Wish FtB was more active right now? Need something to read? Check out some of my old articles. I got to thinking about old articles on my blog that never got a comment, stuff that really deserved better. Maybe people just whiffed on those articles because something more thrilling was happening at FtB then, or it was an off day. Whatever the case, why not peruse these GAS articles that didn’t hit the first time, but are totally righteous? The last two articles include links to two full length novels you could read if so inclined…
My thoughts on levitation as a concept, with a fun comment game.
Similar feelings about The English Faust Book.
A cute little guest post about music by an excellent guy.
A more excellent guest post by that excellent guy.
An interview with that excellent guy re: the will to make art.
Get to know Satan: A day in my life when I was unemployed.
Get to know Satan: A day in my life when I worked at mega retailer.
Get to know Satan: What my gender identity means to me.
My Philosophy: Self and Self- Esteem
My Philosophy: Needs and Society
This one about RPGs wasn’t ignored but literally nobody agreed with me and that’s ridiculous.
An important bit of advice from me to wannabe writers.
Some sharp shit about calamity and conspiracy theories nobody commented on.
Making fun of the song Two Princes and getting too deep.
An article where you can comment on one of my finished novels (first draft).
An article where you can comment on another of my finished novels (first draft).