If you’re in a red state and think your vote doesn’t matter, well, it doesn’t matter until it does. How many republican voters have been killed or crippled by being weirdos about covid? While minorities in “essential” jobs were disproportionately hard hit and they’d typically vote blue, most of those folks are not politically engaged, just getting by. Meanwhile, the republicans who were shittiest about covid were the most politically engaged. Also, shifting demography across the country will eventually tip these scales, no matter how gerrymandered and fucked apart the scumbags make it. And if nothing else, your shout into the void is appreciated, by me if by nobody else. Do it. Vote.
I live in suburban Washington, in the district that gave republican scumbag Dave Reichert his political career. Let’s see if a motivated anti-trumpist wave can kick the fuckos out of local offices and congress hereabouts. If you live in a blue state, vote local, vote whenever the chance comes up. Yeah, this ain’t november, but if this state gets any redder, that just ain’t cool. Fuck shit up for La Resistance, and if you think voting is insufficient funds, do what works for you, but vote as well.
Votety votety vote, votabulistical votation votatage my votistas, and a votely votely vote unto thee. Vote? Vote. This is the thing to do. Presently. And futurely. Make it so.