolated places to register? Then GO TO THEIR HOMES and get them registered, i.e. the “mountain and mohammed”. Elections Canada (a non-partisan agency) visits the home of every citizen not on the voters list. If the US doesn’t have one, the democrats should start one. MTV did, with their “rock the vote”.
Raise and spend money to get these people on the voting lists. It worked before with the “50 state strategy”. It’s laziness, indifference, ignorance and even stupidity that the democrats aren’t preparing for 2018 now.
Or just as likely, it’s complicity.