Remember This One?

I remembered this post about a pesty cat micturating upon a 15th century scribe’s book; it did the rounds a few years ago.  “Here is nothing missing, but a cat urinated on this during a certain night.  Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night in Deventer and because of it many others too.  And beware well not to leave open books at night where cats can come.”

What I didn’t remember was that this was a translation.  The original script was in Latin.  “Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam.  Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum.  Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi catti venire possunt.”

So if you wanna curse a pesty cat in Latin, just remember “confundatur pessimus cattus.”

Once Again I Rule Freethoughtblogs

It was brought to my attention that I am the only one posting within the very recent, and that gives me a chance to rule FtB with an iron feest.  What luxury!  What decadence.  I post a compilation of an American character in a Japanese cartoon swearing and freaking out.  And you will suffer it, presently.

cute animals, seal hijinks

remember when that seal slapped a kayaker with an octopus?  apparently owner of video was content to make it a gopro commercial, but still, fascinating.

reminiscent of when those seals in hawaii had a juvenile fad of getting an eel stuck up one nostril.  the behavior of some weird mer-dogs, being weird.  remarkable.

Don’t Miss Posts

I’ve been doing something silly that might be getting less traffic on my higher effort posts. I queue a serious post for 6:30 AM Eastern time and a frivolous link post for 9:30 AM.

It’s to give heavy stuff a light chaser, but it could result in anybody checking in at 10 AM assuming I’m posting nothing but foolery. If that’s you, scroll back a bit, if you please.

funny video, useful information

couldn’t help it; had to post another one by zane golia.  i love this stuff because it isn’t mean.  you can watch this if you’re a jerk about guy fieri, but it’s even better if you have some affection for him and his persona.  like the frakes videos.  btw, if either of those dudes is a milkshake duck, don’t tell me.