Left Accelerationists

Anti-voting leftists you see online are accelerationists, whose ideal route to glorious workers revolution is over a lot of innocent bodies.  The crux of accelerationism is that in order for real change to become possible, society must be destabilized – even destroyed altogether.

Because what other reason could there be for that position?  We tend to imagine it’s about maintaining the sanctity of their pearly mitts, but that supposes that they aren’t aware of the consequences of that inaction – and how in the fuck could they be?

You can stockpile guns and plot a stalinist proletarian insurgency, and still vote.  And voting will save some amount of lives, while abstaining will surely take some.  Consequences being this obvious, discouraging leftists from voting is actively encouraging vulnerable americans to eat shit and die.

These same people will be all about trans rights and palestine with one breath, then discourage voting with the other.  Realistically will Harris do shit about the middle east?  No.  But what would trump do?  Do they really care about Palestine?

Far more people in the world are talking about Israel’s genocidal campaign -about freeing Palestine- than were before Hamas kicked this off with terrorism.  This is an example of accelerationism in action.  Hamas had to know what was coming and accepted it as the cost of the cause.  Is there truth in the idea you can promote your cause over a million crushed burned and shredded people?

It’s the only motive that makes coherent sense for leftists trying to get trump elected…  Whatever, fuck em.  Just feeling like quitting social media again.


  1. Allison says

    The problem with the whole “burn it all down” plan is that it simply allows random thugs to do what they want (cf. Somalia) and — eventually — the worst thugs get control and things start to settle down to a multitude of robber barons controlling little pieces of the country.

  2. Rob Grigjanis says

    Accelerationism can be explained quite simply. If you have a leaky pot, you smash it with a hammer, then wait for it to reconstruct itself into a Ming vase. I think this can be traced back to the Underpants Gnome School of philosophy.

  3. says

    “Anti-voting leftists you see online?” I’ll take your word for it, ‘cuz I’ve never seen any such critters online. Unless you’re talking about Jill Stein, but she’s not “leftist” at all — she’s totally in the pockets of rich Republican donors, who are clearly using her to siphon votes away from Democrats, and less clearly using her as a COINTELPRO stooge to embarrass and discredit serious and timely criticism of present-day pluto-capitalism.

  4. mordred says

    As a German I look at my countries history and I see where the Weimar Republic’s increasing political instability and economic problems led.

  5. tallora says

    THANK YOU. DSA is full of these fuckos, it’s part of why I left. Almost all of them are cis men, and talking to them is like talking to a wall… or an abusive husband.

  6. jenorafeuer says

    Exactly. People need to remember that, frankly, the original American Revolution was an exception historically speaking… after most revolutions, things get rather dramatically worse for a while: most of the people who caused the problems with the pre-revolution society are still there, they aren’t being held in check as much anymore since the old system is broken, and in a lot of cases they end up being hired back by the post-revolution society because you need someone who actually knows how to run a government.

    Basically, don’t start a revolution without a plan for what you’re going to do afterwards and enough people to help pull off that plan. As Rob Grigjanis points out, you get way too many people trying to follow an Underpants Gnomes theory of how to run a revolution.

  7. Bekenstein Bound says

    The more sinister explanation of course is that they are actually double agents or in some other way traitors. So, the “you should stay home” “leftists” may include among their number a lot of Trump supporters pretending to be leftists; and I would not at all be shocked if the senior Hamas leadership a year ago consisted of people in cahoots with Netanyahu, in a Dooku-and-Palpatine sort of arrangement. (I think most of them are dead now; but also, Palpatine had Dooku killed once his usefulness was at an end.)

  8. says

    bee @4 – on tumblr the fuckoes im talking about basically set the agenda for le young and le hip. older people skew apolitical or facebook democrat.

    no real time to reply to comments, but thanks to all.

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