This is a post that sat not-quite-finished in my drafts since before October, dusted off because I am done with my “hope” series. That’s not to say I’m going doom, just that my big push is over. I will try to include a silver or at least grey lining in all future posts on dire topics. If you missed any of my hope articles and want to check them out, I had at least one a day between 11/6 and 11/16. Oh 2024, what a time…
Anyway, the same old shit, back to one post most days:
The massive fuckboyism of organized atheism has put me off the brand completely. You won’t catch me saying “atheist and proud,” because how can I be? Don’t come up in my comments begging for a list of the dozens of famous atheists that have turned out to be shitbirds. The movement itself was a contributing factor to the rise of reactionary fascism, and while FtB types should feel good about how we conducted ourselves since Deep Rifts 2.0, most of us were part of the problem for a decade leading up to it.*
But I do hate jeezis an awful lot. If hate could power telekinesis, I’d have accidentally caused a few million in property destruction over the years. I see a bus go by with the name of some vile religious fake charity, youth group, church, or whatever? One devil claw in the side, scraping through the words as it passes by. Billboards in flames. Church facades in rubble.
I’ve long thought the origin of American fiction’s love for underdogs has to do with our national narrative of rebellious colonies, but realized today it’s apiece with the way jeezis fans here will imagine themselves oppressed, and that can be traced all the way back to the origin of xtianity** itself. Why in fuck did the Romans adopt the religion of some Hebrews – people they’d colonized and oppressed?
It’s because of that dramatic story in Exodus, and the reiteration of the same theme in jeezy’s story – wanting to play the brave victim. It captured imaginations. More importantly, it somehow gave license to people with all the power in the world to feel like they were oppressed courageous fighters for that one special truth.
Religion in general promotes and protects itself with truth claims no matter where it’s found, but these narratives of oppression have a unique appeal which has given the abrahamic faiths potent recruiting power – especially xtianity. Jewish and Muslim people aren’t mine to talk about, but xtians are. They spread jeezix germs nowadays with tears for the magic suffering boy (and voter suppression and using collection plate money to fund the legalized murder of gay people abroad).
Look at what you did, sinners. You made the magic boy cry. And when you accept him into your hearts, you can feel the empowerment of that suffering. His performative victimhood is yours! For just $9.99 a month (which we will use to prop up conservatives that help us launder more money and eviscerate the social programs on which so many of you depend).
Jesus is my enemy. Progressive and liberal xtians aren’t necessarily my enemies, but if they see me talking like this and take it that way? Fine. Your boy is shit. He’s an excuse to feel oppressed in a culture where your fellows in faith have control of nearly everything, to feel justified in persecuting anybody who can’t or won’t fall in line with your fables.
If xtianity was truly a good thing, it wouldn’t still hold a concept of hell, wouldn’t separate the saved from the damned. It would just give to everyone, and take nothing in return.*** It can’t pretend to. If jesus the superghost exists, and christianity is his will, then he can be held to account for so many crimes, enormous and small. Not a day goes by that somebody isn’t victimized in his name. This entire nation is about to get reamed by his holeyness.
He’s in my head because I’m culturally xtian. Even if I’ve never believed, I absorbed the lessons of misogyny and homophobia and islamophobia from the culture he controls, and they made me do bad things, made me harm myself, made me harm others – or at least annoy them.
Progressives can quote all the parts of the bible where magic boy is not being hot trash, but conservatives have the veto of cultural dominance. Your version of jeezis has never held sway over the masses. The one in control demands human sacrifice and is already drinking that tithe of blood and souls from those who died waiting for an abortion.
I’d crucify him again just for that.
*It’s funny that slymer bitch “nunyabiznis” is Xitting that we should feel bad for making him a fascist. Fucko, the only thing we should feel bad about is that we were rubbing elbows with you up until the soup went down. The movement was always ableism and islamophobia with a progressive gloss. In our own separate ways, we’ve both figured that out, and are now living our truths. It’s not our fault if your truth makes it hard for you to look in a mirror.
**I get that x can stand for jesus, hence xmas and xianity. I just think xtianity sounds better, but honestly I’m up on the air for what I should call this dogshit what I’ve been stewing in. I don’t want to call it by the name it wants for itself.
***It’s a low bar to clear but I’m holier than that, giving help to people regardless of political persuasion, nine to five – for less money than I’d need to pay my mortgage by myself! I’m one accident away from disaster, as most of us are, but I’m still putting myself out – even to utter fucking bastards – for this pittance. Back of the line, jesus. I’m numba one! Seriously, fuck you!
Does this post need a silver lining? Maybe. Most of us are not women whose lives depend on an abortion in the Midwest or south, not gay people in Uganda, so most of us will be fine – just sad, is all. Whoever you are or however much risk you personally endure, take care of each other and take care of yourselves, comrades. I love you!
I’d crucify him again just for that.
No point, the fucker’d have a bad couple days the respawn somewhere else. Unless you could figure out where he’s respawning and station a legionary or two to settle him every time he re-appears. “whups bro so much for your fancy plans, omniscience this!”
Thank you, now I have a smile on my face.
Why in fuck did the Romans adopt the religion of some Hebrews – people they’d colonized and oppressed?
It took approximately three centuries, primarily as an urban underclass movement spreading across the eastern Mediterranean. Towards the end of that period, the xians’ top rival was Mithraism, which had adapted itself into a warriors’ religion – well suited to an expanding empire, one might think, but apparently too much so for most of the civilian population.
Emperor Constantine’s servants probably played a major role in his conversion – hardly a rare phenomenon. The most recent famous-person example I can think of involves Jane Fonda, living a rather empty life as the trophy wife of an egotistical media mogul, who found new meaning when welcomed into her chauffeur’s church.
thanks for the humor and the education, fellas. both well-appreciated.