I’ve been workin’ for The Man in social services, in a call center type environment. That means I’m dealing with people navigating arcane bureaucracies to get the things they require, often in cases of greater need – people with disabilities or generational poverty, senior citizens, etc. This job is the most intellectually and emotionally demanding work I’ve ever done. At five years in, I’m better than average at it, but it’s depressing and stressing and just never ends. Still, one abides.
But my pay rate has stalled. The first raises you get are substantial, but when the job “maxes out,” the raises are only half that rate. There are cost of living adjustments, but like the COLA for Social Security, I think it’s tied to the Consumer Price Index, which only includes the cost of groceries – not the biggest cost of living we’ve all been fucked by, the cost of shelter. Utilities are going up too.
Getting a mortgage might turn out to have been a good idea, but I need to either refinance to a much lower payment, or start making big bucks so I can have a prayer of paying this shit down, and it ain’t looking too good right now. I thought I’d catch a break on the endless increases in rent by getting a mortgage instead. But what happened immediately? The valuation of our property increased enough that the tax hike was almost as bad as the rent increases we’d been trying to dodge. The other main income in my household is a senior citizen who ran out of steam for her original job and can’t make that kind of money anymore. If I don’t increase my income dramatically, we’re one bad turn of events from hitting the skids.
But then, isn’t that everybody these days? I don’t know. Maybe just everybody I or my boyfriend are related to.
So there are paths to higher pay. I have reasons why promotion at my current employer is undesirable, but to say more risks saying too much about where I work. Let’s say those jobs are increasing your demonic rank, but you get even more exposure to what’s bad about Hell. Best avoided. I could try to slide to a different employer, but it’s hard to make the time to do that homework, and can I get as much telework as I have now, or will I have to throw away twenty uncompensated hours of my life per week on bus rides? Also, will the most readily available jobs in my sector contribute in some measure to imperialism and genocide? Insert ‘it’s more likely than you think’ meme here.
God I keep being tempted to say things that are overly revelatory about where I work. Somebody stop me. Anyway, I just gotta sell the screenplay for Gun Lemurs and make a bank fulla money. Until that day… Like I said, I’m avoiding doomposts at the moment. I’m gonna win like Wario. Just gotta keep making wild-ass leaps of faith, making hairpin turns, pushing harder and closer to the flames than I ever did in my youth. I’ve always been lucky before, no reason that luck should run out now, right? I rule.