How to Not Fear Conservatives

It is important to not waste your life hating or fearing conservatives.  Disregard their entire-ass existences, shun them, cut them out of your lives, piss in their wheaties, and fight them in whatever ways you can, but do not waste any more of your precious life than they’ve wasted of their miserable own.  I’ll talk about the hate in another post; this one is about the fear.

Fascists loooove fear.  It literally makes their cocks hard.  Picture anime villains with no eyebrows and rippling tongues, reaching for their crotches while stylized schoolgirls are spraying tears like sprinklers.  Well, the only thing they deserve out of you is blue balls.  Don’t give them what they want.

But aside from what’s right and wrong, deserved or not, fear is an element of how we got here today.  Again, I’ll talk about it more on a later post, but evil benefits from the surrender of good, right?  Common sense.  Aside from shooting their goo, it’s the reason they’re so invested in fear.  Because it’s a game and a strategy for them, a certain amount of the threats they’ve made have to be a bluff.  Of course there are genuine beasts among them who are not bluffing, we must do what we can to keep a good defense and offense running concurrently, but on the whole?  Conservatives are not monsters.

The majority of the people who voted for ShitTrickler & Dickslime were not fans of every last policy they have promoted.  Some were lulled by a sense of cultural identity – they liked the branding, thought this was a vote for how america should look.  But when it comes to actually looking people in the eye and hurting them?  They may find it does not suit them.  Many of the voters – especially those who had any chance of swinging – were just voting against inflation.  Life got economically worse for them and they figured it’s time to vote for the guy who wasn’t in office when it happened – which is why this country swings on a pendulum.  Many people voted for Biden with the exact same motivation, not giving a fuck about human rights – just their bottom dollar – and showing their ass about how little they understand fucking anything.

All that’s to say, if they were really going to try to make death camps in the USA, or breeding pens for womb-having chattel, they’d be shit out of luck, because most of the people who voted for evil are not as evil as all that.  You can write fucked-up laws until your hands turn into ashes, but you need actual monsters to enforce them.  Who is going to be willing to do that?  Some tiny selection of fuckos, who will not be nearly enough to overcome the opposition.

Some bad things will happen.  Some people will die, and I hate that and am not trying to minimize that in any way.  They shouldn’t have to die and I would proudly shoot two republicans in their unthinking faces for every one person who dies to their policies.  But we were sold mortal terror as part of a political game between Evil and Evil Lite, and the reality is not going to look like that.

It is vitally important that you feel this is still the land of Dunkin Donuts and strip malls.  This is not a dark fantasy novel.  The reality in this country is not the spank material of swastika fetishists.  It is where your aunt martha is a shithead about gay people but does not want to see people die – is not interested in killing them.  She is a shithead about abortion, but she just blithely assumes anyone can get an exception if they really need to, you don’t need to codify that in law.  Or assume that exceptions are never needed, some shit like that.

They are fools, they are hateful, and they will get some people killed, but they are not demons, they are not a mindless zombie legion that will sweep over hills and valleys to murder you and everybody you love.  They are just a bunch of shitty tools, a bunch of craven bullies having a laugh.  But they are human, they have something sort of vaguely resembling hearts in there somewhere, and when it matters, enough of them will abstain that the real monsters will not be able to achieve their worst excesses.

And we are not without protection from those that are truly that bad!  We have people who will fight for us.  We will fight for us.  And there are powerful state governments that will step up to curtail much of the shit that comes down those pipes.  I encourage anybody who is pining for Canada right now to consider Washington, Oregon, New York, or California first.  It ain’t paradise, but neither is Canada, and they make it very hard to become a citizen up there – or even a tolerated resident.

They are not going to get us here.  It’s not gonna fucking happen.  They will do harm, it will be sad, but for many of us, life will barely change at all.  You can, if you pull yourself through the shocking wretchedness of this moment, find a way to live, and possibly even to thrive.  Those of you that can’t make it on your own, look for allies, because you do have them.

And don’t imagine that Bob Utah is coming to personally kill you and turn your trans nephew into a concubine.  Fight them up and down the line, but don’t be paralyzed by grotesquely inflated fears.

one example of this is book bans.  they can ban books in schools, but can they ban them on amazon?  it ain’t happenin.  bezos has the billionaire veto and wants to maximize sales.  these guys can be bought for the price of fucking cheeseburger.  politicians in the US are cheaper than sex workers and nowhere near as ethical.

Expanding my Thesis

The dems, at the end of the day, tried to sell this election to us with fear.  A lot of people felt very afraid, so why did it fail?  Because what gets one person to the polls gets another person hiding under their bed with a shotgun, not daring to go out in public.  (of course there are multiple factors, but this is one.)  This is why Abe Oceanoxia says climate despair is the enemy – if you think you’re all fucked forever, that carries the implication there is nothing you can do about it.  No matter how much you yell “unless you vote!,” people’s hearts and minds shut down after the first part of the sentence.  I’ll talk about that more another day; here the observation is preface.

