The Streak is Broken!!!

I had been doing at least one post a day for months, but on 11/30/2024 I made no post whatsoever, even accounting for time zones!  And with this break in my streak, I feel free from the pressure to continue it.  On the other hand, sometimes it feels like I need to pick up where others be slacking, try to keep this scene alive.  I dunno tho, I feel the same global malaise and lethargy and sense of being wreck’d by life that anybody else feels.  Short-ass little shitposts are the best I can do, most of the time.  Does that really help anything?

I resume less frequent posting, unless something changes, and it may.  Until then, see you when I see you.


  1. Dennis K says

    I for one really enjoy your short-ass little shitposts (the long-ass ones, too). Succinct and, especially over the past month, therapeutic for this particular rando. But you gotta do what’s healthy for you.

  2. Jazzlet says

    Yeah, don’t always comment but I do always look at your posts and read most of them because I enjoy them. When I don’t read it’s because you are talking about something of which I know zilch, but which I’d need to know something about to understand the post, so that’s probably on me for not knowing about all the culture everyone else has ever consumed 😉

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