Content Warning: Back on that Climate Doom Bullshit.
There are very few people in the world with the power to course correct on the capitalism-inflicted extinction of humanity, but the facts that are as clear as day to you and I? Those privileged few are as blind to them as we are to (most*) ultraviolet light. I mean that. We can be surrounded by UV, soaked in it, and not perceive it with our senses or minds.
Privilege is a powerful blinder – even at the feeblest levels. A middle class person one medical situation away from crushing poverty is measurably less empathetic and less generous compared to the poor. Take that effect and multiply it by a billion. Musk, Gates, Saudi princes – they could have the plainest truths immediately in front of them, blotting out anything else, and rather than see it they will simply go blind to everything. Hence the ludicrous fantasia of space escape.
That’s why they don’t take action. I’ve said before capitalism is a blame diffusion engine par excellence. Millionaires, politicians, people with hands on levers and buttons of that could theoretically take action – they want to take care of themselves and their own, can always leave it to someone else to take the meaningful action, always have an excuse. Billionaires are wealthy enough to have a real chance of escape from that game. The existence of trillionaires? That means we’ve officially reached the point where a single person could easily plow through all those mirrors and illusions and games, could just decide to do something about the problem and make it real. But they won’t. They don’t.
I feel that blinded by god emperor privilege, maybe they can’t? Maybe the argument that capitalism is an inevitable expression of human nature and that anything else is sky-eyed impossible dreams, while facile and defeatist, might be completely true. But I’ll take it a step farther than the people who use that as a defense of capitalism – If this argument is true, we’re all gonna fuckin’ die like (most**) dinosaurs. We’ll be lucky if there’s an organism like Lystrosaurus left to eke out a future for tetrapods of any kind. I’ve said before that I think some few humans are likely to survive the climate apocalypse by merit of our social and mental powers, but if we are truly as greedy and useless the capitalist beast? We won’t make it.
I don’t remember why I started writing this article. I claimed once before I was swearing off climate doomposts, but originally this wasn’t meant to be about that. I think I just wanted to expand on my “angler” thesis with some recent insight I’ve had. What was that? I’m too warm to think. That kind of design flaw isn’t gonna be helpful in short order on this bitch of an earth. Hm…
Fucking hell. I have completely fucking forgotten my point. This sucks ass. I fucking despise summer.
*I had a feeling I should double check that, given the depth of complexity and weirdness and nature, and found an article to undermine my simile. Ignore that, please. **I knew this I just wanted to say the phrase “die like dinosaurs” because like many clown-ass writers I like alliteration. Then I felt guilty about it, hence this edit. Now it looks ridiculous for other reasons.