Over the next week or so, I’m going to expand on the thesis in the Momma Mia post, and this post is about the reason why.  I feel the need to do my part to heal the damage caused by this climate of terror, because barely anybody else in a position of responsibility is looking at it this way.  We got skullfucked, and as long as we want to survive, we gotta get unfucked.

There are legit reasons to feel sad and battered.  Every human right and human need is going to take massive hits, starting before the end of January next year.  People are already dying because of Fascism Part One’s supreme court appointments.  It’s gross; it’s sad; it should never have been like this, let alone as bad as it’s going to get.  BUT.

People have been overselling how bad it will be, and badly.  While everybody will have their lives diminished in some way, at least tangentially, the vast majority of people will survive!  And I mean you, my transes!  If anything, the lack of immediate goose-stepping murder parties will probably leave people feeling lied to, feeling like the dems were full of shit, which also leaves them open to facilitating that gradualism HJ wrote about.

Also, it was already bad here!  The USA – and most of the world at this point – have been run by short-sighted and callous greed for a long time.  By discriminatory laws used as bait to get bigots to vote against their own interests.  The democrats themselves are rich people protecting rich interests, which is exactly why they fight so half-assed:  they profit from losing.  Just hang out in the wings being the “reliable opposition” and paid for tut-tutting while republicans make them and their families fabulously wealthy off tax cuts and raiding the public treasure.  They are very much the lesser of two evils, and we’d be in a better position to fight if they’d won, but at the end of the day, most of them don’t give a flaming fuck about you and me.

So, bad as it has been under both parties (always measurably worse under the elephants), when it gets worse now, how noticeable is the difference going to be?  For the most vulnerable people, it will be.  But me: queer enough to not be emotionally damaged by manmoding to survive the daily, good job security, a mortgage i can afford (for now), living in a nicely blue state?  Don’t cry for me Argentina.  And that tells me that a lot of you can survive as well.

We have been royally burned, and in turn, the entire world has been burned.  But you still have every day of the rest of your life to live, and you can live it well.  For some of you, it will involve grievous challenges.  For some few of you, it may be cut short unnecessarily in any of hundreds of ways that conservative policies increase our odds of dying.  BUT.  Within that time you have, there is room for love, friendship, video games, violent radicalism, anything that brings you joy.

I am on this rampage because there has to be a realistic middle ground between foolish hopes and suicidal despair.  Do not let the terrorists win, my friends, my comrades.  Do not take yourself out for them!  Live, like a motherfucker, live!  Survive.  You might even thrive.  The world will be a sadder place, and we’ll all be sad about it, but within that, life is possible.

And I need all of you to do this.

Momma Mia Here We Go Again

I was different about this the first time around; too raw, too new.  Now I know just how bad that energy is for people who need protection and encouragement the most, so my doomerism policy remains, and I am committed to tempering all my political posts with hope.  Because when did we need hope?  When Obama won?  A lil’.  When do we need it much more?  Times like this.

And so, my main points about why we are not all gunna die:

The majority of conservatives are not monsters.  That’s all it takes to prevent the worst things people fear from coming to pass.  To get the death camps and the red dresses and bonnets, you need more than just the levers of power: you need people to enforce them, and outside of the most twisted fucks in the world, who is going to want to enforce all these laws Pisstake 2025 is trying to enact?  People who voted for fascism this time around were, by and large, not voting for fascism.  They were voting for illusions that were sold to them by billionaires who have basically bought the entire fishbowl they swim in.  Reversing inflation, saving freedom, pure nonsense.  They were not voting for death camps, and they will not man those trains.

Having all the power means they get everything they want – legislatively.  But.  Every monstrous thing they favor is a nail in the coffin of their power, the inspiration for the fucking fools that voted them to work against them the next time around.  Now, will they prevent any future elections from happening?  Part of the reason this was possible was because of four years of concentrated voter disenfranchisement and suppression.  OK, but you don’t need an election to get your ass fought.

We have fighters.  A lot, a lot of fighters.  People who every day are doing their best for women’s rights, trans rights, black lives, native americans, immigrants, etc etc.  They will do what they can until the end of the line.  No matter what oppressed group you are in, you have allies, including some people for whom your particular cause is their entire reason for being.  Long live the fighters!

State’s rights, lol.  But seriously, blue states are the economic fulcrum of the country.  They can make it hurt to do evil, and they are likely to do so.  Anybody thinking shitbird’s sentencing is going to go as scheduled is bound to be disappointed; don’t go for false hope when you have a lot of other things you can hope for.

As much as I despise accelerationists, they are sometimes, in a nasty way, right.  Things have to get worse before they can get better.  That is gonna be terrible for some people, which is why that’s an evil philosophy to hold.  But it can be effective.  More people are against Israel than before Hamas’s big terrorist funtime, and when Americans have to live under the kinda laws these guys are going to pass, they are going to rebel against that in a way that the fascists are not going to weather.  They are going to fucking lose, some time, mark my fucking words.

It’s just a question of time, of doing your best to be alive so you can smile as they fucking burn, burn, burn.  And to temper that anger too, because living with constant anger ruins people.  Live for what’s good in your lives.  It’s still there.  It is still there, and you are too.